Can someone explain why this is hailed as a cinematic masterpiece...

can someone explain why this is hailed as a cinematic masterpiece? i didn't see any poignant symbolism at all - all of the violence and torture just to seem to serve itself and were designed just to shock and disgust - like pasolini just saying to himself "lol look at me I'm so fucking edgy and off the rails"

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Have you ever heard of De Sade?

because it was high budget deviant porn in 70s. thats all

it's hot

no, who is he(?)

>look at this metaphor for totalitarianism and fascism lmao
Good movie though

You have to be well read in political philosophy to understand the movie.

okay tell me what to read then

>le fascists like to eat le poopoo xD
Pasolini was a hack.

You are a gigantic pleb user


It's an examination of what happens when absolute unchecked power get exercised - it corrupts the youth and ruins a nation.

It helps if you're familiar with the writings of De Sade and have knowledge of Italian politics and some of Italy's foremost philosophers (Gramsci, for example)

I bet you enjoy films of Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Btw don't ever try watching anything by Haneke.

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because i dont enjoy a film i'm told to watch and told to appreciate by all these film snobs?
sure im the pleb


why wouldn't i enjoy Haneke's films?

I want to see my qt3.14 eating my shit after I rape her by knife crossing the sides of her breasts with crying in every motion of disgust grasping the last straw of sanity in razor edge

It was more the allure of the subject matter and the notoriety of De Sade. Pasolini was a gay italian commie, of course he was edgy.

So basically what happens now behind closed doors with the elite of the world?

>raping kids
>eating shit

I think it says something about the duality of man

>Pasolini was a gay italian commie
>makes film about kids eating poop

damn, checks out on so many levels

how do you mean duality? what are both sides?

Haneke movies aren't supposed to be enjoyed.

very nice repeating digits there

Commie propaganda.

Degenerate trash made by degenerate faggot pedo disguised as social commentary.
Edgelord faggotry from the schizophrenic scribbles of an imprisoned faggot.
Only pseuds and faggy s o yboys hail this as anything but trash.
Ask them to show you their patrician cuckterion collection.

Gramsci was a hack
> yo bro you know how Greek philosophers would speak about one nation being so powerful they control all faucets of life?
> damn Antonio that's so profound it's not like we've ever seen that before in history. you should be revered as an intellectual

based quads of truth


The man who trolled the world by convincing people his homemade fap fic was actually intellectual and philosophical

It's not. A lot of arthouse cinema is just an excuse for making a weird porno on a decent budget.

...And That's a Good Thing!

>big name director
>more than 40 years old
>left-wing message
>liberally adapts an edgy 18th century author
>overal pretentiousness

That's why. Also, in the context of 1970s Italy this must have caused quite the sensation.

That being said though, it isn't really that popular outside hipster and commie circles; just look at its Rotten Tomatoes page for proof.

One of ten good artfag movies

>can someone explain why this is hailed as a cinematic masterpiece?
it isn't, quote one person that says that
>i didn't see any poignant symbolism at all - all of the violence and torture just to seem to serve itself and were designed just to shock and disgust - like pasolini just saying to himself "lol look at me I'm so fucking edgy and off the rails"
yes, congratulations you got the point on why it was banned in the first place

Fucking brainlet.

I won't even explain the allegories to Fascism and Capitalism because they would just be lost on them.

Stick to GOT you fucking pleb.

Typical euro filmmaking. Excellent premise, well executed beginning and middle. Then kinda goes nowhere and ends on a wet fart.

It's an adaptation of De Sade's story used to explain Italy's experience in the 30s and 40s. Most of what you see was written by De Sade but toned down by PPP. The characters in Salo ear shit but nobody cuts through a girl's asshole and vagina with a pair of shears or anything like that. The point of Salo is to answer the post-war question "how could people let this happen?" by showing the mutation of social hierarchy and mores and norms in microcosm. What I find interesting is how the drama prefigured the Zimbardo Prison Experiment. If Zimbardo had happened first people would absolutely point to it as inspiration for the movie.

>Most of what you see was written by De Sade but toned down by PPP
a shame considering it was going to be going to banned anyway

Because muh fascism

This tbd, it wasn't even particularily shocking, neither this or canibal holocaust stood out to me as particularily gruesome. Scandalous for the times, certainly, but didn't really do much for me.

