Howard Stern

Was he the first redpilled celeb?

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Literal Schizoid paranoid Jew

what if the tru redpill is pretending to be bluepilled


bald kike


"Red Pilled" doesn't really apply to Jews. They grew up knowing, so they can't have an ideological awakening.

more like jewpilled amirite

Sal and Richard carried the show so fucking hard

He's lucky his voice translates to radio so smoothly, it's his strongest feature.

Literally a gatekeeper; how could you even consider otherwise?

sage this crap- new howard book coming out, and howard threads are multiple times a day. fuck your marketing

Howard submitted to the politically correct, even his interviews rarely tend to be any good anymore.

>won’t play old episodes with politically incorrect shit on them anymore
>won’t have Gilbert Gottfried on anymore because he called Obama a nigger a decade ago
>got married to a gold digger after swearing he’d never get married again
>went from shitting on A-list celebrities all the time and calling them out to desperately kissing their asses



fucking retard lol

I would say Artie carried it more

He’s King Cuck of Sellout Mountain. Wake up, faggot.

Artie was a piece of shit. Unfunny junkie. Can't believe anyone cared about that fag

they're ripping me off robin oh hoh

Saw his bit on Sunday morning
>m-muh mental health
Gotta get those victim upbotes now that it's in vogue

you can say he was a shitty person but he definitely provided a lot of material for the show

When? The time he was hungover and sleeping, the times he was high and nodding off, or the times where he made off beat jokes with no consistency in his disgusting voice? Artie was fucking awful, a liar, and he's only showed his true colors as the time has passed.

To be fair Wiggy has some deep rooted issues. Not only does he have a victim complex, he has years and years of mentally abusing people for his own benefit that has finally caught up to him. He has only just realized how big of a piece of shit he is. He still does incredibly celebrity interviews and he no longer acts like an egotistical maniac the whole time. At least he tries. Still a piece of shit though

>is X redpilled?
Hi, ShareBlue. As always, learn what terms mean before you use them.

>pulled the youtube clips of him and Artie asking JJ Abrams about whether Steven Spielberg or Tom Cruise's adopted black kids are blacker
>yo my dad directed jaws bitch
>yo my dad's a theta seven

Wheres the best place to watch classic Stern? He's basically separated himself from those shock jockey days

He's now saying he was angry at the hypocritical white Christians moving out of his neighborhood as it became black.

>tips wigdora