Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#511 Old OC Edition
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hello new bread please be healed by Arita!

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>wait for BD sales

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Announcement soon surely?

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Glad I could make the new bread but I'm going to bed friends. Have a good one and I might write something quick tomorrow since all the new people have inspired me.

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> 11 days ‘til beach meet

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hey alitafags when it's this shit coming in digital?

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May 15th: Moscow, Russia
May 18th: Cologne CANCELED, but June 7th still happening
Neufahrn, Germany: May 18th and 19th
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway, now CONFIRMED at 14:30 or 15:00 local
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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Good morning, /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens. No fighting. Lewd responsibly.

Are the details for the meet-up next week still the same? I'm thinking of bringing sweets but I don't want to distract from VA's cupcakes.

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End of july I think

Can I get a quick rundown as to why this movie is literally impossible to obtain legally even though it released 3 months ago?

The end of June or the beginning of July.

Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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See You can pre-order in the UK now, the US shouldn't be too long now.

How in the name of all that is good and holy are these threads still up
>Are the details for the meet-up next week still the same?
For the love of god tell me this doesn't mean what I think it means

The legal clusterfuck that is the Disney/FOX merger, plus a little bit of lawsuit on the side. (case will be thrown away, but it was another headache preventing them from moving forward with more product.)

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Meat up happening the 25th around 5pm ish at TK Burger
We get food
We chill by the bonfire
VA brings cupcakes
I attempt handstand it weed anons blow smoke clouds in my face
We get food after
/comfy/ time

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My favorite angerface is during "What do you know about me!?" line.

Oh yeah and it’s in Huntington Beach kek forgot the most crucial detail

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Is Alita life affirming or life denying?

What is the spiritual path of the alitanon?

I wanted to end it all but I’m good now. She gives me hope.

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>Old OC Edition


Hope you fellars don't mind some FRESH OC

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Blessed digits

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Alita chooses freedom of choice.
As a samurai, she cannot put life above duty or consider life to be the highest value.

Looking forward to it as always. Sleep well.

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All OC are good fren.

Surprisingly fresh

Good Morning Alitans
Thread OST: youtu.be/NivnBi9byvc

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There had been cases before where competitors have supported a third party’s lawsuit, but I don’t think that is happening in this lawsuit. Nothing has been heard from the plaintiff since January 30th. They even forgot the initial filing fee, until the court clerks reminded them.



>still discussing this mediocre movie

Thanks for the bump, friend.

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Nothing else better to do so you come in here and post that?

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Old OC for those who remember

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If Jerome won't eat the "Blue" Ray, I fucking will. Somebody has to. I'm willing to put my life on the line four /ourangel/.

Imagine a wordcloud of every Jerome post ever made here - an academic look into the lexicon of newfaggotry.

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And what a thread it was.

user's Jerome LARP has a great collection of stock phrases, pic related

There's also this from a few threads back:

"Cringe" seems to be surprisingly absent, however.

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What is the capacity of that? The one and only time I was at an Imax was when they had one at Aker Brygge(?) and actual theatrical movies in Imax were still not a thing - only specially shot nature shorts and things like that. I think the Imax at the Stockholm planetarium is still like that.


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Is Vertex still making you work for free, Leeta?

>He says it's great experience!

Just make sure to no get MeToo'ed

Panzer bride best Alita

No-one is bigger than The Cause.

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Don't forget weed smokers have to stand away from the main group in their own area.

Best leeta coming though...

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>shitty OC from an illegitimate troll OP the mods nuked with just cause
Nice try Jerome. To bad shitting on /ALITA/ didn't work so well for you.

The un-thot'd version of this picture is the only picture of Blondelita I like

Nice try Jerome

reminder: this belongs on Yea Forums

This wasn't the #100 OP pic. It was a pic used to attack /ALITA/ as it began. The OP even had something along the lines of Fuck You aimed at /ALITA/. The mods took care of this shit in short order.
You weren't there because the thread this OP pic is from was illegitimate, didn't have the right number and was nuked by mods for trolling.