>we live in a society: the movie
It was pretty good until they started saving their poo in a giant vat. what the fuck lol

Am I the only one who thinks the box art for the criterion edition is 10/10


"High art" is literally pretentious pornography half the time

Except this shit is not high art. It's considered "art" only because a bunch of retarded arthoes think it's meant to be a metaphor and most of such "art" is primarly nothing but an expression of degeneracy of an individual and his circles, only disguised as a metaphor. Get into any Academy of Fine Arts and before you'll finish it, you'll learn that most of these artsy retards just want to play their sick games in public. They're psychopaths who get tingles when they can express their degeneracy in plain sight, w/o people realizing it or watering it down as "art" - it's not. It's literal.

This is the type of embryo think similar to those who love nolan and think it's smart.
Pseud entry level baby.

fuck off, pleb
fuck off, pleb

he was a notorious pedo

It completely misunderstood Sade. Honorable version would be very sick black comedy.

>movies have to have a point
Holy shit, please stick to cape shit

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wow it's almost like all faggots are pedos/pederasts, what a revelation

>lmao power is anarchic! eat poo! I'm so smart! :3

can someone explain why every single Italian movie made between 1960 and 1985 has one or more of the following
>child sex / nudity

ZULUL eat da poopoo ZULUL

I read about half of 120 Days before I got bored. I mean, it’s kinda shocking at first, but that feeling soon gives way to apathy. Everything sordid scenario is presented so meticulously that comes off without a hint of believability. It reads kinda like a hentai, with logic and sense tossed aside for the thrill of perversion.

Also none of the children in the main act are elaborated upon so they might as well be mannequins.

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>all these seething right wingers
>not a single coherent argument but only petty insults
People hate what they don't understand.

Quads can't lie

It's because degenerate commies took over art and culture in the generation after WWII.



That's why it's good, it's a cinematic equivalent of saying
>the powers that be are feeding us shit and raping us!
Like live action South Park

Sounds like... Satanism

>calling anyone a pedo on this board
cringe, stick with capeshit and gay of thrones, brainlet

>tfw you accidentally step in some art
>also, hi satan

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>won't even explain the allegories to Fascism and Capitalism
It's so superficial and on the nose with its themes, and it doesn't even bring anything new or interesting, you have to endure over an hour of a shitty movie (pun intended) to get the most pedestrian analysis of power structures in society.

South Park is cringe too.

>triggered fascist

It was a better time.

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>Literally quote Proust

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>I only like shit when Jodoworsky uses it

Shock value art was a mistake.


the author.
he wrote books for shear shock value. it's from his name that sadism is derived from.

The book is far better, I like how the first passion we are presented with is cumming on little girl's faces, that's the lightest thing he could think of.

I've found the book in my grandmother's personal collection when I was around 13. It was a delightful read, even though the summarized three acts were a bit disappointing.

He didn't manage to finish the book so these are only outlines of what was going to happen, such a shame, I can only imagine how he would describe the later events in full detail.

Then how come I enjoy them? Cache is very easily digested by most people

100% this

Still one of my favorite introductions to a character in a book....

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Post poopoo dinner party webms

reminder the Italian RSI were the good guys

decima mas x

Did you actually watch the film...
If you did... then why are you asking this question?

The film is a masterpiece and got the director killed... its kino af.

Fucking onions boys watching real films and complaining, get the FUCK out of here and go back to the Marvel franchise, fucks sake.

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it's a poignant commentary on the moral bankruptcy of fascism and late capitalism

the man who exposed the "elite" 's debauchery

Actually you don't say DE Sade you just say Sade when you say the last name, but nice try though, smug burger.

Movie made me uncomfortable; it's simply unpleasant to watch because of how disgusting these people are.

It's Kantianism and rationality taken to its extremity. Read Adorno and Horkheimer's essay on Sade to see the point, or at least a good reading of Sade.

>rationality taken to its extremity
You what

The whole point is that rationality eventually reveals that there is no ordained law or reason behind the universe. Think of the problems are sciences are all starting to bump up against. Natural law, order to the universe? All that shit is falling apart by virtue of the very thing that seemed to grant it power. And with Sade, in thinking out these extremely calculated orders and such, but also seemingly arbitrary, is giving us an argument as to what constitutes genuine sovereign power. It's not necessarily that justice is in conformity with rationality, but rather that what constitutes justice is merely the dominate power in the relationship. This is a rational conclusion that shows the inherent weakness within rational schemas.

our sciences*

I'm tired.


