Look at this fat fuck. Just look at him

Look at this fat fuck. Just look at him.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I bet making that blog post made his day

Fucking scam artist.

Shouldn'y he be flattered by such a claim? Is he proud of being a fat fuck whose legacy was flushed down the drain?

>referring to the book series as "game of thrones"

Fat fuck fucked up. Should've cashed in while the TV show was strong and release a book.

Fatass only has himself to blame for selling out before he'd finished. This show is his legacy.

>He’s a Maia, folks. Next best thing to a demigod,” wrote Martin, diving deep into Silmarillion levels of Tolkien knowledge with his “maia” reference.
wow guy watch out for his next level silmarillion knowledge

no, he's literally a 4d chess player, the TV show was gonna be so bad (he knew it) and the ending is gonna kill every person watching it so bad that they will flock to buy the "true" ending of GoT, then he will see what the masses want and go down as a legend

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when will bookfags except that grrm will never finish the series?

>How DARE YOU insinuate that I've written two books in the span of 8 years!

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>George RR Martin in shock when he finds out fans expect him to write the books he promised them

About the same time they accept that the books are pretty middling overall and the series would just be a kinda whatever one of a dozen fantasy series if it didn't get a big budget tv series.

probably this and also if he had the books released simultaneously you'd have showfags spoiled again and dropping the show when they hear dany gets killed etc. Though I'd give it 50/50 he's just a lazy fat fuck instead.

>Yea Forums


Attached: sunset found her.jpg (645x729, 124K)

>write a 973 page book within a year of your last one
>takes 5 years to write even less
>takes 6 years to write a 1k page book
>going on 8 years now for another 1k book
I fucking hate that I'm actually waiting for this piece of shit to write WoW.

>he hasn't even started writing a Dream of Spring
Oh nonono

I'm sure most bookfags have come to terms with this.

>How DARE YOU insinuate that I've written even one* book in the span of 8 years!

no shit, if he had actually written the books, the second half of the show wouldn't have been D&D's shitty OC fanfic.

He finished Game of Thrones in the 90s.

What's his diet policy?

He is fattened by that claim.

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wheel of time's better

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>Gandalf COULD kick Dumbledore’s ass. I mean, duh. He’s a Maia, folks. Next best thing to a demigod,” wrote Martin

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lol.... You're retarded. The books typically take him 10 years each to complete. He's also written two other books since dwd came out.

He tried to. Couldn't finish it in time. I was supposed to stay ahead of the show.

World of Warcraft?

Based. I hope he dies happily in his sleep and ASOFAI and GoT niggers froth at the mouth in rage.

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There's no fantasy book that comes close to asoiaf in terms of sheer volume and interesting characters and plot twists.

I'm read them all. Wheel of time is like teenage shit.

Can't wait for the WoT series to be finally confirmed as cancelled, imagine trying to make a series with very pointed gender relations in this dat and age.

OMG he's not writing 24/7?!?! HOW dare he not be my literary slave!! Chain him to the computer!!!

>I was supposed to stay ahead of the show
Yes you were you fat fuck

>Now where are the donuts and fried chicken

Cmon it's been 8 years

So he is choosing one of those options? Learn to green text, retard

>I was supposed to stay ahead of the show.

No way this fat fuck will finish his story before his heart explodes.

I hate him with all my heart and I actually feel bad for D&D.

They sign on to bring the books to TV, and with practically a decade head start, GRRM couldn’t manage to release a single book in ASOIAF.

Instead, he decides to waddle around Comic-Cons, pontificate about stupid bullshit on his blog, and throw even more salt in the wound by releasing random books about the Targaryens and whatnot.

I think he got jealous of the praise D&D were getting and made the conscious effort to sit on his hands and make it as difficult as possible for them to finish the show in a satisfactory way.

You have to remember that they didn’t sign up to write any of the story. That was supposed to be Fatso’s job. So on top of all the other responsibilities of showrunning, all the sudden they’re forced to write an ending so a story that Martin had been working on for 30 years in just a couple seasons.

Shame on that fat ugly cocksucker. I hope he grabs his chest and drops dead before he finishes the next book. That way, someone who isn’t a lazy tub of shit could wrap it up while he watches from Hell.

>I was supposed to stay ahead of the show.

