Is it kino?

Will I enjoy this as a 23 year old man? Is it actually any good or do only nostalgiafags praise it?

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You need to have sex

I think it's funny and charming.

However it's extremely bloated thanks to the 'monster of the week' format coupled with minimal character/story progression per episode.

I would give it a try, but would not even dream of marathoning it.

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It's fine, but deeply flawed and has an expecially bad pace.
There are much better magial girls anime out there. Even absolute kino ones.

If you didn't watch it as a kid, you're not going to enjoy it as an adult. It's pretty cringy dubbed or subbed.

No, it's made for little girls.

Its got great character and background art. And the slice of life stuff is comfy

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The creator of this (forgot her name) is married to Togashi

SAILORWAVE > Sailor Moon

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I watched the first season with my ex, because she was practically obsessed with the show. It's not terrible, but nothing special. I liked the look of the show's art, like the backgrounds. Overall I found the story to be pretty bland. Standard monster of the week fare.

Jupiter a best

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I have only experienced this show from Ranma fanfic crosses, Dungeon keeper Ami and busting literally uncountable loads to Black Dogs doujins.

Anubis is my favourite.

Watch RGU

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If you're going in worried about your manhood and cred you might not enjoy it.
If you're going in with some other faggots opinions you might not enjoy it.
The dub is dated and sterilized for American consumption.
All I can tell you is to just fucking watch it and see.

Don't know how to rate the lesbians since they were censored in my country and I barely saw them

It's a timeless classic. Very influential work on anime as well. Not every episode is an award winner but it is consistently good.

it pushed the career of Kunihiko Ikuhara and currently airing there is an Anime by him Sarazanmai

Is this one about lesbians too?

Add Escaflowne to the list, too!

It won’t be any worse than trying to sit down and watch DBZ as an adult.

Kino animation. I miss 90s anime.

Are there not even good English subs of the original somewhere out there?

>tfw mom didnt let me watch it because the skirts were too short
i had to fucking watch mona the vampire

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It was probably for the best. It either would've turned you into a sexual degenerate constantly making your girlfriends cosplay for you because you want to fuck Sailor Moon or it would've triggered dysphoria in you because want to be Sailor Moon.

It was just one of those moment in time things. It came out when anime wasn't very accessible so this was a lot of folks first exposure to cute anime girls.

Wrong. Watching sailor moon simply gives you a sense of justice and appreciation for quality women.

used to fap to this as a kid
it seemed so flashy, unconventional, and avant garde back then

If it's made for little girls, then I'm a little girl.

The latter, definitely the latter. Oh God how much the latter.

Ranma 1/2 triggered dysphoria in me.
Have no regrets. It was great.

reminder that sailor mercury is subjectively and objectively the worst girl of the group
she is a slut and a whore

If you want to watch a magical girl show that has appeal to older audiences you should definitely check out the Nanoha series, it was made with the intention to have some appeal to both younger and older audiences.

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Just watch CardCaptor Sakura instead

>all these "men" ITT that proudly watch cartoons explicitly for little girls
The West is fucked...

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What should I rather watch? Shonen? Game of thrones?

It's very episodic. Maybe too much if you have no nostalgia for it. Try watching it once a week, monster of the week shows were fun as a weekly thing. I watch Super Sentai like thst sometimes.

How about something not pandering to the lowest common denominator?

torrent sites

I saw stuff like this and Cardcaptor when I was 5 and it never occured to me that it was a "girl" show. It reminded alot of the other stuff that was on like power rangers.

Mars is a bully

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I bet you watch gay capeshit featuring muscular men in tight clothes

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>t. never watched some kino mahou shoujo
I'm most likely more knowledgeable than you about arthouse cinema anyway

Mercury is an idiot. She deserves all of it.
Nice digits.

its actually about gay teen boys

>not posting the animated version

Who else always hoped that there are panty shots in the episode or nude scenes?

Goddammit Hikuhara is that literally all you are capable of writing about?!

just die already boomer

I'm 27 and enjoyed it very much. The circus arc is a bit meh but overall pretty enjoyable.
There are pantyshots

transformation is technically a nude scene.

>There are pantyshots
I know. As a kid it was the first time ever that a cartoon showed naked girls and their panties. Sailor Moon is responsible for my hentai addiction.



There is at least one bath scene with Usagis tits being shown as far as I remember

There's something about shows for little girls that is also appealing to men.

It aged pretty horribly.

Much better to watch one of the recent PreCure seasons.

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it was good for it's time, like most anime. If you were born a zoomer you won't enjoy it

Maho shoujo is far better than capeshit.


Asians do this for decades and future belongs to Asia. In 20 years it will be the norm everywhere.

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You're think of PreCure. Nanoha is explicitly aimed at the late night anime crowd.

God I hate “will I enjoy threads”. Literally just watch an episode and if you like it keep watching. Not that difficult.

should I watch capeshit or space capeshit instead?

Can we import asian's racism too at least? I'd eat dogs and rice for the rest of my life as long as I don't have to deal with niggers any longer.

probably too progressive for you

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Fuck you I liked it

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does that lady have a mustache?


gag me with a spoon

Congratulations, you have autism!

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This cute boy(female) will steal you're waifu

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>posting the soulless crystal version

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comfy but not kino

Season 3 was good.
Chibi Usa saved the show for me.


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>when chibi usa gets naked in front of a unicorn

I agree

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That was truly kino!

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>Hank Hill ass

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So many good times!

