Deep. Powerful. Touching

Deep. Powerful. Touching.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We live in a patriarchy
Its frickin time for women to rise the fuck up

No man actually wants to cry unless someone close to them dies

this says a lot about society

Yeah, dude, repressed feelings rule!

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Deep. Powerful. Touching.

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>le subverted joke

You can be sad and not cry doofus

You have to let your feelings out, you manchild. What is wrong with you?


Show me the constant contrarian and I will show you the constant fool.


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when youre a man you go and build an addition to your kitchen when your sad, stop being an effeminate faggot

I seriously hope you're joking, but you sound like a 14 year old.


holy fuck thats some top notch gang weed

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Are you serious? I feel like crying like once a year. This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions women have about men 2bh. Makes me wonder how often they want to cry but suppress it.

You are just stunted, then. Seek help.

You need to have sex bro

Oh, just another macnhild dudebro.

This movie is going to be horrible.

imagine the soiboi behind this post

it was funny until the "I know who you are"

Shouldn't you be watching a Ben Shapiro "debate", /pol/freind?

Stop baiting me it's working me into a shoot

are you baiting or what?

No, dude. Sorry someone actually stood up to you. Maybe take this to heart rather than trying to belittle those who call you out on your shitty mindset.

Not him, but there's a reason male suicide rates are so much higher than women's. It's because men are taught that expressing their emotions makes them weak

Are people really roasting this masterpiece before its even out?

Based Joaquin deserves better from you people

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literally what the fuck do you even get out of baiting like this, how can you find it funny?

He's a white incel though so nobody cares about him.

We are unpredictable, sorry if that scares you. Even Charles Manson wouldnt dare fuck with us gamers and clowns.

I thought my life was a joke but I realized it was a meme all along, now all I do is prank.

Because men are weaker now

So you are baiting

I'm not baiting you, man. Why are you so insistent that I am? You sound like an emotional dumpster fire and your mindset is toxic as fuck. The fact that it has been reinforced by those around you shows just how systemic the issues with male mental health are.

society made this
we use jokes as a form of protection, but underneath it were all damaged

so, is this the /schizo/ general?

This thread is awful.

>Me when I want to wipe off the deceptive makeup off a girl

clown = incels
tissue = sex

no, the one in your mind is....he he hahehehaH AHAHAHA

the tissue clearly raped him then

just answer me you weird faggot

it was for his own good

This is incorrect. Acting out is pathological. Furthermore it's possible and preferable to experience emotions without expressing them.

Bruh I fucking did answer you. Re-read the post.

is that' Jesus's hand?

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no, you didn't

What you want me to answer tho?

I tear up whenever I read Keats or whatever but haven’t cried in years.

>Reduce i clever witty hoje to "lol you suck"
I bet It is a libcuck

Why is Jesus a pedo?

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i cried the other day because i remembered i was mean to my mom when she offered me the wrong toy 20 years ago

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Go forth, and sin no more

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I think this image is transphobic. If she wants to be a drag queen that's her choice, and Jesus shouldn't stop her.

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fuck the thumbnail looked like the Maxx

These Jesus/Popular Thing pictures are pretty neat. Bizarre too

Peace be upon him

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Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that men are getting shit on, and modern women are the most privileged class to exist in all of human history.

>Be a feminist
>Claim to stand for gender equality and battling gender norms.
>Attack the masculinity of anyone who doesn't agree with me.
Feminists are on par with child-fuckers for the worst people on the planet.

How the fuck are men being shit on? Men still hold the majority of powerful positions in government and business and make substantially more than women on average. Oh, but someone trolled you on the internet and now you hate yourself. What happened to the phrase "man up"?

Nobody likes a sissy, you pussy. I haven't cried since I lost a close friend, and that was 5 years ago, and even then I kept it to myself.

the left cant meme

Man, that one percent really is making me feel better

Women prefer men who cry, it's good to know that they have feelings too amd are not afraid of showing it.

>removing the signatures

Like fucking 18 years ago I remember telling my mom that I hated her, that I wish she wasn't my mother. I still look back and regret that being such a shit. She's been a top mom, and I make sure I can hug her and kiss her cheek every time I see her. Even now, she's still helping me. I'm moving away from my hometown, my mother gave me money she saved up for a couple years to get a new car so I can travel with my stuff and have something more reliable.

