Absolutely disgusting. If I didn't already ban my kids from media with non-human protagonists...

Absolutely disgusting. If I didn't already ban my kids from media with non-human protagonists, this show would definitely not be allowed in my house

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just a warning. They'll eventually grow up rebel against you and become furries.


Never trust a RAT

god hates fags

>X happened and its Y and then Z happened and thats a good thing

This should be publishable by death.

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Ratburn was known to be gay for a long time.

...why do you ban your kids from media with non-human protagonists?

If liberals ever take over America again they will push this shit in schools. Little boys will be taught to dress in drag and will be given female hormones by the school nurse.

Who is the internet?

can't wait for the episode where Arthur has to overcome his fear of getting in trouble and finally admit to his parents that Ratburn is molesting him and he doesn't feel good about it.

You're not allowed to not like mint ice cream.

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We have a daughter who watches Arthur, and my wife is extremely torn on this episode. She thinks that tolerance is fine and all but she's also worried about our daughter learning about homosexuality before she's more mature.

>...why do you ban your kids from media with non-human protagonists?
nta but I feel that children who are presented with an abundance of "talking animal" media have a harder time understanding the behaviors and expectations of real-world animals than their peers.

How do we know thats a man?

please kill yourself

You too, you fucking dense creep.

Arthur is still on the air? I thought that show had long since ended.

Everyone knew that nigga was gay. Look at those sweaters

Why is Yea Forums mad as fuck over some forgetting as cartoon?
I thought SJW's were the one's that got easily triggered...

Why are white people ao fucking stupid? What's gonna happen if she learns gay people exist at an early age? Fucking white?

Based Ratburn

Look. It's the the tolerant, loving, left.

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i wonder how many straight marriages were on Arthur

SJWs created a culture in which whining is the only way to get what you want. The war is over. You sat on the sidelines then, trying to pretend you care now is pointless.

Retards like you probably shouldn't have kids.

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It's ok to be white.
Except when it isn't, right?

Attached: Except when it isn't.jpg (640x336, 39K)

Look at all these actual faggots getting mad at OP

i don't like it. i like everything in it, but not together. i'd rather it be mint without chocolate chips in it.

Poor little white boi

It's okay to be white except when you act fucking retarted because you think people are out to get you.
So no actually, most of the time, it's not okay to be white.

Racist much?

if your kid would willingly watch that retarded show he's already gay furry

But if you are white then there are people actually out to get you

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They are still making this shit? Mind absolutely blown.

Shut up you degenerate faggot. Being gay is unnatural and forcing it in childrens faces is wrong

>[Citation Needed]

Stop watching it, man. There's 22 fucking seasons. Go back and start at the beginning.

Thanks for proving me right, cumskin.
Homosexuality happens in nature. Look up lions and how "friendly" they are with other males. Kys

Faggots can't reproduce, go shove a cock up your ass and die of AIDS

I didn't know being gay made you sterile you white, inbred dumbass.

This is exactly why FAG BASH FRIDAY'S exists.

Faggots cannot reproduce without using a member of the opposite sex.
Get AIDS and leave a lonely life. No one likes you, degenerate scum.

It's rather unrealistic that there's only two gay characters in the show isn't it? Queers are everywhere in real life. You can go to a church and pick out 100 people and at least afew of them are gonna be gay, not including the priests/pastors

So does that mean it's not okay to be black when black people do the same exact thing?

>its unnatural
>he says this while using a fucking computer
you can't be this dumb.

Oh wow animals do it too. Then be prepared, bitch. Im gonna eat you because cannibalism happens on animals too.
You don't want to mind what I do with you in my private space don't you?

>Buster calls Arthur a dirty monkey sympathiser in the same episode
>people only care about the clearly gay rat getting married to a gay arrdvark

Yea Forums, you suck

Did you notice that when the ultra-leftists are mad about something the media says “people are upset/outraged” but when people with common sense are mad about something they say “the internet is outraged”?

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I guess you really can be that dumb.

>be human
>have potential to technologically advance
>benefiting off your work is apparently unnatural

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But this whole "fuck White people" movement is from other White people and Jews

based and redpilled

nice try PBS but this story has already been buried by Daenerys going full Mao Zedong.

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one Big Mac and a large Coke please

You are the one arguing that we should act as animals do. Faggotry is unnatural TO HUMANS. You know why? Because humans can behave themselves. Animals can't. Humans also get sick if they indulge in faggotry.

