>chernobyl is not SJ-
Thank god Europe had a smart strong scientist woman to tell those fucking men what to do!
Chernobyl is not SJ-
have sex
heard they added a fictional character, is this the one?
Yes it's the empowered truth ninja.
Why does she say, "I bet you thought that was clever" when they didn't know that the tanks were full, up until that moment it was clever of them
Serves you right for watching a TV show made in 2019.
She's a composite character for the Swedish scientists
It wasn't clever because it will create corium put your fucking phone down when watching tv
Except there are more educated women than men (link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-3816-1_2) so statistically it only made sense for them to pick a woman for their fictional character.
Now get back to /pol/.
>HBO make an edgy shitty misery porn series about Chernobyl
>don't even do it as 1:1 as possible
what's the point?
>Western production
Wew, now that's surprising
Leftard soÿboy now spamming his shit in every threads.
Christ, you losers will find any excuse to discuss identity politics. Literally Tumblr tier.
It is politics, faggot. You just have the brain of a consumerist zombie.
It's okay to call out bullshit when it's bullshit
>any excuse
have sex
Have sex
>NOOO stop contradicting my narrative!!! I HAVE to be the victim!!
yes women scientists are a myth
This argument doesn't even make sense, Chernobyl happened in the 80s
make me
>Just turn off your brain bro, and accept obvious propaganda shoved down your throat
OP clearly has no idea how eastern european women are.
I pitty weak westerner boys.
you couldn't just show everyone fucking everyone up you had to have a woman tell them it too
i'm still gonna watch it and assume you're all exaggerating like usual and then be horribly disappointed
Have another abortion
you cant really do anything else, it bought them time to come up with a solution
>but the tanks are full because I saw some firetrucks toot toot
that's the point where they lost me
>Leftist feminist (even worse, probably male)
>making any sense ever...
>wow you guys will complain about ANY random woman character injected into a supposedly based on history show, just to spend her time smugly telling the other characters how wrong they are
This show IS westcuck propaganda shit
Get back filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
the percentage of women in STEM dropped from 60 to 40 after the fall of the USSR
It's best girl from Red Dragon
We only hate this one because the new york times wrote an article telling us to hate her.
>more educated women than men
Humanities and art degrees aren't an education.
Except USSR had no problems with gender equality, feminism (in the classical sense) was literally the state policy. I see no problem with this character.
here's a screenshot so your autism can be soothed
>affirmative action is proof women are smarter than men
dilate you freak
>Femtard comparing his feminism to commie Russia.
Thank you.
Are you kissless incels going to REEEEEEE at every tv show or movie that features a female character in even a slightly prominent role? Just steal a bus and run over a bunch of people already.
Does that still stand when only STEM degrees are considered?
>can you please stop noticing our non-stop propaganda and be leftists like us and our billionaire socialists friends at hollywood?
Well no, fuck you.
Now we're getting somewhere OwO
yes, read the thread before replying retard
Then why did they make up a character?
>different opinions aren't allowed!!!
pathetic cunt
Hy и хyйня eбaнaя блядь. Зacyньтe cильных жeнщин ceбe в жoпy, пeдpиллы.
The most intelligent person in all of Europe was this rebellious women who stood up to socialist beaurocrats. She literally saved tens of millions. Communists BTFO. Men BTFO.
because it makes the story flow easier to have one character representative of outsider scientists than to introduce a hundred different scientists from around europe
>watched DS9
>two strong women main characters, Kira and Dax
>literally had zero problem with them, besides the fact that the characters are slightly less interesting than say, Odo, Quark, Garak or Dukat
>still my favourite show
>watched House
>Several strong female main characters, Cuddy, Cameron, 13, Amber
>still love it
>love both because the women characters are not out of place and do not make the men look stupid or evil in comparison
So, to answer your question: no.
>She's a composite character for the Swedish scientists
no she isn't, the writers admitted she's a stand in for female soviet scientists
Zone is perfectly safe.
Holy shit i love communism now
>Except there are more educated women than men
All other branches of higher education in the SU were dominated by men.
Executive comities all over the SU were ~95% men, 5% women.
All important staff in the nuclear plants in the SU were men. Women were either security guards or secretaries.
This is hilariously wrong and was debunked in previous threads.
