Say something nice, Yea Forums.
QUIERES? kek lmao
buy a treadmill and ditch the bitch
Your legacy would have been better had you died 20 years ago.
Happy birthday, good sir. I've been a fan of real Star Wars (I-VI+the good parts of the EU) since 1978. Thank you so much for being born and creating my generation's fairy tale. You're awesome. Oh and try and buy SW back from Disney, please.
George Lucas is the most based man in Hollywood. Only faggots and trannies and faggot trannies disagree.
Lucas is truly the best Boomer.
>Imblying TPM-era Lucas answered to anyone.
Think he got some juicy blackberry pie today?
>Think he got some juicy blackberry pie today?
Oh definitely. On all counts. God bless him, and I think it's great that he got one of the hottest black chicks ever, although any kind of hot woman is fine too, not that Lucas gives a fuck what I think on that, but that's what I love about him. Lucas-he really, really, doesn't give a fuck in the very, very near and now.
The white tie...
..the man really is a genius.
Say it.
I..I'm sorry for saying Revenge of the Sith was the worst Star Wars movie of all-time. But but I bought a copy finally (an official one) and it grew on me. May I suggest that Ben Burtt sucks as an editor?
I would totally smoke a joint with George.
Burtt was sound design
Yes, but he also edited TPM, AotC, and Co-edited RotS. And he was...not good at it.
His racism is funny
What kind of brainlet thinks Episode III is worse than I or II? Even if you are a prequel hater, it is clearly the best executed one of them all on an objective level. It isn't pointless and boring like Episode I, and it isn't a technical trainwreck/foot in mouth romance disaster like Episode II is.
Thank you sir for creating one of the the best sci-fi blockbusters of all time in Revenge of the Sith and thank you even more for making red and dit subhumans eternally seethe with the prequel trilogy
I hope you have a great birthday and i hope you live for 75 more years
you could say the same for most of us. 20 years ago my parents probably thought i'd develop into a functioning human being
How are all those esoteric art films that won't even play in theatres they are so out-there coming along, George?
They're either tone poems like he learned in film school, or most likely, pornos.
lol good one, user. Have you ever seen the prequels? They're not as good as the originals, trust me. And did you know that Star Wars (1977) had three official editors and a few unofficial ones? It was saved with good editing. Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, and Brian De Palma also had a say in how SW should flow in editing, withe De Palma having the final write on the crawl, user.
The prequel editing just cannot compare.
thank you for almost killing yourself during the production of Star Wars for our viewing pleasure and making every modern director seem like a pansy.
he saw Coppola’s and thought, ya know maybe this ain’t such a good idea
The guy that directed Scarface (the remake with Al Pacino) wrote the first Star Wars title crawl text. Let that sink in.
Fake news, the idea of the text crawl was always there from the very first draft.
However, to be specific, for instance, ALL of the dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan makes no logical sense, with them even asking redundant questions, thus lowing their intelligence to sub-human at least. "Did you do that??/ "No, did you?///and then an answer[!!] "No!"
Fucking stupid editing. Burtt failed Lucas.
That was mostly thanks to Lucas' wife at the time, Marcia, who had worked with Scorcese around the time Star Wars came out. She added the humour and nuance to it.
Esoteric art films was actually code word for him making his own personal sequel trilogy that he only shows to close friends and family. It will never see the light of day.
>Fake news, t
It's a fact, Jack. It's officially documented if you bother to check. Brian De Palma had the FINAL WRITE on it. Get it? That means he edited the crawl into what it is.
Do you think any of those personal movies he made are filled with nothing but fear, anger, hate or suffering for the original fanbase?
Meh...possibly. She did a good job, I'll agree, although it's dubious as to who the real master chef was. One thing is clear, though, Lucas OK'd the final result, so he deserves as much credit as the other editors, and he did edit it, but for some reason many people forget that fact.
I'm sorry George.
