Trailer came out a few hours ago:
Did I miss all the threads? Looks kino.
Trailer came out a few hours ago:
Did I miss all the threads? Looks kino.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have read the script AMA.
why is the girl crazy?
Can I eat beans during the movie or will it be too gorey?
finally a movie showing the true nature of wh*toids
This looks like Wickerman but well done
Can't believe someone gave that guy money to make another movie.
So will the Jew director have a Negro or paki save the virginal white woman from evil whitey?
The main one? Her parents died and her sister who has some mental disease died too. I think the sister killed all of them by starting cars in garage when they slept. I think the sister put garden hose on the exhaust and then she duct taped it around her mouth. She put the second garden hose in bedroom of her parents.
Some violence, not too bad i would say.
Fuck off
the original wicker man was absolute kino
Fuck off
Well Hereditary was fucking great so I've got high hopes for this
Oh shit I had no idea there was a first one
Gonna check that out I fucking love druid cult shit
I want to Pugh Florence
Wonder what the twists gonna be this time around
>Fuck off
White people culture looks so bland and yet evil at the same time.
Literally no major twists. It's not as surprising as Hereditary. It's basically The Wicker Man but with more people. It's more straightforward horror. More mainstream with some weird cult shit.
hi moshe
Jewish man Ari Aster makes a movie about white traditional Swedish people being evil and creepy.
You know im starting to sick of these jewish fellas
>hurr european white culture is scary and bad for you goy
No thanks
Motherfuckers, Ari's first movie was about a black family's son raping his father and ending up driving him to suicide, go back to /pol/ you rent-free shitters
lol i didnt even see this comment before posting this Some people say I'm wrong when i say what i say, but there is some proof of jewish propaganda working on a small brained fool
Fuck off
>Oh shit I had no idea there was a first one
>its a jew shits on white people traditions episode
so fucking what
that doesnt make this not white hate propaganda by a jew, you see the effect it has on people
>niggers larping as whites are incredibly butthurt about jews
Why do they have this episode on repeat?
>getting offended by Wickerman remake
Makes absolutely no difference at all
fuck off fedora
>when you're even more sensitive than pearl-clutching SJWs
I'm so glad I'm not you people
Wait there are "people" actually getting triggered by this?
i have this feeling that everyone is going to die, is that correct?
er no
its a movie written by a jew
the movie is obviously going for 'white traditional Swedish people are evil and creepy'
What's to fucking get about why someone wouldn't like this
You guys should come over to mine this Midsommar. Smörgåstårta is so fucking good you have no idea.
have sex, incels. Also place your bets on which of these coins will moon.
rly makes me think
Me too.
just be passive goy, thats the mature thing to do
let us keep shitting on you, dont say anything or have any emotion or we will shame you
>the movie is obviously going for 'white traditional Swedish people are evil and creepy'
It's not. It's about an unrelated fictional ritual that takes place every 7 years using the actual festival as cover.
You're just incredibly sensitive, obsessed with jews, and a virgin
What supernatural stuff is going on? Is it related to Paimon or is it something else?
>/pol/ is literally triggered by literally anything
Look into this you seething mutts. Bet you can't even read it.
but as it's a24 you are friggin superior for watching it, so different from commercial horror, Woah bright! So pay up goy and watch it
How can you creatures claim you're different from SJWs when you're freaking out over this?
If you had sex you'd be less angsty and easily offended
that sound very complex, why not get a axe and murder them while they sleep
>shitting on you
>says the amerimutt who hasn't put a foot in europe in his entire life
This movie could not be less about you, your values or your traditions, retarded burgerstani
They can have an opinion when they have sex
Incel opinions are meaningless
Am a Swedish right-wing guy who thinks this looks cool, ask me anything.
Looks like shit.
Were they have to travel to Sweden, and everyone is very white, and they wear clothes like traditional Swedish dress
with other visual allusion to traditional white things
but yeah probably just the 9328427386th coincidence goy
Back into the hellfire demon:
Are swedish countryfolk rituals still grounded on pagan beliefs? Over here in Spain we still have people throwing goats off towers during their celebrations n shit
It may be because I'm not an Amerimutt, or it may be because I lost my virginity at 17...But why is this supposed to be offensive? It looks like a lot of "creepy cult in forest" movies like Wickerman, The Ritual, etc.
But I thought sweden was a white country and it's SJW propaganda to show otherwise
Make up your mind
Everyone except the main girl (Dani) and the guy who invited them (i think he was named Pele, but i'm not sure).
