Could Game of Thrones dragons survive in our modern world, or would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
Could Game of Thrones dragons survive in our modern world, or would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
>or would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
gee I wonder
They could take over any third world country, but at best be a citizen in the rural parts of North America.
Even a soviet-era rpg would probably kill them, so no.
There used to be giant lizard in Australia that weighed up to 7 m in length but fucking Abos managed to wipe them out so Dragons would be fucked even with Middle Ages tech
They could survive but a gun would take them out.
Most of our military weapons are made of inflammable metal so the dragons would try to burn them down then gets somne artillery in their wingspan.
they would probably be protected species, but hell even a ar15 could do a lot of damage
They can not even take on any post-medieval European country
Straight on the endangered species list, would get hunted down, flame/nitroglycerin glands removed, and kept in captivity
Has there ever been a "modern fantasy" piece of fiction?
Like dragons and skeletons and shit but in a modern setting?
>Put dragons in armor, have them carry nuclear missiles in their claws
There, solved
Isn't that the one Will Smith movie on Netlfix? I had it on my list but I never bothered watching it
I want to BE a dragon!
Reign of Fire
they'd get poached like crazy by big game hunters and would end up hiding in caves forever after
Oh yeah, Bright
Cool concept but mediocre execution
Reign of Fire was pure Kino. But that was just Dragons
People would be cucked enough to keep them alive in some dragon reserve, even though occasionally they would break out and raze a city or two.
Basically, they'd be treated like mudslimes.
Can you nuzzle me?
Watch Reign of Fire
>raze a city
Helicopters would gun them down.
>the would probably be a protected species
Came here to post this. If they made it to modern society they would be a protected species if they became endangered.
Some chinks will claim dragon nose hairs are great for your potency and they get hunted to extinction within a fortnight, only robbed of the nose hairs and the rest left to rot.
>Reign of Fire
some persistent hillbillies would fuck them up and make shoes or bags out of them.
Yep, the megalania. All humans need is pointed sticks and we can btfo any animal on earth if we're in a band. Even the most retarded humans are OP
GOT dragons can be killed easily with ballistas, so I don't think they'd survive for very long against guns, artillery, etc.
ASOIAF dragons, whose scales are harder than any armour and can only be killed by bigger dragons or insanely lucky shots through the eye, on the other hand...
>tfw you'll never be a male dragonchad taking over the world with your female harem
check out shadowrun. originally tabletop game, but a few games have been made for pc, check steam.
God what a terrible fucking design. It looks like it has leprosy and hasn't slept for weeks. How difficult could it be to draw a cool looking lizard with wings?
Everything would get BTFO by our current gear. It is why I hate current sci-fi and capeshit especially, its libshit writers have zero idea how much heat we are packing and how much of a punch it packs. Thanos and Avengers can suck my dick and dragons and wizards can suck my dick and take BunkerBuster to the face.
well they die to large arrows so i think missiles and other modern weapons would have no problem
why are people say they would be a continental species? it would probably reside on islands and eat fish/whales, there's no continental habitat that could support a population of such a big predator
If they can be easily taken down by ballistas modern weaponry will be no problem to kill them before they incinerate things.
I keep imagining getting in a magical time machine with AA guns and defending Westeros from Danny's dragons
Depends if they are wearing plot armor or not
they wouldn't make it long enough to avail of animal rights. look at large carnivores in europe: most were wiped out before the dark ages. only the least dangerous that were also capable of adapting to scavenging still exist. they could possibly have survived in the africa or the new world but they would be almost certainly extinct within europe and most of asia. also worth considering is predator/prey size and population ratios and ranging distance. they wouldn't be capable of supporting large populations; most likely one dragon would require at least 100 sq miles just to survive and that's without taking into account competition from other carnivores.
>They could take over any third world country
Even child soldiers have a halfway decent chance at killing a dragon, if they kept shooting in its general direction and remembered to reload occasionally.
I guess the real question is WILL you nuzzle me?
If they can be taken out in their own universe by ship mounted scorpions then modern weapons would have no issue.
This desu. The idiocy and poor living conditions of africans are well known yet they multiply at a fast rate and were wiping out a lot of species. In evolutionary terms they are very successful even though their life seems like hell to us.
just survive till season 8 episode be three of Earth and they are easy to kill
With smart missiles, or just general accuracy of modern weapons, I don’t think the eye would be that difficult a target
Absolutely amazing atmosphere, comfy as fuck. The world felt very alive, especially with solid headphones.
First ever RPG where I decided to play as myself as much as possible.....yeah, the world ended.
this. human competition for food alone would drive them to extinction
Those arent dragons.
Blacks cant aim for shit though.
That's true. A dragon would survive best in a warm, rural area nearby people who are sympathetic to having a dragon live near them.