I wish I could slap younger me.

why does hollywood love romanticizing the cringey inherent sociopathy of whitoid maleoids

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as someone who’s been in two long term relationships, this is a big fat lie. Don’t mislead neets like this

>Men still hold the majority of powerful positions in government and business
Why would I give a shit, it doesnt benefit me
Just because some different man has a good job how the fuck does that help me.
How does a man being in government help my power, it doesnt.

Its so fucking dumb
>well some men are doing good so lets just shit on all the other men to make things equal

>growing a beard

Deep shit right here.

fuck society

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>me me me me me
And you wonder why you never get laid.

They want to fuck and comfort us so bad.

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Who do you think makes their films


Allah is great

>>me me me me me
you got me, I am slightly peeved now

Happened in super

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Bismillah Vegeta, how can you call yourself the Prince of all Saiyans if you never went to Hajj?

>I tear up whenever I read Keats or whatever
lol fag

Men have larger lacrimal dutcs and less productive lacrimal glands. That's why they cry less often than women, so even if a man was as over-emotional like a woman he still wouldn't cry the same amount.


So We live in a socitey where Chads can brag about girls ass but I'm a 'creep' for telling girls I like brapps?!

We need to RISE the FUCK up!!

creepy just means ugly
its why girls call insects creepy
when a girl calls you creepy she is essentially comparing you to an insect

thank god some of the faggots are eliminating themselves from the gene pool. Natural selection is working!

>Brainlet misunderstands natural selection on Yea Forums

unofrtunately for men, this is how we have to live. women get so turned off when they see their man cry. i remember reading a reddit post about some whore that wanted to divorce her husband after seeing him weep over the death of his mother. i hate women

tic toc society

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>Apex fallacy
Feminism in a nutshell

>the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring
literally the definition. If you blow your brains out you're not gonna have many offspring, will you?

sounds like weak faggots who don't have the perspective or emotional maturity to handle a girl breaking up with them or having their first existential crisis killing themselves would fall under the umbrella of natural selection. They're maladapted by definition you brainlet

>He actually explains that people who kill themselves won't have kids
>He's literally TOO STUPID to understand why his initial post was being called dumb

"Expressing your emotions" means asking for help from your guardians/betters, there is no one above me.

Except yes I would cry in front of my parents I guess they are above me. But not anyone else.

You think altruism will let you get laid? That sounds retarded

I wonder if my tear ducts even work properly. Even when someone close to me dies I physically can't cry even though I may feel like doing so.

>It's because men are taught that expressing their emotions makes them weak

And how's that working out for you with all those overemotional nu-males skulking about?

what about crying alone in your room on a friday night?

>being edgy is a mask for something else
Am I surrounded by morons?

>No man actually wants to cry
I'm pretty sure nobody, regardless of gender, wants to cry in the first place, excluding literal attention whores.

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Based Tyson Mike poster.


why isn't that bitch in the back praying with them? that's a stonin'

Then u being just a bitch

I only cry when a familair dies, otherwise I never cry.

Post the chemicals one

>Why is Jesus a pedo?
Wtf that's the Mohamed, the human pork!

>Jesus put the gauntlet on
>"I'm the only who decides who lives and who dies"
>13% of the population dies
>Jesus winks at the camera before he dies

*claps back*

crying is a failure to communicate or process needs

>Yeah, dude, repressed feelings rule!
It's called discipline. You know what would happen if people stopped "repressing their feefees"? Rape, murder and genocide. Grow the fuck up.

>saiyajines are moustachelets

>women getting fatter at younger ages
>women no longer want relationships, marriage, children
>women no longer know how to keep a home
>women just want to slut around until their mid 30s and beyond
>it's men who are driving the decline in sex
a farmer grows nothing but rotten vegetables and nobody buys them, you don't blame the consumer for a decline in vegetable sales.

Have testosterone

Can confirm, my girlfriend of 2 years (at the time) broke up with me because I cried when my grandma who had taken care of me when I was a young child died of cancer.

>mechanism to relief pent up frustration exists
>stop doing that you look like a faggot
Go ahead, convince me you're not a moron.

I cry because I am depressed and I believe my life will never change because I'm too late to fix things or because I feel I have a wasted potential.