Look it up in the 4plebs archive smartass. The only Jerome here is you.



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Nice (no) try Jerome

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Why are people still obsessing over this movie

Too bad the archive is threre to prove this was a troll thread. First we can start with this pic 1 of 3 related though. It is the true 100 ABAG.

Attached: 100abag numbered.jpg (4529x6589, 2.53M)

that one bunny girl looks pretty rad after her head gets blowed off and repaired with shitty metal and some shades i might make a cap of it later if I feel like sorting through LO.

watch it and you'll find out

Here is pic related 2 of 3. It is the first 100 ALITA that followed.

Attached: 100alita numbered.jpg (4100x6200, 2.73M)

Found a cute
Adust five clicks left or four clicks right

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>falling for the bait

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>see nausicaa of the valley of the wind
>then go to the CA meet-up
>then see new godzilla

May is a good month this year

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Bored in class...

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a few days ago there was a ‘source’ saying it was June 25th. this is a whole month later! aaaaah this is all so maddening!

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Calm down Jerome. You're one of us already. Calm down/

Stop lying Jerome.
And here we pic related 3 of 3, as screencap of a failed troll thread nuked by mods.

Attached: trolling OP.png (1280x2125, 394K)

Are you this insane?

Who ever said it was an OP pic? Maybe someone posted it as OC in a thread as a post. I know I've seen that since I've first been here, and I've been here since #139

Anyway, I've been trying to become a little Archivist-user myself.

I've been combing through each and every /ABAG/ & /ALITA/ archived thread to gather any OC I missed. I'm also trying to release the latest version of the /ABAG/+/ALITA/ archived thread link list.

>thread 100 is marked #97
>thread 101 is marked #99, the mythical Number 99 thread is actually thread #101


>check out the based stats
>372 posts
>152 images
>121 posters
>hit 310 bump limit in one hour
>that's 5 posts a minute, son

WHEW! Supersonic.

Is there anyone who wants to go and take pics of all the threads to have the first 500 compiled? If nobody else will, I'll do it.

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Jerome shmerome, it doesn't matter! Even if he used that pic for a troll thread or whatever, we've since appropriated it as our beloved meme, a symbol of disproving the naysayers who thought the passion for this movie couldn't carry even a hundred threads.

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This is truth. Here is the last real ABAG It was labeled #99 but was actually found to be #100. After this ABAG thread began ALITA. archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110858980/

Here is Jerome shitting on ALITA trying to get posters into his troll thread. archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110858980/#q110862433
How sad that Jerome is still trying to troll us with this trash and people are falling for it.

>is faced with irrefutable proof
>can't handle the truth and spergs out with lies and bullshit
How pathetic Jerome.

What was it like to shit with splinters of BluRay, Jerome?

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If you want to larp as Archival user at least get the history right for fucks sake.

Also, who says that was a troll thread? Maybe he was butthurt that he went to the trouble of making OC but was late on the draw to make the OP. He raged, thought his OP was better, and tried to make a competing thread. No where does he diss on Alita or us being autists or anything like that. Calm down. It's okay to be wrong.

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perhaps the real /ABAG/ 100 was the friends me made on the way...

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>trying to become a little Archivist-user myself
>LARPing as established namefag Archival user

were you dropped on your head as a kid?

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>who says that was a troll thread
The mods that nuked it and everyone that agreed that is who. The faggot should have been enjoying the party and transition not taking a shit on it.

Odeon Oslo has 467 seats for their IMAX screen, we've reserved ~120 seats, which I believe includes most of the VIP seats.

Nah, cunt.

Just went through the whole thread. No, "fuck you, troll" or "fuck you, Jerome" or anything like that in sight. He made the OP copypasta and everything just like any thread without fucking around with it or anything. It's exactly like I said, he was upset because he made that pic but was late on the draw, couldn't contain his seething, and made a competing thread. Mods nuked it because they always nuke the latter of whenever we have two generals up at the exact same time, like they always do.

