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this, also look at that retard face daisys making. she constantly looks like shes shitting herself

There should be a 10 to 15 year gap between main trilogys

Based. I won't be watching The Rise of Cuckwalker.

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Cause shes a terrible actor that somehow got to be the face of a (formerly) monolithic franchise. I never even cared they went the whole GURL POWER HERO route but they chose the ugliest most untalented girl they could find. Same with captian marvel.

Even though Disney’s promised every male that attends more than four viewings gets a cute twi’lek girlfriend?

Nobody will. Even my mega normie marvel/GOT loving co workers said they dont like the new star wars movies. Its a dead/dying brand.

youd have to be cuckmaster supreme to watch the new star wars. not even "star wars fans" want to see it

Sorry I only fuck pure human women.