>things are natural when I like it but unnatural when I dislike it.
wew lad, good thing humans are stunted and haven't evolved socially in any aspect since being cavemen.

>homosexuals are rats
they spread as much disease at least

How is it unnatural to humans? Where do you have the basis to make this proposition? On that note how do you define what is natural to humans then? Can't be because of spreading disease because straight couples managed that without fags for ages.

This is fucking gross in a kids show. I glad I'm a young adult and don't have kids right now that could have been watching this show. What a cluster fuck for parents this is. Imagine being forced to dump redpills on your kids because a (((cartoon))) turn them against family values. Its sickening that this happened.

>because you think people are out to get you.
Isn't that the entire basis of modern racism?

>t. sodomite

Go, "evolve socially" and die of AIDS, faggot.

Rejecting homosexuality is part of our evolution. You want us to move backwards.

My solace in life shall be knowing that your kid will rebel against you and jack it to furry porn 3 times a day if you know it or not.

Proof that mental illness is also on the rise.

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>implying Christians are homophobic.
That implies they are scared of gay people sweaty, Christians are against homosexuality because it is a sin as written in the Bible, no good Christian would attack a person just because of the choices they make themselves, Pepe are free to do whatever they want, but a Christian would at least try to talk to the gay person and see if they know about Jesus Christ, if the gay person wants nothing to do with it then the Christian has done all he can and the rest is up to God

t. AIDS infested sodomite

you should neck yourself homo furry noone would miss ya.


>citation needed

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>projecting this much

Seek help, user.

>Pepe are free to do whatever

Attached: smug.png (400x400, 126K)

why are newfriends so easy to spot


>look ma I'm a degenerate
Simplifying issues like this is pure degeneracy, you're not even attempting to think about the subject just throwing out npc jargon and claiming its bad.

Kids still watch public access shit?

It is if your perspective is that of a 3rd grade student. If anything, his first encounter with a homo should have been some family member like an uncle or a cousin.

>How prevalent is homosexuality among pedophiles?


Yep, that’s be a good place for you to start to seek help.

>cites an article that clearly states that child molestation includes girls as well and is only 30% of the pedophiles actually acted upon their desires.
>homosexuals are to be rejected because of my statistics on pedophiles trust me!
Well Einstein based on that same article we should get rid of straight couples to help the 4,435 girls that were abused too.

Fillet o Fish medium set please

>Hey lads, I'm gonna start raping and eating my own poo in public, because animals do it
High iQ poster right here everyone

>Hey user how do you define these things you are calling unnatural!
>hurr durr i have no argument
Wow 200 IQ posts going on here, so evolved, certainly not degenerate behavior.

>being gay
>anything but degenerate behaviour
Huh, really makes my almonds jog

>christcuck moral police tantrum because not everyone shares their values
Im convinced religion should be considered a radical subversive cell to the goverment. Our foundations are of religious freedom and the laws allow individual liberty, but so often do we hear christians screaming for more christian control in goverment, electing only christian politicians, and a desire to curb liberty to follow the rules of the bible.
You people should be considered an enemy of the state imo

You do know that it’s the lizard part of your brain that makes you distrust gays and brown people, right? Rise above your filthy base instincts.

If you're too retarded to get it they're saying theres lots of natural things that even some humans do today that are looked down on (for good reason in the case of playing with your shit among others) and prohibited (murdering people) saying something is natural and therefore acceptable is dumb.

Dont waste your time arguing with them. Just think of them as subhuman retards and move on. Their brains were rotted from hearinf one too many sermons and parental religious rants.

why are some "people" proud of spending their entire adult lives on a forum for autistic subhumans?

Ok but why is leaving gay people alone and giving the equal rights bad? Lets just focus on the heart of the issue here for you.

How is that different from what SJWs do? You just seem anti Christian in general, all you have to do is say you don't want to accept Jesus into your heart and Christians will leave you alone

;) keep seething r*dditcuck

>can't argue his point
>hurr I'm not a subhuman
good ungabunga

If you're too retarded to understand another user bringing up animals because some user said gay is unnatural (aka of nature in case you couldn't put two and two together) was a basic question that has yet to be answered there's no helping you. If you're going to start labeling something the onus is on you to make these strict definitions. Comparing two consenting adults having sex to murdering and poo flinging ain't gonna help ya mongoloid.

