Be honest, did you cry?

Be honest, did you cry?

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I felt bad for Cersei because Lena is a good actress. I weeped inside for Jaime's character and his shit ending.

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Yeah, for Jaime's assassinated character.

Most underwhelming death of the season, didn't even have any notable music in the background


They got the lamest of deaths and of course, they didn't get any great final lines either

wow fantastic

fucking bullshit

I didn't give a shit

It was pretty sad desu and the love you could feel when they both saw each other was great. Lena is a great actress and Nikolai is good.

Tbh it should have had them sail of fates unknown. Not everyone has to be killed off in finales.

Sandor's final moments were 100x more powerful.

>Tbh it should have had them sail of fates unknown
I agree but I feel like this would have pissed off the fanboys even more.

>the woman responsible for half the shit in the show should have sailed away

Are you out of your mind?

Biggest cuck in Seven Kingdoms

i teared up. kino as fuck.
fuck all the normalfags who wanted cersei to suffer/be tortured or jaime to stay with "the good guys" and become a kinslayer like his abomination of a brother

There's no proof they're dead. Many people survive falling rubble

it should have ended with jaime choking cersei and fucking her to death as the earth erupted around them of flames and falling rock

>did you cry?
Yes, inside. They were the reason I started watching this shit show

This. i can imagine they wont find there bodies

This, imagine the actual mongoloids who think Brienne + Jaime 4ever or him killing Cersei are good character arcs.

This. Cersei would be screaming at being burnt alive so Jaime strangles her to put her out of her misery, fulfilling the Valonqar prophecy.

>"we dont choose whom we love"
>jamie literally embodies the duality of his love for cersei and redemption
>in the end dies with the love of his life
>b-b-b-but muh redemption

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I liked it overall but Cersei going into babybabble mode felt stupid.

I have no emotional investment in a tv show

they will find jaime’s gold hand

>game of thrones

He's the one taking Cersei place in the book, right? All that thing of her becoming queen again is fanfic.

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I don't cry over schlock

Why would I cry at this scene? Cersei made numerous absolutely retarded provocations against Daenerys and couldn't back them up at any point. The city was at siege and she refused to listen to rhyme or reason and only retreated at the absolute last possible fucking second, all because she wanted her child to live (when she could have made innumerable other decisions that would grant her a fucking chance). Jaime, who at this point is a caricature of who he used to be, also died uselessly in his attempt to run away with his fairy princess sister. I legitimately could not feel any less for this scene if I tried, and I absolutely did not feel any scrap of sadness for either of them.

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