Rate the season so far bros

Rate the season so far bros

>Plot and the leaks are brilliant, many poetic deaths
>Dany goes mad with all the foreshadowing + buildup
>Jaime is like black widow, great aubversion ending to a build up of a character

>Varys handled horribly, like kekfinger
>Forgot about the iron fleet
>Arya has no context how she was able to get to NK
>Way too many scenes are just simply unbelievable

Brilliant plot, bravo GRRM. Why have D&D execute your great plan -- it's so rushed.

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That whole Euron scene was just a scene to get him offed. Jaime walked away as if unscathed.

have sex

>Bran does fuck all
>Arya keeps flipping between super saiyan and super pleb
>Cleganebowl was a ridiculous letdown
>Jaime & Cersei throwaway ending
>scorpions > dragons
>dragons > scorpions one ep later
>Dothraki get pissed away in laughable nighttime charge straight into the teeth of the undead army
>whoa! they're alive again (m-muh DS garrison muhfugga)
>Dany's 180 to madness at light speed
>NK not being the big bad overall end boss + no last minute Stannis Azor Ahai

Unironically enjoying the discomfort of Jon and Tyrion around Dany tho. Probably give it a 7 as well even though the writing feels so goddamn rushed to finish everything in 6 eps.

it's amazing that the green haired one is the qt in the front row group now, that other one that used to be cute hit the wall hard

The NK plot was a major let down, as well as anything related to the gods and prophecy.
The Theon arc was disappointing too, since he was my favorite character. Same deal with Bran and Tyrion.

I'll admit though I kind of like the ending, if they had an extra season (or tied it in better with the previous ones) and maybe more material from the books to draw from I feel like it would have done really well. It's botched but I can at least still see some form merit/enjoyment from it. The technical skill for basically everything else in that show also helps a lot.

I'd rate this season an 8 based on how excellent the plot of the second half of the season has been and the character interactions in the first two episodes (even though the night king battle was a letdown). Admittedly the show has been pretty rushed but it's built up hype for the books again, which I feared might have a dreadful disney ending with Jon and Dany on the iron throne. Can't wait to see how George tackles the mad dany plotline and even think D&D did it convincingly this series even though it happened fairly quickly.

>Jaime & Cersei throwaway ending
I was pleasantly surprised by their character arcs. It was far better than Jaime living with Brienne in the north or Cersei being strangled by Tyrion. Very poetic end for both their characters

This season is okay tier.
It no where near redeems the last few shitty seasons but at least its rapping it up quickly, pissing off normies and giving me the ending I predicted so I can act smart.

It sucks. Normies hating it doesn't make it good, although it's no worse than it has been since season 6 since that's a very low bar

Episode 1-2 - boring, nothing happened
Episode 3 - trash
Episode 4 - fun and memeable trash
Episode 5 - surprisingly good for most part

Other than the whole white walker thing, this episode isn't as bad as everyone says. I mean, it's bad but every season since 5 has been bad. You would expect people to get used to it

>ep 1-2 boring and unremarkable
>ep 3 anticlimactic
>ep 4 has a few good moments
>ep 5 fantastic, best episode of GoT in a long while

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seasons 1-4 - good
seasons 5-8 - shit

This. The /pol/tards here called it the worst thing ever because YAAASS QWEEN ARYA killed the NK then /pol/tards called it the best thing ever when YAAASS QWEEN DANY became Hitler and raped and killed every fucking thing. But female characters doing something or being BTFO doesn't make the quality of the show swing wildly between 0 and 100, that's fucking retarded, neither does normies hating it. That's asbad as the clickbait and outragebux shits and SJWs who sift through everything trying to make it political.
Seasons 5-8 are just fucking horrible. They're horrible when "based" rape and death of girl or black characters happen. They're horrible when "cucked" girl and black characters doing something good happens. They're just fucking horrible. It doesn't matter if this show is feminazi SJW or KKK or alt-right it's just fucking bad.

Pretty awful overall. Dialogue is mostly shit. Terrible execution for almost everything. Unsatisfying plot resolutions. Lack of explanation for a bunch of different shit. Most character deaths were lame. Dany becoming mad was executed like shit. Varys death was shit. Jaime and Cersei death was laughably dull and unimpressive. Most garbage season yet.


1-4 shite
5 based

simple as

Have sex, jesus christ

>Season 6

>Most garbage season yet.
Not true season 7 is worse. It's so bad you can skip it entirely and nothing of any substance will be lost

s1-4 good
s5-6 meh
s7 shit
s8 shit but also based and redpilled

>pissing off normies
>That's how I judge quality of the media, because popularity directly affects my opinion

Have sex

>normies being pissed off doesn't provide me with entertainment.
Have sex.