>the slave camp provides with with bare subsistence, be grateful
lmao kill yourself
>life expectancy raise by 65%
thats pretty low if you take into account at what the death rate was in the war
>Increased income by 370%
because they actually started paying people
>healthcare as a right
they were pretty fucking shit, and I spea from experience
>a job was a right
Yeah because they would shoot you if you didn't work.
At least capitalism allows for NEETS.
>and I spea from experience
How old are you?
Was she supposed to shame him by telling him he worked at a shoe factory? If anything, that proves he's not a silver spoon and it's there by connections or nepotism. Why would even bring that?
we still live under the same people who ruled when the union still stood
if not them, then their kids
They explained as much in the behind the episode, they wanted to condense the real life outside scientific community into one character. Many of the nuclear physicist were in fact female, This character is not unrealistic nor out of place despite the fact she isn't based on a singular real person.
she's not a stand in for female soviet scientists, she's stand in for a group of upwards of a hundred different soviet scientists, probably a minority of them being female
that shit was so western, im surprised she didn't call him a deplorable
Europe and especially Northern and Eastern Europe was decades ahead of backwater and overly religious America in terms of equality. Having woman knowing some things better than men is nothing special here. This screeching is coming from virgin american incels i bet.
Emily Watson as Ulyana Khomyuk, a fictionalized composite character, a scientist from the Belarus Institute of Nuclear Energy, who becomes a member of the team investigating the disaster.
(((They))) made the whole thing up , Chernobyl HBO was written by a jew.
So far she hasn’t done anything that is egregious. Until she says “typical boys” or the like, I’m still invested in the show
this to be honest
t.fellow european
Isn't that what scientists do? Make each other look stupid but in the end reaching a greater knowledge?
Soviet people had a small pittance of consumer goods compared to the capitalist west.
>literal soviet statistics and western marxist "academics"
Reminder that Wakandans tried to warn the dumb slavs of their nuclear error but they didn't listen.
How can looking at light kill you?
interesting theory, but i'll take the word of Chernobyl writers instead
>And Chernobyl writer Mazin told Variety how much research he did for the series. But while he noted how the show is "accurate to how dude-heavy Chernobyl was" due to many women not being in positions of political power, he created Ulana to reflect the real-life women who were prominent in medical and science fields in the Soviet Union.
Still a massive improvement from what they had before, Stalin was pretty based desu
What country?
That's taken out of context.
Bend over
I was almost interested in this.
Sweden, near Uppsala
It's actually quite unique in Europe, all of the greatest scientists and scholars of important fields are men bar a handful of exceptions.
>literally historical affirmative action
This. Americans are stupid.
Are you fucking stupid? Sweden was never a Soviet state.
like I said, that's an interesting theory
maybe your guess has some merit, but alternatively we could just listen to the writers of the show instead of some ramdom guy on Yea Forums
pls no bully
its not me, im from the balkan
the core of Yea Forums is exposed. if we don't seal off /pol/ immediately, all of Yea Forums will become contaminated
Man I can't wait until WW1 and WW2 films feature tons of women soldier and pilots cause otherwise it would be "too dude heavy"
>some ramdom guy on Yea Forums
People here know a lot about tv.
You morons do realize its same subhuman nigger making these threads and his discord sockpuppets bumping them ?
i mean it's possible that this guy knows the intent of the writers better than the writers themselves, but it doesn't seem very likely
>americans are stupid
is that why you guys have been sucking our cock since WW2?
>has to invent a female character which is an amalgamation of lots of mostly male scientists
He has a right to post.
emily watson is in this? that's awesome i'm gonna start watching.
You're wrong to dismiss the community out of hand.
But who would do it?
>show forces diversity and/or feminism on the viewer
>not allowed to discuss it
she's a stand in for soviet female scientists, actually
lol it's fiction anyway dude, just go with it
You got to be shitting me.
And you'll have Yea Forums lefties telling you
>b-but there was some roastie in some office somewhere during WW2 so that means it's perfectly OK to have women soldiers doing very important and brave things on the field and saving the world, have sex
This is simply bullshit and you know it. Legasov pretty much represents that role. Not that there is any need for that. You can pick 5 characters and condense that role into them. No need to make a Mary Sue. Furthermore, there were definitely not a hundred different scientists working on it. At least not in any important aspect. The big decisions came from the Chernobyl comission which is in the show and it didn't require a fucking Mary Sue to tell the men how to do their job.
