How come Viserion could destroy The Wall, but not the rock Jon Snow was hiding behind?

How come Viserion could destroy The Wall, but not the rock Jon Snow was hiding behind?

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Rock was made out of plot armor.


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He turned off his brain


The wall was made of ice, the rock was made of rock.
One's a bit more fragile and susceptible to heat than the other.
Plus the wall was held together with magic, and presumptively the dragon's fire is magic and fucks it apart.

I mean yeah, that's a pretty clutch armour when the truth is obviously plot armour, but it'd be nice to believe that something in this show was done right

I don't know OP maybe he was having fun and thinking about having some sex.
You should the same OP, don't think about it too hard, the show is fun and have sex.

Drogon burned down King's Landing's wall like it was made out of cheese, what kind of rock was that?

You're just overthinking it

You need to turn your brain off and just enjoy what you're seeing
I'm so sick of you idiots being so negative towards GoT!

explosive rock lmao
mate I can only JUST so many things before it all falls apart

The ice wall was made out of rock and ice (and magic)...intense fire rapidly vaporized the water embedded in the rock enough to dislodge it and gravity did the rest of the work due to potential energy stored. The pile of stone Jon his behind was just a stable pile of stone already felled not much can be done other than melting it eventually... it’s an ok heat shield until it eventually melts but it wasn’t a sustained fire blast... and it was a weakened dragon after the fight.

With built up structures, kinetic energy is stored as potential energy. The blasts of fire from Drogon cause air bursts due to rapidly heated air ... that force is enough to push stones off their center of gravity and cause them to topple. Think of a shockwave from a TNT blast but sustained and focused. Not a scientific explanation as a dragon is after all a fantasy creature but it’s not an egregious plot hole... there’s plenty other bits that are more troubling

I can't wait to write an entry for this fantastic rock in a GoT wiki

Attached: 9-2-rock-png.png (393x229, 137K)

>With built up structures, kinetic energy is stored as potential energy. The blasts of fire from Drogon cause air bursts due to rapidly heated air ... that force is enough to push stones off their center of gravity and cause them to topple. Think of a shockwave from a TNT blast but sustained and focused. Not a scientific explanation as a dragon is after all a fantasy creature but it’s not an egregious plot hole... there’s plenty other bits that are more troubling

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the dragon destroyed the wall of winterfell

How come euron's fleet could 360 no scope Rhaegal from a mile off but couldn't seem to touch Dany on Drogon flying directly at them?

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because of the sun

despite being a cloudy day

they had already fired and missed. She had free reign over them from there

She flew away in a straight line, how did they continue to miss?

they made a bunch of bad rolls

Cersei had Green flame WildFire installed between bricks all over KingsLanding including red keep.

She was going to do it herself

cope harder faggot


The hero we need.

Super-heating the stone caused cascades of vapor explosions along the length of the mortar holding the walls together, KL is just over 300 years old so a lot of moisture would have gotten into its old walls.

Get the fuck out of here with your science.

Dragons in flight have an AC of like 85

Only a Natural 20 will hit one.

there was a hotfix between the episodes, nerfed the scorpions to oblivion

t. never played a table top game

He also destroyed the wall of winterfell though. You're defending shitty writing because you're a smooth brain

The one time they got a dragon was the one time absolutely no one in the fucking world was looking. In addition, they gave away the limitations of the mechanism when they unloaded on Dany and her small fleet. Dany and her advisers figured out the reload time and the time it takes to adjust the catapult's aim, which was too damn long in an actual fire fight.

he kinda forgot that he can destroy rocks

Think of it this way: bricks stacked horizontally will react to dragonfire like a Jenga tower reacts to pushing too many pieces out at once. But bricks or structures that are already lying vertically react the way Jenga bricks would react to you blowing at them really hard - which is, they shouldn't move much at all.

And Jon and the bricks didn't burn into molten lava because lol magical frostfire I don't have to explain shit.

Natural 20 always means success, always. Try playing an actual tabletop.

Might be the most legitamately retarded post I have ever read.

maybe a dead resurrected dragon is less powerful than a living one with full magic

It destroyed the wall