Pretty boring. 3 hours of just clashing swords like retards. and then just diashowing characters randomly.
>hahaa do you remember this guy from 2(?) years ago
>well now you've seen him , on to the next one

The only thing that really came out of nowhere was arya killing the NK. Not saying she wasnt capable of doing it, her arc never once had anything to do with the NK and the Wights.

>ever spending time reading normies sperging
wasting time/10

Unmitigated disaster.

I never liked Dannys character that much, since she was written as a bit of sue. BUT how can you turn a borderline mary sue and turn her into the mad queen into one episode FOR NO REASON, other than to generate fake conflict and pathos. How much of a shit of a writter do you have to be?

A complete disaster, and all the other characters thrown under a bus within seconds. Everyone acting irrationally. Yes I am mad. I expected this season to be bad, trash even. But this is an unmitigated disaster, and the worst writing to ever grace such a high profile HBO show. Shame.

>a waste of time
I suggest you learn the value of a little recreation by having sex.

>Forgot about the iron fleet
d&d deserve to be roasted forever just for this shit alone

Good acting for the most part, good visuals when it's not CGI, Excellent camera work outside of fightscenes. Garbage everything else.

I felt so bad for turning my mother onto this show that I bought her all the released books for mothers day so she could read the real story.

2/10 they massacred my boy jaime

>Gets stabbed in the ribs with a 4 inch blade, twice
>walks it off because he's not a total pussy

Why didnt you buy her some classics instead of bad LoTR fanfiction?

If we pretend it went into the same lung twice, its entirely possible he could walk away from it.

She's really into the series user, she doesnt read a lot. And besides tolkien are there even any genuinely good fantasy classics?

I read catch 22 on a whim. It was actually excellent.
As for a fantasy classic I remember thinking His Dark Materials was great. I was a teenager at the time though.

s1-4 good
s5 very bad
s6 meh
s7 very bad
s8 trainwreck


GRRM started writing these books in 1991. Which means he probably came up with the entire story arc for her in the 80's. Long before any of this current SJW bullshit started, he wasn't famous, he was a somewhat obscure fat neckbeard writing books few read, and writing for Hollywood. He came up with her eventually going mad then.

D&D knew what was coming. I don't fully buy that the books are done and Martin is sitting on them, but it makes sense in that if the books had come out already, and a long, detailed version of her going insane was out there, they'd have lost most of the viewership of the show. The ones who weren't going to buy the books anyway. You know, women with green hair.

If true, her descent into madness, detailed in book form, could be good. And they knew they had to get this shit over with, because most of the SJW investment in the show didn't exist when it started, and by the time they got to season 7, they were fucked, because the story Martin wrote was going to ENRAGE women.
And they did what they did. Short season, don't dwell on it, blah blah "Dany forgot what it means to be a good person" blah blah "The bells" blah blah.

The sheer insane irony of it all is the best part. SJWs got invested in the least SJW of all time - a fat neckbeard fantasy author.

I don't blame Martin. He wrote what he wrote.

I kind of blame D&D, because they're cowards. Instead of telling the real story, they shoved out an abbreviated version, and once the checks cleared, stopped caring and started work on ruining Star Wars.
The fans? Their fault. They're the ones who invested so much "Muh feminism" in a show written and inspired by a literal polar opposite of a feminist: a science fiction/fantasy geek.

better than S5-7 minus butchering the white walker storyline

Yeah, HBO is making a series on His Dark Materials. Supposed to be out this year, or next. It will be shit.

Catch 22 is excellent, as a book, and the Arkin movie. Not bothering with Clooney's version, for obvious reasons, and fuck Hulu.

there are plenty of reasons that have been explained throughout the series and this season and even the beginning of the same episode

Probably the worst season so far, which is an impressive achievement considering how shit the other seasons have been.

>Episode 1 was boring
>Episode 2 was actually good. Nice seeing all the characters interact in what they think is their last night
>Episode 3 sucked ass
>Episode 4 was ok with some really dumb shit like forgetting the iron fleet
>Episode 5 was obsoletely kino and completely revived my interest in the story. Only normies and bookfags who can't read between the lines hated it

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Burning the Red Keep and any innocent people that happen to be inside would make perfect sense. The fact that she only starts burning the civilians AFTER the city has surrendered makes no sense. You can't even claim "b-but she wanted to be feared since she knew she won't be loved", since she was already feared (it's literally the reason why they rang the bells).