(This is assuming that the dragons are intelligent and are not seeking to destroy everything that moves.)
They'd collapse under their own weight.
>lets kill the creature that's actively breaking the laws of thermodynamics merely by existing
yes, fantastic idea, absolutely no way we could ever learn anything for a being that's currently using the laws of physics as toilet paper
Dresden files.
If we go back far back then dragons due to their fire breath alone would always massacre humans that tried to fight them, ancient civilizations would be scared shitless of one of them rampaging on their city and burning down all of their crop fields that took millenia to design. There is also the fact the dragons can fucking fly, and grab you with their feet and drop from the air to burst open.
>weighed up to 7 m in length
I stand by my claim
real world dragons would live in islands and would basically spend the day chilling on the beach and occasionally diving to eat
just like iguanas
It's magic and so it need to die. This is our world.
deadfalls and sheer numbers would do a dragon in
physicucks are so fuckign retarded
>mfw they are STILL trying to explain how bees fly
We kill bumblebees at an alarming rate
Can I come over and visit their tummies when they v*re me?
think of the calorific inefficiency. humans would never even have to fight a dragon to wipe them out
Shadowrun, which has already been mentioned, has Dragons as the dominant race. They're hyper intelligent and powerful mages though, so that's a given for fantasy
Yh no you retards dont seem to understand fire doesnt have to touch you to sear your skin off there is this thing called CONVECTION an invisible field of hot air is around fire that can give you second degree burns faster than you can blink. The hotter the fire the larger the field so you could be 80ft away and still get your skin seared.
Literal hive mind
Wait, I can live anywhere as long as I make friends with the people first!
that's why it's impossible to hold a flamethrower without cooking your insides right?
A fucking balista bolt knocked one out of the sky, I bet a stinger missile would have swatted then even easier. Cmon, use your brain, if medieval era tech can do it, modern stuff can sure as hell do it. In fact a world war two fighter would absolutely destroy these beasts.
A really hot flamethrower would be unable to a human. The dragon fire melts down solid rock so its like 800C.
>Like dragons and skeletons and shit but in a modern setting?
Buffy, Angel, Supernatural
That's probably why they survive. A big dumb animal that shoots fire and can't think strategically would be extinct before long.
I don't see why people think we would hunt them to extinction, i'm pretty sure if they act like crocs being lazy all day the only way we extinct them is by proxy
people killed wolves back them because they actively tried to hunt humans
>We'll never get to see Qyburn make a hybrid Dradoggon mount for Jon
Shit sucks boys.
however given that we see none of the signs accompanying air of extreme heat at any point surrounding the dragon one can assume the heat is mostly contained within the dragon's bursts
May I be your pal, a dragon irl?
>The dragon fire melts down solid rock
In the show they've clearly changed their minds about the melting part. It just makes everything explode like a missile hit it.
Yes user I’m a good dragon
if we're including the books, quentyn catching fire is the only example i can think of
As long as you show no fear, for that awakens my hunting instincts!
>tfw Angel never got to ride his dragon
Also, Supernatural's dragons was the point where I grew actively hateful of how lazy the monster-design got. To think, the show once had a wendigo episode with a monster instead of a regular ol' cannibal man.
Spam is bad.
Well you're a friendly seeming dragon who appears interested in making friends for the purpose of self-preservation, right? There doesn't seem to be any reason why I would show fear toward you.
Dragons are based, fuck Daenerys for getting two killed and fuck Targs
The problem with modern weaponry, is that we use explosive, concussive force to destroy targets. There isn't a whole lot that can stand up to intense heat and pressure cutting/pounding on it. Dragon scales might work well against regular sharpened projectiles, like arrows, or maybe just stones chucked from a catapult. But how are dragon scales going to hold up against an antitank round? Or white phosphorus? Or depleted uranium rounds, being fired at a rate fast enough to bore a literal hole in steel plates?
Friendly reminder that the random Prince in Dorn that they're not naming in the show is Quentyn. He went to Essos to get a dragon but was the Prince That Came Too Late and missed Dany. Then he went back home and sorted out the sandsnakes' mess, before amassing the untouched armies of Dorne. In the books it'll happen similarly, he'll just go back leading the sellsword company he's taken charge of.
>It's a good show if you're a girl and you don't know what good entertainment is
lmao so fucking true
fuck gotshit and capeshit.
that's fair but the newer seasons have shown us a tentacle deity, true forms of hell hounds, a giant/kaiju and predator-lite monsters. An alternative dimension also showed demons with horns, vampires that are more nosferatu in appearance
drag queens are fags and you should feel fag
snapping turtles are where its at
Guys, I want some honest opinions.
Drogon. How does he rate as a dragon when judged by dragons?
Harry potter lol
Maybe if they were the size of bats and ate bugs and didnt breath fire
Yes, bats can exist.