Why didn't they just use one of the real women who was actually involved then?
perhaps you're right, i'm sure the writers are lying to us and Yea Forums knows the truth
Did she precipitate the USSR's fall?
>forces diversity
there's more women than men in the world, so you fuck off. little divers hire. do something useful, yo'll never be half the person emily watson is she's a fucking great actor, and you are nothing.
clever would have been figuring out the tanks weren't empty, like she did
Actually, the USSR had many female scientists in the 80s.
Are you going to make posts like this every time anyone is critical of disingenuous feminism?
You're coming off as sarcy and prideful.
every (You) is a bullet
What is that suppose to prove? Of course women needs to be educated otherwise they would be dumb as rocks like they've always been.
Men discovered all the shit for the last millennia, then we decided to educate women to see if we could bend nature a against itself
>posts 5
>every post is "YASSS QUEEN SLAY" or "MEN BTFO" or other below-human /pol/ tier bait
it's spam at this point
Anglos on suicide watch (because they are SJW trannies now kek)
>it's fiction so therefore the indoctrination is acceptable.
>just deal with it
Fuck off I hardly distinguish the hammer and sickle and the swastika
i'm not trying to, i assure you
Just ignore him then, if you're so bothered. ffs
>Thank god Europe had a smart strong scientist woman to tell those fucking men what to do!
during that time? really fucking doubt
>there's more women than men in the world
>Therefore we're allowed to make shit up to make it seem like women and men are capable of the same things. in fact, women are superior to men so just shut up and get laid you misogynist!
Shh... these idiots can't handle the fact that women have been in STEM for decades. It threatens their fragile "masculinity."
dumb centrist poster
you're an idiot and a worm. you're not a man, you're not anything.
/KINOBYL/ is about community and fun, not infighting.
>everywhere pushes to put women into education
>look we are more educated!
imagine my shock when they still waste it on bullshit fields and useless degrees
What a game of mental gymnastics people play when it comes to this. You literally defend europe and europe laughs while it doesnt foot any significant part of the bill. Europeans fuck us in the ass and dont even need to give us a reach around because we let them.
americans defeating hitler was the worst event in human history
Have sex
Real Europeans laugh at non Europeans killing each other. That’s the way it goes.
Then you know nothing about the Soviet Union. Congrats on your ignorance.
weak maggot.
bad b8 m8, and it's too late to get the /pol/tards out, like yourself newfag. /pol/ is here to stay
>you're an idiot and a worm. you're not a man, you're not anything.
You have to invent characters in the media to "prove" that women are "equal/superior" to men. lol.
OK, I'll keep quiet.
>americans defeating hitler
But that's wrong.
Some are paying their share. Some aren't.
real Europeans laugh at Europeans committing their own suicide
>/KINOBYL/ is about community and fun, not infighting.
The end of episode 2 was better than any horror movie I've seen in years.
>4channel will be uninhabitable for at least 100 years
Go dilate
report to GookMoot
post your source then
you gonna cry little baby?
The end of Episode 2 was just a lame cheap cliffhanger, get over it, zoomer.
>you gonna cry little baby?
I'm not the one that has to lie and make shit up to "prove" their position.
*at non Europeans committing suicide
He is right though, compare this shitshow to the RBMK general that just died. Barely any shitflinging and people talking about the accident and the show.
waaaah waaah waaah
Dyatlov was pretty fucking salty about the documentation not being accurate way into his twilight years, though that could've been a deflect mechanism.
He wanted to outperform for the motherland, but the tech was not built for it.
>What would you guys have done differently in their place?
The reactor would've probably not blown if he had kept doing the test around the set parameters, but it might've during some other event in the future, who the fuck knows. As for everyone else in that entire complex, they didn't stand a chance to act defiantly against him.
i like you more than regular posters
Is it a story or a documentary?
The people crying are the people who can’t take objective criticism. Friendly reminder she doesn’t exist sweetie
everyone in this thread is delusional. there is no mary sue in this show. get to the infirmary.
on that note, chernobyl threads were fun for a week. this /pol/ shit will ruin it
but why are you watching a mini-series produced by retarded libs who are shitting all over communism?