>are there even any genuinely good fantasy classics?


David Eddings' The Belgariad and Mallorean Chronicles, and Sparhawk books.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

The Once And Future King by E.B. White.

Silverlock, by John Meyers Meyers.

Anything by Tad Williams.
The Arafel Saga by C.J. Cherryh
The Discworld books by Pratchett
The Oz books
The Sword Of Shannara books
The Redwall books.
The Wheel Of Time books
The Dragonriders of Pern books

Fantasy existed long before GoT and the LOTR movies. There's thousands upon thousands of good books in the genre.

I don't care about feminism or fanboying on any character particularly. Yes the mad queen might have very well been there at the very beginning, yet we are given no clue as to why this should be the central conflict of the show?

Whats the fucking message? Power corrupts? Jon still is this immaculate incorruptible Gary Stu without making any real hard morally gray decisions his father and Robert did. And now Jon is a Targ? Give me a fucking break. Danny did all the morally grey decisions for an ulterior motive and she gets thrown under the bus by becoming the "mad queen" because she had her period that day. If this is the message and the result of the books as well then they are equally shit with the abbreviated show version. Everything that was charming about this show , which was basically presenting a world in which characters like Ned Stark cannot survive, in is thrown away because we have to have a black and white ending anyway. It is as equally as bad, if not worse than a Danny yass queen slay ending.

Holy fuck you need to bring your guypartner over to dudepeg you

A quick and "merciful" conquering wouldn't have worked out well for her in the long run with Jon being the true heir. She wanted to make sure people knew why she was on the throne, because she would do things for it Jon would never.

Read what I wrote. We don't know what the "fucking message" is - if any, sometimes a crazy character is just crazy - because D&D blasted through the story so fast, there was no time to build a story to tell the message.

But I guess anything more than "Dany BAD" is too complex for a simpleton like you, who has to be spoonfed everything.


Episode 1: 6
Episode 2: 5
Episode 3: 6
Episode 4: 4
Episode 5: 9

This season suffers from some of the worst dialogue I've seen in the series. Episode 4 was especially bad, whereas episode 5 benefited from the relative lack of cringey dialogue.

The stupid fan service interactions of the first 2 episodes are why everything is rushed.

Those stupid episodes are rated higher than everything else because stupid fans are stupid.

Stupid fans want their "ships" and their "every combination of characters has a contrived conversation" bullshit.

And then people are like "everything feels so rushed".

Everyone fucking praised those waste-of-time episodes. You guys want Game of Chats.

1 an 2 were boring
3 was somewhat decent, the whole fight sequence was great, but really stupid decisions from characters, like why would you not try to delay the fight till morning and set the trebuchets back and light more fires, etc, etc, why did they send the dothraki to die for nothing, just mind boggling that they would try to fight in the dark against undead
4 was the same, seriously, a fucking dragon flying like 1 kilometer or even higher in the air and you hit it with a giant crossbow, kek, a fucking rifle bullet will go as high as 3km straith above, but those fucking arrows, yea right, why would they kill the dragon so easily, misande getting taken so easy, she didn't go for cersei, they could've started shooting the scorpions at dany and the unsullied and the dragon, this whole episode is retarded
5 was great, the problem is they didn't set dany so well, dany is merciless, but not crazy, how is a person going to believe she just spins 360 and goes crazy in one second, i believe it, but most normies are heartbroken, cause they are stupid.

>sometimes a crazy character is just crazy

The laziest copest answer ever

>But I guess anything more than "Dany BAD" is too complex for a simpleton like you, who has to be spoonfed everything.

No I don't want to be spoonfed, I just don't want characters to act completely irrationally in order to serve a shit tier conclusion that merely results in bad guys vs good guys. I mean did the whole white walkers one shotted got memory holed for you as well? The fact that this existential threat for all humanity that was build up throughout the series wrapped up nicely so we can go back to good guys vs bad guys ? What the fuck is even this story man? Explain it to me.

what's clear now is that it is precisely BECAUSE it doesn't make sense that D&D thought that idea was cinematic gold.

the whole point (to them) was to have a character who was broadly perceived as a hero completely reverse for no obvious reason. they didn't foreshadow it properly on purpose because they thought it was going to be their version of the Red Wedding.

the touches of pottery with the toy horse and then the real horse make plain that they imagined this was their masterwork. the next episode is going to be even more misguided attempts to double down on the nonsense.

