Jamie's Character Arc

Like a drug addict going to rehab only to die of overdose as soon as they get out, Jamie returning to Cersei to die with her was perfectly fitting for the tragedy of his character.

Cersei was the love of his entire life, his sister, the mother of his children and the woman carrying his last child, and she was about to go to war/ potentially die. His addiction/ love for Cersei and his attempt to escape it was the struggle of his entire arc.

People can be upset that he succumbed but it wasn’t bad writing. Watch a drug addict go to rehab only to overdose out the gate and then tell me how the fact that he tried to fight his addiction and failed was “bad writing” or a “wasted character arc.”

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people are mad because the show that kills everyone and subverts expectations is killing everyone and subverting expectations

Nah it's just shit lol

you're just shit lol

But not as shit as ops post lmao

i honestly like how jaime went in a circle, i can see this happening in the books too it seems like a grrm thing to do.
theon had a great redemption arc, do you really need another?

Didn't feel compelling or satisfying.
Just no where, out of the blue he starts jonesing and throws everything out the window. It'll make sense if it were written better, but from the audience perspective it just looks like a writer's spell was cast on him on episode 4.


If them having seasonal affective disorder cause retardation and giving it to all their characters is subverting expectations then yeah

yeah it worked for me, i also realised that Cersei sent Bronn to 'kill' Jaime because she knew he wouldn't do it, it was her calling card to get him to return to her

>Jaime should have let his sister and his unborn sister die and not even tried to save the city
How heroic. But no seriously fuck you retards for even thinking this dumb shit. Jaime's ending was pure kino.

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>cope the thread


this. Jamie fags are the lowest IQ fuckers in the entire community for this

It was written well before, it's rushed now, that's the difference

agree 100%

Tyrion got fucked over worse. Seasons of him walking around looking glum. No Blackwater level scheming, he just rats out the bald fuck that saved his life.

This made the least sense to me out of anything this season (save for nearly every main character surviving the Long Night)

What possible logic could their be to support Tyrion ratting out Varys? They were supposed to be the chestmaster in the shadows controlling the kings and queens, making sure the right things aligned. Should've they have talked for more than 15 fucking minutes before Tyrion literally sentenced him to death

Remember all the times they would scheme their ways out of certain death under far more confined circumstances?

>tells a bunch of people about bells and surrender
>they all look at him like he's retarded
>except Dany
It was Tyrion's loyalty test. Since Dany failed he'll switch to team Jon. He'll hope he lives through whatever Dany's wrath might be and survive as coin master or something. Tyrion thinks Varys has served too many kings and so he'd be a threat to whoever he chose

you're given him way too much credit.
imagine if he were a dumb powerless person.

old tyrion wouldn't have let it come to this. he probably would've put assets in the KL that Dany wanted, in order to discourage her from burning the place down. he would've smuggled Varys out before ratting on him. etc.

aside from the Long Night and that one dragon getting triple tapped, most of the complaints about this season are bullshit

it's mostly a "too hype to please" situation

BUT - FUCK the directors for not taking HBO's money and making another 10 episodes

thats just horse shit

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>old tyrion wouldn't have let it come to this. he probably would've put assets in the KL that Dany wanted, in order to discourage her from burning the place down. he would've smuggled Varys out before ratting on him. etc.

this 1000 times. no logical reason for Tyrion to just have Varys killed like that

I'm happy. I don't get the hate...of course fuck The Last Jedi.

They both understood the situation and the conciquences. So I have no clue why either of them would want Vayrs to die, especially Vayrs.

What kinda character motivation is that?

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>BUT - FUCK the directors for not taking HBO's money and making another 10 episodes
they rushed this shit so they could do they disney stuff instead

Even Littlefinger put up a fight trying to talk his way into staying alive (despite the setup being absolutely retardo-tier)

Why? What was so repellent about this show that made them want to dip out faster than a black dad on father's day?

It can't be the money; they're already getting a shitload of that. Fame wise, working on a Disney dumpster fire IP can only go downhill (George himself can't save it if they brought him on).
Maybe the situation is similar to when Vince Gilligan rushed the last season of Breaking Bad for no good reason? Only to put up Better Call Saul that paced it at at snail's speed.

Tyrion was loyal to Dragon girl and Varys was literally trying to have her poisoned?

he thought about it rationally, he wasn't going to let anyone fuck his sister but him.

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he didn't want to leave her alone in the final hours. they had a life together, 4 children, were siblings. he couldn't leave her alone to die, possibly be again humilliated and tortured

when you really love a woman it doesn't matter if she hates you or want to see you dead, you will be by her side, always, other people don't matter

also, family is family, would you abandon your siblings, or your parents in their final hours?