Quit giving them your money

>stupid casting choices based on politics rather than story
Every dude that's grown up with a female knows exactly how slow and weak they are, so when you cast a female as some kind of "action" star it just looks dumb. It's not "chauvinist" any more than it would be to call out a public bridge made with, say, plastic instead of steel. It just doesn't look right.

>stupid project decisions based on past performances rather than on quality of the screenplay
"Detective Pikachu"? Really? These idiots are blaming the audience for their shitty decisions on projects. Sequel and after sequel, re-boot after re-boot, these idiots can't figure out that original stories sell IF THEY'RE CAST, WRITTEN, AND PRODUCED WELL.

The people in Hollywood hate you, your culture, and your way of life, so quit supporting them.

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nothing you said is wrong, so why keep watching? Isn't there European, South american, Russian and Korean Cinema? It's the Americans own fault

i don't even watch movies or tv anymore desu

just finishing that shitpile got and then i'm done

>these idiots can't figure out that original stories sell IF THEY'RE CAST, WRITTEN, AND PRODUCED WELL.
do they? every movie that fits the description either flops or barely pays itself and needs the shitty popular tentpole movies to cover their losses

>It's the Americans own fault
This is true.


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I have never given them my money. I have never purchased a ticket. I have never purchase merchandise.

I will only go as far as to talk about them anonymously in a negative light. However, their tricks are too strong.

You don’t have to watch mainstream blockbusters at a generic megaplex. I live in a relatively small city and there’s still three different arthouse theaters to choose from.

I suggest getting a life



(((Arthouse cinema))) is even more leftist and degenerate than mainstream filth

All of the pro fag propaganda started there

this desu, tedious arthouse dogshit is generally even more worthless than blockbuster movies


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Getting away from Yea Forums for a while would do you a world of good, user. It’s turned you into a miserable, unpleasant faggot.

>their tricks are too strong.
You're stronger than (((they))) are user, and you're doing the work of gods.

White middle class are the reason Hollywood is unstoppable now, they got addicted to the video dopamine and refuse to get rid of it.

he's right though

How do you know that it wasn't the shitty arthouse crap responsible for that?

Getting away from Yea Forums would do all of is a solid, discord tranny

My local independent theaters don’t just show pretentious foreign films. They often have fun themed weekends and stuff. I’m looking forward to watching Back to the Future and Jaws coming up later this month at my favorite one.

Once your eyes are opened user, it's hard to shut them back closed

>got addicted to the video dopamine and refuse to get rid of it.
Dubs confirm the validity of your statement.

Because almost no one on Yea Forums watches indie films or arthouse stuff. This board discusses mainstream crap and “nerd culture”.

Plenty of people on Yea Forums did 6-7 years ago

then they probably stopped and left because arthouse and normal films are worthless.

Tell me the last movie you paid to see in a theater and I'll tell you where the problem is.

>haven't seen a Hollywood movie in theaters or rented one since 2007
>get a girlfriend
>she wants to see both Endgame and Detective Pikachu back to back
now I know why people hatefuck their girlfriends


>last movie you paid to see in a theater

I wonder why we didn't hear about this from the (((media))).

Attached: Hollywood Jew scum.jpg (1118x408, 130K)

because you're a virgin

>life still revolves around virginity
Tough day at school today kid?

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>paying for media

You lose your way off your containment board, OP?

>The people in Hollywood hate you, your culture, and your way of life, so quit supporting them.
Youre preaching to the choir... last "modern" movie i paid for was Force Awakens 4 years ago and it was complete fucking diarrhea, havent followed a series either since giving up with GoT in mid-season-5. I've just been slowly delving deeper and deeper into 20th century films, usually 1-2 movies a week depending if i go to the local old school cinema... but mostly i just read books.

The fact stands that 90% of this board is only interested in whats the current new thing regardless of how shit it is, as long as the marketing campaign has made it "the current new thing", and of the remaining 10% most are shitposters and memers who dont even care about tv or film.

What if Hollywood was the Jews we didn’t kill along the way?

Right there with you user...except the star wars cancer. I didn't make that mistake.