To be that huge and eat meat they would need to live somewhere people dont. So, the cold weather and seas in game of thrones maybe makes sense. The show takes place on the north or south pole and dragons can sustain their diets eating mostly seal or fish
>Then he went back home and sorted out the sandsnakes'
And who can blame him...
I guess I'll have to jump back in for the final two seasons or however many I've missed. I usually end up binging a season and getting fatigued.
>Reduced Scorpion accuracy 50%
>Reduced Iron Fleet from 1000 ships to 20 ships
>Reduced Golden Company from 10000 soldiers to 300 soldiers
>Golden Company elephants remain at 0
>Reduced Red Keep hit points
>Increased dragon maneuverability
>Increased dragonbreath explosive radius
>Increased Dothraki spawn rate
>Increased Unsullied spawn rate
>Targaryen Army alignment changed to Chaotic Evil
>Faceless Man durability increased 500%
>Plate armor effectiveness reduced by 60%
>Alchemical Zombies are now stunned from criticial hits instead of killed
>Added a small chance for white horses to spawn from dragonfire
More importantly, the fact that horses exist in real life is pretty impressive.
Excuse me sir, I was asking the dragons for their opinions.
Even shit from WW1 would kill him.
Drogon is alright, though could stand to lose some weight
Rhaegal is my bro though, and they did him dirty
Of course, a real dragon would have chucked that crazy PMSing bitch off his back, used a magic ward to block projectiles, and taken the red keep and iron throne for himself
>or would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
A million furries will band together to keep this creature alive until they've all fucked him, while /k/ekolds masturbate at them gangbanging this scaly fuck.
Ooh, Is he chunky? I thought he looked pretty fit considering his frame.
I know the other dragon was talking about becoming friends with humans, which is why I am reticent to broach the topic of fire-breathing, and it's destructive capacity, but lets gossip. Do you think you could do better? It took him 45 minutes to raze King's Landing. I wonder if it was a race when he ranks compared to other dragons.
And I am sorry about Rhaegal. He seemed like a bro. I didn't think Dani should have taken him flying so quickly while he was so clearly on the mend. Poor boy handn't even grown back the holes in his wings that he got in the Battle of Winterfell.
Come on dude, you can't be mad at him for doing what his mom told him. We all do stupid shit that our parents tell us to. I just wish he could have told her about the magic ward, because she really seems like she knew jack shit about that. Maybe if she had, your bro would still be around.
I would nuke them
They even died out in the books
Canons would render them useless canonfodder in war.
Farmers woukd wipe them out, like we did the wolfs, due to them eating our lifestock
That's great! We shall be great friends, but the second you get anxious, I'll have no choice but to make you my prey.
His infinite fire-breathing is OP. He must've gained that from avoiding the chains.
fuck i forgot my name
slay me
How can imaginary lizards even compete?
Hmm... This reminds me of Reign of Fire.
But nope, Dragons would be sooo BTFO'd that it's not even funny, even with the Godzilla tier nuclear breath that GOT dragons have they wouldn't stand a chance against anything but an Arab or African army.
Hell, even if they managed to catch the Chair Farce sleeping, a BMG would be able to fell one the size of Drogon, something the size of Balerion it would probably take something a bit bigger but still doable with most SPAAGs.
>weighed up to 7 m in length
Hello. How do you do? Welcome to my yiffy thread.
they would get rekt by pollution and habitat destruction
>but the second you get anxious
Question here since we are still becoming friends, and I like to be the kind of friend who looks for weaknesses in the fences in you know what I mean. If I were to make a joke about you eating me, but was laughing as I did so, but not anxiously, would that read as my being anxious to you?
>weighed up to 7 m in length
excuse you?
It's okay, friend. No one is perfect.
The could attack from above I guess. Apache's can't really shoot up.
you'd think that but you'd be wrong. you would need a significantly smarter targeting algorithm than the ones used by modern day missiles to hit a specific part of a moving target that can easily get occluded at times.
The thing is, you don't need to actually hit it. Missiles explode on closest approach, they are fragmentation weapons.
Dragonfire are magic that blew up stone buildings and hot enough to turn people into ashes within seconds. Tanks will melt if those fire hits them
holy fuck this show is so camp
>If I were to make a joke about you eating me, but was laughing as I did so, but not anxiously, would that read as my being anxious to you?
I'm a dragon, not an autist. I can read human tones. Don't worry, jokes about me eating you will be light-hearted and frequent, especially when I test your resolve by pretending to actually eat before stopping myself at the last moment!
Dragons should be perfecter than most. Faults are seen as huge embarrassments.
Or Apaches could just exist while the Apache's pilot could just do a 360 and hover away remembering estrogen-bearing dragons are entities that do not exist. Boom, Apaches win by default.