Disney's Star Wars movies have those markets covered well enough, he's free to make movies out of whatever retarded idea comes to mind.
>personal movies
Let's keep a lookout for space porn with awful dialogue, beautiful scenery and unnecessary CGI.
Cause he has a ten inch cock and can still get it up and fuck for hours.
Look at their just know...
What if Lucas made "Stellar Conflict" and it was really the real episode 7 and it shits on Disney the whole time, yet it's different enough that no legal challenge would stand?
Just imagine being the intern at ILM being assigned to work on George's personal projects
I'm a man, though.
And you are being forced to do the CGI for all of his personal porn movies.
Disney didn't even wish him a happy birthday >:-( F dat mouse
Because RLM said so.
They want him dead. Even in behind the scenes footage of the making of the sequels, Kathleen and Rian talk about and refer to him in the past tense as if he were already were.
He's a persona-non-grata unless they need him.
Because he wanted to be happy and that's something that cannot be achieved with white women.
george rolls the SICKEST blunts
"OK, Mr. Lucas, ummm why does his dick need to go to lightspeed *before* the Taco B'Tweenleggin Cruiser disappears from the frame? People won't understand the pace of the [cum]shot!"
"Just do it or I'll get someone else."
>That was mostly thanks to Lucas' wife at the time, Marcia
>someone who had 3 other editors and didn’t do shit outside ANH
Is George shall I say..../ourguy/ for marrying pic related?
~later that night~
Meesa give yousa blowy and then assholy, okeyday?
Holy shit, Batman
Lucas, are you a poopy puffer?
>head full of hair
He's got alpha blood flow, that's for sure. I'm in my early 40s and my hairline isn't as good as Lucas'. Come on, hair bros, stick around.
George is chad incarnate.
I started watching American Graffiti the other day and turned it off after 10 minutes because I knew it would be a waste of time.
Based. New Hollywood flicks are overpraised garbage.
THX-1138 starring Robert Duvall was super boring, but I respected it. It got it point across, though, maybe I should give it another try? Anyone a fan of it? Has anyone watched the original college movie THX-1138:4EB, which is the beta version of the film?
I have crippling adhd and even I find this pathetic
So? What point are you trying to make here exactly? I watch arthouse films quite often and know how to identify actual good movies.
>I watch arthouse films quite often and know how to identify actual good movies
>this much unironic fedora in one post
never change, tv
you don't go bald because of age
you go bald because of genetics
There is no fedora here. I just don't know what point you're trying to make by bringing up your ADHD like it means anything.
>someone mentions having a pitifully short attention span
>don't know what point you're trying to make by bringing up your ADHD
you’re welcome for piecing together that very complex idea for you
>turning off a movie you know will be low quality = having pitifully short attention span
Nothing ever gets better past the first ten minutes, right user?
American Graffiti doesn't
You're making me believe it's ll Boomer Car '50s masturbation and that's OK, those might be the only things pure they experienced and still champion to this day.
*it's *a*ll
Never tried to watch American Graffiti. Wish me luck, whenever that happens.
Based George is Based.
I hope is day is full of laughs and joy.
They look haply. Makes me wonder if I would have married that black girl I dated... if she didn't leave me for a ginger. Why wasn't I white enough for her, bros? Or maybe it because I was neet and didn't have a job. No. Clearly I wasn't white enough. I should have somehow stayed out of the sun even more.
George needs far more love. Come on, guy, the ORIGINAL FUCKING STAR WARS? Remember that? Remember the video games?
>It's over George, we've found the files.
How are fictional characters doing illegal things make its writer a criminal?
>She added the humour and nuance to it.
You mean the actors did.
The only part she edited in the final film was the trench run. She also edited the deleted scenes with Luke's friends on Tatooine.
I love the ORIGINAL FUCKING STAR WARS. Shame George did everything he could to ensure they never get properly released.