Not the guy you're replying to but here you go. link.springer.com
I like it when they get british people to act out scenarios
sounds comfy and you don't have to deal with actors speaking english but with an accent from the country or read sub titles if you are having a drink
mommy you're not looking! look mommy look at me!!
just went through your women of science kek they were decorations
i like you more than regular posters
Dramatization of real events.
Nooooo, stop contradicting my narrative
women = goooooooooood
men = baaaaaaaaaaad
a story. the old guy who gave the meeting in episode 1 was a completely made up character as well but incels didn't complain for some reason.................
its been 9 years, its time to stop complaining about /new/ or /pol/
Because politics are for children. I’m simply here to enjoy a historical drama and make fun of the inaccuracies.
>The end of Episode 2 was just a lame cheap cliffhanger, get over it, zoomer.
no u
But Eastern Bloc did have stronk womyn. Why are americans so dumb?
You can only cope, because you'll never copulate.
That’s it anglos. Good good. Let the SJW flow through you. Repeat after me: everyone criticizing this is an incel.
>waaaah waaah waaah
Perfect imitation of a feminist. Congrats.
this, so much this and to laugh at the tards and normalfags defending them.
I hope you continue to post. Don't listen to the haters
>muh /pol/
No wonder you like this show, you're as brainwashed as the commies in it (well except for that brave female scientist of course)
a lefty addicted to consumption, not a big surprise i guess
>He is right though, compare this shitshow to the RBMK general that just died. Barely any shitflinging and people talking about the accident and the show.
Someone needs to create another general then and not something with the OP's subject to better direct conversation.
I'm guessing Americans can't handle our women. Some take no shit whatsoever.
Slav women have to be stronk from child because most men are too drunk, someone has to raise family.
women are so good and perfect and men are just a mess. if only women designed and ran all the nuclear reactors in the world then there wouldn't be any nuclear explosions and everything would be perfect and there wouldn't be any war either or suffering thank you based women also I have had sex so this is how I know all this
these stupid poltard amerizoomers are comparing the women of the Soviet Union to their own pink haired feminist monstrosities, it's retarded
Someone just made one
They turn into a real weapon against capitalist Murrica
fucking girl on your tv screen causes a meltdown lmao triggered hard boy.
Why does this show attract so many pseudo intellectuals?
This reminds me of a joke I once heard about Eastern Europeans being against gay marriage. Why are they against two women raising children since they were also raised by their mom and grandma?
why are anglos so afraid of women? Is it because their women are ugly and crazy?
I wanna see her milkers
tldr: It's a made up character pushing SJW garbage
Capitalist countries had far far more than the USSR did. If they embraced free markets they could have been like Switzerland.
You people want to be slaves.
Kys senpai
B coвкe вce тян eбoшили нa зaвoдaх, инcтитyтaх, клeпaли opyжиe зa cтaнкaми, a нe зaнимaлиcь gender studies. Хyлe ты вылyпилcя дятeл?
>the anglo is pretending anglos are the based and redpilled criticizers of the show
Nuh uh sweetie. I was here first ;)
anglos produced this mess in the first place
If the pink-haired feminists of today would have been in the place of Soviet women, they would have committed suicide. In Romania they banned abortions and a lot of women died since they went to shady black market doctors to have them. Imagine some entitled cunt having to wait in line for two hours just to get some food.
Valeri Lugasov - remember his fucking name! He and his fearless bio-robot comrades saved Europe from a worse explosion that would've made vast areas of Europe uninhabitable for thousands of years, poisoned the ground water for hundreds of millions of people and caused a biblical flood of refugees to the west.
The worst thing is that Lugasov killed himself after fighting with USSR and UN regulators for more transparency in nuclear safety matters. FFS how is that the BBC could do their version of this story without creating woke female characters but the amerigolems can't?
And it ain't over, most of the fallout was washed downstream and is contained at the bottom of a reservoir behid a crumbling dam.
Superior kino:
You say SJW like it's a bad thing.
Fuck off Nazi troll.
and then they collapsed, HMMM that really makes me think.....
Maybe having gashes in important positions isn't such a great idea.........
Did you know that Soviets build the first nuclear power plant?
