So, about that fucking garden

>So, about that fucking garden.

Attached: bronn.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

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There is literally no other character linked to High Garden that's alive so might as well give it to Bronn for lulz.

give him the iron throne

>the real castle was the friends you made all along

Attached: 4081FE43-971C-49D4-AE95-99ECE00F08FF.png (334x506, 254K)

It's just under Lannister rule isn't it?

Isn't Mace alive?

He got blown up

Nah he got roasted.

Why even add this retarded plotline?

Attached: tywin eyez.jpg (150x148, 5K)

>believing Lannister lies that Mace the Ace blew up
He was on a bathroom break outside the sept, he‘ll kill Dany as soon as he‘s done taking a shit.