But it was her call to leave in cwrtain acenes to liven it uo, such as thr mouse droid being scared of Chewbacca and Ford's "How are you?" improv. The actors and crew may have had the hand in it, but it was her that left it in the final product.
>Shame George did everything he could to ensure they never get properly released.
Yes, but there are legitimate original 35mm scans online of all three. Search for Silver Screen Star Wars. They used to be on Mega, maybe still are, but my old links don't work. I can upload later, but only if people really them.
search for despecialized edition
Thank you for your lifelong fight for social progressive ideals, George.
Or,go on ebay and buy someone's pirate De-Specialized Editions and while they're only 720p, they're still breathtaking in quality, picture and sound-wise. Beats the shit out of those horrific Blu-Rays that crush the black levels and introduce pink and purple everywhere. Now why would they introduce pink and purple into the films?
fuck you
you nigger loving kike faggot
just because the mouse is worse than you doesn't make the shit you make any better
get fucked you fat piece of shit
t. Rian Johnson
I cannot believe it, but I really do enjoy the prequels more than the Disney SW movies. The prequels were massively flawed, but they occasionally enter The Room territory where it becomes so bad it's funny. The Disney SW films are so awful and there's nothing enjoyable about them at all.
did you even read my post?
yes disney is much much worse
no that does not make the prequels any fucking better except in comparison
Whatever you say, Rian. Go choke on a fucking porg.
>no that does not make the prequels any fucking better
>except in comparison
Are you feeling OK?
I'm sorry, George :*( I'm so sorry what we did to you
this is fake because in the original script Luke was supposed to punch Leia and kinda molest her
(You) and the redditors maybe. not us patrician eufags
let's say you kill 100 people with a truck and everybody says you're a mass murderer
and then someone else comes and kills 1000 also with a truck
nobody owes you an apology for your use of the truck just because someone was a bigger cunt than you
Come back pls
>let's say you kill 100 people with a truck
^look at this projecting Tusken Raider
Born: May 14, 1944 (age 75 years), Modesto, CA
Net worth: 6.2 billion USD (2019)
I'd say he did pretty good.
>watches behind the scenes of TPM
>watches behind the scenes of TFA
I never thought I'd live to see the day where I'd call the prequels "realer" than some other Star Wars movie. Even the behind the scenes shit now is watered down and too clean.
>Even if you are a prequel hater, it is clearly the best executed one of them all
Hahahaa tell another. TPM is the best prequel. It's kino and serine, even if it's full of plot holes and stilted dialogue and delivery. That is the correct opinion.
I fucking love Phantom Menace.
The prequels are god tier.
We're the good ones, friend. It's an innocent movie in some ways, even though it's entirely focused on the cracks in the foundation. I feel good after watching it too.
Based. I fully admit it may be due to nostalgia, but the score is masterful, and the atmosphere of the film consistently warm and enjoyable.
It explains why John Williams held back on the sequel trilogy to save his good stuff for George. I hope his estate torrents it to piss off Disney
You could even say that the first SW prequel has soul, while Diswars is soulless.
George is a mystic prophet of our times
>but the score is masterful
Kora.....mata......KORA RAHTAHMAAAAA
haha funny man said prequels bad in an hour long video so he correct!
Even RLM conceded that the prequels have more "soul" that the new ones.
The soul meme is beating a dead horse most of the time, but it is completely accurate here.
The Disney SW films are just there to sell toys, just like the prequels. BUT the prequels benefited from being born of the creativity of one guy, rather than a boardroom full of suits.
Agreed on all counts. TPM haters also can't get away from the fact that the sequel trilogy sold almost no toys and even helped take down an already heavily weakened Toys R Us.
I feel the same about Irvin Kershner. Outside of Empire nobody watches anything else he directed. Eyes of Laura Mars is forgotten in time within 10 years of its release.
This. I love the prequels but they're rife with poor editing decisions. Burtt's prior editing experience was TV, and it shows. There's a relaxed timing to the scenes which is at odds with the breakneck pace of the OT.