Any good writer would’ve utilized Lugasov or one of the other preexisting characters as the combination of the scientific community. There was no reason to sully the memory of the real people by shifting focus to a fictional character who is the embodiment of modern anti-nature, anti-reality sentimentalities. She feels like a cancer in the show. The very thing they criticize in the show-the rejection of reality and lies to promote agendas-is embodied in this woman. It’s hypocrisy and deception of the highest degree.
Most of them had far far more from pillaging the ever-living-fuck out of their colonies.
Ruskis are rasicts as fuck but one thing I never seen, at least for me is sexism, not like in murka anyway.
In many cases mothers and grandmothers are the pillars of slav families and are respected for most part.
It is a bad thing when it tries to rewrite history and oppose reality. Standing up for truth is the most humane and compassionate thing anyone can ever do in their lives.
Purple headed monsters like the ones in America would have been imprisoned if not shot for spreading imperialist liberal propaganda. Eastern Bloc was conservative socially this is something amerilards don't understand
>You literally defend europe
From who ?
Europe have 3 times the military budget of Russia and twice the manpower
It would barely be a fight
NATO is a meme.
If you want us to remember his name better spell it correctly. It' Valery Alekseyevich Legasov.
not an anglo. Anglo women are dirt ugly and crazy, it's understandable why they hate the so much.
Slav women are ok, but also crazy because slav men are the fucking worst men to ever exist on this planet.
I do't know what this has to do with this tv show.
>television show has female in role outside of just one dimensional lust object
We should rewrite history you idiot. I bet you think Nazi Germany and slavery were good things.
Fucking alt-right moron.
You're retarded because women were denied positions of power a.k.a. a seat in the Politburo. They just didn't deny them everything.
True but they are also cucks do they bend over backwards for women and their lies and help to promote their mental insanity. At least slavs, however bad you say they are, know how to keep their women in check.
Have sex already, holy shit your whining is unbearable.
Oh fug and here I was excited after the first episode
I just want to be clear that even if the new female character was a man she would still annoy me because her air of superiority when talking to the other scientists is based on a faulty, over dramatized crisis point that only exists to fit into hollywood's formulaic plot mapping. The steam/water management system has been thoroughly compromised by the first explosion and isn't capable of holding enough pressure to explode that violently. The real concern was that the water pooling in the lower levels would flash into highly radioactive steam upon contact with the corium, damage the lower levels holding the reactor off the ground enough that the core drops directly onto the earth fucking up the ground and potentially the water table while the aforementioned steam contaminates the atmosphere even more after being released from the broken building.
History is there to teach us why things are wrong. Rewriting history will only make you repeat them. Hitler and Stalin both rewrote history. The Catholics did so as well. The Muslims did so as well.
Preserving history, no matter how ugly, is the duty of every noble hearted man, woman and child.
just watch it and decide for youself, this is Yea Forums and the most reactionary retards always come here no matter the issue
>Lugasov gets everything right
>holy shit wtf hack writer this is unrealistic it took dozens of scientists to solve this!
Gary Stu is a thing sweaty......................... Don't forget it.
>most of the scientist took the day off
>she and that guy are the only ones around
>muh reactionnary
This is telling you a lot about the people now defending this woke HBO show.
I love SupaHotFireIsNotAllowed!
It's honestly fine. Incels are seething for no reason other than being bored of everything else. They need something to complain about to feel significant.
Why didn't the based female scientists just invent better things than the US so they would not have economically collapsed?
>have sex already
>Birth Rates By Ideological Association
Extremely liberal (2.5%) — 1.61
Liberal (12.7%) — 1.72
Slightly liberal (11.3%) — 1.58
Moderate (39.9%) — 2.14
Slightly conservative (15.6%) — 2.03
Conservative (14.3%) — 2.34
Extremely conservative (3.7%) — 2.62
What do you mean?
>sex means pregnancy
if you had sex you'd know this wasn't true
Real person>fake person
Remember: you are watching a show with Brits speaking English with Brit accents in a show about Ukranian history. There is already a suspension of disbelief occurring. At this point our objective is to minimize the impact to our suspension of disbelief and historicity in general. Which is why utilizing a preexisting character is much more preferable than inventing a wholly new one.
BASED Vargposter
You're not supposed to use a trip. It pisses people off.