>mechanism to relief [sic] pent up [sic] frustration exists
is this actually how women view crying?

I hope you at least wash your vagina on a regular basis. wouldn't want any nasty yeast or UTIs adding to your girly emotional problems.

As opposed to what?
>Look at this retard crying he can't keep this wave of frustration locked behind a wall in my gut like a real man -- user claimed.

>look im a big reddit faggot
we can tell bro you dont have to spam it

I have serious problems actually, keep your neckbeard larping for you.

Men deal with problems by fixing them. That's why it's only acceptable for men to cry when someone dies, you can't fix that.

have sex

First of all, most men are in control of their emotions, not the other way around. Secondly, in the event that a man lacks discipline to not freak the fuck out like a retard whenever the unexpected happens, he uses anger to vent his frustration.

Women and estrogenbois use tears.

>imagine you're 14 again banging a 30+ yo milf


The solution to your "problems" is but a noose away, m'lady.

>You have to let your feelings out
f*moid detected

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What are real problems edgelord? You have no rights to complains if you are not a kid starving in Africa?

Sounds like you've had a pretty cushy life in your sheltered existence if nothing happened that brought you to tears. Here is a guy analogy, 10/10 men can remain in control of a lawn mower. How many do you think can remain in control of a fighter jet?
If you think control is easy, you're just not going fast enough.

very powerful

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yup, only exception is if your favorite character on game of thrones or walking dead dies

>the left cant meme
Did you actually bother checking his account or did you just feel personally attacked because you identify as a rare pepe

You can complain all you want, faggot. Expecting sympathy for your "muh sad feefees" first world problems when you have access to treatment all around you is entitlement of the highest degree. You think those starving kids even have an option? Neck yourself.

Thats me

>Make up:
The ability to say NIGGER

>The hand
Society and jannies :(

>Women prefer men who cry
yeah so they know if they are weak and can find a better man

>be you

>muuuh you are privileged uuuh
Femoid nigger detected

we've already established that the only reason men cry is over loss of family or loved ones, this isn't even a "forced" thing, it's just the only thing strong enough to make a normal man want to cry. and even then they do it in private because it's not men who treat other men poorly for crying in this situation, it's women. a man being witnessed crying by a woman for any reason is near the top of the list for "do not mate with this man". being an emotionally weak male is perhaps the single worst mating strategy next to being a literal mentally ill incel who can't communicate with women on even a basic level in the first place.

This comic implies that the extreme leftist types care about the mental degradation of white men who feel lost and angry. Which ironically makes this a huge fucking joke.

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>me sad me cry waaaah
>no u the femoid waaaah me still sad incel
kill yourself you walking vagina

This. My real virgin ex gf took a jab at me on two occasions during a fight. I told her I never had a family, had drug problems, and went to jail all during high school and after, I cried and was intoxicated when I told her most of it. I would dare no man to cry in front of anyone

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>males for the past 200,000 years: I like girls who wear makeup because it makes them look more attractive
>males in 2019: F-fakeup!

Some days I hate clown world, but then I see posts like this and they make me laugh

Go be a faggot on reddit you stupid fuck

So in your world pussy takes priority over self-care? And you sit here acting like you're a man? Who the fuck was this designed to convince? It's clearly had to be someone who had the capacity to read.

And shortly after you discovered you were gay.

>never had a family

you just rolled out the cornfield then?

>most people haven't trained to fly a fighter jet therefore men need to cry more in public it'll be good for everyone honest
What kind of nancy shit nonsensical argument is this?

Yeah you're right, metaphors aren't for everyone.

get the fuck out of here you dumb twitter roastie. you aren't going to convince the superior 50% of the population that what they've been doing successfully since the dawn of mankind isn't working.

>Saying to somebody to kill himself
>Try to tell some moral about starving kids
You are a contradiction by yourself, but I guess fat roasties believe only them have problems.

False equivalence is not a metaphor.

I am a dude, and you're a moron at his wit's end.
You're right, but what you were replying to was a metaphor, it just went over your head as evident by the fact that you took the literal interpretation and ran with that.

For fuck sake, your smile is supposed to stay on your amateur. Your heart may break and your makeup might fade but your smile STAYS ON

Holy shit this makes me mad
And people wonder how this whole talk about toxic masculinity came to be.

