He knew
He knew
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Do people actually watch this shit?
Your question is stupid. You're stupid. Your parents are probably stupid.
that laugh
>when Chad talks and you want him to know you want the D
based as usual
Brienne's laugh is cute
Weird. Dude is unconventionally handsome but it works for him
She's absolutely thirsty
>unconventionally handsome
Nigga, what the fuck are you tlaking about. He's handsomely handsome.
Sure thing pal, I'm sure you're a real 10/10.
How can it be this easy to bait people still
This is a comment from this video. It's true, you know?
you mean to tell me unstable female teenager with an army of rapists and murderers is dangerous
Gwedoline is a qt all around.
tell me about jamie why does he wear the hand?
>unconventionally handsome
lmao he's a gigachad turbofucker
>Australian shitposting
3 plate bench bruh, you?
Varys's actor has such nice hair
>I think he'd reach for his Glock
BASED Davos.
Based and jaimepilled
the girl who plays gilly is really cute in real life
>Lifting mediocre weights makes you handsome and attractive to women
Was that Bowie's ill-fated "Smash Mouth" phase?
>he hasn't taken the Bowie drum n bass pill
Go listen to Earthling right now and then shitpost about it on Yea Forums.
She was too cute in skins, too bad the wall happens
>this nigga dabbled in DnB
Why do you watch that shit?
Meant for
I can see why Bowie fans want this buried
>this exists
CIA's real voice sounds so fucking weird
I unironically love that album.
To each their own.
>Brienne no sells her shock at waldau revealing that spoiler
exposin the fucking business
They have such great banter, I have no doubt they're really good friends, this is why they have so much chemistry on screen
kino desu
>Ian Glenn didn't even know what was going on in the show
I always forget Ramsey's name too, I bet he's just bad with names
he also didn't know ramsay was dead already
>kit's manlet rage bubbling up
When will they learn?
>implying King Bolton is dead
>unconventionally handsome
Maybe you're getting your Danish actors confused. Jaime is 100% pretty boy chad tier. Unconventionally handsome would be a better description of someone like Mads
they get payed to play pretend, not to watch the show
>davos reaching for his glock
They've both got great hair and bone structure. It's not fair
Wait I thought he lost a hand, how does he have 2 here? Weird.
I'm glad Earthling posting is still alive
>kit would kill brienne
absolutely based manlet rage
would have made a great witcher
by what fucking conventions are you using
what do you get out of coming here?