This episode literally redeems her in every way

She went the way Rey should've gone, i.e. full Sith mode instead of staying a YAAAS QUEEN Sue. Her ascent to death godmode made this whole season worth it.

Why the fuck is bitching and acting like this was a misstep?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I agree completely. Genocide Dany is the best Dany.

But all this shit feels so rushed I'm having a hard time actually enjoying it. Apart from Dany's face when she went mad, must've fapped to that face like 6 times already, never been this horn for that girl.

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>Waaah no one loves me here!
maybe because you keep burning everyone's relatives you crazy bitch

Have sex

>full Sith mode instead of staying a YAAAS QUEEN Sue.

Has it ever occurred to you that YASSS QUEEN mode *is* Sith mode?

Even normalfags hate this show now


Is our opinion on this really so controversial that you are unable to comprehend the idea that at least to people on Yea Forums hold it?


This, but unironically

>Apart from Dany's face when she went mad, must've fapped to that face like 6 times already
Same Domme Dany makes my dick hard
Hope she rapes Jon next episode

No matter what they did it would not have pleased everyone, but but this seasons events feels so rushed, like there needed to be another few episodes or another season to do things, like a whole season of dealing with Dany and her
massacre couldve been its own thing, but instead we lose alot of major players right in the panultimate episode and there will be no time to react to any of it on its own, its just bam bam bam, with several characters conclusions instantly, all in an effort so the plot must wrap up immediately, like, really think this over. This is the end of it, THIS is it? One more episode? All events of the series, led to this? Its so disappointing.

No they don't

Normalfag convo I overheard today between two girls
>Did you watch game of thrones last night?
>Omg it was so intense
>It was great wasn't it?
>I liked everything apart from the Jaime and Euron fight
>Yeah that looked like a scene from a Marvel movie also Euron is really annoying
>Yeah I hate him too

>character turns genocidal
>Alt-right incels suddenly love her

Have sex

To be fair even when she was playing nice she was sorely distrusted. Half of it was for her shitty, entitled attitude but she legitimately did throw everything in with Jon and gets zero credit for it. Granted it was necessary, the dead would've killed literally everyone. But when it was over she was short one dragon, half the Unsullied, and basically all the Dothraki and nobody gave a fuck. And not only does it turn out everyone loves Jon over her, partially because he's actually from there, but he also has a far stronger claim. And considering there's already whispers from her own court about deposing her after everything it took to get here. Yeah I can see how she might be a bit upset.

That's why this episode was frustrating. It's a great villain set up with understandable motivations and sensible character flaws. But the execution is so shitty


why because she was hot?

take your own advice

Girls aren’t normies. Only a guy can be a normie.

I knew this was coming years ago (bookfag), it was far too rushed though. Daneries is an entirely unlikable character and this was the only way the story could have ended.

If you liked Daneries you are a brainlet.

Holy fuck how retarded are these people?

Not only was Dany's path obvious from the very first season and throughout the books, it's even more obvious just from looking at what RL character she's based on. Not to mention from what GRRM tries to do with all fantasy tropes, that is to present them in an unexpected way so as to deconstruct them. Dany was always the evil queen trope, but presented in such a way that you'd empathise with her at the start and that her slide into evil would seem justified and for a long while go unnoticed.

People like that woman are just mad that they suddenly realised that their favourite character is a monster, while they've been rooting for her all through her burning and crucifying people and literally announcing from the second season on that she would lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground.

Girls are normies biologically
men are normies because they are scared of social shaming

Oh and fun fact: Dany and Cersei are based on the same character.

Yeah she always seemed way too arrogant to be likeable for me
Not the only character in that aspect but still

The normalfags eyes are opening for the first time. They are hurt, they don't like their role model was like this.

Attached: nightking.jpg (275x183, 12K)

they're just incredibly dumb. everything you wrote flew over their heads because they forgot they are watching game of thrones and not disney of thrones.
it's actually pretty scary, they self insert and identify with dany so strongly that they don't see anything wrong with anything she has ever done. she has always been Dany The Righteous that literally never does anything wrong. not in a meme way either, like they truly believe she has never done anything wrong. they're totally crazy

Extreley underrated post.

>She went the way Rey should've gone, i.e. full Sith mode instead of staying a YAAAS QUEEN Sue. Her ascent to death godmode made this whole season worth it.
She should have turned villain a LONG time ago. A lot of you say the clues were obvious from the beginning, but but I say the "clues" were still contentious. Her cruelty to her enemies was something that wasn't exclusive to the Targaryen bloodline. There was cruelty from all sorts of characters. All Dany did was join the blood orgy. The reason why a lot of """"people"""" are upset by this current development is because she was literally triggered by bells. It just happened like a switch was flipped. If the show were written better, Dany's descent into madness should have been spread out better.

>But all this shit feels so rushed

Is it?
If you haven't noticed she's a nutty cunt from the past 8 seasons, you haven't been paying attention.

>my two girl anecdote represents ALL normies instead of the thousands of Twitter normies

>Not thinking that being like capeshit is the highest compliment

Same. Only regret is the show zipping through this plot point at the very end rather than building it up from seasons before.
It would have been amazing to see her slide for 12 episodes instead of just 3. Seeing all other characters trying to use her or cling on to her as they question whether they're chaining themselves to a monster they can't control.

Ruin characters?

You mean like they have been doing to all of our stuff?

people saying it is rushed are retarded. how else should they have done it? the biggest thing that broke her mind is finding out that jon has a better claim than she does. are we suppose to spend 2 seasons with her knowing that information and stewing about it before she goes mad or something? that's stupid.

Everyone is nutty in the story. Not just Dany.

The show has been ruining and destroying and killing off your favorite characters since its inception. I love that even though they continue doing this, people are still in shock when they do it. It's the most enjoyable aspect of the show.

Because her descent into madness was poorly executed.

Fuck off Benioff, we're not writing your script for you.

We wouldnt have the shock value. They did set it up but it didnt have to happen. Evil Dany was a thing for a while. It's all the better that the Burlington bar cucks had to face up to the reality that their ultraviolent nihilistic dragon porn is not a fairytale and that they were cheering on mass murder all this time when they thought it was justified

make her get a bunch of enemy soldiers prisioners
make her kill them all while they are defenseless
make jon or whatever go what the fuck!?!

