How fucked are >we?
How fucked are >we?
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wtf is hulu?
Does this mean they’ll bring back punisher and put it on Hulu?
Fuck Disney Jesus Christ, they need to stop buying everything up.
you are a moron
this just means every content maker will have its own streaming site and amazon and netflix will die off
disney+ (for kids)
hulu fox/disney (for adults)
warner bros
everyone on that list has a subdivision with at least 80 years of content
netflix and amazon are dead as fuck
cable is dead as fuck
How do you stop them?
shut up, yuri, americans are talking
no, Disney is contractually obligated to air NBCUniversal content through 2024, but who knows what Disney+ might do in the future.
oh boy cant wait for all the new shows that subvert my expectations written by beta hacks
thanks capitalism
netflix owns the rights to those shows forever
marvel/disney can make their own version of those characters but they cant use them for 2 to 3 years
lmao hulu has been awful since it started
By not using their services and not giving them your money
how does that make him a moron?
you are getting more choice with what is happening, not less
>mutts discussing garbage nobody gives a shit about other than them
No one is going to subscribe to 20 different streaming services.
Late stage capitalism at its finest. Everything will be owned by one company before the century is over
they've had majority control for a long time now, so literally nothing is going to change.
Amazon ain't going nowhere. They got that Prime membership safety net. Netflix will be in trouble though.
it'll be 10 max
itll still be cheaper than cable
>Amerifats have laws in place to stop Monopolies
>Let Disney buy everything under the sun because "MUH AVENGERS"
>they've had majority control for a long time now
no they haven't, it was comcast, now they're buying comcast's share
This is correct.
It was the brainchild of Jeff Zucker, who (1) was president of NBC at the time, (2) oversaw Conan's disastrous takeover of the Tonight Show, followed by Conan quitting, and the disastrous hiring of idiot puppetboy Jimmy Fallon, and (3) no runs another famous entertainment network, CNN.
While Hulu must carry NBC's stuff on the service through 2024, I'm sure changes are coming and since the network that created this shitshow finally gave control to someone else, I'm curious to see if it will get (a) better, or (b) worse.
Choosing which service to subscribe to is not a choice, arjun
>everyone on that list has a subdivision with at least 80 years of content
fuck copyright term enabling all this shit. Public broadcast should be the biggest streaming service offering everything that rightfully belongs in the public domain.
isn't it in some industry sectors only? Like financial or aerospace
Complain to the SEC that why isn't disney ever investigated.
At some point disney will buy every single one of these companies.
And they’ll have commercials so they can pass the savings onto you!
An ad delivery platform.
The entirely of Hollywood is tiny compared to a single large ISP.
cable is indeed, dead. however:
>hulu fox/disney (for adults)
you don't know it will be for adults, you're guessing
they still own a 33% share in Hulu through 2024
They don't have a streaming service that I'm aware of, though don't they own part of the CW, and their shitty app?
No streaming service, though there is now a Paramount Network (formally, I think, Spike?). But as mentioned, Cable is Dead.
It has two shows I want to watch on it, but I'm not paying for it. Ever. Neither is anyone else.
>The deal allows Disney to expand its content, especially for streaming services. In addition to a majority stake in Hulu that it will have once the deal closes, Disney is preparing to launch two separate streaming services, one for sports and another focusing on entertainment.
Disney had 30% and Fox had 30% and when Disney bought Fox Disney had 60%. They've had the power to do literally whatever they wanted with the platform for multiple years now.
It’ll be full Demolition Man, where every TV show and movie is made by Disney and the only restaurants are Taco Bells.
elect a democrat
mostly true, they're buying Comcast's controlling interest, but Comcast retains 33% in the service through 2024, at which point Comcast is contractually obligated to either sell it to Disney, or if Disney refuses, sell it to someone else at fair market value.
Most of Hollywood is owned by large ISPs. No matter how big Disney gets, they’re still tiny compared to comcast, time Warner, at&t, etc
>every TV show and movie is made by Disney
>and the only restaurants are Taco Bells.
Amazon has been padding their library with all sorts of fucking anime. Its all I see when I open the app now.
I bet Amazon will eventually snap up VRV/Crunchroll and take over the anime/weeb market.
Disney can potentially go apeshit, Disney+ and Hulu can basically saturate every single market available, and you know they're either going to make or loop ESPN stuff into one of the services.
WB, NBC, CBS, Sony and Paramount will eventually probably have to succumb to it or do some sort of small partnership deal.
NBC is owned by universal. Universal is owned by Comcast. NBC doesn’t have to worry about a single thing. same goes for time Warner, as all this wheeling and dealing by Disney has barely pushed them past one of the smallest ISPs.
It’s like you people think most of Hollywood isn’t already owned by much larger companies and Disney is doing something other than running around collecting scraps.
Alphabet is worth twice what Disney is and, for some reason, people think Disney is some sort of monopoly on entertainment.
