Predict his ending

Predict his ending.

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Born with a mug to sort shit on. Probably the most based character on the show.

Never mentioned ever again

if there were more episodes id say he would die doing something heroic with jaime to contrast his character but now i doubt hell do anything

kills Danny with the crossbow because she's threatening the entire continent and therefore his loot

Lord of High Garden, Tyrion is still alive to honour it

Why is this dude still alive past season 4?

Jaimie is dead. Soon Tyrion will be too. He's not getting his fookin castle.

I predict he already ended.

He won't show up at all in the final episode, much like all the other characters we thought would return but didn't (Tormund, Yara, Ellaria Sand)

Dany executes Tyrone for treason, he ends up getting nothing.

Member of Bron’s advisory board despite having no qualifications

>starts as drunk soldier
>ends as high lord
Street smarts are a skill

>Dany calls Tyrion before her
>She asks him how Jaime escaped
>Tyrion tells the truth
>Dany sentences Tyrion to death by dragon
>Tyrion is brought outside
>Right as Dany begins to say Dracarys Tyrion is shot in the chest with a bolt
>Tyrion looks down at his chest, then looks up
>camera pans to Bronn, who has tears in his eyes
>Tyrion sheds a tear and falls dead
>Bronn drops the crossbow and walks off


the writers could just as easily bring any of these meaningless death fuckers back at a whim.

Well, if she was alive up to this point, the debris got her for good.

stupid fucking newfags

5 years later...Visits Jaime and Tyrion’s graves, drunk with a couple whores. Dies having sex over their corpses. Shits himself.

you have to go back

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>Bronn is on the small council

For what fucking purpose? This might even be dumber than Bran being the king. lmao

reddit liked him

he bails when it gets too bad
also he seems to be so charismatic that everyone lets him into their castle, even if hes armed with a crossbow

But who kills Drogon?

Gendry with Thor's Mjolnir (Fat Thor cameo will be in the after credits scene

All of Reach following some random cutthroat is dumb, the lords there would just depose him asap.

>making him die in pain for minutes instead of being instantly vaporized

Dabid forgot about him

>tfw I predicted Bronn would get the throne.
>tfw I was dangerously close to being right.

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>Bronn remains a sellsword instead of being a friend to Tyrion and Jaime
>Jaime remains on Cersei's leash
Terrible arcs.

>escaped from Jon/Dany's forces during the battle
>catch of glimpse of him within the crowd at Tyrion's public execution via Drogon
>three minutes before the final episode ends, it cuts to a scene of a relaxing Pentos beach
>camera pans to a fisherman dragging a small boat ashore
>his face is hidden from view, but as the man begins to tie up his boat, it's revealed that he's missing a hand
>it's then that viewers also notice a blonde woman standing in the background, watching her husband
>the man sees, stops what he's doing, and approaches her for a warm embrace
>it really is Jaime and Cersei, living a modest life in Pentos after selling off Jaime's golden hand
>after the two share a heartfelt embrace and a few sappy words, another figure steps into view behind them
>"Almost forgotten me, eh?"
>Bronn smirks
>"You know, they say a Lannister always pays his debts, but you know what I think?"
>sound of a crossbow being fired comes from off camera. a bolt strikes Jaime square in the chest. Cersei drops next to dying Jaime, screaming and crying.
>"I think that's a load of pig shit. After all, here I am with no land, no titles... not even a gold dragon to buy a fuckin' ale."
>another bolt fires and hits Cersei in the face, killing her instantly
>Jaime coughs up blood, reaches out for Cersei
>"Thought you could sail across the Narrow Sea and forget about all the promises you kept, huh? Sorry, Kingslayer, but the world doesn't work like that."
>Bronn grabs the haul of fish Jaime had just caught
>"Is this all you have to your name now? Love's all the wealth you need in this new life you've made? Hmph... you stay here, I'm going to go have a look in your new house there. Probably help myself to a few things. You don't mind, do you?"
>Jaime is still reaching out towards dead Cersei
>Bronn stands up, rolls his eyes, and walks away

You can trust me, btw. I'm GRRM.

>everything about to be settled after the final confrontations
>Bronn shows up threatening the entire remaining cast dual wielding crossbows
>"hold up now, I was promised Highgarden, but now it seems I must switch sides again. What's double Highgarden?"
>"that's right, I demand the Iron Throne."