She should have lost her marbles after the attempt on her life by King Robert. By then she had already lost her naturally conceived child to black magic and hatched her dragons. That should have been enough to "wake the dragon" in her. But instead she was repeatedly painted as a violent savior.

she already did that with the tarlys?

No, libshits don't like it when YAAAS QUEEN characters are blatantly evil. They prefer it when there's some pretense of them being good despite being evil.

>Why the fuck is bitching and acting like this was a misstep?
Because it was absolutely rushed as fuck and came almost out of nowhere. It was retarded as fuck. Literally goes from saving the world to melting what are supposed to be her own people in 2 episodes.

he was a big lord, im talking about the normal footsoldier while they scream in fear and bow to her

this user knows what's up. Only retards and women expected a happy ending.

Dany did nothing wrong

>how else should they have done it
by not rushing everything into a 6 episode final season where every significant event needs to be wrapped up in a single episode

Dany should have been getting progressively crazier throughout the season
It should have been 10 episodes
night king should have won the battle of winterfell
cersei should have helped during the second fight with the night king only to betray them at the last minute
Dany burns kings landing

literally me and my bros

>make jon or whatever go what the fuck!?!
also this is imporant because people are retards and need someone to tell them the character they like is wrong

>thinking Twitter users are normies
Seek sunlight.


Normies are mad because white feminism was supposed to save the United States of Westeros and prove once and for all that absolute power corrupts absolutely only if you have a penis. My white female acquaintances hate it because she’s “just another spurned crazy bitch trope now” and because the story didn’t appropriately foreshadow this or develop it properly.

I can agree that too much character development happened offstage but literally NOTHING in the entire narrative suggests she would be wise or just, EVER. It was a female wisdom fantasy the whole time.

Tfw Dany is litteraly satan. Lightbringer=Lucifer tfw shes Azor Ahai defeated the White Walkers is a fallen angel and will now rule the world as the antichrist

It obviously was rushed idiot. There wasn't a partial turn, there's like 10 seconds of dialog maybe showing her displeasure ard then full nuts rage.

It was a
>poochie fucked off back to his home planet. The end

>Why the fuck is bitching and acting like this was a misstep?
They voted for Hillary. I'm not memeing, that's why. They thought she was a feminist icon, now it turns out she isn't magically exempt from the brutality of her milieu. This pisses them off, because they're neoliberal fantasists.

the walkers probably won't make it past winterfell in the books. dany burning kings landing is most likely straight out of grrms vision for the end, so that means kings landing is still standing at the end and the walkers probably didn't attack it.

That's also why it's good brainlets are seething. Even the fucking Young Turks review liked her turn and said it was foreshadowed

Limmy called this years ago, and he's only watching for the sadistic violence.

You're mistaking boomers for normies. Having a social media account (twitter/instagram) is normie for young people.

She already was brutal. She massacred her enemies. She slaughtered those who defied her.

Foreshadowing isn’t equivalent to or a replacement for character development and narrative cohesion.

she needs to be removed by chopping of the head

''her enemies'' before were faceless ''evil'' footsoldiers and ''evil'' rich lords

no one expects happy endings on this story, but goddamn user, to have such a strong start to the series turn to complete shit midway through and the season that has been built up for 8 years, be a complete asspull fest, badly written, illogically put together for the sake of “shock value” is a punch in the face to all the time that was invested by the fans, Dabid admitting that “she forgot” about the scorpions is the worst slap in the face to the viewers. I don’t even know whats worse, bookfags (myself included) that won’t ever get an ending cuz GRRM will simply die from heart failure by book 6, or showfags who have gotten this abomination of a season to “tie it all up”

Rent free

Another femcel exposed. Time to start making a list

> but my girl needed a reason to go off

Maybe Saddam just had a bad day when he decided to gas the kurds, he probably thought he was a great liberator of the Iraqi people from colonial oppression. Like Saddam shes a tyrant with too much power with no checks on her power

>it's even more obvious just from looking at what RL character she's based on
>RL character she's based on
>RL character
they're called people, user
try leaving your house today

Since OP is a fag here's more than just the headline btw

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This. Feels bad man

Have another abortion

It's basically this but when you put it like this people find it laughable. It's just that ideologies grab people even through TV shows. Dany was strong and portrayed heroically so people expect her to win in the end. It was a good bluff by Dabid in the end.

Why did that word make you forget the rest of the post? I'm talking about the perceptions of neoliberal feminists, who thought her ruthlessness was heroic until now.

lol so how would you show her slow descent into madness? i doubt you have anything good, its probably even worse than what D&D did

>a punch in the face to all the time that was invested by the fans
Why don't you understand yet that this is what you deserve? Have sex.

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nooooooo stop making the crazy white hair dragon lady who wants to rule the world look bad

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imagine actually giving a shit about danys plot lmao. the peak of her plot was astapor and even that was kind of shit. everything about her has always been fucking awful.

What a retarded article Dany didn't burn them because she was rejected by her boyfriend and sad that her friends died. That's just to setup her unstable emotional state. She did it because for 8 seasons she has lusted after power because she thinks she deserves to be queen because of her family name. And been eager to use violence the whole time.


wahmen can be hitler too

It only feels like a misstep because the Dabids are tired of doing the show so they’re hamfisting the hell out of the pacing. This was always the end we were supposed to get but instead of drawn out character conversations paced more like seasons one and two which were admittedly packed with things happening offscreen but whether or not you saw the battle in which Robb outthinks Jaime Lannister and captures him is severely unimportant and they’re clearly BAD at showing smart war tactics onscreen so it was a blessing. They’re trying to show the battles now and little to no character development. It’s kind of like how zombie movies used to be about the living people trapped together and going nuts on each other and are now about gory action sequence deaths and special effects. I get the criticism of the way it’s been portrayed, but not “how could you do this to my character”


There was so much filler in this last episode. Hound suddenly gets into a fair fight with the mutant who at one point ripped someones spine out via their skull.
Young Stark spends half the episode running around and magically avoiding dragon fire while everyone else around her gets incinerated.
And the leader of the Iron fleet guy magically survives the dragon onslaught and then just by chance washes up in the very secret enterence into the castle to have a final showdown with metal hand. Fucking gay.