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>when you no call/no show and your manager has to do a really shitty rushed version of your shift after they finish their shift

It has been eight years and he should already have most of it planned out.

>word from Ian McElhinney
>a chacter that's been off of the show for years
>implying he knows anything

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Yeah, that is an absurd claim, to think this fat fuck will ever finish a sequel.

>people genuinely expect him to finish the books

You got conned. He will not finish the books. He has no reason to. He can live the rest of what's left of his life comfortably with HBO money. Whilst you seethe, he's rolling in heaps of cash, laughing at his stupid fans.

You're retarded

yeah at this point people would get mad no matter what happens, better to just say fuck it and jack off for the rest of his life than deal with upsetti fans

i like that he triggers a bunch of assholes on Yea Forums

Where was this CCTV from?

>t. Fat fuck

>he's not even close to done with TWOW
>still wants people to play pretend that the books will be finished
what a fucking clown

I have a theory that he found the manuscript for the first 3 books at an estate sale or something.

When you look at those first 3, they’re a lot different than the last two. Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons are just two halves of a single book, and they endlessly drone on and on. They add a bunch of retarded and unnecessary storylines, and that’s where he fucked up.

Now he’s stuck with all these characters and arcs that can’t possibly be wrapped up concisely, even in two enormous books(and certainly not in 25 hours of television).

He knows he’s screwed because he’s written himself into a corner that he isn’t capable of navigating his way out of.

So he’ll continue to stall and put out books no one cares about, until the fervor from the show dies out and people aren’t clambering for and ending.

He enjoys his little bit of fame, the reverence given to him by his nerd fans, and especially being the only one who really knows how the story ends(if he even knows at all).

Mark my words, the last two books will NEVER come out. Screenshot this

It's taken him this long before. This one is going to be 2000+ pages, the biggest one yet.
Do you want it to be good? Or do you want it to be fast?

Dude writes his ass off. If he gets burnt out he'll just stop completely. Dude needs to blow bubbles sometimes. Get off is nuts. Get a hobby.

Tell me about Martin, why does he wear the hat

Why don't you write a book you lazy twat.

He's writing less than half a page a day.

>I was supposed to stay ahead of the show.
Yes George, but you couldn't and you wouldn't. Now look at the mess you're in!

No shit. I love the way these do nothing loser fans feel like he owes them something. What a bunch of fucking retards.

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I can't wait for this fat fuck to die having never finished his book series, so I can eternally laugh at gotfags.

You mean not including the others books he's completed in that time?

Have you ever written a book? Or even a short story? You realize it's not just sequential right? You write, and you edit, and you rewrite. His books are extra hard because he's got to fit all the pov's together like a puzzle.

It's a Jewish thing.

Imagine being triggered by rumors that you actually did your job.

>I am owned entertainment.
>Why isn't he finishing my entertainment more quickly?

is it even possible to remember all those intricate relationships, plot lines and minor characters after 8 years? I can't even remember what I ate yesterday

Stop browsing Yea Forums George and finish the goddamn book

>>I am owned entertainment.
Yes. When I started reading this series nearly 20 years ago I have invested time and money into it, funding Georges lifestyle, under the assumption that I would get an ending.

George gave you a very valuable lesson then: Not to make assumptions hastily.

Be he saint not long ago it would be done in 2018.

Surely he is close to finished

Winds of Winter


I read the books a long time ago (I've been planning to reread them afte the fluke this last season was) so my memory isn't fresh enough to list all the contrived plotlines that have cornered him, but on the top of my head:.

>Euron's dragon horn
>Danaerys' politics in Meereen
>Aegon pretender
>Lady Stoneheart
>Arya in Bravos

I actually like the books but at this point I would be ok if he just said fuck it, refused to write more and lived placidly the rest of his days with the money of all the salty retards.

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>MFW I've never read the books, watched the show, and have no clue or care about whatever bullshit the nerds and fags are REEEing about this time

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he probably has an entire room full of notes, there's also the wiki

Is there another fantasy novel series with such realistic and adult themes?

