Animation kino is back on the menu boys

>From the Emmy-winning creator of Samurai Jack - Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal comes to AdultSwim this Fall [

Attached: primal-publicity-h_2019.jpg (768x433, 33K)

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It's beautiful

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shame it's not on Toonami tho just regular [as]

Well I don't know. Hopefully the main character will talk, not the biggest fan of cavesploitation like One Million Years BC no matter how much you try to challenge yourself with non-verbal communication you risk making your characters too unsympathetic or uninteresting. I don't know at least it looks fine. I thought it was some update on this.

The only good show on AS is Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

Actually he doesn't have to talk we shouldn't expect Conan. It may just be a bunch of shorts like Clone Wars so it's more like an art piece rather than narrative.

I just want Korgath for fucks sake

Maybe it’s because you’re too autistic to understand body language. You ever thought about that?

you're retarded

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looks like kino

i wonder if it will be as shit as nujack

>perplexed that someone doesn't share his love for long hours of grunts and non-verbal forms of communication
Funny you mention that.

> non-avian dinosaurs + early man
> all the dinosaurs probably won't have feathers, science now suggests that most of them had them and were a bit more bird like
> they probably live in a more tropical/southern climate, but everyone is light skinned

Damn, wish shows didn't always pull this one. I would give my left arm to watch an animated show about an earlier human species, not some generic 'Hollywood's idea of a caveman' thing. Where they're JUST learning how to talk by expressing concepts as words, building the first shelters, just starting to travel north, etc. Why do shows about prehistoric man have to be so historically inaccurate? Do these shows really need to have a T-rex to be entertaining??

That being said this show still looks good as fuck, it being historically inaccurate isn't a huge deal. It's just a bit of a shame that it's adding to the typical caveman meme though. I mean if you're going to play around with the time periods you could at least make the dinosaurs look more accurate, doing so would only make the show more visually interesting and fun.


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Sorry, it sucked. We can do better.

It had promise

Something to look forward to. This seems like a winner.

Korgoth was just Thundarr with self-awareness and blood.

It did but it went full parody. But it was a pilot episode.
What was that other one?
King Star King?

>I didn't like it, therefore it sucked.
Your opinion means nothing to me.

Familiar protagonist

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Anyone seen this weird fucking movie?

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Genndy is the only competent storyboarder left in western animation.


So did the first season of Venture Brothers.

fuck off featherfag

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Fire and ice? Yeah.

so... an edgy turok without guns, dino sidekick pets and no hot chicks?


Would rather have cadillacs & dinos over this.

That's a good point.
Counterpoint Superjail started strong then fizzled out.

cadillacs and dinos is legendary can't compare it to dinosaur samurai jack

>Samurai Jack
You people are fucking stupid.

So what's better?

>without guns, dino sidekick pets and no hot chicks?
It's only a 30 second trailer dude

>Was also going to make a post bemoaning lack of guns and comparing to Turok and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Are you me?

Dexter's Lab.

with a monkey man as a lead.
yeah no.

Ok I understand. You are on a Tarkovsky scale while I was on a Sword & Sorcery scale.
I'm a solid DL appreciator.

yep. Saw a music video of it on /wsg/ which led me to finding it on the internet. Cool old-school animation and tropes.

I was hoping for an autistic discussion but instead this dude just tells me to fuck of REEE
Life is hard.

Based poster

Attached: 1983-fire-and-ice-poster1.jpg (580x904, 123K)

Good watch too


>Anyone seen this weird fucking movie?
I posted a mega for it here a couple weeks ago.

You mean Xenozoic Tales, right zoomers?

The only good fantasy film Bakshi ever did (femeinists hate it ´cause "muh sexism")

you fuckers remember KORGOT OF BARBARIA.
wish that show had been made instead of only getting one pilot episode!

Attached: korgoth.jpg (948x1300, 143K)

More based than weird for today's standards.Basically Heavy Metal without the music and sex