>doesn't understand evolution
>uses it to support his flimsy arguments anyway
/pol/ is dunning kruger personified

Maybe you two should just fuck each other and get off Yea Forums?

>all you have to do is say you don't want to accept Jesus into your heart and Christians will leave you alone
I dont think you understand how subversive christians are to law. They want to repeal the gay marriage ruling of the supreme court, they want the goverment run by christians, they want to remove all other religions. Im anti religion, but since the US has 48% of people identifying as christian its the focus.
Christians never take no as an answer. T. Son of insane stereotyped redneck chrisrian fanatics.

How many fucking threads are you niggers going to cry about this?

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Fags are pedos brainlet

Well I guess you just proved why being gay is bad. Great argument!

Honestly? If it triggers /pol/ I support it

We evolved by butt fucking?

faggots should be killed Sharia law is coming for you queers.

>Show barely watched anymore
>Doesnt even say the word gay in the episode
>Boomers and poltards will cry for days
Its pathetic really. Its like when sjws favorite show favors the straight white male, for the poltard it is anything with gay people.

/pol/? Incel? Both?! You decide!

Well then those people are not real Christians? This is obviously some identity issue, people who clearly act non Christian and claim to be Christians, I get your issue with those kinds of people, it's like my issue with the Catholic church and any Christian church in general because they all scam people for money

As many as they can as long as they get (you)s

> I feel that children who are presented with an abundance of "talking animal" media have a harder time understanding the behaviors and expectations of real-world animals than their peers.

These are the kinds of people who think a gay cartoon character is the end of the world. Crazy people.

Funny, I thought of the very same of you guys. This is why I don't even bother replying to you anymore.

>unga bunga no arguments
Degeneracy at work.

>muh christians

Christians are cucks, thank god that faggot religion is dying out. Tossing gays from roof tops will be the next great European tradition.

The most retarded thing about muh evolution argument is how you act like humans are simple animals. We know humans are far more complicated than a species that just lives to reproduce and that their are tiers of intelligence to humans. Arent people forever single or who never want kids just as bad as gays? It is in no way against evolution because there is no for or against evolution. Its just a description of a process of macro change.

It's ok friend, everyone needs someone to blame their own problems on

I don't have problems I just want to kill faggots.

Who are you quoting?

They say this but you cant have the no true scotsman and eat your cake. The majority of christians are morons and I think the bible is garbage. The strongest factor in making me leave christianity was reading the bible.
I know myself that there are good people who are christian and I dont hate them for sticking with the spiritual guidance they were born into, but that doesnt excuse the group at large. It would be nice if everyone just calmed down instead of having interest groups tantrum evertime a gay person exists.

No we're not, pork eating gum chewing slime sucking basket weaving horse shit throwing diaper wearing fuck.

A well adjusted, totally normal, christ like traditionalist. Truly you are on a noble quest Quixote.

Your religion is dying and you are all cucks.

>being an ignorant shut-in
I mean it is obvious he's a Muslim.

Wait a minute, I'm starting to think this thread isn't going to be about the show at all! I'm starting to think this is a thread where people are going to complain about gays!

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We certainly didn’t evolve away from it. Criminalizing homosexuality is more or less an abrahamic invention. It’s all pretty recent in the grand scheme of things.

Nice deflect christ cuck

You think I need to be a christian to hate faggots? How mentally ill are you?

True, I partially blame the media nowadays also

Whoah are you an oracle

I am really really excited for your eventual loss of virginity.


The biggest thing was probably evangelical christianity growing in the 80s and becoming complete moral cucks about everything. Nowadays all those boomers from that era are on fox like Sean Hannity, and their followers all over facebook boomer patrol. Its a massive echo chamber of the lowest of society

We actually know the exact opposite the deeper we delve into human psychology. What makes you think you are ‚better than animals‘ is that pesky, nebulous believe in a divine purpose. It’s an illusion.

>reading comprehension

i told you guys they would come for your children next enjoy when johnny grows up brainwashed from the media to make dicks in his ass a lifestyle

not before I (me) stick my dick up his ass first ;)

But we have far more emotional depth than an animal and less drive to act like one. We can just sit here on 4channel.org shitposting and not feel much drive to go fuck 100 mates as quick as possible. Humans are more complex than other animals and that is why we are apex.
I didnt mean to say we arent animals at all though if thats what you thought. We are just certainly different. On the lower end if human intelligence though, the line is defintetly blurred more.