There are many, but the one that always sticks out most to me is at the end of the scene where Padme and Jar Jar are hanging out in the cargo bay of the ship to Tattooine. He makes the comment about 'Mesa getten berry berry skeered" and the camera lingers on her for what seems like an eternity before the wipe while Portman just gawps at him, not really knowing how to respond to whatever was in front of her at the time. It's awkward as hell.
That said, there is a lot of good editing in the prequels as well.
In Canada's capital, they're putting on the finishing touches on next week's festivities to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the release of THE PHANTOM MENACE.
Still no love for Robocop 2, one of the best comic book-not-comic-book movies ever made.
That's not true. He did a James Bond film with Kim Basinger, Roger Moore and a cameo by Rowan Atkinson.
It's no Robocop 1
Oh yes the forgotten Thunderball
Happy birthday mr. Lucas, you are the best thing that happened to this gay world. Fuck the niggers who don't like the prequels.
No apologies. You’re movies were still shit and not better then Disney.
THE LUCK OF GINGER COFFEY (1964) has a kind of niche following for fans of Canadian films, which admittedly there aren't many of.
It's surely a step down, but only by a notch and Robocop was a masterpiece, no debate, so Robocop 2 is still exceeding its peers. I mean, is it not memorable and entertaining? Besides its ABRUPT bullshit ending, I'm a bit mystified as to why more people don't like it. It even featured a punkass kid-who actually got what was coming to him.
That leer she gives Anakin at the end. What a lucky lil' boy.
based snawatto
I used to think she had a wad of tobacco under her lip in this scene for some reason
Based and chill pilled
His is great too
I love the whole TPM ending. My favourite in the series
Post Based Georges
You just know. I'm even happy for Sidious in that scene, it's the most sun he's seen in years and he looks like he's soaking it in, storing the energy, if you will. I like my head-canon.
If they ever do the remake, they should do pic related. Also, "General Skywalker" is literally Lucas.
*kittens on helium intensifies* *abrupt cut to SW ending fanfare*
he fucked prime Linda Rondstat
Labyrinth and Willow are superb films. When you think of movies that transport you to the story and steal you away from reality so firmly, you know it's genius. Yeah, it was just his money for Labyrinth, but I wouldn't be shocked it if were deeper.
Why can't incels write their own stories instead of bitching about the job others do?
how much virginity do you need to get this worked up over a kids movie.
Some young anons will think you're joking about Ringo, but shit, that's true! I forgot about that. George has good taste.
Because George spoiled them in such a way that they need a fat man with white hair, a beard, sneakers, jeans and flannel shirts to dream for them.
The Last Crusade is the best Indiana Jones movie, and it has a special place in my heart. Thank you, George. I forgive you for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
This guy knows what's up.
Episode 1 was the best prequel in spite of being completely irrelevant.
How much virginity do you have to have to reply to old and obvious bait.
How do anons here feel that Lucas wrote and directed parts of 9? It gives me hope, but much like Chef Ramsay with amateurs in the kitchen..
I doubt he had much to do with it outside of creative consultations
You're not perfect but you're better than Disney.
I sold off the last piece of my Star Wars collection yesterday George. I'm sorry. You and your films will always have a special place in my heart regardless.
>I sold off the last piece of my Star Wars collection yesterday George. I'm sorry.
Story time us?
George was the read deal. He wanted more aliens to represent galactic level diversity. Disney Nuwars is humanocentric. Lucas was already beyond that.
"real deal", oops typo
eat shit and die you old hack bastard
something nice
Was that so hard?
So his last film would have been the Phantom Menace?
I never did f8nish watching that Cameron series about sci fi
That was just after his wife left him or just before?
Does he really smoke weed? Dropped as favorite everything!