Is subvert expectations the new meme buzzword/phrase? I feel like I've heard it 5 million times since the GOT season 8 shit started.
Hello and welcome to Yea Forums. Please leave.
Disney planning their new streaming service after buying all the content.
That's right, goyim, capitalism is the way.
They're just behind the times, in that Sony and Paramount have decided to start cable channels in the last five years, which is the equivalent of having an aol.com email address.
Meanwhile NBC and CBS have streaming services but they are fucking terrible, the DC of streaming services.
nbcu is starting their streaming service in a couple of years
hulu only has the rights to most of the shows for a couple of years then its a pay for play, and will most likely just go to nbcu
warners streaming service is coming late this year/early next year
sony has the playstation network and crackle but will likely combine both
the only one up in the air is viacom/paramount it might be bought up but I doubt it.
true facts, though they do need content. Literally no one is picking up CBS streaming or whatever it's called.
It IS cute how Disney+ is starting at like 5 bucks a month or whatever, and there are people out there right now who think that won't go up.
I don't get it the premise of these threads; So what if Disney owns it? Disney owns a lot of things I don't think about and I don't think about Hulu at all.
What's the quick rub down?
So Disney+ is for kids, capeshit, and nuWars
Hulu for everything else?
These threads are made by people who live in assisted living facilities for the mentally disabled and think because the only thing showed at movie night are Disney productions, that Disney has a monopoly on entertainment.
Some Chinese lightbulb company
Are you trying to say this a slide thread? Please use your words.
Don't watch their shit.
>not pirating everything
>NBC doesn’t have to worry about a single thing. same goes for time Warner
This is very dangerous thinking if a company actually subscribes to it. Mouse won't stop snapping shit up any time soon, whether it be garbage or gold
Exactly, Disney is the media equivalent of the Borg.
Disney+ is all G-rated disney/fox stuff
Plus all PG rated disney/fox stuff that isnt too edgy
(The Simpsons is fine, but Futurama isnt)
Plus all NuWars and RealWars
and all MCU stuff, not all of Marvel
so anything that is Marvel TV (not under the purview of Feige is on HULU)
All other PG-13 plus R stuff will be on Hulu
Disney isn’t snapping up anything. They’re running around buying scraps. Hollywood is dying because of the internet. No matter how much of Hollywood Disney buys, they still won’t hold a candle to Verizon, google, at&t, or Comcast. As the only reason these chunks are up for sale is because the people who owned them before see the writing on the wall.
Hulu has been hemorrhaging subscribers for years, they tried to offset that with commercials, which caused them to lose even more subscribers. As the lack of commercials is the primary reason streaming is even a thing.
This is the only company that won't be worried (along with the parent company Alphabet)
Everyone else is fair game user. People said mouse would die back in the 2000's but its stronger than ever.
>how fucked are we
They're literally just buying it so they can host everything from hulu on their service. Not fucked in the slightest.
>he doesn't know that Disney made the laws
No one legit wants Disney to own everything.
who the fuck even uses hulu other than 40 year old wine aunts?
I use it cause I’m too lazy to torrent old episodes of the amazing race or survivor.
Buy Disney stock boys
They dont retard there are still 10+ other content producers, some with 100 year deep catalogs.
Dont we have laws in place to prevent this sort of thing? What ever happened to busting up monopolies?
Last one I remember was AT&T back in the 80s but thats it. MS doesnt count because they only got a slap on the wrist.
Future Man is great. Almost the only show with loving parents
>ISPs worth three to four times what Disney will ever be worth are fair game
Did you know you’re kinda stupid?
Go look at the Fortune 500 list.
No one who isn’t retarded thinks Disney even remotely resembles a monopoly. For the entirety of Hollywood is worth less than comcast. For ISPs are the actual power in entertainment right now.
>this is somehow good
not even communist but nah fuck outta here with this bullshit
Google has tried to brand YouTube into a streaming service.
If I were them I would buy Disney
No one wants Disney. That’s why they’re safe.
Congress is too busy crying about Russia to stop The Mouse.
these will be coming back together soon
It's the same as before: Pay multiple companies money every month to see shitty shows and movies. Before, the cable companies were the middlemen.
But you keep thinking it's about "choice". You're an addict, but instead of drugs, you mainline shitty tv shows.
>Disney purchases Hulu, effectively immediately
The autist in me is satisfied now there is a clear owner
is something wrong with american laws? why are you letting disney buy up everything? they will have a monopoly on 'entertainment' soon
The USA stopped enforcing those laws a long time ago. Today it's all about national champions, huge mega corps with loads of donation money for both parties.
>They don't have a streaming service that I'm aware of, though don't they own part of the CW, and their shitty app?
They have the DC streaming but apparently they're also thinking of making a WB streaming (which is why the DC streaming is uncertain to have a future since it could end up being merged)
You're right. People will subscribe to one, and pirate the other shows, which is what already happens.
Will I lose my free Hulu access with Sprint?