What the fuck did I just watch? Aronofsky trying to be David Lynch?
What the fuck did I just watch? Aronofsky trying to be David Lynch?
It's like Darren just heard about symbolism and made a film about it.
I loved it
>Aronofsky trying
It's about climate change right?
That's literally all of his movies though. He's huge on classic film making. How is this one different?
it manages to be a spoof of itself
David Lynch is surreal because he meditates and pulls imagines from his subconscious to create something emotionally compelling and genuinely open to interpretation. Aronofsky outright hands you the meaning to his works.
It's amazing on shrooms.
Imagine how much better this movie could have been with an actress.
The movie is almost great but he just abandons his own metaphor by the end of the movie. If you're gonna do a Bible allegory see it through to the end. He just goes off the deep end and makes it a tree hugger movie. In the film the people turn on mother earth and it leads to the earth reboot. In the Bible the people turn on God. They should have gone full Noah's Ark. The people stop worshiping Javier Bardem and abuse mother earth so he just brings a great flood and drowns the fuck out of everyone starting the cycle again.
I don't think any of his previous movies has been "classic myth shallowly retold" tier, though
It doesn't matter what the film 'means'.
It's good because it's viscerally entertaining, masterfully builds tension and tonally the escalating feeling of confusion and fear is extremely well handled. The film is intense start to finish.
All facets of the production are well executed. And JLAWs preformance is actually very good, so are those from all of the supporting cast. It's not without flaws. It's not a masterpiece. But it is very good.
It's funny that this film triggered libshits because of the graphic violence against women, and triggered morons because they pat themselves on the back for understanding the symbolism, and then discard everything else about the film because they can't actually appreciate genuinely original cinema which doesn't conform to their paint by numbers conception of a story. Then their criticism -ironic- is that the film is too simple.
it doesn't matter what the film sneed
It's about how inviting refugees into your lands will eventually lead to its destruction. It's a warning against muslim immigrants
Jennifer Lawrence literally has the perfect female form and if you disagree you are homosex.
She's an okay actress, w/e.
no? this movie is much more direct than lynch. maybe you're just dumb idk
>She's an okay actress
If you like mediocrity then she's okay.
A smug liberal kike from NYC unleashing his inner "creative" juices.
okay is literally the word you use to describe something mediocre
No, "okay" is acceptable.
All I see is that mouf around a mutilated Jew cock.