I'm not readding no cultooral marxisum, you think im a fag?

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It's "sheer" not "shear." Thin fabric is sheer. Cliffs are sheer. Books were written for sheer shock value. Sheep are sheared.

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Only human societies arent rational in the first place, so there is very little reason to apply rationality to it.

I recently went through all the Sacha Guitry movies on the Criterion site

how come people only ever talk about the old foreign movies that are super weird and depressing? Sacha Guitry's movies are pretty normal, but bursting with wit and creativity. they're not super funny exactly but he's like quentin tarantino or adam reed where you can feel the electricity as the characters speak his dialog.

also pierre etaix. he's like jacques tati if he was good.

a frenchy faggot

Trips are truth. Quads are laws of the universe

no shit

Pasolini's Canterbury Tales is a masterpiece.

Yes but it is the only way for indie filmmakers to try to make a name for themselves. But there is no artistic intent, they only want to become famous. Fuck the famewhores. Fuck Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Fuck Shivers. Fuck Funny Games. Fuck Antichrist.

Unironically yes, I've read a handful of memoirs from rich sex addicts, and when you have tons of money, power, and free time, the sex you're having constantly becomes boring and you fall down the rabbit hole of increasingly sick and disgusting fetishes to keep sex exciting and unpredictable. I think that's why there are so many rich pedophiles, after a hundred orgies and BDSM sessions you start to crave something even naughtier, taboo, and forbidden. Men were not meant to rest on their laurels.

You're right about justice but not about there being no natural law though I think you might just be wording it strangely

natural law breaks down at the quantum level

There still has to be a "law" to govern the quantum level though. Shit still happens. How can something happen if there is not a "reason" for it to happen? There has to be motivation for phenomena to occur otherwise they would not occur

Absolutely destroyed.

Thats just the thing. At the quantum level, all of this stops working and if you look close enough, things can happen either way. It's actually chaos, as odd as it sounds.

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>It's actually chaos
It isn't though. There are limits to it i.e. it's discrete in nature. If there weren't limits then you wouldn't even be able to observe things at the quantum level and there would be no reason to study quantum physics.

>funny games
>made by indie filmmakers to become famous
How much of a brainlet can you possibly be you dirty nigger

Honestly I find Marquis De Sade's life far more interesting than this movie. Low level French nobility, lived a scandalous life full of sex, rape, pedophilia and homosexuality (I wouldn't be surprised if bestiality was involved as well), somehow didn't get killed during the revolution, and wrote most of his works in prison and/or mental asylum. Napoleon himself ordered his arrest, and most of his works were burned after his death.

If anything, there's a man who needs a fucking biopic.

Which it is.

Trips of truth.

sheep shock sounds like a good band name
debut extended play called sheer value

wow so edgy, do you praise satan?

>no response
based pretentious poster

It's a fucking awful film.
Fucking awful book, but kinda fun to read.

The film is one of those films you have to watch at least once just to say you've seen it, like Pink Flamingos, A Serbian Film, Vomit Gore Trilogy, August Underground etc.
They all get hailed and this and that but at the end of the day they're all just shitty shock movies.

The notion of a limit does not necessarily imply that what governs that limit is rational. Think of the universe, to use a macro example. It is allegedly limited, but that doesn't make the limit or what "exists" as "constructing" that limit as rational. And then to complicate matters even more there is dark matter and dark energy. There may be regular recurring patterns within those limits you are discussing, but that does not prove rationality governs all.

I'm not the guy who has been responding to you, by the way. I'm the guy you replied to originally.

no one thinks salo is a masterpiece
its edgy shock humor from a time where they didnt have HD cartel decapitation videos
the director was a homosexual fetishist that got murdered for it and rightly so

According to Abel Ferrara it was a documentary

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Edgy reads like my snuff erotica

based and redpilled

It was hot.

In every plate of shit is an American trying to get out?