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Blessed digits for wholesome Rob Marley

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>Alitafags are faced with the truths they don't like
>instead of embracing these truths Alitafags cower in delusion and lash out at posters presenting the truths while accusing them of being Jerome
Jesus Christ how retarded are you? This screen cap is the proof. It was failed thread nuked by mods. Clearly its not #100 as shown here and here Why are you so angry about being proven wrong?

Have you got it as I was just thinking she looks real cute here...

Mods nuked it because they and the board were sick of ABAG and the shill OP full of ad links. Yea Forums was sick of that shit and so were we for good reason. ABAG came to an end at #100 and was nuked with good reason.

I can't believe you guys are falling for this Jerome crap. He has us arguing again and you are going along with it to be contrarian and take a shit on the poster that set the record straight. Why do you let Jerome do this to us?

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>This screen cap is the proof.

Wow, you're fucking retarded and blind. Literally doesn't contradict anything I said about it being a butthurt Alitan. Anyone could've said that to anyone else. He's asking it to let it die because there was an earlier thread. Nothing about it being a troll or deception. Just stop.

>It was failed thread nuked by mods.

Correct, because, as I said, it was the latter of two generals posted at the same time.

>Clearly its not #100 as shown here and here Why are you so angry about being proven wrong?

Again, the misnumbering and spering in anger about insisting to have his thread up does not disprove anything I've said nor does it prove your Jerome theory in any shape or form. You have failed to convince myself or anyone else that your theory is correct beyond any reasonable doubt. All your arguments rely on logical fallacies and hearsay. And, remember, correlation does not equal causation. Case dismissed.

Finally, this:

Even if this was all originally and truly made by a Jerome, we've taken it as our own image and meme, since the early 100s at least. It's origin is pointless at this point. So, finally, just because that one guy posted it saying 'remember this OC',
wherever or however he got it from, does not make him a Jerome.


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Watch the film

No one here gives a shit about Jerome's posts like you... Jerome.

Check'd, but completely unrelated to what we're talking about.

First of all, fuck you.

Second of all, I kind of agree that it was a horrendous look with all those links and essays of text in the OP. The Subject line also used to say fucking "/ABAG/ Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion #X [X Edition]" for every thread. The cleaner, sleaker: "/ALITA/, Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion, #X [X Edition], Previous Thread: xxxxxxx" looks so much better.

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>t. jerome

Phew, glad we got that out of the way.

Yes! We're FREE!

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bumping this based thread of epic proportions

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wtf is happening in here bros?i just want a comfy thread

This has been another sad reminder that there are still a few long-time Alitans who are capable of becoming cunts at the drop of a hat. I don't know how they made it this far without shedding those impulses, but I guess not all of us were healed.

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based 1kb image poster

Lets get /comfy/ frens.

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I can smell the pixels.

I would help out with comf but I'm at work atm, so can't really help out ;__;

But take this...

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Hey now there's plenty of room for both of us
Everyone can tell that isn't me anyways

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I think this is such a good movie that it should get a comic book tie-in.

Thank you...for saving me.

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Glad I stopped in before people started eating each other

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I have to step out for a bit, but I'll have 1000 credits waiting for the first person to put together a comfy OC with this mangalita pack.

Attached: mangalita comf pack.png (2501x1435, 1.54M)

have this very smol alita

Attached: alitap1.png (20x20, 1K)

Like other than the manga? That's actually not a terrible idea, I bet a lot of people would start reading the series if they got a taste of it with a promo comic or whatever.

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thanks bro

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Fuck this is really awesome

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Other than OC, I want to make sure we get the good discussions screencapped or copy-pasted that way if we showed someone like Cameron he wouldn't have to go through 500 threads picking that stuff out

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Oh look. You guys are bickering again. How amusing.

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Thanks, sounds like fun. Why is Oslo so based? I remember how the Oslo preview show of Return of the King was so amazing that the cast members who came for it were gushing and telling the rest of them what they'd missed.

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You spelled "Peaches" wrong.

The threads are so embarrassing.