I don't remember what was it related to, but the worship nature or something like that. As far supernatural stuff goes there is a scene where girl cuts off her pubic hair and puts it in food and the her menstrual blood in drink of one of the characters so he falls in love her.
This, realistically white people are bad and there's literally nothing wrong with portraying them like that. A24 is based fucking kino, I love the interracial scenes in 'it comes at night' . I truly feel like I'm doing my part
you're reading way too much into this, due to your easily offended and virgin nature
Clutch more pearls incel
It's not supposed to be offensive, creepy cult stuff has been a horror staple since forever but your typical /pol/ tourist wouldnt know that of course
Looks like a parody of an awful movie trailer. Like at the beginning of Tropic Thunder. Its hard to believe that someone would make an actual movie like that.
i am european and thats irrelevant anyway
i am right and you have no argument so you go for a personal attack and try to shame me for caring
you are probably a shit skin or a jew
based larping nigger
Midsommar is widely celebrated by almost everyone here and is very much grounded in Paganism. The Church has tried to co-opt it a few times, but it's still regarded more like a Swedish thing than a Christian thing.
>As far supernatural stuff goes there is a scene where girl cuts off her pubic hair and puts it in food and the her menstrual blood in drink of one of the characters so he falls in love her.
That's fucking metal
You're almost certainly non-white and never even heard of midsommar until your incel discord told you to get offended over it
WHITES BTFO LMAO seething wh*teboys itt
White fragility is real.
Or is it americano fragility? The actual swedes in these threads seem to be chill with it
Oh so it's kind of what Halloween was before america overtook it? That's cool
If a jew said to you he was making a movie about making white people look evil/creepy and he needed some super stereotypical imagery to represent traditional white people, could you come up with anything more powerful than this?
idka samlag
It's one retarded amerimutt sperging out.
wtf I never knew The Wickerman was literally a genocidal propaganda piece. I will now protest in front of my local AMC and throw my diaper feces at anyone who dares sees this Jewish scheme.
Oh it's 100% amerimutts chimping out
it's not trying to make white people look evil/creepy the protagonists are white. You're just incredibly easily offended and overly sensitive.
nice subversion attempt poo man
What about the floating girl? We see someone's feet leaving the ground in this new trailer
Yeah, kinda. We just dance a bit, eat traditional food, and drink a ton.
Sweden isn't very spiritual or religious anymore, we just see it as a fun outing. Still more /soul/ than Halloween though.
i just googled that, it was written by a jew aswell
probably just another coincidence though
Most European Christian traditions are
That's cool, I really dig old celebrations and fairs but they're getting fucked lately now that blatant animal abuse isn't allowed anymore
White people traditions are weird not gonna lie
>Yet another white people are creepy and evil movie from Hollywood
Name one
wtf! I'm offended!
nigger you cannot be serious right now
cry more snowflake
Horror is white culture
Think about it
> the protagonists are white
Doesn't matter. If i did a whole movie about how stupid and violent niggers are, but through the pov of a nigger would you still be "its not racist the main character is black"
The propaganda probably works better that way, you know whites have a lot of guilt and self hatred. White characters in stories learning about how evil traditional white people are probably helps create that feeling
That's just goofy, like, looney tunes cartoon goofy, not really unsettling
I don't remember floating girl but there is a scene where the main character's boyfriend floats for a while. It's from hallucinogens. He floats few inches above the floor and then he has this weird ritualistic sex with one of the girls. It's the one who put pubic hair in his food. I mentioned that in previous post. While they have sex other older women watch.
>If i did a whole movie about how stupid and violent niggers are, but through the pov of a nigger
Menace 2 Society
Dead Presidents
Boys in the hood
Educate yourself shitskin
>digging this deep into a horror flick just to get offended
you really need to have sex
>This thread
christ /pol/ needs to get some thicker skin holy shit
I find it unsettling.
the "you are just being silly" "argument" coupled with some shaming
you sure showed me, i will definitely change my ways and thoughts now
Oh wow, horseshit theory again.
Try again kike.
but people dancing in dresses is "unsettling" ? maybe to a perverted jewish mind it is
Based and redpilled, white culture is cringy shit we should embrace the compolitan spirit of the big cities and finally fucking end these shitty tradition
taking this so seriously and getting so offended is p sad.
If you don't want to be compared to SJWs stop acting like SJWs
voileipäkakku is godtier
benis desu :D
this movie has already been done a bunch times in the recent years
why are incels so obsessed with jews?