>King Bran foresees this
>Poisons Bronn's cup
>Looks at the camera and winks

>For what fucking purpose?
I'd respect the counsel of a man who worked his way from bum to warden in the span of a few years. Seems like he'd know a thing or two.


>Dany is about to kill Tyrion
>From DEEEEEEEEEEEEP a Crossbolt goes through her heart
>"I want muh fookin castle and whores"

>poison was actually Viagra mixed with an aphrodisiac
>Bronn goes crazy and starts raping Sansa to death
>Bran wargs into her and cums buckets

>Shows up
>Makes some quips
>Does nothing of importance and has no character arc, because GRRM doesn't really give a shit about him, and he's only still around because D&D are reacting to marketing data

i'd like that. better than what we've seen lately.

He'll say something cold or dismissive about Jaime, and Tyrion will kill him/order his execution because he's tired of how callous and selfish he is.

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i don't see you bitching about varys, who also got way more screen time or at least outside of the shadows also reacting to public perception.

Bronn's actually in a pretty good position to make some serious moves in the books. I doubt he'll get Highgarden, but he'll end up with more than Stokeworth.

He had a high Q Rating

With Jamie and Cersei dead there’s really no reason for his character.

Kind of makes sense so, no, this won't happen.

what do you mean predict? His last scene was two episodes ago.

>Tyrion is executed early next episode
>Dany takes the throne
>Bronn enters the throne room
>"where me fookin castle"
>"Uhm literally who are you?"
> "wtf"
>and who

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>Bronn dodges the fire
>does it 500 more times until the dragon is exhausted then kills it

I have a feeling the person who wrote this heard it from someone else rather than seeing it for themselves, so not all of it true.
>Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.
This never happened in this order, and Jaime wasn't refusing to talk to her.
>Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses
Didn't go this way at all. Prior to the battle Tyrion said if the bells ring accept their surrender; Dany nodded in agreement. Nobody had contact with her once she started destroying King's Landing.
>Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.
This is a weird way of wording that Dany destroyed everything and everyone with Drogon.

>it's a hologram

He shoots Dany right as she's about to roast Tyrion and Jon, because Tyrion is the only man alive who remembers that he's supposed to get Highgarden.

It will be revealed that Bronn is the dude that can change faces (sorry dont watch the show), the one that taught arya how to do that.

It was him from the beginning, he will kill Dany and the throne will be melted, thats right there's no king or queen, it literally begins all over again like a new society.

screencap this.

Now this is autism.

>Implying there are Lords and politics in this show

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Joins the small council

Assuming the leaks are right, he becomes a member of Bran's democratic council.

>Bronn enters throne room
>"Oi! The Lannister brothers owed me the debt of a fookin castle"
>"I am Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the seven kingdoms. To whom do I speak?"
>"Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, son of Ewan T. Knohem, and I'll be collecting that debt from you"

All thanks to Catelyn Stark...

You mean Bran's advisory board?

And of course he has qualifications! He scored high on the audience Q-ratings.
Motivationally makes no sense character-wise though.

He is the first character you will see in this week episode. He left King's Lading for boar hunting and then came back just to find the city in ruins.


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>Jon takes the black
instead of
>Jon catching up with Turdmund and Ghost in the North and lives out his days as a wildling

literally this
george himself said it

By blade or by crossbow bolt, Bronn will get his fucking castle.

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>Bronn enters throne room
>"Oi! The Lannister brothers owed me the debt of a fookin castle"
>"I am Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the seven kingdoms. To whom do I speak?"
>"Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, son of Ewan T. Knohem, or perhaps you'd prefer my true name.... Bronn BLACKFYRE"
>*dabs then fires a bolt in her chest*
>*sits down on the throne*
>I guess this really was a Game of Thrones and a Song of Ice and Fire, be sure to order the full all seasons box sets as soon as possible to get the preorder edition Bronn dabbing figurine, thank you for watching our show."
>*Dany springs to life and all the other characters alive or dead enters the throne room*
>"And most of all, thank YOU the viewer!"
>*everyone bows*
>And who
>Are you
>The proud lord said

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He is the only character you will see in this week episode. He left King's Lading for boar hunting and the last episode is entirely about his boar hunt and in the last scene he came back just to find the city in ruins.