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Hey alitanons, a question about the movie: why did Nova let Alita go at the end (in vectors office)? He could easily send more centurions after her or threaten to kill Ido and Hugo and force her to surrender but he didn't. He knows she is after him and will have to deal with her eventually so why not now. Is he scared of her and is he buying himself more time to plan things out? He doesn't look scared in the last scene...

Yes, how dear they smear the good name and reputation of Anonymous?

Nova is massively entertained. His main enemy is boredom, and having somebody who actually presents an actual challenge to him must interest him to the highest degree.

Why are its eyes so big? Looks fucking stupid.

He was amused like a cat amused by a mouse
Plus he probably didnt want a war in iron city.

>how dear they
here's your (you) tardbro

"But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.

"The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

>The good name and reputation of Anonymous
Come on, son.

>Hey, what's your problem?

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>Alitafrens! My brothers of the sword!
>I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands!
>Let no GOT fag forget how menacing we are, we are lions!
>Do you know what's waiting beyond that #999 bread? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!

Attached: immortality.jpg (800x339, 71K)

man the anger face fight scene was the best

Nova doesn't see her as a credible threat. Also he probably wants to keep her body intact for research purposes so he can't just have her blown to bits with 20mm cannons. There's also the fact that shooting through an anti-matter reactor as powerful as her heart might cause a huge fucking explosion that might even hit Zalem.

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Right, i guess it gets quite boring being alive for 300+ years. How old is he anyway?

I hope you're right about #999 and beyond. Lately I've been worried we won't make it that far. We have been arguing a lot the past few weeks and all sorts of weird shit has been going on. I know a lot of it is Jerome trolling but now that we have found out that Peaches is Jerome posting and so are the other namefags I'm worried about our future. I just can't believe that now people are defending Jerome posting because the namefags do it and think its ok. Its not ok. Its tearing us apart.

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Well he didn't have a problem sending grewishka after her and if he got her i don't think there would be much of her left...

You must have faith. user. I believe in us.

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If we make it to the bluray release we're gonna be fine.

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I realized how much things have changed when I noticed everything and everyone can be lewded without consequence when in the past a single picture would cause a shitstorm.
Things change over time, for better or for worse. But we're still here. We survived some serious shit before, we will endure.

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>You won't have eyes tonight, you won't have ears or a tongue.
>You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know
>This is Nova, the fool who thought he killed Alita

Attached: beyong 999 eternity.png (400x500, 364K)

Dw, we'll be fine. Trough thick and thin we'll get to #999.

And I feel responsible lewding is okay, anything ott is forbidden.

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Remember, people: Lewd Responsibly.

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I'm going to rape her and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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Something occured to me. What if when Alita confronts Nova, he will reveal a clone/replica of Hugo inviting her to abandon her mission and live with him in Zalem. An emotional finał temptation do to speak, forcing her to either give up or kill Hugo with her own hands, to break her spirit.

>Try it
>I'm gonna shove this hammer up your ass

Attached: you're dead.jpg (960x510, 32K)

How did you guys even found Yea Forums? How did you even end up here?
Do you guys even visit any other Yea Forums threads? Or just this one

Your opinion and way of posting reminds me of 14 year old girls on tumblr freaking out over bikini pictures calling it porn and calling Sports Illustrated magazines hardcore porn.

Were you guys involved in the production of the movie? A regular Yea Forums user wouldnt really say these things. These threads are vanilla compared to the crap that goes on in here

End of the line fuck head...

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Thats some fuckin' twist right there.

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Nova creates alita clones actually

Sounds like something he would do, he isn't much of a fighter.

Like evil clones that try to kill her or normal clones just to fuck with her?

>bring it on

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Nice try Jerome. We aren't gonna let you drag us down into arguing and dividing us right now though.

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>dude falls off the cable thingy
>it wasnt revealed if he actually died
>chances are he survived
makes you think

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Alright, I am re-energized. Who wants an even bigger .webm dump than last time? Said I was doing it sooner, but I needed a break.
Also, it's our three month anniversary, will have something soon

Attached: hugoyell.webm (500x500, 852K)

Answer the question

Todd no!
I'll buy Skyrim 5 more times

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Bad trolling, you know I don't use my name for such a menial reply.

