Kingkiller Chronicles

Anyone looking forward to this? Sami Raimi producing, Lin Manuel Miranda doing the music.

Hope you're all ready for the biggest Gary Stu in fiction.

and for there to be no king slaying of any kind

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Is that the series with the protagonist who is in love with some gold-digging whore?

Yep he gets cucked to the extreme but it's ok, because he's the only one that will REALLY know her.

Nah, fuck this shit. More genre raping for the plebs.

It's basically a more mature Harry Potter

Do they adapt the books? I thought they would make a film in the universe with other characters.

Another unfinished series written by an insufferable prick, great. It's been like 8 years since he troubled himself to shit out WMF and that was basically the same book as his debut

>None were good enough for her, so I held them in contempt and hated them. They in turn hated and feared me.

>But we were pleasant to each other. Always pleasant. It was a game of sorts. He would invite me to sit, and I would buy him a drink. The three of us would talk, and his eyes would slowly grow dark as he watched her smile toward me. His mouth would narrow as he listened to the laughter that leapt from her as I joked, spun stories, sang...

>They would always react the same way, trying to prove ownership of her in small ways. Holding her hand, a kiss, a too-casual touch along her shoulder.

>They clung to her with desperate determination. Some of them merely resented my presence, saw me as a rival. But others had a frightened knowledge buried deep behind their eyes from the beginning. They knew she was leaving, and they didn't know why. So they clutched at her like shipwrecked sailors, clinging to the rocks despite the fact that they are being battered to death against them. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

>So they hated me, and it shone in their eyes when Denna wasn't looking. I would offer to buy another round of drinks, but he would insist, and I would graciously accept, and thank him, and smile.

>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.

It's pissing me off he's hinting at an unreliable narrator. You've got to earn that shit, not just do it as an asspull.

I remember getting cuck vibes when I read the first book some years ago, but holy shit.

>Rich dudes cum in her asshole but I'm the only one who can make her laugh so they're the real cucks

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its Marty Stu for a dude you faggot

He was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Patrick Rothfuss.

I just want the last book

The technical term is 'Gary Stu' sir, please learn the correct terminology before beginning social commentary.

I thought that was Lev Grossman's Magicians trilogy

i want Thomas Covenant and First fucking Law adaptations first

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Fuck this. Just give me the First Law and The Bloody Nine it would be fucking KINO.

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>First fucking Law
I read A Blade Itself and was not impressed. Glokta was the only interesting, non-cliche character and every chapter that wasn't about him bored me to tears.

who would you cast as logen and glokta

glokta is the main reason for me liking it as much

I used to wish for The Black Company stuff myself, but then it happened and I wish it never did. They're casting that Dushku retard as the Lady.

>Red Country
>Glama Golden thinks he's just about to beat down another jobber
>Realizes who he's actually fighting
>Pic related
The trilogy as a series with the standalone books as films would be incredible.

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Malazan anime adaptation desu

Give me Book of the Long Sun and ill die a happy man.
Dont think the other solar cycle books are filmable without losing their essence.

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so is this the 50 shades of grey for cuckolding

are the books worth a read?

>another series that's been waiting almost 10 years for a conclusion
This will be shit.

Lmao what is this cuck shit

Came here to post this.

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I personally love the first three best and honestly think it'd have been better if they stopped there. You can read the ones that follow after, but they don't have the same charm.

Not but
John Malkovich as Glokta (or maybe Andy Serkis)
Ray Stevenson as Logen

books of the north are great, the others not so much

Had a co-worker who unironically said something like that one time.

I like Dushku and have fapped to her numerous times. No, the reason it will be shit is because that faggot David Goyer is developing it

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Jesus christ the delusion on this guy

At some point I pictured one of the guys actually becoming upset enough to confront him and asking him in private what their past together was only to burst out laughing and falling into the fetal position after getting his answer as Kvothe tries to desperately give him all those explanations over the noise

The author is a grade A hack and worst part is I had to read the books twice to get it

>there will never be a Second Apocalypse adaptation where the showrunners intentionally ruse watchers with Kellhus

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That part was awesome. Remember that part of The Heroes when the POV character keeps changing to the person who killed them? Imagine that on tv as one continous shot would be pure kino.

me on the left

the standalones are pure garbage

on the up side
>they will never ruin The Prince of Nothing

fuck that gay hack, when are we going to get some real shit?

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Yeah, Abercrombie's shit is damn good. I think more than most fantasy author's he does good action without making it "fun" or pg. I'd love to see Gorst on screen murdering Northmen on the bridge while he shouts "I win fuckers" in his falsetto voice.

Nah, just give me the wot adaption already.

Shit opinion.

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Its already being worked on user! And better still it's going to be inclusive and gender neutral! Just as Robert "Women in Power? Things go sour" Jordan intended!

I thought the intelligent dinosaurs would be kind of dumb, but they have just been introduced and they are pretty bad ass.

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can't wait for super diverse Two Rivers filled with fags

Imagine wanting anything you genuinely like adapted to film or television in current year. You'd have to be a masochist

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>le revenge plot for the 6000th time

You just know mat will be black.

Cosca was easily one of the best characters in the books.


Brilliant series. An insecure bard telling his own story and filling the reader's ears with absolute bullshit the entire time.

>Implying Rand won't be a Mullatto with the Aiel as black.

the show runners said Aiel will be irish. im putting my money on Young Bull and yaass Queen Elayne being black

Yeah reading it a second time you definitely start to wonder just how much of Kvothe's story is absolute horseshit. He feels like Rothfuss's self insert and power fantasy.

I don't think having a lightskin nigga as the kang'a'kangz would fly very well tho

The only things that're going to be real in the end is him getting booted out of the academy andgetting cucked by some chick named Denna, but even she will be less glamorous or interesting as he makes her out to be in his idealized version of events and his reason for getting kicked out will be because he couldn't make the cut. Kvothe is a bullshitting cuck, he's always been as worthless as he is in the present scenes.

I'm like 99% sure he's going to reveal that it was Donna/Denna/Carol's story along.

Sam Raimi dropped out.