I wouod absolutelylve to smoke a fattie with George. The shit you would talk about:
>stories of wild sex with Carrie
>nostalgia about his high hopes for Howard the Duck
>philosophy of Joseph Campbell
>shit he and Steve dream up
During. He filmed Jedi (along with the official director) in 1982, then got divorced in 1983. Look how free he looks. :)
He used to, or had to back in the '70s*, but he is not a pothead nor ever has been one. Remember his anti-drug message in the prequels.
*The Holiday Special is kino when stoned out of your mind.
That's the only way you can watch it
AotC was a pretty piece of shit that fails to move the story along. You can watch TPM and then RotS and be totally caught up, and RotS is ridiculous and need heavy editing to be even remotely close to being as good as its fanboys pretend that it is. Yes, TPM is a masterpiece in comparison to its immediate sequels.
I bet anything that the backlash he got from Phantom Menace drained him so bad he couldn't be arsed to make a great movie with 'Clones' and just sorta went by the numbers. It felt....jagged for some reason, like it was going one direction but had to be hastily written into another.
Happy birthday, George! You were too good for us.
>I bet anything that the backlash he got from Phantom Menace drained him so bad he couldn't be arsed to make a great movie with 'Clones' and just sorta went by the numbers
For what it's worth, I am a big believer in the Darth Jar Jar rumors and there is some compelling evidence of it, but yes, Clones, right down to its retarded title, was rushed. He had to stick to his OT schedule of releasing the movies in 3 year intervals, but he clearly needed more time. What would have been best, even considering what happened to the star of the film, would have been to do episode II literally 10 years later with Jake Lloyd and Natalie Portman.
I've hears the Jar Jar rumours, and a lot of things went awry with Clones. Just looking at Jake Lloyd's haircut, you could clearly see George had his heart set on using Leonardo Dicaprio as Anakin and Christopher Lee, despite it being Christopher fucking Lee, didn't seem like it was the naturally progressed villain that was needed or intended and Clone Wars cartoon had to flesh out his character more.
alright george enough with the blunts lets smoke a bowl
I was one of those dateless nerds back in 1999 that waited in line, not for days, but I waited a day to see "The Phantom Menace". More like 10 hours, but still, I got to see it in one of the best theaters in the country at the time and was with a ton of friends. Good times. Thanks, George.
>despite it being Christopher fucking Lee, didn't seem like it was the naturally progressed villain that was needed or intended and Clone Wars cartoon had to flesh out his character more.
Having never watched the cartoons, I'm not sure I understand what it means in terms of Anakin's look via his haircut. Come back, over.
It was that bowl shaped design and even just the look of Lloyd made it seem like he wanted Dicaprio for the older Anakin. Leo likely wanted nothing to do with it.
Perhaps George thought the haircut looked kind of sort of like the Darth Vader helmet? I mean, who knows,Satan.
>Christopher Lee
Dear Lord was he wasted in II and especially III. Such a tragedy.
Something just came to me, if Padme faked her death, all the plot holes make sense and open up some old wrong conclusions and makes them logical.
>God Tier:
Angel Tier:
Force Tier:
>The Holiday Special
>The Ewok Adventure
>The Battle For Endor
>Droids cartoons
>Ewoks cartoons
Dark Tier:
>The Force Awakens
>Rogue One
Hell Tier:
>The Last Jedi
>angel tier
Helloooooooo reddit!
Angels, along with God, and Hell, are literally mentioned in the films, user.
Best Alternate Reality Tier:
>The Radio Dramas
>Rebel Assault
>Rebel Assault II
Best comfy EU Tier:
>Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell
>Planet of the Hoojibs
>Droid World
Oh shit, I just noticed my digits.
I'm personally glad he was ther because he added the aura of acting professionalism and prestige the likes of which Alec Guiness and his friend Peter Cushing brought to Star Wars.
Now Peter O'Toole being killed in the first 5 minutes of TFA with barely 2 words out of his mouth. THAT was a fucking criminal waste.