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remember to ignore the shitposters alitafrens. peace out

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>mfw Alita will never shout my name across the street, to ask if she can play motor ball wid me.

Also any cute pink shirt Ali's would be greatly appreciated. :3

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I've already done a couple of her in the pink shirt, here you go.

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>Hey there lil guy

Attached: hi.jpg (1367x2048, 1.22M)

>a regular Yea Forums user wouldn't say these things
What makes you think we're normal
>these threads are vanilla compared to the crap that goes on in here
And we've tried hard to keep it that way, if you want toxicity and insane people there are hundreds of other threads to be in

His head was still human...

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>tfw 1KB Alita Reactions are now all the rage

Gotta Catch'em All!

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Shoot, so .webm reactions are officially out of demand? Guess I'm out of a job.

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If Nova can reconstruct Alita from bits of brain matter and store memories in pill form then he can certainly re-grow Hugo

Just gotta help my guy gookmoot out a bit.

And thanks! Alita a cute

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It's going to be a while before I move on from manga reaction images

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>Jerome Peaches blown the fuck out by based real Peaches trips of truth
That was an enjoyable salty exchange. Think I'll have a sip of Bang's to wash it all down.Anyone else need a sip of Bang's to wash the taste of Jerome's salty tears out of their mouth?

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My favorite collectible Alita memes are "Alita Holding Things', '/comfy/, and now these 1Ks,

Your work is always patrician tier, above silly POG-like collectibles.

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blu ray when?

Im sure he can im just saying that original hugo is 99.9% dead.

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She basically follows the path in this book

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Why is this thing so cute!?

Attached: Cute.jpg (212x108, 6K)

Trips confirm. We need a webm of this, Peaches

Late june/early july or late july i think, based on preorder dates on a few sites

Added to list of OC's to do.

Oh for sure he's deader than Alita Ido

Cute thing + cute thing = cute thing

Normal and regular are not the same thing.
Regular implies knowing the culture in Yea Forums. Regular means being used to thr board in general.
I really dont understand why you had to say normal instead.
That says a lot more about you. Implying that you are definitely not normal. My question was about the regularity of visiting Yea Forums.

>And we've tried hard to keep it that way, if you want toxicity and insane people there are hundreds of other threads to be in

I never implied this either. You are projecting hard as hell. Your reply is incredibly telling

My point was that the way you guys freak out over "lewd" stuff makes it sound like you never set foot outside these threads and it makes it sound lime you are teenagers or girls ( or involved in the production of the movie)
Again i never said i want these threads to be insane

But when you say "tocixity" you just gave away yourself as a reddit or twitter tourist
No one in here says "toxic" unironically.
It sounds like the people that freak out over lewd like you probably started to visit Yea Forums when alita came out.

Let me guess, are you a leftyanon as well?

Thanks fren, it's gonna be great

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It was just a joke and i only posted as peaches once. I am not part of any conversation

Requesting an Alita shoop. Can someone shoop the picture of Alita holding doggo so doggo's head is on Alita's body and Alita's head is on doggos body? There is that one street picture of Alita holding doggo that would work. I thought I had it but now can't find it in my alita folder. Anyone in this thread have it by chance?

Okay, I have too many .webms this round, like 50 of them. Should I just make a mega folder and just post a few of my favorites? I may have gone overboard.

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Nova doesn’t make them, GIB in Zalem does. They’re real fucking mean, and have all sorts of crazy weapons. At some point Nova manipulates 2 super cute ones and a dude one to work for him. The super cute ones being his bodyguards and presumably sex slaves

A male Alita?


Attached: alitafa.jpg (1657x2048, 733K)

>I may have gone overboard.
Not even close. My Alita folder has 3300 files and I still think it's not enough.

Just checked.
194 webbums.

But this is 50 all at once.
Also, how do you have more files than me?

I get it! Zapan in the skirt because he’s such a BITCH

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I've been in these threads for months and I save just about everything.

I've got it and I'm working on the shop. Gimme a minute.