>implying thats a bad thing

>tv shows gay people exist
>this somehow turns a straight kid born straight into liking the same sex
You must have a very fragile sexual identity to project that onto all children of earth

>If I didn't already ban my kids from media with non-human protagonists

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>Christians are cucks, thank god that faggot religion is dying out. Tossing gays from roof tops will be the next great European tradition.

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That's pathetic.

Link the porn then

>born straight
>implying people are porn gay and not just mentally damaged

Not really, no. We put layers upon layers of supposed reason and intellect around it, but humans pretty much act in accordance of fulfilling our base instincts.

>born straight
>implying people are born straight and not just peer pressured & indoctrinated

I wasnt abused why am I gay and have known since I was a young child? I had a desire to kiss boys before I knew what gay was even.

>born straight
>implying heterosexuality even exists


Someone obviously fondled your bumhole in your sleep.

Yeah, there's no reason to introduce anything sexual to such a young child. I don't know whose idea this episode was but it is pretty fucked.

>she's also worried about our daughter learning about homosexuality before she's more mature.

Why? Homosexual couples exist. That's not something that needs a minimum age to be taught.

Yes if a child were to learn about their body too soon they might have less emotional trauma and repression. The horror!

>wedding ceremony

What's wrong with fluffy protagonists?

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Hence why the "natural" which you brought up argument is retarded.

Christcucks cant handle anything slightly related to gay because they are so perverted and repressed they cant help but imagine steamy unprotrotected sex between ratburn and his husband.

>4 year olds are watching hours of elsa eats spiderman's poo videos on youtube but a wedding with two guys is over the line

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>there are people in this thread that believe cartoons will turn their children gay and that this is part of a global conspiracy to stop white europeans from reproducing

OP here, been on a dinner date with wife so I haven't had time to update the thread. We're not particularly religious but we don't let our children engage with media with non-human protagonists as it indoctrinates them into accepting humanity as subservient

>Were not particularly religious
But you are certainly as insane as they are

>0.01 twitch coins have been deposited in your account, thank you for your work.

By that logic a straight couple is also sexual

By definition deliberately abstaining from reproductive sex is degenerate since you're not creating life

>implying you have children

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Yes, exactly

Since when are homosexuals unable to reproduce if they choose to?

Real world animals also don't drive cars.

This just seems like a typical underestimation of a child's intelligence and ability to tell fantasy from reality.

>If they disagree with me they are paid political interlopers

This guy was flaming fucking gay. He didn't become gay. He was written to be a stereotypical fag.

Are you a retard or an unironic child?

Or adopt? What is wrong with adoption, it makes it sound like even a straight couple shouldnt adopt because muh evolutionary lineage

What if I'm deliberately abstaining because to do otherwise would be to cheat on my wife who is barren from her chemo treatments she beat cancer with several years ago? Where's your moral high road now faggot?

It‘s fun when retards try to wrap their autism in big boy verbiage.

Yeah, exactly

You spend all day inside browsing Yea Forums. You are the degenerate.

Are you?

What’s funny is people will either insist that you’re lying or insist that there was some other factor from a short list. Absent father, growing up around women etc. And when you point out that there are plenty of straight people who did have one of these factors in childhood they'll insist that they do in fact all somehow lead to homosexuality just not not all the time. For some reason. They can't ever seen to be able to explain why there aren't exponentially more lesbian women than gay men even though they are abused at much higher rates

>muh degenerates
>he's posting on Yea Forums

>we don't let our children engage with media with non-human protagonists as it indoctrinates them into accepting humanity as subservient
Subservient to anthropomorphic characters that aren't real?

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>If I didn't already ban my kids from media with non-human protagonists

How was his sentence wrong at all?

Having an infertile spouse is an acceptable condition for an annulment

You can't be very intelligent if you considered that to be showing off

I don't think you understand what homosexuality is so I'd recommend reading a dictionary

I agree, cartoons should accurately represent real life in order to let children know how the world really works.
50% of homosexual men will catch aids within their lifetimes, that means that one of the two happy husbands can contract aids in an episode. Furthermore, 83% of homosexuals have between 1-3 forms of intestinal parasite from the act of oral to anal contact. They could have an episode where they both go to the doctor to have some medicine for their intestinal parasites.
The vast majority of child molestors are homsexuals, so they could have arthur molested by one of them.
Diversity is beautiful.