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>Aegon pretender
Aegon the Rightful you cunt

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I mean he's pretending to be Aegon. The official history is that Aegon died in Kings Landing

the books are pretty horrible in places but it's better than most fantasy crap in that it has some reasonable characterisation, fun twists, decent worldbuilding and doesn't just rip off tolkien or howard
that's one of the major problems with the books. people can shit on the show (and the show IS rushed and some characters are made cardboard like euron) but there's just too much he put in. robert's bastards, jeyne, the dorne shitters, lady stoneheart and all this literally who crap that goes nowhere


yeah, what you gonna do about it, NEET?

So is he done with the books or fucking. Why is there all this conflicting info about a simple fucking question

>83 posts
>ctrl+f fat fuck
>10 hits
you surely have a refined vocabulary, faggots

Based and Georgepilled

What's it like being really retarded user?

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tumblr, deviantart, archiveofourown, etc.

>There's no fantasy book that comes close to asoiaf in terms of sheer volume and interesting characters and plot twists


yeah pretty much any of them

He’s a genius who realizes he’s a hack

He purposely does not release source material, so the adaptation can flounder pathetically. By waiting until the show finishes, he creates buzz for the “true” story. And since the show has become trash, anything he writes in comparison would look good.

This is brilliant, not only does his original work not get overshadowed by an adaptation, but he gets to take on the guise of having more artistic merit than he possesses.

>The books typically take him 10 years each to complete

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I really hope you left the thread in shame after writing this post


>gotta get that western fatasy money YO

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>How DARE YOU insinuate that I've written

What, there are still 2 to go? Holy shit

But I assume The Winds of Winter is pretty much done, right?

your shit's all fucked up user

D&D could literally be still adapting the books. they basically skipped half of the content from books 2-5.

The first page is pretty much done

I looked at him. Now what?

>the books are bad. no I don't need to explain why I'll just post >sunset found her
>along with a grrm wojak. heh seeya martin fags

see food, eat food, order more, don't write.

Seirously, give me a quick rundown on this. Is the next book at least on sight? Or are we talking about 3, 4 years?

>stools dropping
>one by one
>every following being larger than the previous one
>on the ashen graves of the fallen

>genius at work

It's written already. It will be released post humorously. He will have some stupid post death shit posts as well.

No idea, Martin doesn't give much updates about his progress. He released few short chapters, last one was in 2015.

Lol you wish, fat fuck.

been there, done that

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>post humorously
I think were already at the post-humor era.

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Well hey, at least it got a passable ending. I'd be surprised if the fat fuck even has notes on what's supposed to happen ready when he dies.

It seems awfully fucking dumb to release the books with significant plot differences at this point

Yeah, some fan cover art is done

Gurm be chillin'. Nice.

He has one job, just one and he can't even finish that. What a Fat Lazy Fuck (tm).

>write the Mereen story arc because the Iraq War and I CAN NO LONGER REMAIN SILENT
>get stuck
>get bored
>work on other projects
>2 jews want to make your book series into a TV show
>publish remaining finished chapters along with the airing of season 1
>motivated to finish it now
>still stuck
>get bored
>look for distractions
>want to take the story into a different direction because REFUGEES WELCOME
>get even more stuck
>get even more bored
>people think you're still working
>get mad

Seriously fuck this fat lazy shit.

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More delusional than a tranny thinking she is really a woman.

Vox Day , throne of bones

Maybe next year is the most information we have gotten.

He did say once to have over 1000 pages for it but then had to throw everything away since it didn't work out the way he wanted. Some sample chapters are out already but he stoped releasing them some 3 years ago i think. It might be close to finish or still very far away, nobody but he knows, especially since he stoped giving proper updates after the long night 3 years ago.

I heard he wants his notes burn upon his death so no one will finish the series. No way in hell will his wife follow his wishes though. ASOIAF will be finished once he's dead. She will probably finish it herself though so she can YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYY all over the story to FIX the ending of the TV series.

this, so this vile motherfucker is proud of being lazy? he doesn't write but as soon as there's a rumor that the books are done he gets his ass on t he computer to tell everyone it's fake and he hasn't done anything, like it's an achievement? jesus the state of this old shit

>rereading the first book
>dany goes from scared little girl being quasi-raped by proto-arab cock to voluptuous slut queen of the desert
>she's also 13

what did he mean by this?


