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this, also look at that retard face daisys making. she constantly looks like shes shitting herself

There should be a 10 to 15 year gap between main trilogys

Based. I won't be watching The Rise of Cuckwalker.

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Cause shes a terrible actor that somehow got to be the face of a (formerly) monolithic franchise. I never even cared they went the whole GURL POWER HERO route but they chose the ugliest most untalented girl they could find. Same with captian marvel.

Even though Disney’s promised every male that attends more than four viewings gets a cute twi’lek girlfriend?

Nobody will. Even my mega normie marvel/GOT loving co workers said they dont like the new star wars movies. Its a dead/dying brand.

youd have to be cuckmaster supreme to watch the new star wars. not even "star wars fans" want to see it

Sorry I only fuck pure human women.

Why can't they think of anything besides Skywalker and Jedi and all that played out shit. Star wars is creatively absolutely bankrupt. All they can do is rehash and reboot and retread shit we've already seen a million times.

Same but I am waiting for the shitposts

because retards complained about muh prequels and muh vong for so long that they got what they deserved. souless rehashing of the OT

Making SW movies is so easy, they just need to make them fun space adventure films. Instead they think the draw is the dumb lore.

your coworkers must be retarded as even the new sw movies are better than all the capeshit combined

Not enough sweat on Daisy...

What is things that happen when you put a woman in charge for 500, alex

Said nobody ever. Let it go marketer disney killed star wars nobody wants to see these shitty films.

Fat Kevin Smith was right, in Hollywood you fail upwards

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I am the worlds #1 despiser of capeshit and even I disagree with this, Nu-Wars is just plain boring.
Whilst capeshit is incredible bad and offensive to those with taste or self-respect at least it does something offensive to the senses rather than dull them to death like Disney's star wars

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You literally only hate capeshit because it is popular.

Fucking this. TLJ was so bad you cant even hate watch it. Its the rare film that is both atrocious AND incredibly boring and dull. It's literally two hours of nothing.

So guys, what kind of mad subvertion are they going to do ?

I think its more nepotism and who you know. Explains how marky mark for being such a shit actor still gets tons of roles


SW is dead

Imagine if they made a trilogy with zero plot/character progression and than a sequel that completely ignores everything the first film did and then a 3rd movie that tries to tie everything together. Oh wait...

Brie Larson is cute.

The public would say otherwise, sperg

one of the only films ive walked out on before finishing

How far will this go before Disney just retires SW franchise out of embarrassment?

Wrong. Outside of her formerly spectacular breasts she looks like a goofy foot. Put literally ANY other woman in that role and id have seen captian marvel opening night.

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I waited till it was on Netflix and even though I though TFA was okayish I went into TLJ with an open mind and it was hands down the worst movie ive ever seen.

you're wrong, the foot isn't goofy at all..

i had a gift card from some holiday so i didnt spend money on the ticket. brought two tallboys with me to get a buzz on and it still did nothing for me. awful fucking film

How does that even happen?

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>when a movie is so bad even being drunk doesnt make the movie better

TLJ is monolithicaly bad.

This. When Disney bought Star Wars I was sure they understood this. Why? I dont know. Then we got TFA and I realized Disney is run by fuck ups and only Kevin Feige knows what he's doing.

Im not a foot guy. But watching her former tig ole bitties flap around in kong was very entertaining/distracting

This. But Disney just had to be #woke #fuckwhitemen #GURL STRONK. How did Disney not realize women and black men LOATHE star wars.


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TLJ was so bad that it's killing my interest in part 9, even though I was excited for it by the trailer. Hold on, though, I didn't fucking cry like that guy.

no thanks just watch Star Trek

have masturbation

>In year 2079: Star Wars Episode 54!

Bleeeeh!! I'm tired of this. Star wars ended in episode 6. Not going to care about what these Brandmilkers do anymore.

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I did.


Dar Wurs venge a da WOmans

>we'll get to see Rey lay waste to a galaxy

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>I am the worlds #1 despiser of capeshit and even I disagree with this, Nu-Wars is just plain boring.
>Whilst capeshit is incredible bad and offensive to those with taste or self-respect at least it does something offensive to the senses rather than dull them to death like Disney's star wars

BUT..Christopher Reeve Superman 1978-1987 AND Batman (1989) are NOT capeshit.

Everything after that is a incel fanfic

It's the powerful female face, you can find it in all of nowadays garbage

Except for the fact that Ep. IX will make more than a billion dollars and all you incels will be seething once it happens.

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>Except for the fact that Ep. IX will make more than a billion dollars
Like Solo did?

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>Makes 2 billion dollars
>Gets a gorillion threads a day


>"The Titanic is too big to sink"

It's the opposite pal. Capeshit is ridiculous because comic books are ridiculous in the first place. It's not like you're adapting high quality material. Nu wars is a disgrace of epic proportions. Just imagine if all capeshit movies have been led by Captain Marvel! That's what we're gettiing with nu-wars

This is a non-argument.

