Continued from >>114749022 so you know it's officially Yea Forums related

continued from so you know it's officially Yea Forums related

What do you think of Soph, the redpilled 14 year old girl sweeping the internet?

Attached: 1557813968917.jpg (750x998, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

she should have sex

she's not redpilled she's just absorbed the dumbest meme culture there is

I can guarantee she denounces this shit when she's older

I think Joe Bernstein should be thwacked with a lead pipe, in minecraft, for repeatedly and haughtily trying to destroy the lives of 14 year olds for buzzfeed clicks.

>here's info about this 14 year old with links and a name
>blurred face

>Joe “Kill a straight white male” Bernstein

isn't that lt corbis. started out as a leafy clone until everyone realized how cringe he is and she fucked off

She's literally brainwashed by retards that take the bullshit written on this site as truth, its worse then the people that fall for sissy brainwashing and years later are doing porn


Why do I get the feeling that her parents are just using her?

Attached: 1488092461733s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>The only thing I can't get behind in Islam is the hatred of Jews.
>I mean I wouldn't want to be a nazi now would I?


She's pretty funny, and makes some good points about a lot of things.

no shit sherlock

>When people cant distinguish reality from fiction because they get all their news from Yea Forums

Attached: 1546321130772.png (645x773, 11K)

its her brother not her parents

No fucking shit Sherlock, she's underage so obviously cannot consent to anything without her parents pulling the strings

>Leftcucks: "OMG using a child for politics on YouTube? Fucking UNACCEPTABLE"
>Also Leftcucks:

why is this joe bernstein pedophile covering a 14 year old girl for a while?!?!
wtf is wrong with these pedos?!!?

She's a libertarian so absolutely DROPPED

The kid's writer (her brother) is pretty funny and she has good comedic timing. I would prefer she be not doing this kind of stuff as most of the people in that milieu are failures or mental freaks.
I would also prefer that a grimy little new york "journalist" would stop trying to mount children's heads on his wall for ad money and clout

>tell kid to say fuck
>tell kid to say fuck islam, jews are responsible for all the bad in the world

Attached: 1528018529291.png (291x344, 85K)

corbis has been based since she was 8

Blockhead Joe still writing buzzfeed popcorn

Her future life is probably ruined because of this, well deserved desu fuck racism

Attached: The future.webm (480x270, 1.72M)

reminder mainstream conservatives are not true conservatives because they always keep crying about le old classic liberals from le 50s and 60s. aka libshit commies that brought you the immigration act and hippies.

what kind of race is she

Blockhead Joe will never work for the NYT.

>no true conservative

Attached: 5677.jpg (349x340, 22K)

Remember when conservatives had the house and senate and got a proposed budget plan for the wall but turned it down and a year later couldn't get a penny?

Attached: gorilla channel.png (749x591, 428K)


I always find the "teach boys to not rape" thing interesting. Guys know not to rape, it's not like this is unknown knowledge. Guys aren't raping because they didn't know it was a bad thing to do

nah. true conservatives are extremely rare. ben shapiro is not one. neither is cernovich. nor mark dice. etc.

>tell kid to lie about the "wage gap"

Why'd you forget this part?
Also the kids in that video are 7, literally HALF the age of the kid in OP's video.

Continue crying.

Is Bernstein working at the new york times yet?

Very cool, no one cares about your narrow definition of a true conservative, everyone else moves along in life but you.

>the person denouncing the videos is a pedo
>not the people who watch them

Wow there are more shills here than on Yea Forums

Remember that time a libshit started posting untrue and still irrelevant talking-points because he got butt-flustered over his politics getting roasted so he spazzed-out in damage-control.

Jewish psyop

>14 year old girl sharing conservative views
>9 year old boy sharing drag culture and doing drugs on youtube
This is how you get Hitler and I cannot wait for the day he rises from the grave.

All women I've met in real life believe in the wage gap. There's so much contradicting arguments I can only conclude it's unknown if the wage gap is real

Well at least I get to say "I watched LtCorbis back when she was 11"
Also post the actual kino

>14 year old girl
WTH, she looks like a 9 year old!

wage gap is real, pay up