>Now Peter O'Toole being killed in the first 5 minutes of TFA are joking, right? Your point stands, regardless. But yeah, Lee did add something with his voice and presence.
Naw, I'm not. Why hire a prestigious actor like him who could have brought weight and brevity to that movie and kill him off?
Maybe it was for the best because that movie was hot garbage.
It was Max von Sydow, user, not Peter O'Toole. O'toole died in 2013. You're right anyway, I mean, the wasted him and worse yet, they used him to make a plot hole. Why did Luke leave a map if he wanted to be left alone? How did that guy get the map anyway? Who the fuck was he? Guess we'll never know, but at least now after TLJ I don't care.
>Peter O'Toole
Zoomers were a mistake
Man, Flash Gordon is such a great flick and technically on topic since Star Wars ripped much of it off.
Oh bad.
They still had no good reason to kill him except to make Nu Vader "badass".
He ended uo about as impressive as that kid who lit his farts on fire with a lighter when you were a kid.
Someone come up with the 1982 CBS tape of Star Wars, please for the love of all that is good and holy.
The premiere version of Star Wars that ran in May of 1977, not the "original version" that was a re-edited version and cut down for time to allow more 2hr slots for theater owners per Lucas' orders for the mass August 1977 release. In 1982, with CBS somehow being the owner of the premiere version of Star Wars, had Lucas introduce the movie and explain why he was showing it so everyone could see it. Just once. Star Wars Insider Magazine printed several letters of anons(actually they're mostly named) that corroborate this story. Anyway, it's interesting and ought to be preserved and more widely known.
tl;dr most people could not have seen SW in 77 unless they were vips and would have to wait for the other "original version" in August of that year
Dawn of the Dead (1978) has almost the same situation, except the premiere version vs the theatrical version is well known and owned.
*tl;dr *May of 1977 is an impossible viewing date for 99% of the population, they saw an alternate original version in August of that year
Jar Jar is really Anakin's daddy.
"Sorry Rian, but you can't sit with us. "
See Shmi wanted Big Gungan Cock
Ever notice how Jar Jar has Jedi-like reflexes and can even twirl around just like Sidious?
>The actor who voiced Jar Jar has revealed to YouTuber Jamie Stangroom, as part of an interview for web series These Are the Actors You're Looking For, that there's a lot more to his character than initially meets the eye, but original plans for the character were shelved after the poor reaction to his antics.
"What I can say about it is – and I kinda said this on Twitter –there's a lot about it that's true," Best hinted. "There are some things that are not true. Could Jar Jar have evolved into that? I think the answer is yes. Because of the backlash, and rightfully so, Lucasfilm backed off from Jar Jar a lot. But a lot of the influence I put into the character mirrored a lot of what was already in the Star Wars universe."
May as well be a full admission. Jar Jar was the real Phantom Menace.
Crystal Skull is nowhere near as bad as nu-wars too
*Liberal GOT fans
>Crystal Skull is nowhere near as bad as nu-wars too
Scary how you're right, but I had to think for a few seconds on that one as it's a fairly awful film chock full o' cringe and inconsistencies, but admittedly not on the same megaton-age as was the insidious nuclear accident that was The Last Jedi.
so you basically dislike the editing for no real reason
Settle down, Ben, we like R2-D2 and lightsabers, and you'll always have those to treasure.
That freaked the hell out of me when I heard those rumours. We all just dismissed Jar Jar as a goofy fucking retard that felt so out of place, but it was just like Yoda or even Tom Bombadil in how a seemingly irrelevant character at one point in the journey ends up being extremely vital.
I'm surprised how no one picked up on it earlier. The whole movie is rife with fake personas meant to deceive. Sheev as kindly Senator Palpatine and even Padmè with her handmaiden decoys.
It was right in fucking front of us the whole time.
I mean, was EVERYTHING about the prequels THAT bad?
And it makes sense because he positioned the vote to geant emergency powers, effectively starting the Clone Wars. He was either a perfect patsy or was in on it the whole time.