I don't even watch this show and I think it's a great move. Always sweet when TV shows say "btw, reality exists" after stringing idiots along. Blake's 7 is a classic of that genre.

Stop praising awful, unearned bullshit solely because it triggers libtards. As someone who was hoping for Dany to turn evil, even I was thoroughly disappointed at the laughable fuckup that was ep. 5. The show is, and has been a joke for 3 seasons now. Fuck off and die, incel.

Maybe she will break brans wheelchair

the show has been a joke for 3 seasons and yet you're still obviously mad about how it's a joke, lol.
the episode was great, i think you're just denying that you're still invested in how it turns out

Because it was crucial to your point. Daenerys was always implicated in, and compromised by, the brutality of the world. There’s a difference in seeing a character gradually ape the oppressive machinations of a tyrant, and having her lose her mind on the thinnest of narrative justifications. Your premise is faulty

People are annoyed about the wrong thing her. Don’t be annoyed that feminists hate DnDs shit writing. Be annoyed that they didn’t hate it when they butchered Stannis.

If stannis was a girl they would have freaked

Based Dany killed a city full of whitoid subhumans because their arrogant queen killed her black best friend. Liberal whitoids hate this because they don't actually care about PoC in their lives beyond having them around as trophies. Dany has proven herself as a true interjectional ally. Her top general is an eunuch chad. She is truly /ourgirl/

Dany did nothing wrong.

You have an adolescent sperg’s understanding of reality.

What character?

I'm not annoyed, I'm amused. I was explaining the annoyance of idiots.

Explain triggered by bells? I think she was triggered by the hours of burning people to death that proceeded the next few hrs of burning to death. It was bloodlust and fear rolled into one , it was telegraphed from the start of the show ( with hindsight) and it was fucking brave to write her that way. GOT has gone down hill the last few years but the idea behind this episode was fantastic.

This. If Dany had only genocided every white male, from child to old man, it would've been fine.

Daenerys is liberal America Priviliged white goes around liberating third worlders from oppression uprooting established hierarchies and norms while the normies cheer her on justifying all the deaths and overthrow of governments as soon as it's about a threat to her power in West-eros she just fucking murders everyone opposing her

I just wrote in my post, that I was a bookfag, since season 4 I haven’t watched a single episode when GRMM bailed the series, but I do keep in touch with the show to see what they have done with the source material, this season mostly is the worst I could have ever imagined that Dabid would destroy the story

>Why don't you understand yet that this is what you deserve?

so you’re saying shows like Dexter and Lost, are all completely justified for turning into shit by their endings, cuz “that is what the viewers deserve”?

normies hate it for all the wrong reasons
they never even criticized the stupid writing before, they're just mad now because it doesn't have a Disney fairy tale ending

>so you’re saying shows like Dexter and Lost, are all completely justified for turning into shit by their endings, cuz “that is what the viewers deserve”?
Yes. People who watch television need to be taught not to. They never learn, but the effort must be made to teach them.

Isabella of France

Cersei's book storyline is when she's married to the homosexual Edward II of England, gets the Burgundy sisters locked up for adultery and all that. Then she exiles herself to France, where she builds up a mercenary army to conquer England from her husband. That part is Dany of course.

It ends with her having her husband murdered by getting a red hot iron shoved up his ass.

>People who watch television need to be taught not to

tell me user, what are you doing in Yea Forums then?? is it sadistic intent or baneposting?

It would be so fucking based if Jon gets a hot iron shoved up his ass for treason on Sunday with Tyrion fed alive to drogon and Winterfell burned to the ground. If they want to make it realistic it's what they should go for

I'm here for "& Movies" and sadism.

Game of Thrones suffers heavily from showrunner interaction with fans. Cleganebowl is a fucking glaring example of this. Internet communities laughed about Cleganebowl and “got hype” because it was “fucking confirmed” specifically because it wasn’t. It was just a stupid thing people wanted because memes are funny. So the penultimate episode gave several minutes of screen time to a fight that didn’t make narrative sense between two of the least important characters left alive. Dabid’s inside the episode said he “always knew” Cleganebowl would happen and needed to, but no he fucking didn’t. He trawled through Internet forums and picked out the ideas people were loudest about and did it for fan service.

Now I am NOT saying that their original ideas are better, Jesus Christ no, but the fact is a lot of what we’ve seen play out has been written by focus group and not by a writer trying to create characters and start a conflict and follow it through to its natural logical conclusion based on the kind of people he made and the rules set in his universe.

Writers and showrunners should be locked the fuck away from the general public until their story is complete. Not released halfway finished like video games and then come bugfixes and balance patches.

have her playing with the dragons and fire, frying kittens or some shit. She literally chained the dragons when they burned some sheep

That actually would be fitting, since in TAK the source of Isabella's hatred for Edward is basically that he wouldn't fuck her.

>burning bitches to cinders

Now this is some feminism I can get behind.

>Now I am NOT saying that their original ideas are better, Jesus Christ no, but the fact is a lot of what we’ve seen play out has been written by focus group and not by a writer trying to create characters and start a conflict and follow it through to its natural logical conclusion based on the kind of people he made and the rules set in his universe.
This is true of every TV show.

>because the story didn’t appropriately foreshadow this or develop it properly.

Did your acquaintance think she was just going to take all the rapes, beatings, rejections, and loss of loved ones on the fucking chin?

Well, he technically would have brought peace to the world. If there's one lesson GoT has taught us, it's that people can't get along for long. Also, I'm pretty sure the Night King doesn't rape.

Normalfags dont get that Dany's tragedy was that she found peace in Meereen, but found that war tastes better. That's her true tragedy and the entire point of her character from page one.

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God the eyes and face makes me just intimated and it turns me on so much.

It looks like I pulled out my penis and she's disgusted and is now about to step on it

Can I get a quick rundown why people are so pissed about this? I dont watch GoT

The feminist self-insert heroine became a plausible medieval warlord.