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You brought up the starving kids in the first place you fucking brainlet. I don't give a shit about them, but if I had to save some sniveling sĂły boy in his mom's basement complaining that life is so hard for him because he feels sad, or the starving kids, I'd save the kids every time, and so would everyone else given the choice. Nobody gives two shits about people who have the means to help themselves but refuse to do so.

Comparing a lack of training to fly a fighter jet to men crying in public is not a metaphor. It's literally a false equivalence.

>You can't be sad because others also have problems
how stupid are you

You're just the manifestation of pure cringe so obviously you don't have any parents.

A true kinoisseur

r*dditor, shut up

youre being a nigger and harmful to mens health.

its true. women dont like seeing men express their feelings. its shitty and it sucks and boys are raised to just lock everything up and "be a man", which is very harmful to our development. it doesnt have to be like this, but it is. theres many stories of women interacting with women raised the same as boys and being horrified at how emotionally stunted they are in comparison. they know it hurts us but see it as a necessary evil.

this does not mean however that you should perpetuate this nonsense. locking up is what drives so many men to suicide and to commit crimes. its why people snap. people like you telling them their problems dont matter and that they should just suck it up cause nobody is gonna help them and everybody will just make fun of them.

YOU are why we suffer every fucking day and why women still push that bullshit on us. you are why its "funny" to get raped and you are why its "cool" to get molested, so no young man can ever ask for help or you yourself will make fun of him.

you have to be the change, dumbass. quit perpetuating the stereotype. you can be a strong man with a working heart. it doesnt have to be one way or the other

It's ok to cry

based Thanos making peace and accepting the Kingdom of God

>lack of training to fly a fighter jet
Right, like I said you're missing the point as it's flying at fighter jet altitude over your head.
The comparison was the speed of lawn mower vs fighter jet to feeling everyday shit versus something life changing (outside of a loved one dying). If you haven't experienced that shit you can't relate to it so it's easy to claim that men who cry are crying because they're not in control of their emotions like you are (Guy traveling at lawn mower speed) versus a guy who is going through some real shit you're looking at from the outside (guy traveling at fighter jet speed). It has nothing to do with flying an actual fighter jet, you fucking troglodyte.

"toxic" masculinity has always been interchangeable with plain old masculinity when used by radical feminists. the truth isn't that men are "forced to repress" crying. the truth is that men mentally and physiologically do not cry or want to cry as much as women. if you're a male and there are times in your life where you even feel like crying that didn't include permanent loss of loved ones, you were probably raised on a diet full of estrogen and hormones.

everyone there hate this kike

Libtard humor sucks.

>Men and women pray in the same place
Now THATS a stonin'

>reddit spacing

Nobody ever said you can't be sad you monumentally retarded brainlet. The only thing being said here is that NOBODY FUCKING CARES that you're sad, so get help or fucking kill yourself, retard, because we DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU.


>muh men's health
>actual reddit spacing
>unironic "toxic masculinity" argument
wew lass

I cried walking down the street today remembering the final scene of Fellowship of the Ring.

prime example right here everybody. this is the kind of stunted mentally ill man who will NEVER be strong and lives only to hurt other men, in the vicious cycle of abuse

Ok, roastie, I'll humor you. Name one "life changing" event outside of a loved one dying that you think a man would cry over.

The thread is about men crying, I just said that I cried sometimes because I'm currently depressed, for some reason you are buttblasted.

When was the last time you cried, Yea Forums?

>i'm such a victim i'm being bullied why does everyone just want to hurt me they're just mean bullies who are secretly weak themselves waaaaaah
seriously consider suicide you sopping vagina.

>Not being a real man and showing your emotions


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A man talked about how he cried in a thread about men crying and you decide to throw an autistic fit over it

>who have the means to help themselves but refuse to do so.
How do you know I have the mean to do that? You don't have know what my problems are about.
So many rage for nothing, you need to chill out.