i think at the very least winds of winter will be released in a few years but there's not chance in fucking hell that dream of spring will ever be conceivably finished in any form

shit will never get finished. winds might come out, but i really dont think he has another book in him after that

i stopped expecting shit years ago

>t. fat fuck

not sure if pasta, but it's true anyway. GRRM had plenty of fucking time to finish the god damn story if he really cared about his fans. had no fucking discipline for almost 10 years to just work on the main books of his magnum opus and stop going to cons and shit all day erry day. D&D fucked up but I dont blame them half as much as George for this bullshit

don't you think it's too much of a coincide that the books stopped coming out when the show started airing?

i read books all my life and i never heard of this guy before the tv show,this guy was a LITERALLY WHO with a bunch of books that only hardcore fantasy fags know because they are ok books

fuck this hack,fuck his money and fuck white people

The only fantasy books I read before the show were Tolkien's and even I had heard of ASOIAF. Didn't know who GRRM was but I definitely was aware of his books. Maybe you just lived under a rock.


Pretty sure the fifth book came out after GoT had started

Even GRRM thinks himself finishing the books to be “absurd”

funny as fuck


the state of this absolute cunt

>let retard tv writers embarrass themselves so your less retarded ending looks awesome in comparision

I don't believe the damage control HBO is making him spew for a second.

He has WoW done at the very least, but probably has both done or near done.

WoW is dropping next year without a doubt. ADoS probably later after a reasonable amount of time has passed to make it seem like hes still working on them.

Withholding the books from D&D if they were done would have probably been a big no-no for the contract. This dude had a strategy and he played it masterfully.

Looks comfy as fuck. I envy him, long may he prosper.

just offer Stephen King a pile of cash.
You'd have ADoS by December and a new seven book series by 2022. Only downside is that every main character will be an alcoholic, Westeros will be in Maine and the smooth skillful buildup will lead to a DBZ battle at the end of each book

McElhinney gave him the perfect chance to redeem himself, and he fucked it up. What a lazy fat shit.

>I actually feel bad for D&D.

Shut it stupid faggot. They had the chance to go a full ten episodes for this season. They could have easily fleshed it out and gave us something at least twice as good as what they have given us. Instead they rushed it because they wanted to be done. They are were already focused on NUUU Wars.

I fucking hate star wars and I hope the franchise never recovers. Manchildren stole the last season from us for some gay series that should have never had more than three movies.

Oh you sweet summer child.
He stopped writing, plain and simple.
He spent most of his career writing short stories, if you can imagine a life that easy, a gigantic series like this is way past what he's used to writing. The man just gave up. He made his money, he's retired.

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The redditors who came up with this conspiracy theory have only themselves to blame. There was never ANY proof whatsoever yet so many retards were convinced that he was just waiting to release the books. It's fucking hilarious.

>baby boomer
>grew up in Section 8 housing
>types with one finger on DOS
>wrote mostly short stories
>quit writing TV scripts because it was too much work
>morbidly obese
>married live-in gf for Social Security benefits

What part of this man's profile would tell anyone he has the work ethic to finish what he started?

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Literally imagine being him.
Fat, greasy, just finished eating a bowl of bran flakes, arching your back to sit on your sofa for 15 hours watching turner classic movies.
>Yeah I'll finish writing those books. Right after this film ends.

Brainlets are the exact reason the fat fuck had to step in and shoot your retarded conspiracy theories down. You are never going to get the books, suck it up and move on.

Too bad for you, the casting is literally happening as we speak.

After his death

not that different from my life to be honest. I'm not that fat yet though.

Speed 3 - Speed writing

If he types over 40 wpm, the bomb is armed. If he drops below 30 wpm, the bomb explodes.

Throw a dart.

>Chain him to the computer!!!
so do you want him to shitpost all day instead?

The world needs more Wildcards.

Attached: grrm.jpg (480x459, 61K)

Trainwreck it is then, fuck. Hopefully it doesn't catch on and dies quietly.

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change book for thesis and it's literally me

>Fat writer scorns the absurd idea that he actually did his job

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"If you can lose sixty pounds over the next two months, I will approve you for weight loss surgery. If you stick to the diet you should easily lose this amount."