Guess that makes sense, I already have too much from making a lot of this stuff.

yes. last order gets pretty goofy, I still enjoyed it though.

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>You're the most human person I've ever meet....

Attached: AlitaBecomeHuman.jpg (476x600, 68K)

Holy fuck!?! what is that..

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>male Alita
Yes his name is Sechs. All the clones started out the same, but he only cares about fighting and being the strongest at some point so he changed into a male body for more power and people just treat him as a separate character. Alita's personality changes a bit depending on what body she's using and Sechs never had any memories of Ido or Hugo or anything like that so Sechs is basically completely different.

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>how do you have more files
I know right? Some people must be saving literally every single thing. Although, after 150,000 posts I'm almost surprised that number isn't higher.

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True, most of my folder is comprised of shit I've made, so around 1,000.

Thumbnail looks like Jamie Dorner


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Sechs actually seems super scary. Like pure fucking violence.

Attached: sechs.jpg (1093x1600, 503K)

>a dozen or so stupid posts deleted
Based jannies taking out the trash. Guess its time for FLOOF posting.

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Oh for sure, Alita's all technique and grace and Sechs just invents new ways to punch people really fucking hard

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>floof posting

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Can you make the eyes bigger and more googly?

Someone kill it, QUICK!

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Yeah and you could probably reason with Alita, but I doubt Sechs would give a shit.

Didn't he get thrashed a lot precisely because of that?
I mean, he foregoes basic defense just so that he can punch harder.
I might be wrong, Last Order started interesting, but as it went on it became a cross between DB's martial arts tournament and a dumpster fire.
Also, trans cyborg.

The transgender character is also an hyperviolent sociopath.

Sechs would hold off fighting you if it means he gets a better fight later but that's about all you can do with him.

What sort of body does he have by this panel? I ask because that arm looks extremely crude and lo-tech compared to the slick bodies Nova gave Alita towards the end of the orginal series.

Have Sechs.

Didn't (s)he bite one of Alita's eyes out?

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FUCK THE HATERS. Boatman was right. This is slightly less creepy.

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Do you think Rosa knows about /abg/?

It's tuned to be as strong as possible.

>Arterial blood gas test?

But seriously probably not, like I cant imagine most celebs being so bored they end up stumbling onto even reddit let alone Yea Forums...

Did Kishiro ever try to explain why this particular clone turned into a rampaging psychopathic lesbian?

Or was it 'just because'?

puppu 4 u

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Taylor Swift was a Yea Forumstard. Jenna Jameson and Andrew W.K, too.

Oh that arm turns into a gun

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10/10 would feed Alita some burrito again.

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>Taylor Swift was a Yea Forumstard
Never confirmed, only myth
>Jenna Jameson and Andrew W.K
These are confirmed, but Jenna Jameson literally visited that one time because she heard Yea Forums was an evil cesspool of elite, meangirl, trolling hackers and she asked Anonymous to fuck with and ex-agent or some shit. She refused to providing nudes at first, but eventually caved and provided some tits pics.

>Thanks user.
>You're the best.
>*quickly hugs and kissu on the cheek*

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pretty sure all crap anime zombifies into DBZ power level tournies once it goes on too long instead of dying. i love alita but fuckin hate anime sorry yall.

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Sechs is hyperviolent because he's masculine not because he's transgender. I don't think it ever gets addressed and he has no psychological issues stemming from it. All Sechs wants to do is fight so he couldn't care less about sex or women. If his dick could be replaced with a gun and it would actually be effective he would do it.

The twins are super flirty and sexual and they don't like to fight but Sechs is basically just a shark.

>Taylor Swift
I mean it's not confirmed but it's pretty well supported.

Attached: taylor swift.jpg (2029x4013, 1.95M)

>can't have sex

have sex


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Celebrities have nothing but time and they spend all they long in their phones.
Movie shoots take hours to set up every day and whenever you see pics of the actors waiting to shoot they are always on their phone like in the hobbit movies or like batman v superman.