Kirkbride’s C0da.
man this new balance patch sucked balls
you need to go >>back
>when I test your resolve by pretending to actually eat before stopping myself at the last moment!
Lemme guess, it's gonna be all those times when you ask me to jump in to grab that haunch of goat that is stuck between two of your back teeth, right?
But you won't understand what's going on. You'll have to binge watch the series from season 1 before the final season starts.
Oh I'm sorry. Are you bothered that I am shooting the fictional shit with someone pretending to be a dragon instead of going full seethe with the autism off other anons are having debating whether or not a fictional murder beast with mystical plot armor would have a chance against contemporary weapons of war?
Also, there is no /back/ board, but if you want to look like you know what you're doing, the format is >>>/back/
I don't understand your point, could you clear it up for me?
>Are you bothered that I am shooting the fictional shit with someone pretending to be a dragon
It is highly retarded, yes.
>It is highly retarded, yes.
So is debating whether or not a fictional murder beast with mystical plot armor would have a chance against contemporary weapons of war
>Your Grace, I present you my latest invention...the 2K22 Tunguska. The missile (NATO designation SA-19 Grison) has semi-automatic radar command to line-of-sight guidance, weighs 40kg with a 9kg warhead. It is 2.5m long with a diameter of 1.7m and wingspan of 2.2m. The missile’s maximum speed is 900m/s and can engage targets travelling at speeds up to 500m/s. Range is from 15 to 6,000m for ground targets and 15 to 10,000m for air targets. Two twin-barrel 30mm anti-aircraft guns are mounted on the vehicle. These guns have a maximum firing rate of 5,000 rounds per minute and a range of 3,000m against air targets. This extends to 4,000m against ground targets. It is designed to provide day and night protection for infantry and armored regiments against low-flying aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and of course, dragons, in all weather conditions. He is a good friend.
^retarded Americans who don't know how metric works. Go crash another Mars lander
>Harder than medieval armor means hard to kill in modern age
It will get btfo by AA guns and missiles pretty quick
Could you imagine him being a blind dragon while he imagines you as a eunuch? Oh this is not a request, sweetie, this is canon now.
Okay, so I'm like huge, right? Huge everywhere. Huge... down there. Massive.
You. You aren't. Maybe your big for your friends, but not compared to me.
But that's fine, right? My sword is built for larger holsters, but it does serious damage to smaller ones.
Let's look at Arya. Actually, let's look at Maisie. Maisie is small. Maisie is tight. 5'1. That's 61". My weapon is more than a third of her overall height.
So what'll it be like for her and a horse? Pretty something, I'd say. I just want to know if they'll actually do it. I hope so.
he didnt deserve getting his death
that's a wyvern
His dragon eyes were gouged by cruel things and you don't have a dick and ballsack kit. Now you start to kiss. Take it away befriender.
I want to BE a dragon, join the winning side
>My sword is built for larger holsters
With blades they're called sheathes, horse friend. Holsters are for guns. Even when making innuendo like you're gonna stab a lady friend, you'd be putting your blade in her sheathe.
>weighed up to 7 m in length
We weren't shipping you fucking deviant. we were just pretending to be friends, like we'd sit on a couch watching a baseball game, drinking beer, or I'd go scout some livestock for him when he gets hungry. God, please go find a Fur Con for yourself.
Could I have only one gouged eye as the dragon? Dragons don't do smell so good.
>gets BTFO by ballista
they would get btfo by WWI armies.
I'm not saying they would be useless, obviously the dragon flies really fast and could kill some enemy soldiers if it knew where they were located, but the first countermeasure deployed against the dragon is going to kill it. especially if it's an air superiority craft, you're talking about something that can engage from thousands of feet up beyond visual range with armament that's much deadlier than a ballista bolt. so, not to be That Guy who says "UHM actually they would get BTFO," but, yeah they would get BTFO. in any case you would need a lot more than three of them to fight a war.
the dragons seem almost specifically designed to counter medieval armies - immune to arrows / thrown weapons, flies, just enough firepower to wreck medieval era fortifications, and apparently infinite stamina and ammo (fire) which is probably the biggest factor
Guns would fuck them up
>would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
In principle they obviously would but seeing how much ridiculous plot armor it had in the last episode I'm not sure.
Nothing maladjusted about a little necking between friends you fucking fauxphobic faggot, your tsun gimmick is so out of touch with modern dragon sensibilities i swear to god
Sure thing. Are you going to wear an eyepatch over it you hunky beast you? Is the patch going to be stitched from your friend's '''''discarded''' boxers?'
Listen pal, I didn't say there was anything objectively wrong with it. It isn't my thing, but I don't kink shame. But when you project your shit onto me though, I don't appreciate it. Live and let live goes both ways.
yeah they kinda embraced it for some episodes especially
damn I should have thought of that. if you think about it Angelus is probably right around the power level of the GoT dragons.
also Drakengard 1 is fucking kino, but when I played Drakengard 3 I was like "wtf is this?"