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>it's the year 2025
>still no new books
>GRRM dies of a heart attack
>fans around the world grieve and beg for his notes to be released or re-worked
>known ASoIaF autist Preston Jacobs is chosen to finish what George started
>Preston arrives at George's office and finds nothing
>no notebooks, no sketches, no maps, only a single word document with a rough draft of a lesbian sex scene between Arianne and her niece

That's what you get for killing Rome, Game of Thrones can suck a dick

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any day now

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What a fucking piece of shit

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>implying he uses word

Well yeah there's obviously not actually any implements used in the art of not-writing at all.

>implying he uses words

he uses some ancient DOS computer to prevent hackers

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He's shockingly svelte for an American his age.

He finished writing A Game of Thrones years ago.
I've got the book.

That's because the last time he did any writing there wasn't anything else to use

is that VIM?

How DARE you assume I finished 700 pages of food descriptions in just a decade!
How absolutely dare you!

My favorite part of this bait image is the implication that those are the most famous lines in the books.

Jesus, when you put it that way, him finishing anything seems like a fucking miracle, don’t it?
I’m legitimately attracting attention at the bar right now cause I’m laughing so hard

>he actually included "having dinner" as one of his hobbies

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Apparently not, but some old DOS text editor

Based King. His writing is trash, but you gotta respect that man's work ethic.

Game of Thrones had nothing to do with Rome being cancelled. The BBC backed out because too expensive and HBO did the same later.

George isn't much fatter than Dr. Now

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hope the fat fuck keeps back ups in a modern readable format and storage device.

I accepted my fate long ago.

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Can't wait for the show to end and have the fat fuck say something like >I'm satisfied with the ending and this is where I was going anyway, so no more ASOIAF.

Rome was cancelled long before Game of Thrones got picked up.

imagine tying George up and banging on his belly like a bongo drum lol imagibe punching him in his big belly untill he's sick all over you lol imagibe stabbing him in the belly hahhaa

>interesting characters and plot twists.

Subverted expectations!!!

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enabler detected

I find it hard to believe that the books are as garbage as everyone says they are.
Especially when the majority of the critics are 30+ year old boomers who are just nostalgic about the time when they were young and went to buy Lord of the Ring books as a child.

>There's no fantasy book that comes close to asoiaf in terms of sheer volume and interesting characters and plot twists.

>he thinks that English history fanfic with gratuitous sex which was the only reason anyone even gave it the time of day has interesting characters that aren't just the same generic shit you've seen everywhere else before, doing the same generic "plot twists" you've seen everywhere else before.

ASOIAF is fantasy for people who think they're too mature for fantasy - it's basically for the jocks who'd be pummeling nerds for lunch money. Get some actual taste, faggot.

The books are fine.
They are very grounded not just politically, but in a way that makes it so the plot simply develops logically and believably rather than serving some over arching themes. Characters will simply die off if they end up in a bad situation or act stupidly and it's not portrayed melodramatically as it is in the show, people just die and the world moves on.
Therefore there's really no depth to it all, no deeper temathic narrative being woven alongside the surface plot. But the surface plot is fine, it's perfectly serviceable and a billion years ago when the series started it was a breath of fresh air to see a very grounded and political fantasy story.
Granted that's an old trope by now but that's a consequence of the fat fuck taking a century long break between each book

>I find it hard to believe that the books are as garbage as everyone says they are.

They're extremely overrated. They're practically the Twilight of fantasy, at least in this user's humble opinion. It's just War of the Roses fanfic written with all the substance of an emo tween who got told to mow the lawn and he's REEEING over it. The ONLY reason anyone even picked this shit up was because GRRM was working out his fetishes by cramming it full of sex. You take out the T&A and no one would've cared. As I told the other user, it's for the normie jock types who claim they're too mature for elves and orcs, so they latch onto this shit because it has LOLtits and the like.

>who are just nostalgic about the time when they were young and went to buy Lord of the Ring books as a child.

Nah, not really. I personally can't stand fantasy. But at least Tolkien could actually write and didn't write himself into a corner with food descriptions en masse because he was whining on a blog about the most irrelevant franchise in sports in the New York Jets.

are these real lines? why do people worship this book series again? are reading faggots all retards?

Tolkiens books are the most basic fantasy books you can read.
I understand that they would be very exhilarating if you were born a century ago but there really is nothing it does very well while there is nothing that it does terribly. Tolkiens books are the very definition of mundane.