This. I love the Mad Queen ending. It's the best ending by far for her character, but they should have started building to it in Season 5, maybe by having Daario betray her or something. In the show, she has no reason to turn evil. All the same, I respect the decision.

How to solve Jon being a claimant? Force him to marry her. Just roll up with two motherfucking dragons and say he has no choice. He'll accept because he's already fucked her (which is why Robb marries Jeyne Westerling), but it's not like he can refuse even if he wants to. Sansa has to stay loyal because Dany holds Jon.

Pretty sure she thought that she was going to sit on the Iron Throne, buttressed by the sound of cheers as she announced the dissolution of the small council and the formation of the intersectional feminism panel, and that all white men need to wear cock cages and will be assigned handlers who tell them when it’s okay to use them as recompense for white males raping and being bad leaders

Dany killed some people they liked.

We don't really see any mental illness, besides her attempted suicide after Drogo dies, that can't be explained by bad writing. They had 8 seasons to plant more seeds.

>They had 8 seasons to plant more seeds.
But then you'd expect it, and it wouldn't be as dramatic. You're watching genre shit, remember, there is no possibility of real drama in any of it.

1) Have Dany execute Dickon Tarly for simply being related to Randyl Tarly, rather than for a real reason
2) Have her not care when Sam confronts her about it instead of sympathizing
3) Don't have her forgive all the people who betrayed her. She forgives:
Jaime for killing her father in cold blood, then conspiring with the usurper
Varys for conspiring with the usurper and attempting assassinate her
Jorah for informing Varys
Jon for declaring himself King in the North against her
Tyrion for his total failure in both the initial conflict with Cersei, the treaty with Cersei, and negotiations to regain Missandei

If she had just fed one of those people to a dragon, we would've had more reason to see her as demented.

4) Show that Merreen totally fell apart after she left, which it likely would because she left Daario - some random foreign sell sword - in charge of it.
5) More freakouts and a slow demented spiral

Her cruelty was much more Ramsay than it was Robb. Her ideas were always the most cruel and she had to be restrained by her advisors. When shit does go down while everyone else is cringing or looking away she is staring blankly at the atrocity. The bitch was always more nuts than anyone let themselves believe. She has also had a god complex more than anyone else in the show besides Stannis, believing she was the chosen one.

>1) Have Dany execute Dickon Tarly for simply being related to Randyl Tarly, rather than for a real reason
thats completely stupid and i stopped reading there

Yeah, but they could've had her burn down the town via evil AND not do it intentionally. The whole city is littered with wildfire from the Mad King, which is a huge Chekov's gun from Book 1 waiting to go off. Just have her roast the Red Keep out of malice after they surrender, but then have it set off the wildfire under the town and burn it rampantly.

She can act uncaring towards the wildfire afterwards to cement her evilness, but it's more morally ambiguous and wraps up the Chekov's gun.

Cleganebowl is garbage fan service, but the Mad Queen ending is not an example of this. Fans don't want it at all. They're angry little cuckolds about it. Granted, it's done poorly by so is everything else thy've attempted in the show after the books ran out.

GRRM will do the ending justice, assuming he doesn't have a heart attack beforehand.

there was lots of greenfire going off while she burned everything
they just never said anything about it or used it for anything other than a different colour to look at

Have they ever built up a villain of this stature up so quickly only to destroy them in one episode? Seems rushed like this entire season.


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Yeah, I assume they'll have a one-liner next episode about how the "last of the wildfire went off" or something. It's a shame because it would've been very fitting for either Dany or Cersei to set off the wildfire during the sack of the city.

It's possible that they just want to remind the audience it exists and will set it off next episode, though.

She could have easily had her men drag him away from his father and make a big speech about how admirable it is to stand by family, but she won't punish a son for his father's pride or deprive the realm of such a noble ruler.
Then Sam isn't so pushy abouth the R+L=J thing, she gets a lot of credit from the other houses and eventually, Dickon eventually even probably bends the knee.
But no, she's got to be a bitch about it.

I think it's fascinating that people can read female characters so wrong, presumably just because they are female.

>Have they ever built up a villain of this stature up so quickly only to destroy them in one episode?
Season 1, Episode 1.

>no reason to turn evil
>abused by Viserys for years
>Viserys told her for years that people were oppressed by Bobby B the Usurper King
>that they were waiting to cheer a Targaryen return
>that they would tear down the false government to support House dragonfire
>finally after spending almost all of her military capital and losing just about every good friend or lover she had she sees the Red keep within her grasp
>the people don’t love her for it
>they kinda hate her
>everybody prefers Jon for the throne
>even the ones who don’t know he’s a Targaryen
>she doesn’t even get to be the only Targaryen
>or the one with the best claim
>and she’s lost almost everything she ever cared about and gained nothing for it
>and the person she cares most about is her rival and he won’t even bang her because it’s yucky now he knows he’s her nephew
>closest advisors dead or plotting against her
>she doesn’t have love or respect
>all she has is a dragon and a history of burning people blocking her path

But sure it doesn’t make sense bro

>wasnt evil last episode despite all those things previously happening
>now shes evil because the plot demands it
>b-but all the foreshadowing that never effected her until this episode


All it takes is one bad day

>syndicated show's writing at the whims of the corporate production interests has a rushed, inconsistent final stretch as writers struggle to tie all loose ends together towards the suddenly incoming end


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HBO has washed their hands of this shit and said "we said to them we'll let them have as many episodes as they want". Maybe it's just corpo PR bullshit but they still came out and said it.

Another proof that SJW cabnnot be satisfied, no matter how hard do you pander to them

lmao of course they say it, why would they admit meddling with the show
"uh yeah we ran out of books but we're certainly not gonna let this hot property rest until there's more, so yeah here's the finale btw"

Obviously she has good reasons to turn evil. The problem is that we don't really see her mental state deteriorate until the episode before it happens. It makes perfect sense, and we see glimpses of it in some small way. For instance when she crucifies the Meereenese randomly instead of only the ones who brutalized their slaves.

