Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-14 Disney Assumes Full Control of Hulu in Deal That Values Streaming Service at $ (726x713, 605K)

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Disney is shaping up to be quite the megacorp. Only thing missing now is a military force.

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It really means nothing honestly
Disney+ is the last streaming service that has a chance of rivaling netflix.

It'll probably fail like the rest

Shouldn't the government be stopping this bullshit ffs

>November 2020
>disney purchases black water

I’m starting to wonder what the bigger threat to Florida is, the Disney corporation or Scientology

comcast lost billions on this shit, they wanted to sell it, now disney will be stuck with this bottomless moneysink

>noooo why are companies buying other companies through capitalist
>noooo i'm not a smart man

>biting the hand that lines your pockets
Now why would anyone do something so retarded?

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Disney is the government

That game was dope. Me and a buddy got stuck on Level 8 though.

Who do you think is more influential, Scientology or Disney?

There's a point where companies get too big and noncompetitive.
The government is supposed to prevent acquisitions and mergers that are too large to prevent market failure.

>He thinks the mouse is big
Lmao, the entertainment market isn't worth shit

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What is so wrong with Scientology? Other than having Tom Cruise in it I do not hear about them at all. Who the fuck cares that they believe in some alien Xenu thing, lol. Still more peaceful that "religion of peace" from out arabic friends.

They kill people who try to leave. You're right that they're better than Muslims, though.

>They kill people who try to leave.


Scientology has a lot more power and influence than you’d think. Also very very deep pockets and literal mindwashed bodies they can use for whatever they want
They kill people just for being part of their church

>disney gets the rights to the misfits
Maybe they won't notice.

If you think Scientology has half of the influente Disney has, you're delusional
>has a lot more power and influence than you’d think. Also very very deep pockets and literal mindwashed bodies they can use for whatever they want
You can assert literally the same thing for Disney

This is how capitalism works you commies

Nah, they can't even get new members. They got power but nowhere remotely near the power Disney kikes have.

You're forgetting Warner Bros' service is coming. They control 1/3 of the home video market.

>hulu worth 27.5 billion

where in the absolute fuck do they get these numbers, an NBC or CBS with all of its affiliates in tow wouldn't even break 5 billion

EU competition law when?

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Next up: TenCent reveals majority stake in Disney.

Netflix existing means Disney would win any anti-trust case.

Thats the magic of digital services

They have almost zero physical assets and reach anyone with a smart phone so value agents can't assess shit so they pluck a number from their asshole

And thus you have a dotcom bust V2 when it turns out they never made any profit

Can anyone make a meme chart connecting Disney to the Military Industrial Complex?

Attached: Music and the Military Industrial Complex.jpg (700x710, 111K)

>Implying every American has paid 92 dollars to Hulu.

This, George Washington was just an incel who didn't understand economics, the East India Company was well within their rights to be the only company the colonies are allowed to trade with.

lmao they literally just made it up and dumbasses at disney said yes the absolute madmen hahahaha

>Yanqui Uxo
Based and Comandante pilled

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>buy a basketball
>pay extra fees to the company if you're going to let other people play with it
What did nigger tech companies mean by this?

based ant people

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Why would they? Republicans love hands off corporate interests and Disney is a propaganda machine for liberal/leftist political agendas so the Democrat's aren't going to break up their brainwashing tool