Reminder that he was right all along
Robert Baratheon
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he didn't get his dick wet tho ahahaha
and his shitty son was rejected by a Stark too
Night King's death would have been better if Lancel jumped into the frey out of nowhere and stretched open NK's breastplate, thus giving them a chance to stab him
He only had to have sex
even joffrey was right
dany has a higher body count compared to roose & ramsay
Why did Lyanna have to do it?
I fucking hate women so much
Cringe, he fucked tons of whores you pathetic incel
He was right apart from the starting a war followed by 20 years of political unrest, his own murder and civil war all because he thought a woman loved him.
>that one conversation that he had with Cersei that never happened in the books
>absolute kino to this day
>shows how naive Cersei was and how smart Bobby actually was for fearing those two Targaryen little shits roaming around Essos
I'm actually glad Ned was executed now.
he didn't even Have sex right
Why did he marry Cersei in the first place?
have sex
based and boozepilled
Jon Arryn told him it was the best move and it was. He had stability thanks to Tywin and he had money because of Lannisters shitting gold. It was too bad he had such a strong personality and his advisors were little shits, otherwise he would have lived much longer.
lannister support
His chamber was a revolving door for poon, user. There's even an ep where he had Jaime humiliatingly standing guard for him while he audibly laid pipe into a cluster of brothel girls
>not Cersei
>not Lyana
>but some whores
He probably even paid. Literal cuck.
Tywin wanted to
Yes, because Cersei didn't fuck him.
You mean he didn't propse?
>paying for sex
Have sex
king's landing was literally filled with lannister forces and his own guys were almost wiped out
>Hehehe look at her go Ned. She's burning the women and children now. "uuhhh Rubart we kant kill her. she jast a lil girl." Bet you feel pretty fucking dumb now eh? Ned, I tell you if I could do one thing I'd go back and give Stannis a speed boat so he could get to Dragonstone in time to waste that genetic abomination. The way I see it Ned the screams of every one of those children is on your conscience. Now, LANCEL MORE WINE!
>implying his assasination attempt didn't trigger the invasion
He didn't start the war, shithead. The Mad King called for Jon Arryn to turn Bobby and Ned in so they could be executed. The war was an act of self preservation.
Why were Robert and Eddard friends? They have nothing in common.
Who wouldn't marry the richest and prettiest bride in the realm?
They were both wards of Jon arryn. Idk why they liked each other tho. Sometimes you like people different from yourself. Also I bet Robert reminded ned of his brother Brandon and I bet ned was one of those shy but goofy types before the war.
They basically grew up together. Robert was even going to marry Ned's sister at one point, before the civil war put him on the throne.
They were raised together as brothers, Ned had always been a gloomy little shit so Jon Arryn's talks about muh HONOR ended up getting him, while Robert was a true fucking chad and fucked every girl he had available and destroyed every shitstain noble that tried to duel him, he had little time for the stupid honor talks of Jon Arryn. That's why they are different, but are the bestest of friends.
Stannis was a gloomy little shit too, but Robert treated him with scorn his whole life. Doesn't makes sense. GRRM is a hack.
Did Ned do anything right?
>Varys never mentions that Robert decided against it on his deathbed, nor even that Ned always vehemently opposed any assassination attempts
fucker deserved death
He kept his sister's secret and raised Jon as his own?
Fair enough
>His dying words were to Robert Baratheon, "The seed is strong."
much could have been solved by him saying "you've been cucked" instead
>you have to treat all gloomy people exactly the same
wtf lol, is this in the bible?
Ned was probably honorable but knew how to have fun. Stannis? Not so much.
All Stannis wanted was Bobby's affection.
except that he was wrong all along.
the rebellion should have never happened, neds sister played his beta ass
He murdered the first person to see a white walker in thousands of years. He was right to do so because they werent a real threst and shouldve been ignored by everyone.
Jon, Ned and Rob all grew up together and fought together. Regardless of their differences, Ned still loved Rob, even if he was fucking everything up around him and acting like a drunk cunt.
They both knew that Lannisters where smarmy cunts who thought they were smarter than anyone else, so deep down, they both knew they had to be there to *check* each other. This is why Ned had to be Rob's hand. Shit, if you watch the 1st season again, you'll see that Robert isn't just some dumbass drunk, and actually takes all the threats around him really seriously. He's the main person who takes Dany really fucking seriously, and that's without her dragons.
>the rebellion should have never happened
Yeah because it's a good idea to keep the whole family of Charles the Second-like monarchs was such a good idea for the realm
Jon Arryn was an old ass man. He didn't grow up with dem bois.
He didn't start the war.
That's not his fault. Dumbass Rhaegar and his whore Lyanna stated it by running away on a romantic vacation.
Are you retarded?
The stick up Stannis' ass was far thicker than Ned's.
After looking his conversation with Cersei, I wonder what could happen if they talked a decade early.
>He's the main person who takes Dany really fucking seriously, and that's without her dragons.
Joffrey also wanted to take Daenery's seriously but Tywin fucked up
he reared the boys