Will it ever be topped?

Will it ever be topped?

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friends and the office exist sweetie :)

both those shows are crap

Back to the sorority sister.

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Seinfeld is literally the big bang theory for boomers. They are similar in too many ways for it to be a coincidence.

Friends is boring. The Office is good but cmon it's not Seinfeld

It's been topped dozens of times, go away.

The Office is shit, feel bad

The only similarity is live studio audience.

This. Friends and the office are universally acclaimed. To get Seinfeld humour you've got to be a stinking American.

>Americans actually thinks this show is funny.


>shoes indoor

No. That kind of self-loathing jew just doesn't exist anymore.

The whole point was that these people are all miserable and only gravitate to each other because they enjoy laughing at each others misery and nuances.

Sunny got close, before they fucked it up and flanderized all the characters. Atleast with Season 3, you could see that "The Gang" weren't complete sociopaths, but only hung out with each other because everyone else's life was ruined when they interacted with them.

Um. Wrong sweatie.
>terrible theme song
>annoying characters
>shitty laugh track
>tall quirky one is the crowd favourite
>balding manlet scores 10s regularly
>main woman has loose morals

>annoying characters

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>>terrible theme song
Stopped reading right there


>George was considered obese
My how obese has changed

Excuse Me.

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>getting this trolled

Show me the at least 24 comedy shows that have topped it.

Jerry get iPad

It's shit by default because of the inherent unfunny nature of an American sitcom. Get some taste

big bang is try hard "le funny nerd culture", seinfeld is just naturally hilarious

No, Seinfeld will never be topped. It's the patrician's choice.

>The Office
>Arrested Development
>How I Met Your Mother
Is this the Reddit core?

Attached: arrested.png (800x453, 597K)

>Reddit tier
The Office (US)

>Based tier
The Office (UK)
Arrested Development
Every Brit sitcom

Kramer and Elaine aren't annoying? What about George's parents?
Are you actually suggesting that the shitty bass is a good theme song? It fucking sucks.


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the only correct answer itt

>Wearing shoes indoors

the liking friends thing on this board is just contrarianism right?

im just watching it for the first time these days, currently on s05
1. my favourite moment is george asking jerry the price of the jacket. 10/10 proly nothing will top it
2. george's voice sounds a lot like frodo and its always on my mind
3. crazy joe davola is literally the current joker lmao

last 2 seasons when david left are shit, do not watch

also its fun watching younger actresses in that show
i counted the lady from house md, skylar, the one with "spectacular tits"


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Portly, not obese. Big difference buddy.

Excuse me?

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Krammer accident join antifa