She was never a real person. She's just a feminazi stand in by HBO writers.
the right shall inherit the earth
What makes you think I am not a moderate tired of either side's bullshit?
it's just the trip fag who is actually a russian bot
The United States outcompeted the Soviets in every way which is why they broke like the bitches they were. Why didn't their amazing crew of woke female scientists perform at the same level as the evil USA?
huh so it is true that conservatives are ruining this planet with their endless consumption. might as well start killing them off
leave it means you can filter the dumb cunt
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
Stalin didn't do anything wrong you bigot fuck.
Go back to POL\ and then have sex.
>Except USSR had no problems with gender equality, feminism (in the classical sense) was literally the state policy. I see no problem with this character.
And yet they had no amazing women scientists. Really makes you think.
you are aware that the Soviet Union had some very high female representation for decades and no one really batted an eye.
but a bunch of whiny pasty whitebois get upset at one actor on a tv show...
It's how things go nowadays, user. I suggest you just accept it and don't let it so control your life, that when it's gone, you have nothing left to live for.
Yes it pisses off people who I don’t care about and in fact have 0 respect for due to their obvious lack of objectivity. If anything this trip is a tool to get them to filter me so I can have a better experience for myself with like minded individuals.
The only lack of control I see are from people butthurt that anyone dares make an objective criticism of the show. These people are simply poking fun at an obvious inaccuracy while still enjoying the show. You believe it is an insult to the Holy Trinity or someshit. Big whoop people make fun of SJW inserts. So what?
But if they filter you, they'll lose understanding of the entire thread.
I agree with you to an extent. However, the reality of producing a high budget TV show in [current year] dictates that it must engage the largest demographic possible. This includes middle aged women, of which Emily Watson's character is clearly representative of.
Yes, fucking with history is shit, but let me know of a high budget show that doesn't take liberties in this manner.
>Union had some very high female representation for decades and no one really batted an eye.
Until 1991 LMAO
based Uncle Sam dabbing on roastie Slavs
sustenance requires consumption, but not consumerism
if there's one thing i'll give commies, it's that they at least theoretically critique consumerism
The only reactor a woman should handle is a pressure cooker lmao
Lol, stay mad soicuck
it's just obnoxious.
>look at me! I want everyone to see my name even though everyone hates people like me!
just go with it
it is not an objective criticism though
the director has justified why he did it
an inaccuracy in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing
this is a story, made for entertainment
it was done because a single character rather than an amalgam of many scientists makes simpler more compelling drama
you would be a fool to take your history from a television program and expect it to be 100% accurate.
That doesn't apply to me, that guy in the pic would say "yas queen" unironically.
Are you mocking to alt-right incels on this subforum, or do you unironically think that communism is bad? If it's the latter, then you're a fucking moron.
She doesn’t exist sweetie. That is an objective fact. Oops she is in the show. Now I can make the objective criticism she shouldn’t be there.
Propaganda. They had an entire class of female cosmonauts but they only needed one for one flight then they fired the rest and the next Soviet female flew like 20 years later.
i actually agree with this, LOST existed mostly without pandering, and arguably was explicitly the opposite of pandering
LOST was written during the height of the iraq war, and you had pic related
really makes you wonder how you could produce something like that - it almost seems contrary to american capitalism. was there really a demand for subversive content?
he's obviously mocking that scene
He is clearly unstable, as are most tripfags. Filter and move on.
we need a full-scale lefty socialist wave to save this planet from the decades of abuse by conservatives and capitalism
this is asinine and nonsensical reasoning
Tankies are subhumans who deserve to be killed on sight for all the immesurable evil they've done to the world.
you can argue but not with that tripfag, he's already stated his goal is just to play both sides to raise his own profile. don't give him any attention
3 . 6
give this redditor gold
There are more CREDENTIALED women than men - and only after decades of watering down and feminizing curricula and school culture/discipline etc.
Men overwhelmingly dominate all the most challenging and (hence) prestigious disciplines, as you well know.
I think he's pretty rad.
Breaking the waves reunion.
Leave, fascist. Get out.
Not only that but LOST unironically made Sayid die with a suicide bombing, had no blacks in its final flashsideways scene (aka heaven), made all the woman into miserable wretched who needed to be saved by men, and had no gay characters (except for Tom Friendly who was only gay in the sense that they said so in talk show panels but they never made him do gay shit on the show)
>the objective reality that she doesn’t exist is asinine
nah you had your chance
the way forward is a return to ethnic identity, and social welfare; the third position
LOST was radical centrism incarnate
the dialogue is made up as well
It's too late, we are reading at least 3.6 Roentgen on /an/ of all places.