I think a lot of celebrities browse here. Im sure rosa and robert might have seen these threads

*Twilight Zone theme*

Yeah, pretty eerie. It would be quite the coincidence if it wasn't her. She's pretty, and rich, and seems okay as a goober regular person, but just shitty with relationships. Still don't like her music, though.

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I don't think it's THAT many people, like fewer than 50 ((famous/influential/rich)) people are Yea Forums REGULARS, let's say. Have been here more than once or twice. I mean, the problem is, they can never let out that they visit here, obviously, because of all the bad press and publicity, risking losing work, risking losing sponsors, et al. It depends, though Fucking Joe Rogan could admit he's a Yea Forums regular and literally nothing would happen to him. If anything, his popularly would increase.

>still don't like her music though

Attached: Alita Pathetic.png (1167x800, 1020K)

She has maybe two okay songs. I like bloody Katy Perry and Lady Gaga better than that, can say they have more good songs that are even better than hers, and I don't even like their music very much, kek.

Also, Hi, Taylor.

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>Liking Taylor Swift's music

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Started listening to Dua Lipa she's ok I guess

Since all of her albums vary genres there's usually something for everybody if you look hard enough

pic related

she's whatever except for swan song of course

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Well posting is another matter
Im sure no one famous posts regularly.

But Henry Cavill once said that when his movies come out, he always checks all the forums talking about his movies. Or at least the biggest ones.
Im sure when batman v superman or when justice league came out, he must have lurked at least a couple of times

>alitaoggo kissus

Attached: alitaoggo kissus.png (966x797, 752K)

Imo Dua's music is really good.
could be that I live in bong land and they seem to play her song's all the time here on the radio.

Shell grow on you

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>Since all of her albums vary genres there's usually something for everybody if you look hard enough

No, dude. Wrong. It can all be garbage. She not a great singer, all of her stuff is autotuned, she has a team of writers and producers making everything for her, the days of "I'm just a wholesome country singer writing my own teenage-girl songs" are LONG dead. If I make a shitty salsa song, a shitty country song, a shitty pop song, a shitty rock song, and a shitty disco song, guess what...they're all shit. Doesn't matter that they're different genres. The only reason she's famous and people like her is because of her looks, her, if not "good" and "memorable", I'll call it "attractive" singing voice, and her "hurr durr I'm just a regular dorky girl like you" FAKE, MANUFACTURED, psychologically deluded cognitive dissonant persona as she sits on top mountains of money, talking $300million+. With that kind of money, and one not spending every day of one's life on activism, charitable events, giving back to the community, etc. makes one an EVIL, greedy person in my book. She might be more palatable than other comparably obnoxiously rich and famous people who lack real talent, but she's no winner in my books or in the books of anyone with any taste.

>defending a beloved, world-famous multi-millionaire

Not licking the boot hard enough, peasant!

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Next thread should be named: "Alita, No Sex Edition"

That's every edition, that's every thread.


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>I have to look hard through multiple albums to find something decent by this person

Or, I can listen to any number of actually good artists and bands to find nearly every piece of their work, single or album or otherwise, really good.

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Why? I don't want to attract trolls.

cause jannie sweept it

lol, no they didn't. The 'bickering' (Jerome being Jerome, or an Alitan thinking he's fighting off a Jerome, got into an argument with other Alitans, they threw a bit of a hissy fit, everyone let it go and forgot about it) is all still up there.

I was told this was a no bully zone

Attached: Alita Anger.png (463x440, 211K)

>tfw one of the main reasons you've wanted to be rich and famous was to give back to all your user homies, spill deets on celebs, and deliver requests.

It's gonna be great someday.

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Here's a wholesome Alita to make you feel better. She's very smol so please handle with care.

Attached: smolalita3.png (20x20, 1K)

>jannie didn't
jannie did.

>jannie didn't
jannie did.

>celebrities have more in common with neets than normalfags

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smolita a cute

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not cute, CUTE!

>Im sure rosa and robert might have seen these threads
RR/JC seem like they'd be too busy to be aware of places like here or even something normie like reddit. Rosa I could see being aware of Yea Forums. I just hope that even if she's seen us at our most questionable our genuine passion for this is clear.