How is that relevant? He asked for a citation to explain why sodomy is degenerate

Enjoy your children growing up to be closet homosexuals, OP.

Also, nice LARPing.

This was faked on /pol/ you dense nigger.

>why there aren't exponentially more lesbian women than gay men even though they are abused at much higher rates
Good point. Ive actually known several women, personally and friends of my mom, who were sexually abused as children and are all married to men.
They just want to excuse their hatred and mistreatment by saying its a mental perversion. They are awful people but feel slight remorse so instead of doubling down they say like "well uh actually gay people are made from abuse and they are freaks and only freaks make them so we should shun them"

I don‘t think you understand how babies are made, so I‘d recommend a middle school biology textbook.

When did Yea Forums become a website for soccer moms? Wait, don't answer that, I already know. kys

Yeah that's why homosexuals can't create life

You ballooned all of your statistics you lying sack of shit.

>homosexuals are sterile

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Pol brought all the boomers and boomer ideas here. Purge when?

>this whole thread
Oh please. No one REALLY gives a shit.

Anyway, congratz muh nigga.

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user he doesnt know what a surrogate mother/father is.

>what are surrogates
>what is artificial insemination
If the gay person really wanted he could even have sex with some woman
You are being retarded on purpose


This cartoon did gay couples like 10 years ago why the screeching now?

Boomers have alzheimers

>>what are surrogates
It's something which isn't homosexual intercourse producing a child which was literally the crux of the matter

Because Yea Forums wasn‘t infested by poledditors nearly as much 10 years ago.

And ratpilled.

Men can get pregnant if you breed them

>muh nigga
They're blacks?

We're in a culture war, child. Choose sides now and choose quickly or you're dead meat, kid.

>divorce is OK, but only when I say so
Sorry, you just lost your pretend ethical edge. Pretty sure your basic Judeo-Christians vows say "in sickness and in health".


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>he actually has kids
what a fucking KEK

The bible also says you can take the wife of a slain combatant as a concubine or just rape her and kill her. Good book.

>>divorce is OK, but only when I say so
Annulments aren't a divorce
That's an oxymoron
>in sickness and in health
The bible says go forth and multiply

What annoys me isn't that he's in a sexual relationship with what looks like a mail order twink, it's that they deliberately chose the one autistic bachelor to be their gay character.

It's this that drives me insane. For thousands of years, there have been men who happily live alone as eccentric bachelors. They're not interested in pursuing sex, just their hobbies. BUT NOW any man that tries doing that? Well, he MUST be a homo! I mean if he's not spending all of his days lusting after women - who are clearly perfect goddesses who demand male respect - he must be gay!

It pisses me off in the same trannies must piss off ugly women. Since trannies became a socially visible thing, ugly women must constantly life with other people thinking "Is this a woman or is this a man on HRT?" With autistic bachelors, now that gay's are socially visible, then everyone is thinking that just because he lives alone and paints model that he MUST be gay. This shit is just a symptom of that thinking, and that, rather than his rat sodomy, is what makes me sperg out.

Reeee noooo gross. Please I meant real men.

Why not?

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>become a leftie discord tranny
>commit suicide at 3x
>become a rightie alt-incel
>commit suicide at 3x
The only winning move is not to play.

>Just a warning. They'll eventually grow up rebel against you and become furries.
>I can passively watch the death of my civilization hoping that like in a movie some good guy or good guys (not me of course, but rather someone else) will do something.
>I will keep predicting this until the very moment my brain is plugged into a machine to be used as a mindless calculator, or I'm used for a transhuman experiment.
>What I've learned from the totally accurate media I've consumed all my life is that eventually a good guy will come and save me and I have to do absolutely nothing.

Have sex incel

>The only winning move is not to play.
The people you're allowing to fail and lose are going to be used against you in the future. They will remember society encouraging them to go down that route and take their resentment out on everyone else.

You cannot avoid playing. We are in an endgame.

Are you afraid that your son will turn into a rat?

>Please I meant real men
Your statement is extremely grossly transphobic.

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>we live in a society

Autistic bachelors with passion for hobbies don‘t give two shits what others think of them. It‘s time to come out of your closet.

>30 and still watches Arthur and partakes in an Arthur fandom.

Attached: 1555440094935.png (371x353, 148K)

You said homosexuals can't reproduce and they clearly can. You're just one of tgise people who believe sex is sacred

>he thinks this is only the beginning of the end for nu-arthur

>become a rightie alt-incel
>commit suicide at 3x
[Citation Needed]

The people I‘m allowing to fail will neck themselves in the nearest future.