>watch film
>has a white person in it who does something slightly unsavory
>find out from /pol/bros that it's actually LITERALLY genocide
wow I dodged a bullet, thanks guys!
Such as?
Imagine being this easily triggered
I havnt seen those movies but i bet they say or alude to the problem being something like the system, police, poverty, culture, white people, school or some other excuse.
I doubt they are just movies that say blacks are just evil because they are black
Wickerman, the 70's original, is one of the best horror films ever made.
A Jewish guy like 2 years ago made a movie about white SJWs getting eaten alive by a bunch of pacific ooga booga natives.
Seems to go against the /pol/ narrative desu.
It's literally this, isn't it
If every white person in every work of fiction that comes out isn't portrayed as some sort of flawless superhuman its clearly a jewish ploy to make you have even less sex than you already do
shame me more
You shame yourself snowflake
>I havnt seen those movies but I'm going to make assumptions and continue my victim complex anyway
Cool, you do you.
>I doubt they are just movies that say blacks are just evil because they are black
They're not, though I'm curious where you are getting this "whites are evil because white" from the trailer being discussed here.
"well this one person did this...." is not an argument, its an outlier
would you've been happier if I called him a nigger instead?
Really? Only a kike would think of making a movie demonising a holiday like Midsummer.
Maybe this yid should start by making a movie about some of the rituals practised in his own tribe, I would post a link to the Eternal Jew since there's plenty of material to draw from but unfortunately it's since been removed from Youtube for telling the truth about the hooknosed vermin.
yeah im sure in this movie the white people are going to have some super good reason for doing evil creepy shit that makes you sympathise with them
or not
Get ready for another hysterical, deflating voice over. Hackshit.
Imagine projecting this hard
this sums up why you're all a bunch of virgins even though one of you may have had sex at one point
smashy, smashy
Why is this place so fucking insane?
it's not demonizing anything
Also way to misspell the very thing you're so concerned over
fucking amerimutts I swear
>chimping out this much over literally nothing
wew no wonder nobody takes you creatures seriously
If my obviously correct assumptions were indeed correct why act like im bad for making assumptions
>yeah im sure in this movie the white people
But there are clearly other white people not involved in the cult stuff. Who do you think the protagonists are? I'm beginning to think you're a jew false flagging to make people objecting to their shit look dumb.
I like how these spics never even heard of midsommar until they were told to chimp out over this trailer
>This thread
shame me more daddy
They weren't correct though. Learn to read my friend, it can change your life.
The reason whites are attacked so much is because whites are the superior races and lesser races and deviants will always be obsessed with them
Nice CGI
Different guy answering but in the script I read, it's for the visuals. The opening shot is of the parent's bedroom and their phone ringing and no one picking up, then the main character living in Brooklyn gets an email from her sister, then they cut back to ambulances at the parent's house and you see a closeup of the sister with the hose attached to her mouth and like dried vomit on her face
>ugh white people can make a movie about whatever and whoever they want stop crying snowflake!
>ugh! jews should only make movies about jews! stay away from my culture!
stop being such a nigger please
wow didnt know /pol/ was full of mormons
Attention fellow Pedes. I am calling for a BOYCOTT of this problematic, pro-genocide film!
Spread the word to the normies! #Shadilay!
see or any of the many other posts which embarrass the shit out of you.
jews have driven all sides to insanity
the germans didnt vote hitler into power for no reason at one day on a random evil whim like your school books told you
that goblin is clearly a heeb
>false flagging this hard
This movie won’t make a dime either way
you said the blacks weren't evil for no reason, some justification was given
which is what i said
They can’t help it. Even their food is shitty and bland. Boring dull people.
its like other guys sad, in those movies blacks are portrayed as victims of circumstance
wow did you just drop that plate on the grass and just put everything back on the table.
If you want to 'protect white culture' you will always be considered an incel by most people. Only actual retards still believe in archaic concepts such as race purity. If it was my choice I would lock lock up every single subhuman /pol/tard and incel or even better just shoot them behind the ear. Why is it so hard to just accept the multicultural, multiracial paradise we are creating. Just accept your defeat, your autistic, near schizo beliefs are a thing of the past
>you said the blacks weren't evil for no reason
All those movies are full of wildly violent pieces of shit. You'd have a better claim saying they were evil "for no reason", than saying the same for whites based on nothing but a trailer for this one movie. You need help user.
>in those movies blacks are portrayed as victims of circumstance
not at all, try actually watching movies sometime retard.