I just got here but damn, 51 people? Usually weekdays we hover around 20-30 around this time.

I hope she's seen all the lewdposting about her.

i don't know her personality enough to know if we've scared her off or not. the lauren mayberry meeting Yea Forums was fucking hilarious though

she might weirded out over people lewding Alita but I'm sure she'd be pretty flattered by how cute we find her.

lol I wasn't aware of this. I'm kind of surprised Lauren would even venture into Yea Forums. Fantano makes sense because he knows how to parse internet humor but Lauren doesn't seem as relaxed about it. Lauren is a qt

It's strange it even seems a little slow for that many people

i'm sure as a celebrity she's already found a way to deal with the fact that at any given time someone, somewhere in the world is jacking themselves over her. they probably just ignore it and pretend it doesn't happen by not thinking about it

she only saw the one thread because white nights tweeted it to her and she got super triggered, it was funny as fuck. serves her right though

> they probably just ignore it and pretend it doesn't happen by not thinking about it
Or they get off on it. With Rosa I'm honestly not sure which way she'd go.

lol poor dummy; I still like her though even if she seems to walk into stuff that she should know will only bother her.

>"user, don't keep staring at that pic of me in the orange dress. ESPECIALLY not where you can sort of see my underwear."

Well can she really blame a guy for looking??

I call bread

you are the baker now

>user, remember to never look up my topless pics!

"user, that's no excuse. Now don't mind me while I take this photo with RR where I'm in heels and a blazer and seemingly NOTHING else."

Her eyes fucking ruin this movie. The CGI overload turns it into a stupid cartoon for children and mongoloids

the whole "they probably get off on it" thing is bs, like 99% of the time they're bothered by it unless they specifically say it doesn't, because it is pretty creepy; thinking that there's strangers everywhere thinking about you lewdly, it's not really flattering

this was a very insightful review

I'm sure virtually no celeb 'enjoys' it. I'm just memeing, fren. Just passing time until next bread.

Still feels like a definitive step back. Unless you tell me that's a berserker body base under there. That arm is basically a jackhammer while the imaginos body was an artillery piece.


The body Sechs gets after that is super powerful, but Alita is the only one with an Imaginos body and I think she doesn't get it until after Sechs is created so it's a huge improvement over the body type all the clones were using originally.

The thread being slow allows more unique ips to drop in over a longer period of time then in faster threads.

That fight in which she bites Alita's face and rips one of her eyes, she has a full-on ahegao face the whole time.

You should watch the movie tho

>Alita's all technique

Then what're all those panels where Alita says she loves when the bloodlust takes over and all she wants to do is rip and tear? And wasn't Yoko supposed to be fucking terrifying?

Right but I'm pretty sure that's just because Alita's actually a worthy opponent

How do you know the movie has been "ruined" if you haven't even seen it?

Bread baking.


Try and stop me you puritan fucks

Well, yes, Alita and the clones all had "tuned bodies" from Tiphares. Although I'm guessing that Sechs' male form is a reconfiguration of the original female shape? Or is it an entirely new body?

new thread


I'm not saying Alita isn't violent but her power is based on knowing Panzer Kunst not necessarily because she's physically stronger than other people. Most of the time she can just cut someone in half and be done with it but when it comes to fighting tougher opponents it comes down to skill rather than pure force. She still enjoys fighting as much as Sechs but she just wants a challenge whereas Sechs wants everyone to know that he's the best and strongest.

How dare you.

it's from a troll account on letterbox
basically shits on everything


If only Alita was chunkier we could've healed another one...

HOT Bread Hot BREAD HOT Bread Hot BREAD\

Some people are into some weird shit, there is no way less than 1% of them are exhibitionists.

Sech gets an entirely new body (known as a Fizziroy). It's one of the most powerful bodies ever, and Sechs is one of two people to ever master it really quick.

Alita is usually calm and collected but sometimes she'll let herself loose and go full rage mode, which is her strongest and scariest form.