Are you bargaining with a dragon? Oh that's so precious. You're the sackless eunuch here, you don't wear the pants in this relationship.
I mean yeah if ASOIAF dragons just appeared out of nowhere they wouldn't stand a chance. But if they co-existed with us historically we would never have advanced to that level of weaponry
All I see is Anonymous, so no I'm not, but thanks for playing.
Think a dragon is playing games, oh that's it kiddo it's roasting season
Even an 80s era fighter jet could probably lock on with a heat seaker and take it down from miles away.
it's measured, not "weighed" m8
Okay, Anonymous.
no he didn't, part of me wanted him to somehow escape King's Landing, he was too smart for his time
They got BTFO by an upsized crossbow so what the fuck do you think?
No eunuch refuses a Dragon's advances. Consider yourself Dracarys'd. Pssh, nothin personnel burn victim.
WWII squadrons could take them down with guns alone. we're talking about a blimp-sized target with fire breath that reaches a couple hundred feet in front of itself at best and which gets killed by 1 ballista bolt
Nothin Dracarys'd, Anonymous human.
Also, careful holding that match. it might burn down and hurt your soft fleshy fingertips.
Bullshit no cheating eunuch
I remember reading a related article written by a respected CalTech physicist when Reign of Fire came out. How would dragons fare against modern weaponry?
The answer, in short, is 'not very well.' The main problem isn't bullet penetration, it's energy dissipation. Let's be generous and imagine that the scales make the creature completely bulletproof, i.e. a bullet could never penetrate into the flesh and cause a classic gunshot wound. Well, the problem is that an assault rifle bullet such as that fired by an M-16 has about 2,000 joules of energy, or approximately the same amount of punch you would need to push back a 1300lb weight by 1 feet in 1 second. A .50 cal machine gun has closer to 6,000 joules. A 20mm cannon has 47,000 joules. Being hit with one of these would be like being hit in the chest by the Incredible Hulk.
All of these weapons are rapid fire, and are likely to score several hits against even a diving, swooping target. The dragon would need an incredibly stout internal structure and tough organs to survive.
Probably be some conservationist group campaigning to keep them from going extinct.
ngl I'd be sympathetic to that, dragons are cool.
I want a dragon gf and raise dragon babies with her
I'm not, Anonymous. I'm the same I've been all thread.
If you're a dragon, you aren't.
What if the dragonscales are each made of the Incredible Hulk's fists hitting outwards from the dragon's body at all times from a stabilized dimension?
depends on how many dragons there are. a few hundred would be totally btfo. a few thousands could do serious damage. a million could wipe out africa pretty quick.
the real question is how can i get a million dragons under my control?
Fuck you, you arent scoping out any juicy herds for me, dragon denier. My sauroid majesty flicks its tongue at you in disdain.
Well, your "sauroid majesty flicks its tongue at you in disdain."
We would tame them so hard we will make small dragon to go in hand bags. Some drogon will have a fucked up mouth just because we think it's cute.
I tongue your gash and find its pH level to be too moldy. My mute retainers arrive to beat you senseless with sacks of hardboiled eggs.
Unfortunately, this would generate a shockwave that would ripple through the flesh like a mini-earthquake and probably be just as damaging as the bullet. A good analogy would be if someone went to punch you, so you punched their incoming punch exactly as hard and in the opposite direction. It would still hurt like hell when the fists connect, and if hard enough, could break a bone or shatter a blood vessel. That's a kinetic energy shockwave.
Heat would also be a problem. 47k joules going inwards meeting 47k going outwards is going to generate 94k of energy, approx 60% of which is turned into heat. 60k joules is like a small firework going off directly in your flesh. A dragon would end up, ironically, with a serious burnt flesh problem.
>weighed up to 7 m in length
Me and my people will live inside a dragon's belly.
Yes it's called space science
What if the dragon's breath alternately exuded aloe vera gel to compensate for the burns? It's rider could also be firing a sterile gauze rifle from dragonback onto any sustained scarring.
Why don’t you watch reign of Fire before you make a stupid thread OP?
Japanese army BTFOs fantasy world.
Since these creatures can and will kill thousands of people on a whim, I think dragon safaris are not in the realm of possibility.
Remember me Yea Forums?
Dresden Files is urban fantasy where the fantasy universe is largely separate from the mundane, plus the dragons in that are sentient and just disguise as humans I don't think it's what he meant, but if he did then yeah
Urban Fantasy is an entire genre.
Woody killed the dragon by collapsing a mine/tunnel on it, am i remembering it rite? I watched this film as preteen thinking it was lotr meets waterworld and hated it, then watched it again a decade later and loved it.