Had a nervous breakdown in november, past year because post concussion syndromme. That shit sucked really bad.

found out my old highschool bestfriend hung himself with a belt after years of heroin addiction.
i was drunk so that might have affected it.

this thread is 99% men agreeing with each other that the only reason to cry is the loss of a loved one, and then you come in saying "hey guys I'm a huge pussy who also cries because I'm a sad piece of shit" and getting railed on for it. why are you even still in here if you know you're just going to continue to be derided for your emotionally weak behavior?

what's wrong with keeping my text orderly, cunt?

Also you got no argument

So now bullying is a manly thing?

I cried with a mix of anxiety and rage when my gf broke up with me on january. As I got home alone, everything stopped making sense and I felt I had no place anywhere.

My depression also includes dead of people I knew you retard, it's a mix of various things.
I only see some neckbeard trying to be edgy.

they just want men to cry over petty shit that woman would cry about like stubbing their toes or become bitchy because of their messy hair

While putting my 12 year old baby doxie down because she had cancer that couldn't be treated, holding her tight and rubbing her belly and giving her kisses as she drifted off into a permanent sleep.

I'm sorry. Heroin sucks

I read a book where a dog died and i cried, am i too far gone?

it was marley and me

Bullying has always been a manly thing. Go cry to your mom over "toxic masculinity" about it, faggot.

i thought it was funny

Lol doxie

After reading The Stranger, one year ago.

I guess I had repressed stuff going on and I just let it all out. Felt good.

yeah that was one reason i just stopped hanging around him. even when he was still doing it, he was close to getting me into shit i didn't want to be a part of
>hey user lets go here for a second
he was doing a deal without my knowledge
>hey user i'm gonna go get us some weed lets go here
turns out he was delivering heroin to someones house

got fed up with that shit and stopped contact, moved, 3 years later i had a chick friend from highschool contact me on facebook saying she was sorry about Friend and i was so confused and thats when i got the news
end blog

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It's manly to humiliate people weaker than you? Seems to be a very feminine mentality.

Right, you couldn't wrap your head around a metaphor that was laid out in front you without me drawing you a map so you're bound to understand feelings revolving events you haven't experienced. What the fuck is the point of this exercise so you can regain footing after I've just decimated your entire presence in this thread? I have better shit to do, a fact which you're going to take as a forfeit anyways so you get what you want as well. Happy larping.

>nervous breakdown
>death of a friend
real shit
>anxiety because of a roastie
>death of a beloved pet
genuine sadness

I was in the verge of tears in public.

A person I know and respect, in tears, told me one of his friends just died when we were at a jam session where we both were playing. He kept carrying on with the night. When he started singing I got choked up and had to turn my face away from the public. I just felt something really heavy

I asked you for one (1) example. You couldn't provide it and instead went on some sort of estrogen-fueled tirade. You're probably sobbing while participating in this thread, aren't you, faggot.

i didn't even cry at my dads funeral when i was 13 but it hit me years later when i wish he was around.

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having some empathy is good, but that's some female levels of empathy. get your testosterone checked.

Any superior specimen will humiliate or cast out their inferiors to assert dominance.


>Neckbeard edgelord: the post

To be honest that was partly your fault.

Take care knowing that

Fuck off reddit

I only cry in the rain so that no one may see my tears

>I have no response but I must reply: the post

only a fag cares about others seeing him crying

Crying from a song is normal, and more knowing the context

he was obviously a weak individual. i'm not his mother, he was his own person.
have a nice day though.

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Only fags cry


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Just summon it again dude, jeez

Deal with it lad, nature is cruel and unfair. Society is just more complex but you cant take the animal out of the men, we follow the same rules, just more convolutedly so.

He was addicted to heroin. Dude needed help and you literally let him die. And now you talk shit about him when you were crying years ago.

which is true in concept, but in reality only fags cry in public in the first place.

The edge

I could give you a thousand it wouldn't fucking matter. You haven't felt the intensity of those feelings because that shit hasn't happened to you so you can't relate. Plus, you're defensive already so all you're going to do is minimize it and mock it. It's an exercise in futility trying to convince a retard of your caliber of shit you can't perceive because to you if you can't perceive it then it must not exist.
Here's a sample to prove that point.
During war time you're a simple farmer and your farm has been assaulted (your family survives - no loved one dying) but your home and the means to feed your family are gone. In that moment, the feelings that overwhlem you like a tidal wave will drive a man to cry as everything collapses at the same time. Naturally being the retard that you are, you'll claim that "Instead of crying like some faggot, you'll pick up a rifle and start fighting the enemy." Go ahead, prove me right..

why are twitteredditors so bad at shitposting?