We needed to see her deteriorate. Instead of being paranoid, she trusts people who she has no reason to trust like Tyrion and Varys. Varys literally sent an assassin to fucking poison her and she makes him her Spymaster. It's absurd how merciful and trusting she is, up until she starts burning down her own city.

oh and to add to that, it's not necessarily that they didn't get enough episodes, the simple fact of the matter is none of the people writing the show up until this point wrote the show with the intention of making up a finale. it's hard to tie loose ends together and give characters and plots satisfying conclusions when up until recently, you had no intention of actually concluding anything.

>wasn’t evil before this

There’s a world of difference between “wasn’t evil before this” and “had every reason to be evil and made some really morally questionable kills before this but always found a rationalization why the unnecessary death was deserved, which the audience accepted because they had emotional investment in her”

Randyll Tarly was a cock but murdering him instead of taking prisoners and stripping him of his lands was a villain move. Let’s be clear.

Seek professional help.

Bro, not two episodes earlier she forgives Jaime Lannister, the man who stabbed her own father in the back in cold blood and then sat the Iron Throne himself to gloat.

>wasnt evil last episode despite all those things previously happening
>now shes evil because the plot demands it
>b-but all the foreshadowing that never effected her until this episode

This. I could buy her turning evil but not in the 5 seconds it took.

Every fucking time before she had shit thrown on her and she managed to stay on target. She committed atrocities but always on people who opposed her not on women and children.

I was expecting her to go and blow the red keep and hitting a green fire warehouse which would kill thousands. Then, getting blamed for all the deaths by everyone she could snap and get killed like her father before her.

>>all she has is a dragon and a history of burning people blocking her path

Oh yeah all those children were blocking the flying dragon's path to Cersei.

Masterful logic right there dude.


It's like we didn't watch the same episode.
She said to Jon she can't rule through love like she did in the desert because no one likes her here.
Fucking ADHD autists trying to be critics.

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That’s the thing. We did see those things but decided it was okay because her enemies were demonstrably bad people in other ways instead of just uninspired by her. The turn, the shock, the “this is out of nowhere” is that this is who she always was, only now there’s no incidental justification

And also, the fact that this whole thing will be over in the next 45 minutes or less. It's basically here to generate buzz, and then swept under the rug for the next big twist.

Is this what's called good storytelling nowadays? Be as misleading as possible so you can roast people on twitter for not being observant enough?

BUt that's the point so that makes it good writing

It was badly executed, no disputes there, but all the “You ruined my yasss Queen self insert” characters clearly never understood her.

You just sound mad you got played

Stop it. Get some help.
and btw that was the worst episode of the show, you dumb sick motherfucker

>her slide into evil would seem justified and for a long while go unnoticed.
It was very well done. By the end of season 1 (setting fire to the Lamb Priestess and smiling as she screams in horrific agony) you should have known what was coming. After that she wanders around a continent setting fire to brown people for the flimsiest of reasons.
People only realised she was evil when she started setting fire to white people.

You, are, completely, retarded.

It's too rushed because it's way worse than the previous evil shit she did and also not in the same vein of moral indignation. She's fucking furious at Cersei, not only does she not go for the Red Keep, she actually on purpose gives Cersei a ton of time to escape by spending an hour burning random children to death instead of torturing Cersei and her soldiers and watching her burn which would be completely in character. She knows Cersei does not give a shit about her common people, if she got out of the city (which Dany made possible by avoiding going after the part of the city Cersei is in) Cersei would just have total justification and the people would rally to her because she's at least not fucking Dany. Dany also doesn't have particular beef with the people of King's Landing. Her burning everyone at Winterfell to death would actually make much more sense. People have already suggested dozens of scenarios that lead to a totally evil and completely batshit Dany that make more sense than what happened.

its not rushed its just they dropped the Blackfyre plotline. If a fake Targ got there first and was beloved by the people, it would make more sense she goes mad

>make her get a bunch of enemy soldiers prisioners
>make her kill them all while they are defenseless
She did that in season 3 or 4 (about 5 years ago now) and she was smiling at a guy who pissed and shat himself while his brother was burning alive.

I hate this season and this show, but holy fuck am I glad that all the yas kweens will have their idol ruined
Thank you based D&D for ending the show in a way that spites all the people I hate

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Not that guy:
- she kills more POWs but without giving them a chance to be spared this time
- she tries to kill Northerners or Starks who don't like her as queen
- she tries to kill Jon so he won't be a threat
- she tortures POWs or Cersei supporters
- she has other moments before this where she hears voices or snaps and kills innocents on purpose on a smaller scale first before this happens
- they don't jump right from her helping to save the world and losing everything to murdering children and everybody else including some of her own forces in cold bold in 2 fucking episodes, maybe one season for White Walkers then a full season of her gradually going crazy in between
- anything where she doesn't go straight from offering mercy to POWs who did betray the North and were enemy soldiers and they refuse it, so she kills them ---> killing lots of women and children she has no personal issue with and totally destroying her own chances to rule or even fuck off back beyond the sea in the process. There need to be progressively more evil and/or crazy things before KAMIKAZE MURDER SUICIDE HITLER DAENERYS

Reddit iss this way

>idol ruined
>tfw it made me like her
That angry face is primo nut material

The Tarly's execution played out favorably if anything compared to other rulers on the show. She offered them to all keep their lands. She wasn't played as happily sadistic in that scene just making a hard but pragmatic choice.
Show her killing them after they renounced Cersei out of spite or torturing them and this works as an arc. As for her brother, he was shown as a crazy asshole, threatened to kill her and her unborn child, and she just kind of looked at him blankly and probably couldn't do anything about what was happening to him anyway. If she engineered his death or laughed at it that would have been a good arc.

they had the chance to make a woman leader,to fix the mistake USA did in 2016 but no,they went for "LE WHITE MAN GOOD,WOMAN BAD"

im tired of this orange world

I don't mean the Tarlys (killing prisoners of war is a fucked up morality though, my dude) I mean the guys she took down the dragon pit in Harpy City number 3. As i said, that was about five years ago.

there's proper mad, like her father was, and there's capeshit villain mad which is what she is now. i love Genocidal Dany don't get me wrong, but having it happen in the 2nd to last epiwode feels cheap.