Fucking lol. The culture warrior is such a strange, cringe worthy creature.

Homosexual intercourse can never produce children

>You cannot avoid playing. We are in an endgame.
Not them, but no. Anyone tries to force me to do anything gets a load of elbow in their face as a warning to others. It is not ever my fault that someone else lost their minds because they watched too much TV and news without God in their life.

Yeah no shit. Homosexuals can still reproduce.

But they can produce pleasure ;)

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>Anyone tries to force me to do anything gets a load of elbow in their face as a warning to others

Attached: 1547843357973.webm (326x180, 772K)

>brown fur
>slanty eyes
The fuck ethnicity is Ratburn

>Yeah no shit
Right but you initially disputed this hence why it needs to be reaffirmed to you

>The people I‘m allowing to fail will neck themselves in the nearest future.

^this and the angry stragglers will just have to come out of the woodwork and hopefully will suicide by cop or let AIDS take them down. I'll be waiting, nice and comfy.

You never know, you might get lucky. keep trying, user.

Bisexuals exist.

Biotechnology will soon allow for the creation of embryos from two male parents. Already done in mice.

no it's not. homosexuality is nothing more than a sexual fetish gone out of control.

Thanks daddy. Could you reaffirm the definition of homosexual intercourse again ;)

>one article
>never states his political ideology

..and you arent?


The burden of proof is on you poltard

Yeah that's why we have a different word to distinguish between the 2

What does technology have to do with the human act?

Not related sweetie ;)

Where the fuck did I say gay sex can produce children? I said homosexuals can reproduce you dense fuck

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That guy rolled up a nice stance and executed with perfect technique. Saw it before, but I love the greatest hits. Thank you.

Attached: niiiiiice.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

Ratburn's in luck.

Oh I will get lucky alright ;)

Attached: 1520041013876.jpg (634x360, 49K)

Bisexuals are both homosexual and not. Is that acceptable but homosexuals aren't?

Seems very strange to state something completely unrelated to what the person you're trying to talk to is saying

So a couple of little gay fellas can av kids an tha

>All of them are unpassing poc

Pretty accurate desu

Nah fag, you initially said homos can't create life. Nothing about gay sex.

The only difference could well be that humans have been around longer (and are able to do more than ever before) so have a less intense drive to act. We can not, and do not, have that drive unless we're crazy, violent animals with the ability to have a very emotional attachment to what we do. It is just not true that we just fuck around in the forest all day or fuck someone for nothing and are not out there trying to have an intense connection to the world beyond mere convenience.

No you're stating the purpose of the technology that isn't the question I asked

Do you even know the meaning of either of those terms?

Youve been arguing like a retard with him for 30 minutes. Admit your being dishonest

I actually didn't I had someone reply to me implying that I said that when I never did in that comment
Perhaps if you knew how to read you wouldn't be so confused

I'll rephrase it. Is a man being attracted to both men and women less offensive because of the possibility of raising children?

>homosexuals can't create life
You‘re really not the mastermind sophist you think you are.

You sed gay fellas cant av kids but they can if they bum a woman on the sly n eventually theyl be able to bum a robot n av a kid like its the terminater or sumthin

>he resorts to samefagging after being called out on his retardation


>Anyone tries to force me to do anything gets a load of elbow in their face as a warning to others
You wish you would do something but in reality you'll just cower

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Yes they can't create life hence why they need to rely on technology and surrogates

Ok schizo

This is such a brainlet take

Not samefag but go ahead and be delusional sweetie ;)

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Holy shit nigga you need to be put away

Homosexuals are no different physiologically to heterosexuals. Their ability to create life is not in any way impaired.

>You wish you would do something but in reality you'll just cower

LOL...oh user. All I can say is that I can hurt others if I so choose, but that's uncivilized. The truth is, I've been lucky and have practically done law enforcement's job for them at times, like removing some asshole from my property that won't leave. You think I'm some wimp? ;) Not a "tough guy" here, but definitely not the rationalizing permissive type of male you're used to interacting with. Peace.

>moving goalpost
Again, you can't have a child when you cum inside someone's bumbum (albeit it's very sexy)

>Homosexuals are no different physiologically to heterosexuals
A pair of homosexual men or women cannot create a child together through homosexual intercourse I don't know how much clearer I need to make it for you but hopefully now you'll stop pestering me

A pair of heterosexual men or women can‘t create one either.

lot of butthurt faggots

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I sure hope all white boys aren't like you.