>hangs himself
>literally let him die
shit i should have took a 8 hour flight back to rescue him in time.


What do you want I answer to this load of shit? You will justify sociopathic behavior in the name of some pseudo-darwinist explanation, we can't make civilizations with mentally ill people like you, if you are parts of the "winners" then why are you triggered by weak people complaining? You are defending the system, satanists should rules everything with people like you supporting them.

The excuse of "this is human nature" is just an easy way to escape responsibilities, but I guess deficient organism without any empathy can't even understand a simple thing like that.

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It's ok to cry

Except bullying is not nature, and you are supporting it by contrarianism, only because you see some leftards talking about it, we all know that.

Just remember how lucky you are, both of you. My mom is a selfish bitch who moved across the country when I was 7 for some guy, and stayed there even after they broke up. Adult me has realised how fucked up it is to do that your kid, back then I was just sad.

Maybe. He was too far gone, you saw him too far gone and you did nothing. And then you cried because you knew you could do something. The sad thing is that still know. That's why you shittalk him even after all these years

To be honest, everybody is bullied at some point in their lifes, so dont feel too bad about it.

Catharsis isn't fucking real. Screaming in rage when you're angry doesn't make you less angry, it makes you more angry. Crying doesn't make you less sad, it makes you more sad. Screaming in fear doesn't make you less scared, it makes you more scared.

You mistake suppression of reaction with repression of feeling. You are allowed to be angry, sad, happy, or terrified, but that does not mean that you should broadcast it outwardly, because that reaction only exists to draw attention to you, and you could accomplish that just as well by simply talking to people.

The reason women do it is because they are biologically and hormonally hardwired to do it because it makes it easier for them to convey their emotions to men.

holy shit

you don't seem to understand the 3 year gap that has transpired between when i moved and when i found out the news. this was fresh after highschool when he started using

like all addictions, you have to want to get help. i can shed a tear about his death but it was self inflicted and cowardly. quit trying to make me feel bad about it. it was not my fault and you should fuck off already.

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>4 more months before Yea Forums is destroyed forever

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People who can't feel empathy should be massively sterilized, reminder they can lives and getting away with their shit only on societies with a liberalist economy.

People who can't feel empathy are error of evolution, we should invent discriminations against them.

>goes on another roastie tirade
>claims it's others who are defensive
one yike

your example only serves to prove that you're a woman. the man would be grateful that none of his loved ones were lost and know that he can rebuild easily enough; he'd know that this isn't a moment to give up and surrender to despair which would instill panic and hopelessness among his family, because he has lost nothing truly important to him and must to remain strong for his family and help them through a temporary time of difficulty.

i mean, fuck, my grandparents literally just lost their entire crop and half their possessions when the Missouri river flooded their land, and despite the government coming in and saying "lol none of you get FEMA relief deal with it fags" my grandfather remained stoic knowing there was nothing to do but wait for the waters to recede and get back to work repairing and rebuilding, while my grandmother sobbed to cope as women do.

You are the crying wife in both scenarios.

>bullying is not nature
Of course it is, picking on a weaker guy to assert dominance, classic power play.

>and you are supporting it by contrarianism,
I dont support bullying i just picked the conversation midway, it should be stopped at a certain point because kids tend to not have limits, but its natural for it to happen in a small scale, to stop it completely is unnatural.

Good that ost is so fun.

Id save user instead because I presume he's white


>Rape, murder and genocide.


Only times I cried in the last 10 years was at the end of return of the king and toy story 3

I'd watch Patrick Little but you cucks keep banning him.

Ok simp
Go kill yourself now

You're thinking of Mormon Jesus. Regular Jesus was a bro.

There he is, the moron. Such a stupid fucking child that he firmly believes that because his grandfather remained stoic in front of him (where it's evident that expressing grief would get him nothing but ridicule in that community)is evidence enough that he didn't cry. That's all completely neglecting the fact that your anecdote is comparing apples to bowling balls where your grandfather is able to rebuild unlike the guy caught in the middle of a war, where the fuck was he going to rebuild and with what resources?
I gotta go to my data structure class.
Thanks for playing.

