Be me 3 years ago

>Be me 3 years ago
>Start writing a script for a TV-series based on the Chernobyl accident because I've always been a nuclearfag
>Spend countless hours studying about radiation, USSR history, Russian language, 80s politics, etc. in order to write a faithful non-biased adaptation of the disaster.
>Script is actual decent altough a bit corny.
>Characters include:
>Yurii, a firefighter who lives in Chernobyl and gets an urgent call about some incident on the Nuclear Reactor. Why putting the fires out he sees his best friend Marius and his superior Vselovod die. While evacuating people from the power plant he passes out. He wakes later in a hospital with wounds causes by the radiation while he grieves the death of his fallen comrades.
>Sergey, a day-turn nuclear engineer who lives in Prypiat and is the first to notice something is going wrong on the central. He tells her wife Anastasia to go home with their daughter to Lviv. After that he goes to the house of his best friend Vasily to ask for his help since he has a higher rank and can enter the central at any hour.
>A group of young lads from Ekaterimburg whose sergeant tells them to pack up the day after the incident and go inside the trucks. The boys think they're going to Kiev to do some military drills but they were in fact recruited to help clean the contaminated area. Aka the Liquidators
>Andrei, one night-turn engineer who survived the explosion and risks his life trying to cut the water from the damaged pipes so the contamination doesn't expands more than necessary
>A politician from Kiev who loves to watch soccer and whose incompetence makes the whole think more messy than it should be

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>Write a good deal of the script
>It's actually kino
>Tell my Russian friend about it
>"What? A tv series about the Chernobyl accident? You know that shit has been done to death, right? Nobody will want such an unoriginal idea"
>Ragequit and delete the file out of frustration.
>Months of work instantly destroyed

3 years pass

>MFW when I hear some dude made a TV-series about the Chernobyl incident
>MFW when it almost follows line per line my intended script
>MFW when people actually do enjoy it and call it one of the best TV-series of the last years

This is not a pasta. This did happen to me

you're delusional

RBMK reactors don't explode.

You have shitty friends and you are retarded for deleting something that you thought to be good just because someone told you its not. You kind of deserved this

get to the infirmary, you've been BURNED

cope and have sex

Sure mate

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>faithful non-biased adaptation of the disaster
So not what the TV-show is doing.
You can still make yours.

Nice blog

Not great, not too bad, I've seen worse.

Not great, but not terrible.


if it weren't for Max Brod, Kafka's friend who published his works in stead of burning them like he was told, we wouldn't have to suffer quasi-intellectuals throwing around the word "kafkaesque" to show how smart they are

Nobody likes it, literal paid shills are making the exact same threads and posts for a week.
Also trying to force their shitty memes

I know. I fully accept that. It was a stupid decision. I just thought nobody would want to hear about Chernobyl yet again. Guess I was wrong

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill

the fa/tv/irgin's guide to coping with the world

Write a sequel about Fukushima and sell it to Amazon

>delete the file out of frustration

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Thanks user. I could but everyone would think I just copied the tv-show. I'll better write something else. At least now I know my original idea wasn't as bad as I though

So everyone should boycott watching the thief.