>they will believe me if i use false equivalencies
Indeed. LOST was celebrating esoteric traditionalism. It would’ve been Rene Guenon’s, Julius Evola’s, and Mircea Eliade’s favourite show.
>you had your chance
remind me again how yours went?
Inflating a real person's contribution would be disrespectful.
Exactly. Now you are understanding objective criticisms.
My name is Boris alinsky, and I am the fastest comrade alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary nuclear scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friends at the V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station, I fight capitalism and find other meta-humans like me. I hunted the man who blow up the Chernobyl reactor, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats. And I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am... The Bcпышкa
And deflating real people’s contributions by introducing a fictional character is even worse. Her role could’ve been split up and taken over by one of the many other real characters.
I am amused at how the initial threads were actually enjoyable. I wanted comfy kinobyl threads, not political shit. Then a tripfaggot and a group of mutt incels appear and fuck it all up, as usual. Fucking cretins.
As someone who has live in that time and place, I can attest that women in the workplace, especially in academia, are used strictly for ejaculatory purposes. My grandfather was a docent in university hospital and had fucked pretty much every female that has ever worked there. From nurses to medical students, to interns. The nurse hottie from the series would have had her fart box stuffed before she can say iodine.
>why pay one actor when we can pay many to split up the role and be bogged down in needless plot points
fuck history
You are already paying the real characters brainlet. Reread and slap yourself.
Exactly tumblr's argument.
Blatantly wrong but ok. Let’s go with this. If this is tumblr’s argument then tumblr is smarter than you.
defeated by internationaler Kapitalismus, sadly
can't you see how unnecessary that amount of characters are? Its a loophole to get the story running smoothly rather than have to rely on multiple and having loose ends
You already have characters in the show, dummy. I am saying to use them, not to hire more. Re-read and slap yourself thrice. Twice for being stupid and once more for wasting my time.
/reddit faggot
have sex
Surely you recognize the good doctor from Lark Hill?
Destroy the European Empires and you must pay for it.
>finish the episode
>go to Yea Forums thinking i'm gonna see some nice memes of our based new duo
>or any discussion of the events of the episode at all
>it's just tripfaggotry and repetitive whining
Fuck you all. I hated the OC as much as everyone else, but she's literally all you people have been talking about for several threads. Not the helicopter scene, not the hospital scenes (rip iodine qt) or the divers, no, just OC OC OC. Not a single Webm or meme, just autistic screeching. And knowing you autists these threads will stay this way until the show is over.
Fucking rename this /MarySue/ already. It was good while it lasted.
>waaaahhhhh why won’t you suck corporate dick with me
Welcome to your own personal hell, coincidentally my personal heaven.
oh no wasting the time of a tripfag whatever will I do to atone.
Why have many, when one can do the role entirely, frees up time and pacing for the showrunners
are you ignoring the entire muslim population?
based Malcolm poster
Or have none at all, brainlet, because adding fictional characters is the worst choice you can make for your historical drama.
ok this is epic
Women in the Soviet Union were quite honestly a lot more intelligent than the men.
t. ex-soviet citizen
All well and good. Now back on topic: this fictional character in this historical drama is fictional.
>I drove all the way here to inform you about the danger that I found out about 20 minutes ago.
Yeah, the writing of the character is shit
how? it doesn't devalue the story at all, yes its for convenience but so what, its not rewriting history in any sense
Because they didn’t exist. It devalues reality by simply being contrary to it. Celebrate reality, don’t fight it. It’s much healthier for you in the long run.
The same can be achieved by using a single real character out of the hundreds involved
>celebrate reality don't fight it
thats what I say to all these incels mad at a woman existing.
No one is mad at women existing. You are fighting with reality again, sweetie poo.
Mfw I unironically agree with based russian trip shill. Can I become your colleague comrade?
>says the tripfag upset at a nonexistent character.
fucking hell mate people are miserable enough with reality, is one character really the be all and end all?
Nurse know it all (while others know nothing despite having the plant within eyesight) is at least as immersion breaking and forced tbqh
When it completely takes you out of it and makes you utterly aware of the fact that you're watching tv in the current year? Yes
How long did those guys survive?