Actor dies

>Actor dies
>Replace him with a woman doing a really bad impression of him

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>actor leaves
>they say his character is wandering China

This show is based.

She's done a lot better with her role as the show went on but man it really sucks we never got to see what they originally had planned.

Who died

>Silicon Valley
>actually 70% Indian and Asian
>perfect opportunity for diverse casting based on reality
>shoves shitty white males in it

Gilfoyle is based

I liked the gag that had them trying to get Monica to tell them how he died.

When the fuck does the new season start?

It got cancelled

"this year" apparently
probably December 2019

What happened ?

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Not really. She's pretty much the same, I tend to think you just get accustomed to her. It was a real shock to the system initially because Peter Gregory is pretty much the best thing about the show initially and him gone is a huge blow but you slowly adjust.

Next year. Haven't started filming yet because production got pushed back.

TJ Miller left the show (not died), and got replaced by mommy gf.

op's talking about peter gregory's actor dying.

Oh, right. That was so early on I didn't consider that. His replacement speaks strikingly like a woman I worked with.

Ohh, shit he died ? Daaamn. She's awesome tho.

Peter Gregory

He isnt wandering, he got a free 5 year stay in an opium den.

>(((white))) males

This is known in screenwriting terms as the Suspiciously Similar Substitute. In the real world, actors sometimes leave or have to be replaced very quickly, and it's not feasible to rewrite entire plotlines without certain characters. You can either go down the Dallas / Fresh Prince route and cast a new actor or actress in the same role (never goes down well with fans) or write in a new character who basically has the exact same job and has the same effect on the story as the last one.

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Peter Gregory actor did a better portray of an autistic guy. the replacement lady always seems like shes doing a bad Jeff Goldblum impression or something

>Caring about ethnicity in 2019

I think I only made it to season 3 and then eventually stopped watching, is the rest actually worth it or does it go downhill?