ITT movies that disprove the existence of God

ITT movies that disprove the existence of God.

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the first movie was unironically good.


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The pig has a muslim beard.

First movie was good looking forward for this one.

Also, Emoji Movie was better than Wreck it Ralph 2. Prove me wrong.

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>the pigs and birds are now friends!
>completely ruining the redpilled message about trusting outsiders from the first one

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ain't nobody reading all this shit Ni GUHHHHHHHHHHHH

cringe as fuck

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literally had no idea so many anons were 12-year-old boys, wtf happened to this place

I read it

The Emoji Movie is getting a sequel and they said they intend to use it to kickstart the Smartphone Cinematic Universe

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crazy you'd just admit it like that

I might have to watch this movie now. Im sorry angry birds for not giving you a chance.

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Why are incels so obsessed with this kids movie?

okay now this is based, redpilled, kino and based

You zoomers have no idea how many shitty kids movies got released in the 80s and 90s when I was growing up. These modern animated movies are way better than most of the stuff my parents begrudgingly took me too as a kid.

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