Solo was a dead-on-arrival spin-off that doubled it's hundred million dollar budget during filming (an already troubled production) + being released the same month as Infinity War + terrible promotional material + audiences just saw Han die 3 movies ago + fatigue after getting a SW movie year after year, etc, etc. I don't really think anyone cared to see a Han Solo movie anyways. You can't compare the trajectory of something like Ep. IX with Solo. If you do so, you are literally implying the main reason as to why audiences didn't care to see Solo was because of TLJ, which is just nonsense.

begging you to seek sunlight

How's that billion dollars from Solo going? Don't spend it all in one go

Have sex

Lmao, seething because you got BTFO'd? I could say the same for you, **incel** ;)

Femcel keeps getting exposed


>"You thought I was serious about my constant reeeeing about Nu-Wars failing financially? I was just pretending to be a brainlet!"
>makes another thread about something he says he could care less about

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lmao triggered

I hope you realize I haven't been reading your posts for a while now LMAO

you are ALL incels

>going out of your way to defend a zillion dollar company that cares nothing about you and just wants your money

Im not even upset. I just feel bad for you.

How the fuck is this supposed to be ugly???
She's really cute

post yfw when Based D&D turn Rey into a genocidal murderer and Kylo is the hero who puts her down

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TLJ made $700 millions less than TFA and it was the big comeback of Luke Skywalker. TFA left us on a shamelss cliffhanger which helped TLJ build a lot of hype. TLJ should have made just as much as TFA but it didn't because it was depressive drivel. Now that the old actors are gone and the story is clearly going nowhere there's no incentive to watch 9 except for morbid curiosity. This movie isn't going to make money especially with the word of mouth because everyone already knows it's absolute shit. All the material that have leaked is absolute trash

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More like Rey becomes a genocidal murderer, Kylo remains a bitch and Rose Tico kills snoke

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>It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

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Don’t worry. They are literally killing off the Skywalker bloodline after this movie.

Rey will be the chosen one. The force is female.

Are you still living in last week? D&D are Based and Redpilled now


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Rians movie dont count

So by your definition, defending means pointing out the obvious? M'kay then.

You're giving mainstream audiences way too much credit there. Is this you projecting your own personal thoughts on the film, or what you really think everyone who mindlessly went to see these actually thought? It's going to make more than a billion dollars.


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>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

>she constantly looks like shes shitting herself

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He's just correcting this obviously wrong person. Hating it also constitutes caring btw.

Is called "acting", you incel. Have sex.


Imagine being this retarded, in fact it's so retarded, I'm inclined to believe you're a shill.
>Have sex with a traffic cone.

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I've been wanting to see Rey join the Dark Side.

D&D Gave us a glimpse of what that might look like with their Sith Lord Daenerys.

I personally cannot wait for their Star Wars film.


>muh arguments

Perform intercourse.

wtf she has alot of teeth

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Nah only burger mutts believe that, most bongs would admit she's plain looking

her teeth are fucked up she should've gotten braces when she was younger

they literally had the PERFECT opportunity to do this in TLJ and blew right past it. it was so painfully obvious that the correct way to write the movies was to flip the hero/villain roles, they came right up to doing it and then kept walking because they're too fucking retarded to see a good idea when it WRITES ITSELF INTO THEIR OWN GODDAMN SCRIPTS. it's not going to happen.

Have sex.


Except women and black men don't loathe Star Wars. If anything, all this virtue signaling turned those demograpics away.

fact: black people couldnt care less about stah wahs

'Follow' as in the next movie that will be made, or 'follow' as in takes place after IX and Old Republic will remain unmolested by Disney?

>she constantly "acts" like shes shitting herself
happy now?

They're the perfect choice, really.


I hope they turn Rey evil

the poor girl has rotten ovaries

Rich from RLM was right when he said all Star Wars has is Empire vs Rebels. We're either getting more Empire or First Order era shit because that's all normies know after Kathleen Kennedy learned the wrong lessons from the prequels.

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>How did Disney not realize women and black men LOATHE star wars.
As a black guy I love Star Wars. But I didn't sign up for endlessly rehashed shit, character assassination of Luke, MaRey Sue, and Finn being a shuckin' and jive talkin' stereotype

the ride never fucking ends

nice selfie bro

Problems with episode 8 -
>pointless subplots that go nowhere
>overly subversive plot twists
>character assasination of old characters
>generally poorly written characters
>destroying previously foreshadowed and established plot points for shock value

DnD clearly was the best pick to turn around this mess

I can't tell whose a bigger hack D&D or Rian

I can't wait until we get a transgender-disabled woman in a wheelchair as a Jedi. I'll come back for that.

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