Go watch "Quills" with Geoffrey Rush and Kate Winslet

>Be Jew
>Have wild, crazy fantasies (generally sexual, but that's to be expected because >Jew)
>Want to put these wild crazy sexual fantasies onto celluloid
>You know this is 1975 and if you put it to celluloid there will be outrage (the bad kind of outrage that results in the deaths of 6m non-existent Jews, but we won't get into that)
>So how can you get away with doing it?
>Just do what you always do - project and lie

See how it doesn't really work though? It's like claiming Trump is a hardcore tranny despite him wanting to gas hardcore trannies. Or Hitler being a hardcore anti-Semite who gassed 6m Jews (he didn't) despite him being a Jew. It never makes any sense unless you're using Jewish logic.
Who do I think is genuinely more likely to carry out what's carried out in Salo. My two choices are

>A) a group so anti-degeneracy that they were, allegedly, openly murdering degenerates just for being degenerates
>B) a (((tribe))) who only want what's best for you and that's why they openly promote (((degeneracy))) today

If I were heavily sedated or brain dead, then maybe, just maybe, I might be tempted to choose A.

it would be a flick inspired by actual events, not a fucking documentary

Aww hell yeah, Quills was great. Rush is so fucking good in it.

Jew degenerate kike, redpilled numale cuck? Soiboi faggot based (((SJW))). Nigger, roastie tranny incel kino sneed!

>foremost philoshopher

Read Evola you nigger.

Quills is so fictionalized it's absurd. I don't think the guy read more than maybe a paragraph about the life of the Marquis de Sade before he wrote it.

pasolini got what he deserved in the end

yeah thats all gramsci had to say user

fucking based

this but unironically

this is true but i really liked watching them eat shit so 5 stars from me desu

its so hot when women are naked but still are wearing pretty shoes uwu

Just saw the 35mm print in theatres. Final scene is fucking genius.

"cinematic masterpiece" is a cliche

>satan shows himself
Lol get fucked pedo

>oh wow such art, woman telling nasty gay pedo stories, very art
>oh wow, gay men, very art kino yes
>oh yes, children make sex, this is how I call kino
>oh my, poop, yes yes art I think yes
>oh yes, blood, very big kino
Kill yourself you fucking rockbrain cretin

>doge meme
you reddit faggots stick out like sore thumb wherever you go

>rockbrain cretin misses the point

So easily triggered.

Find another forum more suitable to your estrogen levels, bitchboy.

He didn’t live that life though, he wrote all this stuff but didn’t do it himself.

just turn off your brain and enjoy art lmao

Funny how "fashy goys" (yes, the queers actually call themselves that) are always huge pussies.

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>enjoys movies about gay people, shit, and pedophilia
>larps as Chad
You showed me user

>You showed me user
And now the snarky effeminate passive aggression. Like I said, reddit as fuck.

has anybody else watched the other movies in the Antoine Doinel series? I saw 400 Blows years ago and I didn't really dig it.

just today I finished up the rest of the movies and I think I like all the sequels better, although the last one is really just a reunion special/clip show

>I'm not mad you're mad
Okay user, I believe you

>arguing with the voices in its head
just kill yourself already tranny

My gf likes this movie a lot and wants me to see it with her. She once sat me down to watch Tales of Ordinary Madness with her which was an artsy film about Bukowski, and I got drunk and angry at the fact that I couldn’t understand the appeal of this artsy stuff, so in the movie’s fashion, I crammed her panties down her mouth and hatefucked her. She said she enjoyed that night a lot. Should I be concerned about her?

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what he said, all of it

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Fucking /pol/tard

>the person making me mad must be a schizo tranny

just because you argue like a woman doesn't make you one
remember that

>experienced this kino a few weeks ago
>look it up
>some of the nude actresses were underage

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>They're psychopaths who get tingles when they can express their degeneracy in plain sight, w/o people realizing it or watering it down as "art" - it's not. It's literal.

Kinda like the Wachowski fetishists?

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The movie sucks just like the edgy book it was based on.

when you guys do this you know they dont take it as an insult? just as a sad attempt at an insult
it's like a woman calling a black man a nigger. The woman's dumb and the black guy knows it

dey eat da poo poo


I Fidanzati is an italian movie from the early 60s about a guy who's engaged to a girl, but he gets a promotion at work that forces him to move to the south of italy and weld on some oil refinery or chemical factory they're building.

at first she's opposed to him moving for the job and being away from her, and when he leaves they're on bad terms. there's a lot of mundane stuff about him getting set up in town and working, and there's occasional flashbacks to him and her together. by the end it's clear she still loves him so even though they're still apart and the movie ends abruptly in a seemingly random place it's still a happy ending.

low stakes, relaxing movie to watch. at times it looks way more modern than it is. it kinda looks like a commercial for jeans or perfume. definitely recommend

His homemade fap fic happened to be the perfect rejoinder to the enlightenment thinkers who set the tone of discourse before him