>Their ability to create life is not in any way impaired
Too bad their minds are.

>dude inane arguments about semantics
Other than that you are providing 90's preacher tier arguments about how non reproductive sex is degenerate


We're not, he's a gigantic faggot.

Obviously not I don't understand the purpose of your replies what exactly do you think you're offering with them?

>(albeit it's very sexy)
>90's preacher tier argument
Are you sincerely retarded? No, I'm very serious this time.

furries usually have dead parents

>how non reproductive sex is degenerate
Listen to what you're saying
"how non-life creating sex is uncreative"

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I meant to reply to the deranged christfag

Is heterosexual sex with condoms or birth control just as bad then?

Contradicting your autism, sweaty.

It‘s time to embrace your non-beliefs, your lack of education, and your inability to even read something as simple as a bible because that‘s just not ok as a human being. The way you view yourself isn't the only thing you should worry about. It might be what you consider untrue that holds up so much of our society.

I bet that nicotine nerd is faster than he looks and has more reason to be angry than many of us.

/would not bully

Do you seriously consider this to be a gotcha?
How are you so uninformed about Christian morality?
But it didn't you stated something patently obvious which didn't pertain to the discussion at all

do something about it or not they'll end up degenerates
when I'm dying on my deathbed I'd rather think that I tried my hardest to keep my children from getting brainwashed instead of standing there watching like a useless idiot cuck

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Why are you ok with the government arresting to consenting adults for having sex just because they are family?

All the things that hold up our society so well are the things that make atheists believe they have a responsibility and obligation to find out the truth before it is too late. The only way to change a world is through awareness. And without awareness there is no way to change us. Let's be aware. That's the real truth.

>Their brains were rotted from hearinf one too many sermons and parental religious rants.
oh no no NO NO NOO


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It‘s time to shed your autistic indoctrination, your lack of education, and your inability to even read anything but Jewish fanfics, because that‘s just not ok as a human being. The way you view yourself isn't the only thing you should worry about. It might be what you consider untrue that holds up so much of our society.

>except when you act fucking retarted because you think people are out to get you.
why does that sound so much like black people and their persecution complex?

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>How are you so uninformed about Christian morality?
Catholics do believe this though

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>pretending to be retarded
This is just sad at this point.

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u just replied to a post thats over 80 minutes old lol

Why do you keep providing me with irrelevant bits of information?

You didn't make a good point just accept the fact that it fell flat

I don't see why anyone should care about this either way, this is just a marketing gimmick that'll get people talking

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why does the board full of virgins care about so much about children's cartoons

>Facebook Messenger notification icon

Shoo shoo normie

>shys away from addressing blaring holes in his reasoning
>n-not an argument j-just accept I am right

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How dare the government make sure I'm safe?

There are no parents in their life who are willing to go out in the world and give it their all in a fight for freedom, liberty and equality. That's what a civil war looks like to me. I'm sick and tired of this fucking government taking out you people in a heartbeat.

What holes are they?

Because we...er they still watch them

>homosexual inter course can‘t result in childbirth, therefore homosexuals are sterile
Oh, I don‘t know.

We are seeing an invasion of human creativity and imagination from an inhuman presence. It's our job to resist it

I've never once made that statement try to actually discuss what your opponent is saying and not what you wish they had said

>moving goalposts (again)
It's not even funny arguing with people like you anymore.

This was your entire line of reasoning.

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No one said homosexual sex can produce children, but you'll just keep going in circles over irrelevant shit

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Did you know North African people are the most inbred?

>No one said homosexual sex can produce children
If you try hard enough you will conceive.

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Why are you faggots seriouspostin on fucking Yea Forums for christ sake? Culture warriors fuck off already, no one likes you

>Starship Troopers meme
You do realise the Federation WEREN'T the good guys in that movie?

Prove that newfags like this user can't tell us apart from one another

You're the one who seems to have the most trouble accurately relaying what someone has said to you back at them the only reason I keep stating the obvious is because you seem to have a massive problem with understanding what someone has said despite them clarifying it for you multiple times

You do realise that you‘re shit at pilpul, kike?

That's for interpretation, like any good movie should.
>american beauty is about incest

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>he doesn't know