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I fapped several times to Jupiter.



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This show presents you with the ideal woman.

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That's not Sailor Pluto


No u

Spongebob, everything before the 1st movie

Makoto is strong, cute, funny and she'd do anything for the guy she likes, so yeah, she's the best girl.

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What was the last good era of cartoon network/toonami here?

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It's good

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>the virgin Usagi vs the chad Nanoha

best taste

Threesome with Venus and Jupiter when?

Who was in the wrong here?

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In 2009

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no, it's for boomers

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>Usagi: C'mon kid, rape the bear!
>Rei: No, that's disgusting!
>Bear: Geez, I just came for the ride.

no, it aged poorly

Which of these girls did you like as a kid boomers?

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britney spears was the only girl i wanted to fuck in the late 90s

Ami Yummi.

For real, ib the american dub they changed a lot of plot points and made a lot of weird edits, watch the japanese version.

Also, a lot of monster of the week filler episodes, you can skip a lot of them

Buffy was and still is a legitimately good show. Few weak seasons sure but it was on for like 8 and most of them were good.


>first season Buffy best Buffy

Yes its good.
Only watch sub.

>Yuuichirou was funny and polite in JP
>Just another surfer dudebro in english


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watch Shin-Chan or Cromartie Highschool

dont be a faggot

What's the best way to watch it, friend?

>monster of the week filler episodes
Those had much soul tho

Download the SMC torrents on Nyaa.

The epitome of plain jane baka

It's The Lord of The Rings for girls.

Xena and Sailor Saturn

I'm sorry anons, but. She is still the best.

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Me and my sister used to fap under the blankets during the transformation sequences. Don't think our parents ever caught us

She's also history's greatest monster.
She literally takes over the Earth and forces immortality onto everyone. Kids don't age and stay kids forever.

What a slut

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was her your brother back then?

Kids age normally, Chibi Usa was just a bit retarded for a 900 years old.

>Kids don't age and stay kids forever.
I fail to see the problem.

If you mean time passes then yes, but Chibiusa for example is just shy of 1,000 years old and never went through puberty.
They apparently never age mentally either if Chibiusa is the standard.

>NTR Tuxedo Mask with Moonlight Knight
Yeah, what a slut!

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i forget the name of bottom right, what was it?

I enjoyed it as a 24 year old man but I have a sub 5 inch penis.

I would put a baby in Makoto, Minako, and Setsuna. I would make Rei watch.

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I'd have all 10 of them in my personal harem.

You're not going to enjoy it if you're a mature sane 23 year old male with decent moral standards

you can't

>has an expecially bad pace.

you anger me.
the pacing is literally the best thing about SM, the first season in particular.

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there is nothing wrong with enjoying those legs

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What's wrong with your own board? Also the episodes arent exactly long and you arent exactly busy. Just watch a couple and decide for yourself rather than asking the pseuds on here ISSS DISH KINOOO!!!??? and then fucking off back to Yea Forums with someone elses opinions.

why nobody of Usagi familly have their hair the same color?

Skip the intro, transformations and outro and each episode is a good 5 minutes. You can binge a whole season.

Jupiter's thinking damn that's one hung benis

>decent moral standards

the entire show is about using magic powers to vaporize degenerates who are trying to take advantage of nice normal denizens of tokyo.

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>Skip the transformations
But these are the best parts

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Escaflowne is one of the only animes that would make for a god-tier kino live action HBO adaptation.

Magical Knights of Rayearth or whatever might be cool for you if you like fantasy. I read some of the manga back in like 2000-2001. It was cool, very RPG-ish with them getting upgrades to gear and all that. Not sure how it panned out in the long run. Only saw like 2 eps of the anime.

Rayearth is amazing.
Hikaru is mai waifu.

I'm here to talk about what Neptune is the best.

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>Go in expecting cute girls doing cute things
The show has everything.

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I really enjoyed Usagi putting these two rude dikes in their place at the end of S3.

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based and bullypilled

i can still hear the techno music in my head

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They always knew their place. She was rude.

check out that hip 90s style with the mom jeans

Sabrina the Teenage Bitch

shes literally a dyke

>watching cartoons at the age of 23
if you do this, this is the only cartoon you should watch

>ever watching a dub other than for comedic purposes
shiggy riggy diggy my niggy. nothing kills my interested as badly as hearing a goofy ass american voice over instead of the original japanese

She's literally not.

>listening to jap talk
you cant be serious can you? the only thing worse then gook speak is german

dubs are literally soulless, you just have a bad habit.

>It's better when I can't understand what they're saying

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>what are subs for

You still can't understand what they're SAYING? Know what I'm saying?


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except i can because its on the screen
it's a special kind of uncultured when you can't stand something in its original form just because it's in another language. you are literally watching something entirely different in this case, too.

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You can't be a dyke if you are straight.

I will literally fuck her till shes straight

>he thinks the subs are what they are actually saying

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She's already straight.

she wont F you, incel

>moving the goalposts

Oh please. All you need to be is 6 foot plus and mildly attractive and Mako-chan will jump your bones.

The only thing i liked were the opening songs of sailor moon and Xena
I guess i was to manly

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That's literally what he was saying. Since you don't actually speak the language you don't know what they are saying.

ok strawmanning samefag


Usagi Tsukino is the best anime wife of all time!

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Usagi isnt even best Sailor senshi.
Its Makoto

Watched a lot of Buffy in my early teens (and fapped to it too)