When did you find out that Yea Forums is just a contrarian board? You guys would dislike your own mother if "normies" said she is alright.
When did you find out that Yea Forums is just a contrarian board...
Did they really say that about her? FUCK m*ther tbqh
Yea Forums is contrarian but if you are talking this because of the last GoT episode, it's because normies unironically disliked it only for the most retarded reasons
i found it out just now, after you explained it to me, OP. thanks.
Post pics of your own mothers
Yea Forums claims to hate everything popular but most posters here have watched every Marvel movie and every episode of Game of Thrones. Everyone is just shitposting/trolling for the lulz. Keep that in mind and you’ll have more fun on this board.
2005 you fucking tourist
>we hate GoT and capeshit unless it triggers the libs, then it's based and kino
it was never a secret
how to out yourself as a newfag: the post
>Yea Forums
go back
man these are some cute cats :)
Badger my ass it's probably Milhouse
hey, I got that reference
lol newfaggot
>Yea Forums
Get out
>obsessed with capeshit, GoT and nuwars
Yea Forums is the most reddit of all the boards
Yea Forums = contrarian you faggot
I bet that's a high Ph pussy
Good night friends
Can I get a rundown on this spicy new Ph meme?
That literally all of Yea Forums you fucking newfag
The posters who complain about contrarians are a hundred times worse. Having an unpopular opinion is only acceptable if it's your opinion, whenever it's someone you disagree with they must be a contrarian. kys
Cardinal rules of 2019 Yea Forums:
>Purposely contrarian shitpost opinion = based and redpilled
>Normie Reddit opinion = cringe and bluepilled