>Writes an extremely popular and critically acclaimed book series that people are heavily invested in
>Entitled "fans" constantly make fun of him for being fat and wish death upon him
You're all fucking scum.

Imagine being this fucking retarded

He's like the reverse Akira Toriyama.

>this chuckle fuck is getting a show and never writes anything because Trump is mean


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based gabe newell working on half life 3

how the fuck is he getting a show, his stuff is like the most atrociously fanfic-tier self-insert shit out there

>dubs decides who dies next

contrarian bait

He's friends with the right people and probably has kike blood.

>Entitled "fans" constantly ask him to finish his books or at least leaves thorough notes for a wold book before he dies from being a fat fuck.

>The books typically take him 10 years each to complete
t. brainlet

I'm here for the memes, ma'am.

Even kikes have to realize fucking no one will want to watch a cringey gary stu whiteknight some dumb bitch for a whole series.

He uses Elio and Linda and their autistic knowledge of Westeros.

The world is pretty good, but he needs to finish the series first. That's his biggest fault. Next to being a huge cuck.

He’s a lib. What did you expect?


This fat fuck claims it’s a bullshit rumor, but it’s McElhinney himself saying he has heard that. “Don’t believe wha you read.” I didn’t fucking read it you rotund retard. I heard it out of Selmy’s actor’s mouth. The illogical way he tries to refute this and the speed at which he addresses it makes me believe it might actually be true, but that it would get him in trouble quite severely with his publishers so he has no choice but to disavow this. Otherwise every publisher he works with from every country he publishes in will sue his ass off. This books are done now or they are never getting finished.
>derp it makes no sense
It makes perfect sense

OH NO NO NO NO NON look at this dood

If I had his money I would:

1. Get a personal trainer
2. Get jacked on TRT
3. Dump my wife.
4. Fuck goth sluts and do weed all day
5. troll everyone.

this is a man that truly gives no fucks

>5 books
>9 years into 6th book
>59 years
Are you retarded?

the problem with ASOIAF is that you need 140+ IQ to truly understand all the plots and subplots that are happening simultaneously and are hidden in subtle implications of the text, and if you just take the story at face value like any other fantasy series you aren't really understanding what's going on at all

littlefinger's motivations, for example, are completely arcane and based on fulfilling the jenny of oldstones story through sansa & harrenhal, but this isn't stated anywhere in the text and you have to make the connection yourself, otherwise you'll (wrongly) think he's just another Machiavellian schemer


Where are all the “he signed a deal with HBO to release them right after the shows ended” retards now?

actually there is a thematic narrative, and it's exactly that. That reality is brutal and unforgiving and sometimes things just happen even if it sucks or whatever.

hell yeah brother

too bad we don't have that money

No stop coping fren, it’s over
He’ll never finish, but hopefully his wife/publisher will click his wishes and get someone to finish the books, although now they’ll probably ruin them by not making Daenerys evil
The best we can hope for is that some sociopath with too much time writes fanfic sequels to the books online that don’t suck

Fucking die with your excuses

that's not an excuse you fucking dipshit, it's the frank reality. That was literally the goal going into it, outlined explicitly by GRRM himself in his initial letter to his publisher or whatever.

Konami hire me to do a remake of Arc-V and I will beat the ever loving piss out of Game of Thrones

I will create a fucking masterpiece through a story about a children's card game

I can harness the burning anger like Nomura but actually deliver on expectations instead of setting up plot points that will either never make sense or only make sense in the prequel series where we learned Dany was triggered by bells in a past life

Konami, hire me. If you're not too engaged in Kayfabe with Kojima, hire me

Attached: your next line is....png (1280x720, 711K)

The thing about the fantasy genre is it has a really, really low bar. Most ametuer writers go straight for fantasy or sci fi and write complete shite. Like that "Author has every street name planned out for his boring world" article.
ASOIAF has interesting overarching narratives and characters (Well until the most recent one), which saves its really basic prose. A lot of repetition and limited vocabulary. Highschool level metaphors and one liner's presented like golden lines of literature. That kind of shit.
But even that basic level is far above the usual fantasy fodder, and again its strengths are its characters, so it passes in its context.

Now why unreadable garbage like Gaiman's American Gods gets praised, I'll never understand. It's like a DC comic in book form.

This. I'd have expected whats touted as "the greatest modern fantasy book" to be more ambitious with it's prose than a 15 year old's fiction homework.

