>go back to pol
Go back to pol
Does that person really have to advertise all that perverse, very personal fetish stuff to every person in public? Seems pathological.
we get it
the slowly creeping contrived narrative in your brain has become so all-consuming that you can't spend any waking moment doing anything other than obsessing about made-up enemies in a made-up culture war that doesn't exist, you'd know that if you bothered to breach the surface once in a while
Have heterosexual regular sex with an actual woman.
engage in recreational lovemaking in the missionary position with a human female
also can we stop talking about SJWs it's been three years since the election and I have to admit i'm just getting tired of discussing who wants to have sex with what genitals and what skin color
can we talk about movies again
>being this ironic
go argue your internet politics with your friends in the Facebook meme group
i'm sure there's trump memes you could be posting
homo nigger faggot
It's hard to take you serious when there are actual literal unironic unapologetic leftshit sjws on Yea Forums plaguing the boards these days.
obtain sexual intercourse
Love how quickly liberals pull the evolution card to attack Christianity then shudder at any suggestion of differences between races
Time to go back to reddddit where u belong
based, /pol/turdlets seething
>have sex
This site needs a /capeshit/ and fast if you kikes think supamans movies are gonna be as popular as you think.
The worst thing about this is that it's a Chevy
I'm not sure why it's so controversial on these boards now but every time you try to position yourself outside of the culture wars you're just dragged down by an army of pol-tards saying their neat little catch phrases like "seething", "reddit", or "nigger", or "dilate"
at least "cringe" fully breached the normie sphere and they (desperate to separate themselves from their very own essence) stopped using it for the most part
the internet has been one homogeneous smear of shit for the last 6-7 years and honestly I don't know who else to blame besides the faggot culture war retards who can't let it go for ten seconds
>go back to /pol/
>can we talk about movies again
I agree. Can they just stop promoting niggers/faggots/holocaust/muhammed/refugee propaganda for 6 fucking months?
Leftism is a form of mental illness. Lefties are inherently weak and inferior.
dilate you seething reddit nigger discord tranny