>sterilize every single man
Great plan

Would Jesus forgive Thanos for annihilating half of all life in the universe if he sincerely repented?

>bullying is not nature
setting aside the fact that whether it is or isn't is a naturalistic fallacy, it absolutely is and literally every primate species partakes in it including humans.

Attached: 2978436543.jpg (940x1632, 240K)

Life's all about how you handle it.

>I gotta go to my data structure class.
Are they just making up new bullshit lessons at school, wtf is data structure class?

>Rape, murder and genocide
This already happens in a regular basis
You massive moron

>it doesn't count because in my fictional example that never actually happened the farmer was somehow not able to rebuild
lmao for real fuck off back to twitter you urban roastie brainlet.

Why would you cry in front of Bane? He's always so considerate and asks me why I'm there.

After he lets it all out he's going to start smiling for real.

And to be white

All you need so your complex algorithm works as intended (Binary stacks, inverted lists, graphs) Computer shit, 2nd year.
It's war. All the resources are locked in building war shit and the land is no longer yours because it's been obliterated/subjugated
You've heard of war, right?

>it's men's fault that women do things
Nice try cuck knight.

The holocaust (tears of joy)

I'm physically incapable of crying. I've actually had to use eye drops from time to time because my tear ducts are fucked.

>it's war
>where they invade civilian farms and salt the earth but totally let the farmers and their families live because they're such nice guys
your fighter jet false equivalence was brainlet-tier and your retarded fake story about what actually happens in war is even worse.

I shed tears watching the camrip of Endgame final scenes.

You and your family are and mobile and can run, unlike your farm. This desperation is delicious.


>sets up farm somewhere else
well that was easy

Right, it's that easy. Why didn't your grandpa do that and wait for the water to recede?

Attached: huffpuff.jpg (948x533, 281K)

that wasn't me. you know what my grandparents did do, though? they escaped their farm because of the flood (war) and will return to it to rebuild after the flood (war) is over, and my grandfather isn't too sad about it because he didn't lose any loved ones in the ordeal and everything he did lose can be replaced. hmmmmmmmm

You know it's just a drawing to convey some message, right? Autismos.

Pictures are "hung". People are "hanged".


No babe, I'm hung

Why does he look like trudeau

Naturally, the farmer knew the war was going to be won in his favor so he just grabbed his family and waited for his side to win with no food or home, all stoic and shit.

>trudeau was a clown all along

a corpse is no longer a "person", therefore hung.

I literally can't cry, when I get emotional I just make those faces that actors do when they can't cry on command. It's fucking ridiculous desu

Attached: nicholas-cage-hollywood-actor-disappointed-crying-sad-angry.jpg (796x315, 21K)

Oh shit, I live in a society!

or just sets up a farm elsewhere, if you run off with your family and you get to a new location why wouldnt you try and set up shop again?

Oh honey, could it be that you're craving my McNuggies?

do you think all the inhabitants of a country are forcefully removed and replaced once a war is lost? or that it's beneficial towards in invaders end goal in any way to destroy civilian farms in the first place? you really have no idea what you're talking about do you.

You're not a corpse when you're hanged. At least not yet.

Yeah boi *cough* bend over lad

Attached: 10592211044_1e755e6106_z.jpg (640x427, 50K)

Farms are burned all the time to starve the enemy and with the old regime's record's destroyed what's stopping some random group of claiming the land?
Fucking where? You either go towards the enemy or away. Towards the enemy is death away is lands that aren't yours and people still live on them.

traditionally in (recent) wars the farms aren't destroyed or the occupants killed. the resources are simply diverted to the occupying war effort and it's the city dwellers who suffer from the shortages, not the farmers.

yes. You can literally fuck kids, kill everyone and still go to heaven if you repent

Why didn't you just kill her?
>trusting roasties
She was probably cheating on you.

why is this hypothetical world some kind of trench warfare where one west is all enemy territory and east belongs entirely to someone else with no way of obtaining land

Cant I just march north or something and tell both sides to fuck off.

True, I've gotten way off track larping with this retard claiming he'd be stoic no matter the circumstances. Thanks for bring me back, this is a waste of time.


What are the chances that Joker actually turns out to be absolute kino?