It’s been 8 fucking years
it’s embarrassing that it’s taken him this long
It’s worse because he had already started writing parts of it before adwd was released so it’s probably more like 9 years
If he doesn’t want to finish it that’s ok but he should hire a ghost writer or a coauthor or something
If he actually wants to burn his notes or whatever he should just tell people now he won’t finish and stop keeping them waiting

The reason is cause the readers of that material are at a low, low bar. The kind of people who are impressed by street names and baby's first metaphors.

Holy fuck those word counts. I admit I’m jealous.

God I want to mating press Yuzu while that cuckboi Yuya watches.

>But I assume The Winds of Winter is pretty much done, right?

Attached: LAUGHINGMOVIEDIRECTOR.jpg (1578x2189, 1.08M)

He was "almost finished" 4 years ago and recently said he has thousands of pages to go.
So no.

Mummer's dragon

Oh sweet summer child...

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>people claim you might have finished a book inside ten fucking years after starting it
>this is somehow an "absurd claim"

Attached: tolkienchads dabbing on GoTfags yet again.gif (382x450, 1.77M)

Malazan: book of the fallen.

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Even if he didn't it would be trivial to copy the data using some computer from ebay.

>DC comic in book form
sounds better than GRRM meandering shit honestly, might finally check out some Gayman books

These are less than ten lines, out of thousands.

Looks like he's got the life expectancy of full fat milk. LMAO @ all the idiots that have been btfo by the shit show and the books that will never get a legit ending

Its shit. The fact the main character is called Shadow should be a big clue as to the fanfic level tier it is

just read a summary of that book, wtf man. How does this stuff get published and win awards?

How can you even be that fucking fat? Imagine how rotten your mind and soul must be to cram revolting filth into your body until you get to that point. And imagine having access to everything you ever wanted and all you do is stuff your disgusting maw with cheetohs and fuck around like a child. And IMAGINE reading or watching any shit spewed out of this foul, sybarritic mind and actually fucking ENJOYING it!

Based Purefoy and McKidd
Rome was too good for this world, fuck GoT and fuck all the normies who latched onto it

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well if what McElhinney said is true, GRRM would be force to deny any claims he's done so..

G-Guys......I'm getting a bit worried here, he's already 70 years old

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Even if Barristan Selmy completely lied or was fed false information , I still like him for giving me hope and providing and extra fuck you to D and D

Book of the New Sun

based and bealepilled


even if he doesn't finish it , even one more book would be a blessing. I think At least The Winds of Winter will come out.

>>he hasn't even started writing a Dream of Spring
>Oh nonono

If he changed the book to A Dream of Donuts it would be done in 6 months.

>Based. I hope he dies happily in his sleep and ASOFAI and GoT niggers froth at the mouth in rage.

If he died tomorrow, they'd bring in another writer and the book would be out in a year.

Glad I never read his pile of shit books. This fat mother fucker is 70, he is going to die before he finishes.

Based and telling your fans to go fuck themselves pilled.

This was a Conan bit you fucking retards.

>comparing WW1 to the Vietnam War

Heh, that's gonna get a yikes from me

>I can't wait for this fat fuck to die having never finished his book series, so I can eternally laugh at gotfags.

The sooner he dies the sooner the series is finished by another writer.

based and gundampilled

Are you dense? The wars are not comparable but the men and their actions are.

kek based

i bet the truth of this lazy ass is even worse than some tv sketch

who recorded this and why

if i was him i wouldn't release the books just to piss people off

The interesting question is, why would he make this claim in the first place?

that book is a boring piece of shit and the characters are garbage.

Why yes, GRRM should have listened to his American overlords and gone to die in a pointless proxy war, and then write beautiful graceful stories about it.

>interesting characters and plot twists.
Imagine being such a sub 80 IQ nigger you still value books by how many plot twists they have. Genre fiction faggots truly are the lowest of the low.

He had them all basically written before releasing the first. I just do not understand.

Meanwhile, the second trilogy starts in September lads.

Attached: bookino.jpg (276x420, 34K)

We all know he's going to die next year and leave his entire estate to the Trump campaign as one final fuck you to reddit.

No, because his work ethic only produces overwritten shit. How retarded are you?