Christian Bale and Matthew McConeghey (whatever) were in it.
Wasn't gerald butler in that?
eh in my headcanon Woody pulls of the crazy grizzled grunter better than pretty boi weeper McCucknahey
Can’t even calibrate their sights. Look up rodesia
Shadowrun is comfy as fuck.
If a dragon were to stop breathing fire would a heat seeking missile still track him? On one hand he breathes fire so shouldnt he be hot but on the other hes a sort of reptile so his body temp should be pretty low
It seems that a lot of people remembers that movie, 8 results when you search this thread.
Do you know how fast fighter jets actually move? Or how fast missiles move, and the damage they can cause?
A dragon can be killed by a large crossbow shooting a fence post. Human military technology is far beyond rope and a sharp stick.
But could modern military fight Ancalagon the black?
These are essentially the same dragons too, they just won because they bred like ants.
If chinese men think they can get a hard cock with rhino horns and elephant tusks, just imagine what they would think about dragons. Chinese erectile dysfunction would be the biggest threat to dragons in our world and would see them extinct in no time.
Anti AA missles would buttplug them
Compared to modern weapons, Game of Thrones dragons would be suboptimal compared to fighter craft, bombers, and drone variants thereof. However, there is a possibility that they could be a protected species under international law.
I personally feel that there are other varieties of dragon that could integrate into modern society that would be more interesting than Game of Thrones dragons. For example, Dreamworks Dragons.
>200 post thread on the most brainlet question in the world
I used to believe that dragon were real, but were hunted to extinction by knights
Still find the idea kinda comfy
This is what you're looking for
World of Darkness
No, I meant I got fatigued a season or two back. It'll be quite easy to jump back in now that I know it's ending.
>mad scientist getting killed by his undead creation who stops obeying his orders
Fucking hack writing.
>actually thinking man actually fought any of the huge animals that laid eggs
We just kept stealing their eggs to feed our families until they died out. That's why all the big egg-layers got BTFO before the big mammals, except where we stole the mammal's foodsource. Dragons would be capable of protecting their eggs much better, particularly since they lay their clutch somewhere that you need to fly to get to.
No but Wyverns could.
>modern fantasy
Schindler's List
Dragons are meant to be hyperintelligent and powerful mages and GOT has reduced them to fire breathing retards.
He was without morals, but he wasn't mad
The Salvation War by Stuart Slade
>big for your friends
>not that strong
>not that fast
>ridiculous stamina tho
just kept tracking and wearing animals out and getting them with pointy sticks
then mucking about with carcass figured out "hey this sinewy crap we dont eat, if you dry it out and tie it to the ends of a branch you can launch pointy sticks even faster and longer than you can throw them. you dont even need to run after lunch any more!"
>Book Dany is always just along for the ride when she gets on a Dragon, with the only command she has being the fire one
>there's even a side-plot about Euron having a dragon horn that gives you actual control of a dragon, just like the Valyrians had, and whether or not it'll work and if he'll steal a dragon from Dany
>show just completely skips all of that, and apparently Dany can tell the dragon she's riding what to do telepathically or in some other completely unexplained way, with enough precision to outmanoeuvre and precisely take out both ships and walls filled with scorpions
What the fuck, man. I kept waiting for them to get to the dragon control part, but then they just skipped over it entirely, while ALSO having that line to Jon about "when you ride a dragon all you can do is hang on to whatever you can grab" or whatever it was, making it sound like she was just hanging on, but at the same time Jon for some reason had to be riding a dragon instead of directing forces or fighting.
The general trend in biogeography is the bigger the landmass, the bigger the apex predator is. The population density of whales is very low and they don't spend much time at the surface. Dragons would probably hibernate most of the time but then perk up when there's mass migrations of bison or such things or maybe elephant seal beaches
>Dragons are meant to be
99% of mythical dragons were just some big stupid beast hanging out in a cave, lake, river or well that got killed by a hero. They aren't "meant" to be shit.
holy kek
don't sea iguanas eat algae/seaweed? not sure that would sustain a dragon. could maybe be an ambush predator like crocodiles
what precisely is this devolving into? anthroporn, mythical foot fetishism or vore?
No, dragons are supposed to be maids.
>then mucking about with carcass figured out "hey this sinewy crap we dont eat, if you dry it out and tie it to the ends of a branch you can launch pointy sticks even faster and longer than you can throw them. you dont even need to run after lunch any more!"
I don't think they actually used arrows against megafauna, and that's partly why the Abos never had much use for a bow, the other being how open the landscape they lived in was. When you're fighting something big that you're tracking down after you wound it you want spears so they'll bleed out quicker. Bow and arrows just hold such an iconic image in our history because the idea of one is so much more pleasing than a simple pointed stick, the same way we like old war stories to focus on bowmen, while you rarely see anyone ever use a spear despite it being the main weapon at the time.