Neta-lee is my first waifu. she even has the same favorite pie as I.
Exactly, user. Lucas even admits that Binks came from Binx, another character in a book who was a buffoon, but also the real puppet master.
Of course, plus isn't it amazing how some clown could survive against thousands of robots and tanks? Good thing he got his ass kicked so the normies are right, no was just the opposite, he used drunken Wushu-style fighting and mopped up all while acting like his life was in danger.
How did Jar Jar know where the Jedi were when they arrived on the surface?
Better yet, how did Jar-Jar know to be at the door in the hotel suite in AOTC the moment Obi-Wan and Anakin walk in?
You won't fool us again, you floppy eared fuck.
You sure it was HER that caught your eye?
Hadn't considered that, since I watch that one the least. Unseen deleted scenes might shed some light on that one.
Its just too convenient he and Palps are from the same planet.
That and the hand waves and the supposed him mouthing what Padmè says.
Hey, why was Jar Jar standing next to Palpatine during Qui-Gon's funeral? Did he forget for a minute that he wasn't supposed to know the senator or even be allowed to be close to him?
>That and the hand waves and the supposed him mouthing what Padmè says.
I heard something on that, but haven't seen it yet. Gonna view TPM soon.
This is a terrible GIF, but in this scene, it almost looks like he is mouthing "I don't approve" as if he is manipulating her to do it.
There are other clues like him supposedly aniling in the funeral scene, and the way he talks to Boss Nass as he appoints him to be general. He waves his hand like Obi-Wan did to the stormtroopers while doing a mind trick.
*supposedly smiling at Qui-Gon's funeral
Not, it's cool I was close to figuring it out as I often do (know the feeling?) . And I'm stunned. With Best's admission and all the new details coming from numerous people across the Internet, it's all but confirmed.
For me it means that TPM has Darth Binks fully intact and I love it, although it creeps me out too because it fooled me.
I think that gif may be a coincidence, but to be fair it's been years since I've seen TPM in real quality. Fun fact, the VHS and Laserdiscs are the only theatrical versions of TPM made available to own(minus a few trimmed seconds).
The amount of soul in this photo is unprecedented
I thought it was photoshopped, I mean, Hamill, Williams AND the prequel people there? Is that real? True, though, very soulful.
Its what could have been.
When you made me suck your dick for that Alien part on episode 3 you were polite and didn’t choke me out or hold my head down
Also new hope-Jedi are some of the greatest movies ever made
You did what few artists do, create your own original universe
George is like that cool successful uncle you wish you had. Wouldn't it be cool to just go to his ranch, hang out and shoot the breeze about Star Wars and stuff?
I would rather talk about practical effects in labyrinth or willow or Indiana Jones
I miss George.
Cameron did a series about SF?
Yeah, dude. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
It was 100 percent Hershlag. I have a TV Guide with her on the cover before TPM came to home release.
Now that's dedication
Skywalker Ranch looks very comfy
He was definitely something.
Its gonna suck when he goes.
You faggots think Stan Lee was a blow. *phew!* Get fucking ready...
now compare to this
Holy fucking fuck, is this ever depressing. I don't even think Andy Serkis even knows where the fuck he is and probably thinks this is a LOTR shoot.
I mean goddamn, they all look emotionally deflated and badly not wanting to be there.
Poor Mark.
You'd find more cheer and enthusiasm at a funeral
>he didn’t suck quite as hard as Disney but still did some awful things to what were originally pretty decent movies
I will refer you to Jar Jar and the Enhanced Editions.
Everybody is looking into the lens except Mark. He is looking away. It’s sort of a reverse Judas in the painting The Last Supper.
Happy birthday, Based George Lucas. I always love pre-Disney Star Wars no matter what. I always love you no matter what, Based George Lucas.
I completely agree with both of you.
....except he was the one betrayed.
I completely agree with you. To me, only the original trilogy movies and the prequel trilogy movies are canon Star Wars movies.