>doesn’t matter if she acts above the law or commits murder as long as the murders she commits are against people you also don’t like
>burning people alive is awesome because we hate them based on one or two things we learned about them
>she starts harming people she said she was here to govern and suddenly you have a problem with her tactics
>Danaerys Targaryen is literally the white feminist Donald Trump and they can’t stand finding out they have the same blind loyalty they excoriate Trump fans for having

It’s a moment of incredible feminist self loathing and they can’t handle it

The Mad Queen ending is pretty heavily foreshadowed in the books and you can see some seeds of it in the show if you squint. It really shouldn't be THAT surprising, especially to someone like you who presumably browses these sorts of fan forums.

Now when Bran becomes king with a council of our favorite characters, that will be misleading.

Cocks are important

The "war tasted better" idea just doesn't work for her character. She does everything she can to minimize the deaths of her war up until she hears them surrender and says fuck them kids, before roasting innocents alive. If she was evil, she would have just assaulted King's Landing Stannis-style at the start of Season 7. Makes no sense that she doesn't.

>Ruin Luke Skywalker, turn him into a washed up and cynical loser
>this is great, they really subverted my expectations!

>take Daenerys' self-serving SJWism to its logical conclusion and have her go full Mao Zedong

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benioff and weiss are the vince russo of showrunning

someones mad

Exactly. Daenerys wants to pretend that she is some kind of revolutionary who is above the feudal system when in reality she is the worst of them all. The only difference between Daenerys and her father is that when her father tried to burn down King's Landing, Jamie was able to stop him.

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This. Human history is littered with charismatic monsters committing atrocity after atrocity and we keep falling for it specifically because we don’t recognize our charismatic monster as a monster until it’s waaaay too late.

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I don't know whats louder, the screams of the king's landing residents being burned alive or the autistic reeeeing from the collective Dani fans losing their shit over this last episode.

9/11 best episode so far, Daenerys did nothing wrong.

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I haven't watched the show in like 3 years can someone explain what is happening and why sjws are upset at it?

They made the strong Whamen Queen into a Hitler that murders civilians with the intent to terrorize

>Dany's face when she went mad, must've fapped to that face like 6 times already, never been this horn for that girl.

Yep. Hot as fuck.

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You forgot the most critical thing. Jon rejected her when she was at her lowest and most vulnerable.

>how to ruin a beloved character
Apparently by taking her to the logical conclusion of her arc.

There was nothing "mad" about what Daenerys done, she wanted revenge so she got it.

I've never like her before season 7, but after she was the only one to recognize and help the north i started to really like her, hope she won't die next week, jon fakes her death and they fuck off north.

>Stop praising awful, unearned bullshit solely because it triggers libtards. As someone who was hoping for Dany to turn evil, even I was thoroughly disappointed at the laughable fuckup that was ep. 5. The show is, and has been a joke for 3 seasons now. Fuck off and die, incel.

ooo touchy

>As someone who was hoping for Dany to turn evil

Somehow I don't believe this.

except based Podrick hasn't been ruined at all

dude, how wrong can you be... all girls are normies by default, their taste is just the shadow of man taste 20 years ago gurls would laught you for liking this shit but now they are drooling for this, same with capeshit.

The continual criticisms of how Dany is portrayed turning mad can be boiled down to this:

>I didn't feel it was implied enough, throughout the series, and it felt too rushed

>Dany was an empowered female character symbol, or at least that's how I liked to view her. Her turning evil now makes me feel unhappy because now she's a bad guy

1. There have been so many plot lines, throughout this entire series, which could receive the same criticism of being rushed. The entirety of the handling of Dorne is an example of this. Another one is Sansa's "growth" in The Veil. Stannis' Winterfell Campaign was extremely rushed, and retarded contrivances, like the infamous "20 Good Men".

Just because your favourite character was exposed to their share of shitty writing, doesn't really come up as valid criticism.

And as to it not being implied throughout the series. I'd agree with this. Dany's subjugation through violence, for her view of "the greater good", wasn't necessarily an implication of Targaryen madness, more just what real life conquerors have done throughout history.

But there WAS justification (as other people ITT have mentioned): She's actively being betrayed by people she tried to help, even after coming to their aid when no one else would. She lost Missandei, a symbol of why she fights to free slaves and perhaps the only real friend she ever had. She's lost two of her "children". And finally, she lost Jon. Her seeing The Red Keep was the final tipping point for unleashing her Madness, and becoming the very "evil" she wanted to destroy.

2. I would argue that by showing a character to be multifaceted, it adds depth. It doesn't takeaway from them. Although, I empathize with how invested supporters of Dany may be hurt by this.

But that's part of what makes Asoiaf/GoT different and interesting. It's not necessarily subversion to deliberately hurt your feelings. It's more to show how this universe, and in our own, people complicated. They have many Faces.

It was great. I’d love to have dragon. I'd go looking for Tom Donaldson. I'd be hovering just down the road from his house, there. And he'd see us, but I'd duck down behind the trees, and he thinks he's safe, right? And he's just about to put the key in his front door, and I come up from behind the hedge, 'Hello, you bastard.' He panics, right? And he goes in the house, so I’d scream ‘dracarys’ and I take out the fish pond, coy carp in there couple of flame bursts each, right? And then I just tilt the wyvern over to one side and the flames are chewing up the drive, right? He comes out. 'Oh no! Not me Triumph Stag! I've just had it resprayed!' I cut it right in half, right? And then he goes, 'Ahhh!' He runs up on to the garage roof. I say, 'Right. This is for you, Tom.' He goes, 'No, no!' He's begging us, he's begging us man, 'No, please don't!' And then I fly off to Cornwall and I just smash in the sea in a big ball of flames.

>half the Unsullied, and basically all the Dothraki
In the last ep you can see literally no one died

Girls can only be normies

Yeah if you read the books you knew but the plot twist is that nobody knew D&D would have the balls to do it

the people complaining that it is rushed are just whiners. the whole show has been rushed since season 5 and they're just now picking it up? they've been teleporting all over the place for 3 seasons. just look at barristan... is that not rushed? it's all rushed, they need to get over it. the show has been fucking crap for years, the only reason people are complaining now is they were either too fucking stupid to notice it or didn't care. fuck em

>Yea Forums now loves it after bitching about it constantly
Fuck contrarian fags

What if I’ve been complaining that the show has been rushed for three years

Can I keep complaining

Wyd I love Dany now

Is she going to survive the stabbing Jon is giving her and become the villain of the sequel series?
Might as well go full Darth Vader.