Is the great fratricide of WWI that more admirable. Both men would most likely have been ignorant to the grand scheme of the events around them, and the difference is Tolkien believed himself just as responsible to do his part like any other of his countrymen and GRRM didn't.


GRRM thinks that loyalty is something for stupid people that ends up getting them killed

Hell yeah.

What's it gonna be about? The first trilogy was pretty good but the standalone books were even better except for the last one.

better to produce a bunch of stuff that is hit or miss than produce nothing for years because you're too fucking scared it wont be some perfect masterpiece

GRRM has many warped perceptions of the world.

sounds like typical turncoat coward liberal

>bloody hard work
I thought GRRM was American? Why is he using Anglosphere (mostly Brit and Aussie) lingo?

i bet that would be great for eyestrain though

>You'll live, and so will I
>, and
Firstly, don't ever do comma and then and. It's poor form. Secondly, I wouldn't be so sure about the 'so will I' part.

you mean words

I probably will die sooner than he finishes this shit series

>what is preproduction

Of course they're absurd. He doesn't write Game of Thrones; how could he be finished writing something he doesn't write?

is this real?
what an actual moron

Red Country was okay. I always love me some bloody nine. The new trilogy follows Jezal's son, Glokta's daughter, and I think one of the kids of that crazy fuck who's kid with the shield got wrecked by the bloody nine.

Whores on Windmills

>don't ever do comma and then and
What did he mean by this?

>Firstly, don't ever do comma and then and. It's poor form.
What about lists? Like "spics, chinks, and niggas"?

Don't do this, and that. Oxford Comma, yo.

You go 'X, Y and Z'. You also refer to people being killed by hanging to be 'hanged' no 'hung'. Hung is for stuff like 'He hung the picture upside-down'. Hanged is for humans. You lie down. He was lying down. You don't lay down. A chicken lies down to lay eggs. You lay mines. You get off the chair. You don't get off of the chair. These are incredibly common grammatical mistakes. Some idiot will cite Shakespeare as 'well he did it so it's OK for me to do it'

No internet for him. Just a word document


If that particular claim fattens him then that nigga should be skinny as fuck

Except that the books make the show more popular, and the show makes the books more popular. He would have made millions releasing the books while the show what in its prime.

If only.

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>I hate him with all my heart and I actually feel bad for D&D.
I was actually talking about this with some friends over the weekend.

Why the hell did game of thrones start so slow and immediately start ramping up?
The last 3 seasons have been a rushed mess, season 8 being the worst one of all.

Why the hell didn't they take more time doing the middle segment? Huge areas of the story were left untouched

Those rumors have been around for a while, I assume McElhinney was repeating them.

>Being anti-Oxford comma

Attached: Estelle Expectations.jpg (582x194, 28K)

No. It was originally planned to be a trilogy.


America is part of the Anglosphere. I call what you mean Commonwealth English


you stupid shit that's literally the oxford comma that you're excluding in your second example you frumpled cunt, you disastrous buffoon, you calamitous nincompoop. your tenuous grasp on the greatest language of the modern world has only been revealed, you complete twat.

>the greatest language of the modern world

Wait, are you seriously arguing that the Vietnam War was unjustified American imperialism, but WORLD WAR ONE wasn't pointless slaughter consisting of _____ overlords sending their people to die?

The American liberal in action.

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take'em on a boat, give'em a few shots of tequilla, he'll start babling about this puerto rican broad that never existed, shoot'em and throw'em in the water. same way they did pussy.

>don't ever do comma and then and
I'm not a native English speaker. But in my language, German, there is a (somewhat vague) rule that can allow you to put a comma before "and", if the "and" is used to combine two main clauses or two sentences.
E.g. "I like fish, and I like fruit."

When I learned English, I was taught that English has very, very relaxed punctuation rules, and you can basically set a comma whenever you make a small pause in your speech. Which is why I just put a comma before the "and" in the previous sentence.

For and nor but or yet so, retard.

>English has very, very relaxed punctuation rules, and you can basically set a comma whenever you make a small pause in your speech
that's completely false. don't let idiots convince you of that

>rule that can allow you to put a comma before "and", if the "and" is used to combine two main clauses or two sentences
that's true for English also. A comma always goes before a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) that combines two independent clauses in a sentence.