Hell, I'm pretty sure the plains indians only started using arrows against Buffalo herds once they got horses. Before that they made smaller herds stampede off cliffs, because a guy with a bow on the ground isn't going to do much against some angry buffalo.
>horizon to horizon entirely covered by annual bison herd
>dragons swoop in, burning swathes in it and gorging themselves
>mankind adapts to the cycle, stealing onto the fields like rats trying to grab the smaller morsels that the dragons don't care about
Imagine getting in a magical time machine and fucking S1 Salsa
Are you fucking retarded??
are they not meant to be the perfect antagonist to a christian knight.
>devil horns and devil tail
>breathes hellfire
>reminiscent of the serpent from garden of eden
>unholy amalgamation of fierce beasts
My money is on a-10 casually gunning them down from 3km into a puddle of scales and guts.
they'd get btfo
I kind of imagine it playing out like this, just more long winded and more insane, and including planes or helicopters
(yes it's a PETA video, but it's a good encapsulation of the incident)
>Not wanting to kill something not only foreign to your land but foreign to your world with extreme prejudice.
Never seen a less white post in my life
You just know chinese would hunt dragons to grind their dicks into powder and snort the dragon dick powder to get a boner.
>would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
absolutely, even sand niggers with soviet era rpgs should be able to get them fine if they get a clear shot. I'd bet a good sniper with an anti-material rifle could also take one out
wasn't quentyn the dude that got burned by Dany's dragons in the books?
australians lost to emus. Does that mean emus > dragons?
the chinese currently grind "dragon bone" into powder without them even existing so yes
Dragons are not tied to Christianity, and even in the "Christian west" the dragon stories arose before Christianity had spread to them. The Norse had dragon stories long before the first Christian showed up to convert them. It's just a fantastical beast slayed by a hero.
There's actually a perfect analogy in the GoT universe. There's a mythical dragonslayer knight in Westeros, but at the time he was supposed to live there were no knights in Westeros because the Andals hadn't invaded yet, and neither were there dragons. Yet the smallfolk believe in this pious knight who slew a dragon in the Age of Heroes.
Nod Stork
>a hundred lever-action rifle shots to the face
>that way its swaying its head back and forth in pain
Did Honolulu not have any stronger rifles? Shit, if I ran a circus with an elephant I'd make sure to have an elephant gun packed away somewhere.
>actually falling for the switched Quentyn
One of Quentyn's friends are pointed out as having "mummer's tears", as in he can make himself cry. While the other one can not. Who cried as Quentyn lay dying, and who did not? You guessed it. The sellsword was the one who died, and Quentyn took his place for some reason.
I just can't see GRRM pointing that out if it's useless information.
>Could Game of Thrones dragons survive in our modern world
>endangered species
>being charismatic too
aside armed confrontations of any kind you would see treated like dinos and any respectable zoo would have at least one
aside animu?
>third book was jinxed
eternally damn
>whose scales are harder than any armour
inb4 neumann effect
>Could Game of Thrones dragons survive in our modern world, or would they get btfo by rifles, missiles and aircraft?
Dude, they wouldn't stand a chance even in 1919
Or 1819 for that matter. Probably not in 1719 either.
ah hah!
who could stop a city that lived within a dragon!
Not quite modern, but pic related was a fairly interesting book series about the Napoleonic Wars but set in a world that had dragons in it.
>any respectable zoo would have at least one
Yeah how about no, you seen what they do to stone walls?
Reign Of Fire. The Dragons don't have a lot of screentime in the movie but when they show
a big one
Fuck yeah, loved those books
are you an idiot? one dragon dies by getting hit with 3 scorpion bolts....
GATE is so fucking masturbatory toward the JDF though. It's like your usual HFY stuff.
It's also just thrash in general
They have no chance against modern technology, or even ww2 level technology. Depending on how many there are maybe ww1 technology would be an even fight.
But since the question is "Would they survive in our modern world" the answer is yes, because we'd keep them in zoos for people to look at, and rich guys would pay millions to have them as pets to fly around on, hunt deer a la giant falconry, fuck etc
GOT dragons arent fully grown, people forget this
A sniper aiming at the dragons eye would probably be able to kill one alone
They start out great, if you're a fan of dragons and history shit I can't reccommend the first two or three books highly enough.
Really fall apart as the series progresses though, the author had no idea where to take anything and no idea what to do with the characters once she resolved their initial dilemmas.
I don't think a helicopter like an apache would survive a dog fight with a dragon. A Hind maybe.
>pitting dragons vs. WW1 weapons
Poor dragons, why don't anyone think of the dragons, such cruelty
>I don't think a helicopter like an apache would survive a dog fight with a dragon.
