Jamie's arc never happened, he is suddenly back to "Cersei > everything else"

>Jamie's arc never happened, he is suddenly back to "Cersei > everything else"
>The Hound's arc is also undone, suddenly back to "must kill brother" because the writers saw the cleganebowl memes
>Dany does a 180° turn because of some bells going literal mad king and burns innocent civilians
>Greyworm does a 180° too, suddenly a violent murderer
>Norsemen turn into a killing and raping spree for no reason aswell and even attack their beloved Jon Snow
>Dragonfire suddenly doesn't melt stone (remember Harrenhal) but literally explodes stuff
>The Golden Company were maybe a few hundred men
>Varys, Qyburn, Euron all killed off in a rush just because

Who thought of this shit?

Attached: eac84e8072e26a49aa6c77887b3b9ca8[1].jpg (649x365, 34K)

>people can't suddenly change
Based sheltered autist

Have sex incel

bad writing
change should be explained and have consequences/motives that facilitate it.

Characters suddenly changing is certainly helpful for the writers. Consistency and gradual change is hard.

>Cersei > everything else
I'd be like that too if I my wife-sister was carrying my child.

as soon as Bean got killed in season 1 I knew that shit show was gonna be ass when it came to consistency.

what do you mean?

To reel you in.

Wow it's almost as if people go back to their roots like a Targaryan going crazy.

So when the bell rings, Daenerys decides to go kill innocent women and children, after being a righteous protector of innocents for the entire show, instead of rushing the red keep to kill the one person that deserved it. She doesn't even end up killing her directly.

For the entire scene I couldn't stop thinking how dumb, out of character and pointless it was.

It seems like they tried to cram in an entire season worth of character development in one episode.

Imagine not understanding the basic theme of a got episode lmao


enlighten us

The only real complaint is execution and the hound. Everything else has clearly been in the cards and obviously Greyworm was following instructions. He's clearly the only remaining "friend and confidant" she has.

I think it would be within Danys character to have her go directly to the red keep, order her army to continue killing soldiers and march to the red keep and destroy it, but still set her up as the mad queen by having her just burn indiscriminately to make sure she gets Cersei instead of her men apprehending Cersei without bloodshed. It gives purpose to her act but can still paint it as an ultimately unnecessary atrocity.

>Jamie's arc never happened, he is suddenly back to "Cersei > everything else"
Ok That felt a bit forced but I still goes with the whole "inseparable twins" thing they always had.
>The Hound's arc is also undone, suddenly back to "must kill brother" because the writers saw the cleganebowl memes
He always wanted to kill his brother. he made that clear when they were at the Dragonpit a while ago.
>Dany does a 180° turn because of some bells going literal mad king and burns innocent civilians
She was going crazy long before. It feels rushed because everything is compressed but makes perfect sense in hindsight.
>Greyworm does a 180° too, suddenly a violent murderer
No, he always was Mr "I kill my Queen's enemies".
>Norsemen turn into a killing and raping spree for no reason aswell and even attack their beloved Jon Snow
Northmen always were like that.

it happened, and he had no reason to not be with cersei
the hound always hated his brother
dany was always mad, now she's just a queen
gray worm was always a merciless killer
norsemen were also killers and rapists
dragonfire melts and blows shit away
there were more

Dany continueing the attack on the enemy MILITARY and burning down the red keep where there are no civilians but only soldiers and Cersei would have been in character (and still have the same effect: showing her ruthlessness and Tyrion going "oh my god she didnt call off the attack".
But what she did was completely out of character and retarded.

>Dany does a 180 degree turn
This is wrong though. Dany has been fucking crazy and evil for literally the show's entire runtime, kept reeled in and in check by others advising her and her otherwise decent circumstances. Everyone is just fucking stupid and can only see Dany from her own perspective and not the objective way she acts.


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Bran becoming king is stupid, Gendry should be king then they could have the nothing really changes theme

>chains her dragons (her fucking children) away after they kill one kid
>spends months to years to free the slaves of some shithole, even stops her sole ambition and goal for it for a while

yeah nah

The peoples of essos were always niggers and arabs

>After being a righteous protector of innocents
That isn't what Dany is though. Dany is just a power hungry psychopath, and everything she does is a means to an end for more power. The slaves she freed? Done for the sake of building an easily sacrificed army indebted to her.

Dany has always been ruthless and needlessly brutal towards her enemies. The issue is the episode shows her targeting civilians which she has never done before. As other anons have said if she had continued to go after Cersei and Lannister soldiers after the surrender that would be in character for her and an appropriate escalation of her previously established madness. But the writers didn’t know how to display that as evil so they went the easy route and had her needlessly attack civilians.

>Dany does a 180° turn because of some bells going literal mad king and burns innocent civilians
Sure, it was rushed, but how retarded do you have to be to not understand what the term "mad" means?

I've literally seen dozens of you retards claiming that that cannot happen to Dany because she didn't go mad in a rational way.

Yes everything was rushed, but Dany going mad was the most fitting ending fer her that was possible.

greyworm stopped and was ready to take prisoners when the soldiers surrendered but as he sees dany continuing to incinerate the city after the bells rang, it her message to him that anything goes and take no prisoner no survivors mode is activated

If stannis doesn't win i'm putting my bets if griff

>>Norsemen turn into a killing and raping spree for no reason aswell and even attack their beloved Jon Snow
They are a medieval army you retard. Pillage is common

YG won't win but he's going to be pivotal. For instance the Varys and Dorne plots actually make sense.

the mindless pillaging even against orders is pretty believable imo. Happened during the last sack of Rome which wasn’t very long ago

Dany didn't attack innocents, they were guilty of being citizens of a foreign land

If white women don't get the D they basically go insane. This is known

>>Dany does a 180° turn because of some bells going literal mad king and burns innocent civilians
The civilians could have left the city weeks ago.

>>Greyworm does a 180° too, suddenly a violent murderer

He lost the only thing he loved.
He also is a brainwashed and mutilated child soldier. On painkillers.

>>Norsemen turn into a killing and raping spree for no reason aswell and even attack their beloved Jon Snow

Loot and Pussy is a very good reason for a soldier.

>>Dragonfire suddenly doesn't melt stone (remember Harrenhal) but literally explodes stuff

Production costs.. a valid point though.

>>The Golden Company were maybe a few hundred men

Did make no difference anyway. They could have left them away entirely and just announced that Cercei got an additional army of lannister soldiers from wherever.

>>Varys, Qyburn, Euron all killed off in a rush just because

Like the entire KL cast inside baelors cathedral?
Thats how D&D work.

>Jamie's arc never happened, he is suddenly back to "Cersei > everything else"
Stop with this meme. He went back to save Cersei and his child from certain death, not join forces with her. He's still a good man even if he doesn't acknowledge it

>Greyworm does a 180° too, suddenly a violent murderer
He is 100% loyal to Daenerys now that his only "distraction" is dead, so he'll just follow her lead to whatever It is

>Norsemen turn into a killing and raping spree for no reason aswell and even attack their beloved Jon Snow
What the hell are you talking about? Is only reasonable that they resent and hate southerns for killing Ned and Rob.

>after being a righteous protector of innocents for the entire show

This was the dumb and out of character part.. the last episode corrected that finally.

Tyrion rats on Varys and gets him executed - is there A SINGLE PERSON who thinks this is plausible after watching them for 8 seasons?