What are some joints and flicks?

What are some joints and flicks?

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every time

Anything to move the spotlight from the pedophile epidemic among Jews.

pedophilia is not a crime

Disregard all those brown Muslims with child brides.

white countries tend to be the only ones that criminalise fucking kids.

I know this is glownigger speak but someone needs to start rounding up the people behind these channels being shilled by that cunt CEO in YouTube trending like those makeup fags, the channel that has kids sitting down with pedos and drag queens and abortionists, and the channel where 50 people get in a line to talk about all the degenerate shit they've done because they were raised by shit parents and how proud they are of it all, take them all out into the street and start shooting them on livestreams. Literally drag them out into the street and start shooting them.

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It should be

Fucking JEWS!

I tried googling this but only bank robber showed up


t. Assblasted pedo scum.

Crystal is my waifu

which one is that?



I think it's a very sad state of affairs when I need to check if this video was real.

pedophiles love children so is that really such a bad thing?

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wow she's just like my animes

based and truly redpilled

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Yes, also weak bait

>wah wah we should kill all people a blame for being an autistic failure of an incel

There are more pedos in Yemen alone than is all white countries combined.

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Reminder that Jesus was a pedo

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All wh*toids need to get the Dany treatment

i wish i had a daughter to teach masturbation

They haven't been convicted. Pay attention.

me too

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Because only white countries persecute pedophiles

Please, please you’re all Central Asians. Be nice to your fellow pedo brethren

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(((Who))) could be behind this?

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this, pedophilia ain't even a mental disorder
a "convicted pedophile" would technically be most straight men that were at some point convicted by whatever minor misconduct

Say that shit in public sometime faggot.

>b-but the other guys!
Typical white, deflecting the problem onto others.


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Stop bullying people who have never commited a crime

>b-but it's the whites
Typical kike, trying to normalize degeneracy.


Objectively, no
However, PEDO HYSTERIA is a powerful mass manipulation tool, so don't expect msm opinion to change anytime soon

thomas jefferson was a pedophile too though, he raped one of his underage slaves

Pedo hysteria is going overboard, to the points where the kids simply don't trust their parents advice because they know instinctively their isn't any threat.

does anyone else hate jews?

>whiteknighting for faggot child fuckers

meh 20 years from now its gonna be pedosexuality anyways

so any straight male that isn't a psycho rapist is now "virtuous"?

>sex toys
What in the actual fuck is going on anymore.Why would you encourage sex toys to a kid holy shit I'm angry again

If you find this attractive you are mentally ill.

>Comparing his struggle with minorities like blacks

If you don't find this attractive, you are gay.

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That's actually slander from one of jefferson's political opponent.

how did she have an interracial child then?

IIRC it was Jefferson's cousin

Pedo hysteria is intentional to make girls whores. All girls get their crush on the same boy in class, and naturally, only one of them (if any) actually ends up with them. In fact, to compete with each other they try to set their friends up with lesser males.

When they don't get chad and were never hugged as a child they develop intense self-esteem issues, and will fuck ANYONE who gives them any attention. Naturally after being pumped and dumped they have to reject concepts like love and encourage their peers to do the same, lest they remind them of how garbage they are. (you will never see woman seethe as much as they do when they find out a friend is still a virgin)

In fact, children who are hypersexual are always products of parental neglect. They aren't hugged enough so they camwhore for attention. Reminder kids crave attention from adults, neglected kids fucking starve so they want you to pay attention to them.

So she wasn't even a child then? How's he a pedophile, retard?

"actually its ephebophilia"



You are applying modern moral standarts to a very different age, stop being retarded.

And the dude even looks like the stereotypical pedo. There are only 2 places i want pedos to be at, on the couch of a therapist or behind bars.

It's funny that as people try to repress child sexuality it finds escape valves, the amount of little girls (not just older teens but really little girls) that go on livestream services to do sexual stuff is staggering, you can't have a livestream service without thousands of young girls and boys getting naked and masturbating on cam.

>even has a hook for a hand

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>stereotypical pedo

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Black families don't rat on their black daddies that diddle their little kids, it happens but black people hate the police so nothing ever gets reported, happens with mexican families too.

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How could I not report this to the janitors? Fucking kill yourself sick fuck

By being a brainlet NPC pussywhiped by feminists, of course.

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Personally when a cute little girl i'm not related to is affectionate with me, like they try to sit on my lap and hug me I feel awkward. Like "this one isn't mine" and I instinctively put them down. I don't like strange lolis.

>waaah jannies save me! he's posting little girls again!
Can normie redditors get any more pathetic?

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You have just internalized the fear of being seen as a pedo by other NPCs.

You're mentally ill

My sisters friends daughter constantly play fights with me and I always feel awkward about it, I don't want people thinking i'm a pedo which probably makes me come across more awkward


yikes talk about an overreaction

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>literal cp being deleted left and right, but thread's still up
based mods

But I'm totally fine with family members and know the mom thinks I'm a pedo, I don't care about her hysteria and he daughters keep making ignoring her insistence to stop talking to me and also won't even listen to me when I ask them to listen to their mom.

Maybe if she told them to stay away from me when they met me like 5 years ago they might not have pair bonded.

not saying i disagree

>White people deserve a nation of their OWNED
>Kiddy diddlers talking to children

I hate jews so much.

is this a real video???
is there also one of former drug addicts being surrounded by drugs?

check out this cp

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I remember when this was being made.

>literal cp

OP here, I have a confession to make

It's jannies, janny needs to wait for lazy mods to ban people, so all he can do it delete posts. if they just nuke the thread no one gets banned.

No, this video does not exist

i'm your fool

Imagine thinking pedophilia is bad

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that's Sam not me

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little girls are literally angels sent to earth by god himself

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It's an edit


>introducing Asian lolis to obese pedos

I actually wish that video was real, that would interesting.

Yup, most pure and valuable thing in the world. Their fall from grace after they have their "period" (aka they make a deal with the devil) is the most tragic thing in all existence.

Wholeheartedly agree :^)

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Based and punisherpilled

poor jannies

truly based

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wow, you must be a hella oldfag!

Is this the cunnyposter?

>report thread
>still up


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>so any straight male that isn't a psycho rapist is now "virtuous"?
Can't you see the difference? Any male has easy access to all the porn in the world and can pay a whore to have sex if he wants to have some relief.

>tfw no turtle daughterfu


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Lads, summer

Who doesn't

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cunnybros will be found in boardrooms, penthouses, concert halls, etc.

you won't find them espousing any perversions or begging for forgiveness

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unbelievably based

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