Apache can outrun and outrange the dragon
Yeah, just like we employ snipers to shoot the pilots in helicopters to take them out.
A dragon's effective range is what, 50-100 feet?
If it gets within that distance somehow it would probably win since it has better target tracking and can breathe fire pretty much 360 around it, but it has to get there without getting shredded first, and that seems pretty unlikely outside of contrived circumstances.
the ones from the book absolutely not.
But rpg, general fantasy ones, yes. magically enhanced hides, piercing (magic!) resistant scales... and invulnerability to fire. So to kill one it would be kinda like werewolves, some special bullshit magic bullet, or super sci-fi, railguns and other forms of exotic ordinances.
I do not see how a dragon would survive 152mm HE shell to the face no matter how tough skin and bones
All it took to kill one in a show was a few crossbow bolts.
You call it a heavy crossbow when its a crew served weapon instead of a personal one
I thought apache was more maneuverable than hind
>piercing (magic!) resistant scales
There have to be reasonable limits on this shit, otherwise you just get
>*Teleports behind you*
>*It was a hologram*
>*is invincible*
>*is invincible +1*
Even if their scales are as hard as our current best tank armor, that shit still can't survive even the midrange weaponry we throw around.
90 mph arrows take these dragons out. So nah, they be dead.
Yeah I was trying to think of what it's called when it's a big one on a ship. Why didn't they have any of those to fight Dany when she was burning down King's Landing? Why has nobody ever tried to just shoot the dragons down before if it's so easy?
Has there ever been a more braindead post on Yea Forums?
my dad could kick a dragans ass
>Has there ever been a "modern fantasy" piece of fiction?
>Like dragons and skeletons and shit but in a modern setting?
try this one
>In April 1945, Soviet forces are storming Berlin. Captain Hasso Pemsel and the survivors of his company are under siege in Berlin's Old Museum with orders to fight to the last man. Pemsel notices a large stone artifact that had not been removed to a safer location and is curious about it. In a lull in fighting, he crawls over and reads that it is the Omphalos from Zeus' temple in Delphi, a keystone and bridge between worlds. On a fatalistic whim he sits on it and is immediately transported to another world where magic works and wizards ride unicorns.
>it ain't me starts playing
>Why didn't they have any of those to fight Dany when she was burning down King's Landing?
They had plenty, they all got napalmed though before they got a single hit
Fuck you, this shit is terrible. Stop telling people to watch poorly made movies just because you are a braindead film embryo. Goddamn it. This movie SUCKS
Why the fuck do you he dragons in reign of fire 2002 look better than 2019 game of thrones dragons?
If we're talking military, one heat seaking/computer guided/ai controlled missile would do the trick while it's airborne. If it's on the ground eating/resting, a satellite guided drone missile drop does the trick.
If we're talking a small town, a prolonged battle with the local police force would eventually take it down, but with heavy casualties.
yeah dumbass
12 guage slug to the head kills it
Arcanum is a fantasy game in a steam age.
Drogon? Real creative there.
It is like naming your kid Babea or Huemun.
In the books, a bunch of peasants managed to kill a couple of dragons but ganging up on it with peasant farm tools while the beasts were resting. So, yes,most modern military weaponry such as military aircraft, armored fighting vehicle and most artillery would probably take out dragons pretty easily, especially if the Dragons don't detect their attacks.
>99% of mythical dragons were just some big stupid beast hanging out in a cave
Not true at all. Dragons/worms in Norse and Slavic mythology were intelligent, and numerous stories from across medieval Europe had dragons at least semi-intelligent. Then you have China where they're divine creatures.
>Why has nobody ever tried to just shoot the dragons down before if it's so easy?
In the books they have, except the only time it worked was the time someone lucked out in hitting a dragon in the eye, when they had plenty of them just like the King's Landing scenario. Because surprisingly it's really hard to hit anything moving with a scorpion, much less a flying object moving fast and burning you to death. D&D took this, along with the book's mentioning scorpions and decided to make them OP as fuck to kill off one dragon, only to nerf them the very next episode so Dany could solo the entire fleet and entire city walls. Because they're retarded.
For every intelligent one there's one or more braindead wyrm just eating cattle or people until a hero kills it. The intelligent ones just stand out more and are more easily remembered because they're simply more interesting.
>while the beasts were resting
They were chained up, and they weren't anywhere near fully grown. And the killers still died accomplishing it. There's no way you're hacking a grown and free dragon to death using a cleaver to its head if it's one of the huge ones that a man could walk through the jaws of.
>weighed up to 7 m in length
A 16 year old with an AR-15 would slaughter them
>Red Dawn with soviet dragons trying to conquer America
Would watch.
>implying it doesn't shoot harder because they believe it will
A railgun might be able to pierce through.