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that's nice, but most of the tards that watch this show sincerely don't care that it is rushed, they obviously haven't cared (or didn't even notice) for years, they just want to cheer at yass kween slay like morons.

excellent taste lads

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Why was she so mad about the bells? Does she just hate LL Cool J?

Don't you love the contrarian nature of Yea Forums?

Normies love this season of GOT. They keep speculating about how its going to end, and they believe that old subplot details and character motivations will explain what will happen in the end. The iron bank, Tyrion's intelligence coming back, Arya murdering everyone like a fucking weeb, etc. Then you have the freefolkfags who do nothing but meme to explain how poor the writing has become since D&D ran out of material. But because they are the most vocal minority on the internet, Yea Forums, of course, has to decide that they are the majority opinion, cause none of you actually talk to regular people. So then, the actual end opinion of Yea Forums is the fucking normie opinion because it subverts the only other well thought out opinion about the show. Y'all are fucking stupid. This show went down hill and you know it. They left for star wars instead of drawing these obvious tropes out for 6 more episodes. D&D are hacks and youre lapping it up because its led to disappointment for tons of people.

with the Anakin betrayal theme

Who was that?


Was it really this atrocious in-universe?
During a siege you can surrender before the fighting begins. If you surrender later you're completely at the mercy of the attackers. Or did they write 21st century morality into a fantasy series in a medieval setting?

thank you, I came to Yea Forums to see what was going on, and I'm glad to have found someone with sanity calling out this cheesy contrarianism

bet she got a high pH pussy

Is Dany the ultimate femcel?

You have to be braindead to think this episode is anything but mishandled trash, let alone good.

please don't retcon reality.
DnD fucked up the characters.

the show has been mishandled since season 5, are you stupid? i enjoy laughing at it and all the idiots still emotionally invested in this crap


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Now that the dust has settled will Dany move on to burninating the countryside?

They're mad because they saw Hillary Clinton in Daenerys and they're still in denial about the 2016 election. This is like November 9th all over again for these people.

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No way have you ever read the books

>my two girl anecdote represents ALL normies
Literally, yes. Normies are just carbon copies of one another.

Obviously they're hacks, but the show's writing has been shit since Season 5. If I was going to stop watching and enjoying because of that, I would have left literally 3 fucking years ago. I'm here for the spectacle and to see what the canon ending to GOT is.

The Mad Queen ending is the perfect ending to Dany's arc and I'm glad GRRM is going with it. Thank Christ. The fact that D&D fucked it up sucks, but we knew they would fuck up any ending. Just enjoy the ride and wait for the books to come out if you want good writing.

I wonder how the person who made this photo is feeling right now.

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A Wyvern and a Dragon are two different things.

How could anyone be so blind?
She always was somewhat problematic.

I hope she's feeling worse than she did when her gun-grabber movie flopped horribly

based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

Yeah, a wyvern has a venomous stinger on its tail and a regular dragon doesn't.

Sorry wrong group, you're based and redpilled

>This autism again

Pretty sure the books will end with Dany burning KL too.

The Wyvern is the one with four limbs, a Dragon has six, counting the wings.

These dragons are actually wyverns in accordance with RW mythology.

Ironically, dragons make zero sense as they are conventionally depicted, what the fuck has six legs besides insects?

Incorrect. Lots of dragons have four limbs, but all wyverns have a poison stinger.

>arya says it was true she would shut many eyes forever
>melisandre says brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes
>arya a few scenes later kills (blue eyed) night king
she's already killed brown and green eyes how dumb can you be


But Daenerys is supposed to have purple eyes.

The books have been shit since the 4th one. Calling them good writing is a travesty. Read more and have sex

Stop and have sex

>Her seeing The Red Keep was the final tipping point for unleashing her Madness, and becoming the very "evil" she wanted to destroy.
Kinda dumb she could have just roasted the keep and Jon would be eating her clit nightly with pride eventually. Going nuts for sure isnt working on good boy points Jon Snow

It biologically makes no sense to have extra limbs because nature likes to take shortcuts and fuse parts whenever necessary to save on energy. Bats are a good example of this.

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Not all fantasy is based on DnD you mongoloid.

>have sex
save hex

Stannisfrens, Tywinfags, yes even Robfags and the Renlyshits. Fans of Walder Frey, of Craster, of Joffrey or of Ramsay. You know what? We might disagree on who is the best king or coolest character. But atleast, and never forget this: Atleast, at the very least, trough all the pain we have been, we are not danyfags.

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>Night Queen Dany

I would cum so many buckets.

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As a Stannisfren and a tywinfag I salute you brother

I'm Indy Neidell and I approve of this photoshop.

It's truly tragic how badly Euron and Stannis got gutted for the sake of television.

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is dany a genderswapped paul atreides? Privileged nobility, on the run, in an arid climate, gains the respect and loyalty of the swarthy, bellicose nomads she finds herself amongst, convinces them to follow her on a jihad against the status quo to restore her family name power?

Danaerys did nothing wrong. What was she meant to do when literally everyone around her was betraying her? Of course she had to take things into her own hands. The only guy who was really backing her was Greyworm.

Everyone's acting like it's Soooooooo bad that she burnt down king's landing, but in reality if you're fighting to gain entrance to a city and you gain entrance and start pillaging the city, the death and rape count is going to be that high anyway.
So she would have been just as """""evil"""""" even if she didn't use any dragons for the battle.

Yes except Denis Villeneuve will actually make a good adaptation.

Everything about this season feels so rushed

past seasons had like, one, two major plot points
now every single episode has a bunch of them, one more disappointing than the other

I wonder why they didn't milk another season, instead of this "six episodes, 80s minutes each" garbage

Night Queen would have been absolute kino of the highest order. The motivation for NK to head south would be to claim the last remaining Targ woman. They even said in the show that the birth of dragons signaled the return of magic and thus the return of the NK.

