The Simpson predicted GoT latest episode

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-153202_Chrome.jpg (1079x1520, 637K)

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How the fuck is a time traveler hiding in plain sight and nobody cares?

source season and episode?


formerly King's


Snd Sneed

Simpsons have done everything already...

> the Sneeds landing inFeedo?


More likely the writers saw it and copied it

That screenshot of got in the lower right corner was where I turned off the episode. A dragon sliced a huge stone tower in half with a strafe, but she varys was executed he just crumpled.

thanks pham

The dragons can obviously control their fire so they don't need to absolutely obliterate everything.

This has been happening for a while now. It was special when Dragon Ball Super did it like 2 years ago, now it's just annoying.

wtf dragons can shoot fire at people? no way

Damn they predicted a dragon would do a classic fantasy trope? Simpsons still has it!

What did Dragonball Super do?

Structures in got are made from tissue paper apparently

Wow, they predicted a dragon can burn things. Amazing.

Why is that wyvern shooting fire out of its mouth and not acid?

Wow they predicted a dragon can spew fires on villages. Fantastic


tell me

They should've made the dragon look like Petunia from AABF19.



Seriously, if it was Shin Godzilla I could understand but come on

Some amateur animator from Mexico (I think?) predicted frame by frame how one of the major fights in DBS would play out, even down to how Goku's new transformation would look like.

>lower right corner
Back to school, chum.

>I bet the dragon burns things

OK nerd

Daenerys's Burn and Churn (formerly King's Landing)

Have sneed

have feed

holy shit nobody could've predicted this... mind BLOWN

also sneed

> Should we do a game of thrones joke
>Sure, just have a dragon burn some shit or whatever
>Any preference on what the dragon should burn?
>I dont care, some popular location from the show so its recognizable.
>Kings Landing?
>Sure, whatever.

Truly they are the seers of the future.

formerly sex

Yeah and DnD based the actual script on this exact logic


when you have 654 episodes and around 15,000 hours of content chances are you have touched just about everything related to pop culture (and fantasy is definitely pop culture).

>but she varys was executed he just crumpled

Oh wow a dragon destroying something in a cartoon wow bravo. There couldn't be a more common plot use for a dragon.

I'm pretty sure that anyone paying attention to this show already knew episode 5 was going to happen, literally the only problem here is that it happened too rushed without the proper build up.

Like it wasn't obvious since the season 1 that Daenerys would end up torching shit out of cities.

in a show about dragons wow, no way!!!

That movie Reign of Fire predicited the GOT ending back in 2002!

thats retarded


Too bad they didn't predict the Sneed meme.

Attached: 75F5328B-407B-467B-B1C9-9FBF24970CC5.jpg (1242x931, 149K)

The Sneedsons predicted Glove Slap latest Chuckisode

Is it just a dragon razing a village or is there something more specific in the episode?

Dragon razing the village but what are the odds?

Sneed’s Landing (Formerly Chuck’s)

Matt Groening is a witch and he literally talks to Satan for the plots of his show. Not a joke. They even had a Halloween episode that predicted many celebrity deaths. The Simpson is and always has been, evil.

Trump ran for president before, and had talked about running for president even earlier than that. Not going to click your link, but I'm guessing it's a bunch of strawgrasping if Trump is the lead on the url.

I don't get it.

Not them, but the damn cartoon literally predicted the exact IMAGE of Trump riding down an escalator that ended up being famous. The show is evil.

>Dragonball Super

Attached: 1553041705715.jpg (1071x1047, 289K)

wake up neonates

The photo of Trump riding down the escalator was taken before the episode, and clearly inspired that scene.

^a lie


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Or maybe GOT copied it. Did these niggers ever think of that possible outcome?

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Snopes is literally run by two Jewish idiots. Come back when you have something real to say.