BoJack Horseman

Why does this get no love here?

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Every cartoon is reddit according to Yea Forums

Lemme guess. Fresh off the boat from reddit and post in the capeshit and GoT threads too?


We only discuss bad things here

>will arNett is smarter than everyone

>cringak redditman

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Because it's a cartoon and is rather discussed on Yea Forums.
Also if anything Yea Forums would enjoy Tuca and Bertie more

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because its nihilism for the sake of nihilism and recycles itself in a recursive loop every season

I haven’t watched Sad Horse Show past season 3 finale. How is it? Is it the same sad shit over and over again?

rick and morty is better

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There've been tons of Bojack threads, and plenty lauded the first season when it premiered. It's just yesterday's news.

I watched the first 2 seasons and rather liked them.
The main critiques I hear here are:
>muh reddit likes it
>muh depressed wealthy character who has sex
>muh repetitive
There might be more.

Why would Yea Forums like this shit. It stars a sheboon and that obnoxious asian comedian that talks about her pussy

>le """"depression""""
>wow thats so me

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Because it's not GoT.

It doesnt have all the SJW pandering like Bojack right? I have been meanomg to watch it but it is on Netflix. Gotta have a SJW agenda checklist for all Netflix shows, especially cause the creators are raging basedfags

no one likes you

Most of the themes and contexts require some amount of social interaction to understand.

I hate that you can pretty much animate anything but people choose to make something so bland

Bojack is too nuanced for Yea Forums. Tuca & Bertie is just right for Yea Forums's level of intellect

Cause it should have ended with season 1, which was actually pretty damn good. Everything else has been redundant at best, and almost entirely sitcom trash.

Tuca & Bertie is all about feminism and women problems

You're not allowed to post or discuss good things here, bud. This is a GoT, Star Wars and capeshit only board.

Yea Forums stopped giving a shit about GOT a while ago, what your seeing now is every fucking board shitposting on Yea Forums because GOT is the most popular show of our era so far

Sounds fucking horrible, I knew those faggots behind Bojack couldnt resist the SJW bullshit.

If Bojack Horseman didn't have the wacky colorful animal characters, it wouldn't be where it is because it wouldn't have been able to fool basic bitch people into identifying with any of the characters that only a wastoid cali trustafarian could look up to.

Fucking dropped, I knew it would suck.

and fuck

It's actually not that bad. It's not pure female power fantasy, but like in Bojack the characters are somewhat to blame themselves. Like Bertie gets sexually harassed at her workplace and she thinks she isn't being promoted because of sexism but later realizes that it's because she's not assertive enough and that it's entirely her fault she isn't getting noticed by her boss.

Also Speckles is best boy.

So the SJW shit isnt as bad as bojack? I might give it a try, I just hope they dont have any characters like Diane who is a mega cunt but praised like a god by the fanbase.

Truth to be told, I could never tell if Bojack was SJW show or if it was actually mocking SJW.
Like Dayane, for example, likes to be all hipster and feminist "i wanna save the world" type but can't even deal with her own problems. Just like every SJW type I've encountered so far.

There's no character like Diane in Tuca and Bertie as far as I can tell. Both Tuca and Bertie are very sympathetic characters and have character flaws they need to overcome.

Thanks Fren I may have to check it out, sounds much less preachy then Bojack. As long as there is no gun episode like Bojack. That shit was so forced and cringy.

Marathoning Bojak on LSD is really good

bojack redditman

I'm not an emo.

Basically. Little bit of hope at the very end of the season finale, I guess, but mostly gut punching depression and the same sad notes.