The entire point was that once your entire life collapses and you have a hungry family to feed you'll feel a wave of emotion that will drive you to tears. This is the result of a moron poking holes until he finds a variable where he can solve all of his problems "like a real man." It isn't about that anymore, and has become a convoluted nightmare.

>Farms are burned all the time to starve the enemy and with the old regime's record's destroyed what's stopping some random group of claiming the land?
scorched earth tactics have never been very common, and are almost unheard of after the invention of railroads when you could efficiently occupy land and divert its resources for yourself instead.

I am that "retard" you brainlet. I'm still just pointing out how your examples are fucking stupid and no amount of your arguing will ever make it acceptable for men to cry in public, least of all over things that don't involved permanent loss of loved ones.

Right, that's the point. This has become about war strategy and resource management and not the feeling of hopelessness of a farmer whose life just collapsed. We've went way off tracks larping.

It's a Jaoquin Pheonix movie. He is walking talking kino.

Right, you're minimizing and mocking like I said you would an hour ago because you can't grasp the concept.
>no amount of your arguing will ever make it acceptable for men to cry in public,
The fuck is the point of arguing if your mind can't be changed? You're not even open to the possibility. Next time just open with this.

>once your entire life collapses and you have a hungry family to feed you'll feel a wave of emotion that will drive you to tears
That isn't a point. That's your personal opinion. The simple fact of the matter is that barring the loss of loved ones, most men will not be "driven to tears" by any event, and those who do sob at life changes and temporary obstacles are rightfully mocked for it as weak and undisciplined.

We never would have gotten anywhere as a civilization if men fucking broke down and cried every time something difficult happened. Unless you unironically want to complain about "muh patriachy" and "muh evil masculinity" in which case maybe you should take it to radfem twitter where they give a shit.

Catharsis is real but temporary. Its a band aid, not a solution

>unironically arguing to make it ok for himself to sob openly in public and not be laughed at like a sissy little bitch for it

Holy shit he killed himself and you shit talk him. He cant even defend himself now you fucking coward. Stop responding

Your political leaders were bawling their eyes out after literally every mass shooting. You're just not paying attention.
Is that why you argue? You need permission from the crowd to do something first? When the fuck were you ever a man?

Which is why men don't use it. A man will seek solutions, that's part of what makes a man.

>literally bawling their eyes out
So we're just lying now?

Its ok to cry especially if you are white


I know. I should trust nobody not even myself

Tears of joy maybe. Obama was doing a crab rave every time one of his hoaxes successfully fooled the American public.

If you need group approval to do something first then you're far from a man who never cries, let's be fucking real.

Wrong person?

all legitimate scientific research that's been done on catharsis suggests that it only serves to make you even more angry/sad/whatever and doesn't even work as a band-aid.

even the original notion that it might be helpful at all was Freudian pseudshit based off some mystical fairy idea that your anger was a physical thing that bottled up inside you and if you didn't release it cathartically that it would cause psychological trauma.

Meh. Having that moment of breaking down can serve to actually rebuild, since you get a manifestation of something that is happening

You're fucking delusional.
The comments are linked so unless you randomly jumped in this shit, it's not wrong person.

you are a fucking weakling

Yeah i randomly jumped in, you said something that was false so i wanted to point it out.

Have sex

You're obviously not a man.

Oh my bad.Go up the comment chain if you're interested for the context.

Nice source faggot

>Not being wholly self centered to get where you want in life

You have a cuckold mentality

Oh shit he got me

I am actually a spider

I read the entire chain, you're lie has absolutely nothing to do with the context of the thread.
You said "your political leaders were bawling their eyes out"
Bawling their eyes out, clearly an exaggeration. Or in other words a lie.

>Your political leaders were bawling their eyes out after literally every mass shooting
they "literally" weren't.

>thinks he can sob like a bitch in public and not be treated like a little bitch because of it
lmao what a massive faggot. go cry to mommy little fudgepacker.

>he used the word

Sneaky leggy boi, get outa here.

The word that's banned on your favorite subreddit, go back to it

more like the entire focus of his favorite subreddit.

I remember some local municpal guys crying, but it was so long ago their names aren't coming for me, you're right I've exxagerated.
Time to go nuclear.
Turtleman crying because his friend retired, your guy. Is he not a man?