>sometimes a crazy character is just crazy

insane people have rationalizations for what they do. given how Dany was presented as a protagonist for the whole show (complete with heroic music), you can't simply stop dramatizing her motives to the audience to create a twist.

it's bad story structure and that's why people have rejected it, not because of feminism or yass queen etc etc.

why? cause king's landing got sacked? one city doesn't make all the lands terrible for living, dany could be a good queen to all the people, that's what people seem to forget, if dany deemed that the city is sodom and gomorrah and just burned it because she thought it was corrupted, then it would've been normal, right?

in the books the foreshadowing is mostly that Cersei is the mad Queen and that Dany is grrm's waifu: she is constantly having baths, eating, having sex, and is under constant pressure for most of ADWD.

there's no point in arguing with people who are convinced of the madDany theory but it's actually much more questionable and sketchy than they make out: it's more likely she'll keep being a grey character and become more ruthless and focused on military expediency than just go "crazy".

>because she thought it was corrupted, then it would've been normal

You just made me realize how even within the same episode Danny contradicts herself in her actions. She said the slaves of Mereen overthrew their masters and therefore she had reason to help them. But then when the people of Kings Landing ring the bells , she burns the whole lot, women and children as well? Why?

>what's clear now is that it is precisely BECAUSE it doesn't make sense that D&D thought that idea was cinematic gold.
>the whole point (to them) was to have a character who was broadly perceived as a hero completely reverse for no obvious reason. they didn't foreshadow it properly on purpose because they thought it was going to be their version of the Red Wedding.
>the touches of pottery with the toy horse and then the real horse make plain that they imagined this was their masterwork. the next episode is going to be even more misguided attempts to double down on
"Broadly perceived." Who cares? Her actions in the last episode are 100% consistent with the character presented in the show. She wanted the Iron Throne more than she wanted to be good, and she's done terrible things to that effect several times already.
>sometimes a crazy character is just crazy
>insane people have rationalizations for what they do. given how Dany was presented as a protagonist for the whole show (complete with heroic music), you can't simply stop dramatizing her motives to the audience to create a twist.
>it's bad story structure and that's why people have rejected it, not because of feminism or yass queen etc etc.
She's the "Mad Queen," but not literally insane like Aerys. Her actions have still made too much sense for it to be "she snapped."

Ah bloo bloo

she's depicted as more insane than Aerys. Aerys was only going to burn King's Landing when it was already lost: Dany burns KL when she's just won and could take it relatively unscathed.

nothing is even accomplished as "fear" by randomly strafing the city, because in a real medieval setting the only people you needed to keep scared was the nobility (which btw was also what Sane King Aerys focused on).

>episode 5 is good because Dany goes mad and it btfos normies even though the execution was terrible and every other plot point was shit

s1-4 good
s5 good
s6 good
s7 good
s8 what the fuck

She's not depicted as more insane than Aerys. He also wanted to burn everyone in King's Landing.

t. normalfag

Aerys decided to burn King's Landing after he had lost the war. Dany decides to burn King's Landing after she had won the war. If you honestly can't see the difference between the two scenarios and you can't understand why this makes Dany 10 times more insane than her father then you are a brainlet.

I don't see how that makes her more insane than Aerys. Your assertion that it's "more insane" doesn't make it so. She had more to gain by doing so it seems more rational if anything. Burning King's Landing would strike fear in other nobles who might plot against her.

S1-4 good
S5 bad ruined stannis
S6 dont care
S7 dont care
S8 dor care only happy to see normies get btfo'd and know how loyal stannanites feel

>reddit spacing

It's been a while since I had reason to dab on SJW EPIC style. The show has given me meaning in life again.

Fuck off with your logic. Either you start dabbing on the sjw meance or piss off back to plebbit where your kind belongs to.

Hold hands, but not with the Lord Almighty.

Have sex incel.

But we do know. DD said it in the inseide the episdeo shit that came afterwards. Dany burned the city because seeing the red keep triggered her. It reminded her of all that her familiy lost and how it was chased out of westeros. Despite never being in KL and only an infant when she got out of westeros herself, but who cares. She probably forgot that part and made the rest up in her mind. Who cares anyway, time to dab on some libtards ebin style as other anons have put it so nicley.

>I literally don't care if my own position makes sense LMAO

you have a great career in hollywood ahead of you sir

I've explained everything I've said in the thread.

Two main characters are crushed to death by rubble in a basement.

And now Jon is a Targ? Give me a fucking break.

This was hinted at in the books from the very first one ( when Ned is remembering his sister's last words), it's clear that this was always GRRM's intention with the plot