The actual show's portrayal of the NK heading south for Bran's boipucci isn't at all compelling or interesting. If NK was in a such a rush to destroy Bran, he had plenty of opportunities whilst Bran was north of the wall. It would have been much more interesting for NK to feel drawn towards dragoncuntkween, turn duhrrrnaryes into the only white walker woman, capable of birthing even more powerful ice walker babies. And then Jon has to kill her by the finale, thus turning his sword into lightbringer, the only weapon that can end the NK.

>b-but what about cersei
who gives a fuck. obviously she has been reduced to a retard who just stands there in total fear and can't do anything outside of NAGGING MEN to do the work for her. she was shown as not a real threat at all by ep 5.

>make her get a bunch of enemy soldiers prisioners
>make her kill them all while they are defenseless
>make jon or whatever go what the fuck!?!

She was supposed to snap. She rides a nuclear weapon and is a Targaryen. Why do you think she'd start small?

>But instead she was repeatedly painted as a violent savior.

Only if you look at her bringing an army to Westeros to claim her throne, an act that could only result in the deaths of thousands of children no matter what, as being heroic.

>Main heroine gets corrupted becomes the villain
Yes please.

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>Foreshadowing isn’t equivalent to or a replacement for character development and narrative cohesion.

It's a six episode season. If you didn't expect everything to be compressed and adjust accordingly it's your fault.

Who in the FUCK loved Dany? She has literally always been a petulant bitch... do they love her just because she's powerful/gaining power?

womyn are strong have sex


Brainlet tier understanding of the events and motivations.

im an SJW feminist, but I always hated Dany. Arya is a much better strong female character.

Seriously why is she suddenly cute and attractive

being ruthless isn't the same thing as just murdering everyone you can see for no apparent reason
funny how Yea Forums did a 180 on this show once it 'triggered the normies'

>She does everything she can to minimize the deaths of her war up until she hears them surrender and says fuck them kids, before roasting innocents alive.

All her advisors failing or rejecting her was the straw that broke the camel's back. Shit changed. She said she'd have to rule through fear.

>If she was evil, she would have just assaulted King's Landing Stannis-style at the start of Season 7.

It's a lot more complicated than that.

So what? What's yours point? She's an evil tyrant

My point is she's still very much focused on her goal.

>During a siege you can surrender before the fighting begins. If you surrender later you're completely at the mercy of the attackers. Or did they write 21st century morality into a fantasy series in a medieval setting?

The convention is that there will be a couple days looting and raping. Not annihilating a city of a million inhabitants.

Try again faglord.

I'm a true-blue stannisfag in the books but show-dany is the best thing about the show.

If you disagree then you;re a cuck and should go back to redbit.

Someone needs to make a Drogon smug pepe being rode by a Danaerys smug pepe with burning king's landing and burning wojacks in the background.
Or burning Burlington Bar wojacks in the background.

Post tits

in a real ransack soldiers would likely go house to house killing the adult men and raping the women.

It's not like every single civilian will have died. a lot of them will flee through the broken down walls during the battle. let's say 1/4.

similar numbers of people will have died whether she let her army sack the city or if she flew around haphazardly breathing fire.

It's not like she started off building a ring of fire around the outside then worked her way in trapping and annihilating everyone.

have shrex

jesus christ you are a fucking retard.

Imagine telling yourself you're a special snowflake for watching a TV show 99% of the planet is watching

>B-but normies didn't like the last episode and I did!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, normie

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Typically a siege will last more than 30 minutes.
Otherwise it's really just an attack.

Dany has shown numerous signs of malignant narcissism, delusions of grandeur and goddess complex since book 1. She has killed thousands often in sadistic ways, including numerous innocents. But her genocidal bloodlust was masked by it being mainly targeted against her enemies and justified by abstracts like justice or freedom. Divine right, jihad, cleaning up the streets, the voices told them to do it, all sociopaths justify their actions similarly and delude themselves that they're the good guys and that the people they enjoy killing deserved to die. If you're capable of killing bad people, you're capable of killing people in general.

Yesterday a co-worker came up to me and asked if I watched the new game of thrones.
I said I had't yet, so that was that. But he and I have never discussed game of thrones before, so I figured it must have been a crazy ep
So today, having watched it last night, I went up to him and asked him what he wanted to say about the episode.
He said "oh man it was great! You know I'd seen on the internet people saying they didn't like it or something and I didn't get it, everyone around here loved it, I asked so and so and they said it was good"

This literally happened a couple hours ago.

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>If you haven't noticed she's a nutty cunt from the past 8 seasons

Em, i don't think so Tim

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its not my fault you didn't realize this show has been garbage since season 5, if you didnt enjoy this episode just for the memes you're probably a woman

>crying that a tv show subverted your expectations
have sex

Agreed on Rey. Her going with Kylo in TLJ would've been the perfect "Dark second movie ending" for her, but instead, they doubled down on Mary Sue Rey and had her know how to lift boulders.

Here's the thing about GOT, plot-wise: what Dany did makes perfect sense. The whole series has been about the fallout from the removal of the Mad King and, at the very end, you need to tease the Return of the Mad King because those are the stakes.

Character-wise, however, despite knowing that the "dragon" has been inside Dany the whole time, they've seemingly only spent two episodes really turning the knife with her when it needed more of a slow build. As-is, it comes off as a pro-wrestling heel turn when WCW was in its dying days.

It didn't feel organic for the bells to trigger her. She needed some kind of leaping off point. It would've been better had Cersei had the citizens of King's Landing executing mob justice on Missandei or something to make Dany want to target them.

>does loads of crazy, irrational inexplicable shit through her entire arc
>we needed to see her doing more inexplicable crazy shit

>Someone else made the drakengard connection

I loved every second of that bell and the burning.

>main supporting character must be gang raped by a city in order for vengeance to be believable.

How hard is it to just say that something is well done without feeling the need to pedantically criticize something while suggesting a literal pants on head retarded alternative

>Dany's face when she went mad, must've fapped to that face like 6 times already
only 6 times? are you a faggot or something?