Hence why I said reverse Judas.
The hype for Phantom Menace was fucking huge. Like...must see movie and event before end of the millennium huge. Regardless of feelings and reactions, everybody went and saw it. You couldn't escape it, it was everywhere.
I remember buying a Naboo starfighter without ever even having seent he movie yet because it was nothing I had ever seen before.
(Galoobs Micro Machines and Star Wars: Action Fleet series were the best toys ever made, bar none.)
I at this point, just want Mark to have fun again and hope he knocks Chucky out of the park.
I will never forgive that fucking rodent and rouns headed retard Johnson for making him cry.
at least merchandise was great
now it's shit
I don't care what anyone says, I was only 11111 when I saw The Phantom Menace at my local theater and I absolutely LOVE The Phantom Menace to this very day. Seeing Coruscant on the big screen was pure eye-candy and I got an eargasm from the pod-racing scenes. The Phantom Menace was pure kino.
* 11
Damn keyboard.
Good fucking gaaaaawd....
Reminder: a money hungry merchandising juggernaut like Disney which was handed the golden goose for toys caused the largest toy store brand in the world to go out of business.
Clueless fucking semites.
I remember the sensation of my chest thumping in unison wih my ears to the rythym of Watto's on that last leg of the race when he's tailing Anakin.
That industrial piston sounding *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* thunk*
Fuck, they outdid themselves with these movies.
You know, it was George himself who said in interviews and on tape that he neither wants the Force to become just a bunch of gobbledygook and has long held a desire to not have anything with the Star Wars logo be slapped on to some piece of junk.
How wonderful they are heeding that advice.
*Watto's pod engine.
Could you imagine being an infant and having this dropped in your crib?
"My my, the resemblance is astounding. Wouldn't you agree, user?"
It's so good, man. Especially the lightsaber battle near the end of the movie involving Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul. Star Wars lost its soul when Papa George sold it to Di$ney.
Make it stop
I would have taken another 10 years of George's autism with microscopoc midichlorian shit that allowed the audience to delve deep into the fabric of the Force instead of being told I'm an awful, awful loser of a person and shamed into buying the product it is now.
George Lucas in his younger years was peak chad.
I completely agree with you. It sucks to think that George Lucas will die in our lifetimes.
I completely agree with you. Star Wars without George Lucas is NOT Star Wars.
>George Lucas in his younger years was peak chad.
how he could justed himself so much?
He was diabetic even then. Even in his autobiography, its said he would hang around the vending machines at the University cause he had a penchant for chocolate chip cookies.
Impeccable taste and patrician choice. Anybody who eats cookies with raisins deserve the gallows.
>he just had to sell it before us getting Darth Maul/sexy Maul chick game.
Fuck Disney
Even documentaries about making prequels were pure kino
It was another aesthetic choice by George subtlety setting up the remaining films. Its not just Jar Jar standing next to Palpatine. Padmè and Obi-Wan are beside him leading up to Anakin, literally foreshadowing the fact Palpatine had to go through both Padmè and Obi-Wan to get to his goal of corrupting Anakin like dominoes being set up to fall.
In orser for Palpatine to get to the boy, he had to go through the two of them.
>sees an alien with a giant neck goiter that resembles him and has no idea why he is drawn to it
>crew members in the background with all shit eating grins cause they're in on the joke
>alien ends up in the film
George Lucas don't make films or movies or flicks
He makes kino
Can I have dubs too?
Thanks for Star Wars 77-96
I love the prequels in a funny bad way.
Sequels are just boring bad
He is the ultra rare combination of human kino incarnate and Super Based 64
I can't fault those years. Mid-90s Star Wars was fucking epic psychologically getting everyone hyped for the prequels. Shadows of the Empire, the N64 games, the toys.
ate least prequels have "so bad it's good" quality
sequels are just one big cringefest
Thank you for the special editions George!