I would love this and therefore it couldn't possibly happen

Tyrion escapes King's Landing before Dany executes him. Bron finds Tyrion later and kills him for not delivering on his promise. *rolls credits*

drogon just fucks off when dany dies

Kafkaesque, lynchian, lovecraftian, sneedchuckian and borderline ludokino and definetly esoteric.

He's the last character you'll see and the final words of the series will be "Wut tha fook?"


>Daenarys, stoicly: "Whatever arrangements you may have had with house Lannister are null and void"

>the last 5 minutes of the last episode
>Bronn is looking around the wreckage and bloodshed with a tired look
>learns that all the Lannisters are indeed dead
>Not gonna get my fookin castle em I?
>Onion Knight show up
>Maybe the real castle was the...

>both look straight into the camera and laugh

>Dany orders Tyrion and Gendry arrested to be sentenced to death because Tyrion betrayed her and Gendry is a Baratheon and she don't want him trying to claim the throne
>Jon sinks his sword into Dany's gut
>"nothing personell"
>Jon buggers off to go tame giant strange with Tormund and Ghost
>Tyrion and Bronn high five each other and go out whoring and drinking themselves to death
>Sansa's stupid ass remains in Winterfell
>Arya makes like a fetus and heads out to go live the rest of her days with Jaqen, but frequently visits Hot Pie for dank as fuck pastries and shit
>Brienne becomes full throttle diesel dyke
>Bran becomes 'king', though he has a small counsel with Sam heading it and they pretty much does everything for Bran including wiping his ass because he's a crip
>Drogon just flies around, doesn't eat because he's sad about Dany dying, and he dies
>credits roll
>after credits t
>shows kids running and playing in a craggy mountainous region
>one kid trips on something
>kid looks at it
>wipes dirt away
>scaly 'rock'

He's the new Smirking Whore of Highgarden

Lann the Clever II.

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>until the dragon is exhausted then kills it
patch note 8.0.7
>we adressed with an exploit that allowed players to indefinetely use dragon's breath weapons. We also resolved the overall damage output and now dragon's fire shouldn't destroy masonry structures anymore. We're terribly sorry for the mistakes made in the last and we asure you all that wer'e constantly working and adressing such issues. You are all welcome to leave your feedback in the official forum thread and make suggestion. We sincerely appreciate all of your inputs.

>Bronn kind of forgets about any deals with the Lannisters

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God I hope this is a 4d leak.

Impregnates Bad Poosey

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Survives but he got neither a castle or lands

reason: all house lannisters are ded.

Trips of Truth

>Dany is about to execute Tyrion with dragon fire for betraying her
>Suddenly Bronn appears out of nowhere and shoots Drogon's eye out with that crossbow
>Oi m8 a Lannister is supposed to pay his debts!
>Drogon Reeeeeeeees back to Volantis
>Bronn get's a happy ending

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Pretty fucking based, unironically. He finished the job he started and saved Tyrion for the castle.

I understood that reference.

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>Broon's Casterly Rock (formerly Lannister's)
The only truth there is.

>son of Ewan T. Knohem

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He ends up on King Bran's small council. Dunno why, but whatever.

Tyrion dies next episode, punishment for freeing Jaime

He'll be given Kings Landing.

Off-screen bla bla

I don't get it. I want no hem?


now that's some coping

Bran and Bronn ffs

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can we have a spin off following drogon and his search for dragon pussy

>dany is about to execute tyrion
>Bronn pulls some mercenary bullshit to save him last minute
>"you saved me!"
>"no, I saved my fuckin castle"
>subversion, both are captured
>Dany's new whipping boy Jon executes them both

He'll probably die early on to cement Dany's crazy. They will find him around the city and kill him.

anything other than this ending= riot

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Most of the leaks come from crew that don't get to see everything directly and piece it out themselves. They may see or work on a scene where Jaime and Brienne talk, but heard before that about him escaping. it's all fragments, that pic's been out for weeks and has been true so far. if it's all true then I'm surprised cause I was for sure tyrion dies

>doesn't get paid
>fucks off
>might kill someone on the way, just cuz

bad poosi will come back and be his wife

>I must go, my planet needs me