Wow... That pretty brave

Wow... That pretty brave

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>Mediocre white male flexing when his black, female coworker did all the work

Brave my ass, he's part of the problem.

>Being nazi in the USA
Guys you are the melting pot, the fuck

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Which series?

Strawman tv episodes are my favorite

Its even better when the evil bad guy man learns from the error of his ways and converts to the good guys

>has tattoos
do americans really do this?

>Doctor admitting he’d let a patient die

Do you SEE who their president is?

>Let Nazi patient die
>lose medical licence and go to jail
>life ruined
>but I least I made a point lol

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>black woman doctor
this is gray's anatomy isn't it

Its ok, hes a bad man

>kills your Nigger Kang before he chimps out
What can you expect from a faggot but being a spineless coward.

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Hippocratic oath doesn't apply to Nazis

The funniest part is that these two actors are supposed to be white

The American Queer as Folk sure took a weird turn in the later seasons

I guarantee all the american neonazi LARPers are part black/mexican/injun themselves

But they are white?

just enough edge to make soft idiots feel good about giving those nazis another punch to the gut.
in fact, a sizable percentage of blue checkmarked freaks would tweet @ the actor who portrayed a nazi in this kike shit show and ask him if he still harbors white supremacist views

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wheres the nazi symbol? do he lose inches of stomach skin that was part of the tat? that would have been a huge fucking hole in his stomach

now it just looks like a stupid slanted S or 5.

That’s the point dipshit

The hell? First the doctor tries him to be teach him to be tolerant because a black person saved him and that goes against the beliefs of the nazi, and immediately after that he says that he believed that letting him would be better, because that's what he believes is right. So he wants him to stop believing on his cause or to keep believing?

If he's supposed to be a Nazi why does he have a square S on his chest instead of a swastika?

Pick one

What show/episode is this?

what point?

what happened to his stomach that would have made him lose like 3 inches of skin that would alter the tattoo that fucking much?

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Doctors kill people all the time, all he would have to do is say it was an accident and have it be plausible as an accident and he would be fine. Doctors aren't as smart as you think they are, they fuck up A LOT just like everyone else.

*or fetuses

people who get nazi tattoos are usually criminals who were part of "nazi" prison gangs, i.e. degenerates larping as nazis because prison populations are segregated by race

Leftists like to keep it real. It's why they say the f-word so much.

>doctor does her job
>'and I would kill you because I don't like you'
I would sue all those biggots into poverty and the hospital for employing them
this is what happens when you lower standards

>white nazi = bad
>white doc would kill white nazi die because of wrongthink = bad
>black woman who saves nazi and prevent white doc from commiting murder = good

Aryan Brotherhood is one of the most based and redpilled organizations int he world.
>According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for between 18-25% of murders in the federal prison system.[10][15]

>a black woman saved him
is this supposed to invalidate national socialism or something? doesn't he realize that the aryanization of an individual exists on a spectrum? so much for tolerance and love
>and you're thinking how much better all us white guys are than everyone else
oh it's a shitpost

That actor is a faggot in real life so if he was dead the world will be a little less AIDS free.


This. If this were real he'd be in line for a pretty hefty lawsuit. And that's IF the guy didn't record it. If he did, the lawsuit is already won.

the entire thing is a strawman because the doctor (i.e. the writer) thinks being a "nazi" means believing blacks can't be doctors, or some other idiotic misunderstanding of nazi views or racism

Nah he's saying he's shit at his job. Like all white people are.

I remember an episode of All Saints (an Aussie medical drama) where some Yea Forums-tier nerd got AIDS, but he swore there was no way he could have got it.

In the end it turned out he fucked a hooker and used bleach to clean his dick, because that's what someone on a forum told him he could do to not get AIDS

This was like early 2000s or maybe even 1990s, I only vaguely remember it but it's even funnier to me now

The point is that the tattoo is destroyed while his ideology is being smashed to pieces by a superior tolerant doctor who says that he’s better off dead. It’s grade school symbolism.

I thought you guys liked television and film

>Straight male Christian doctor has a "transgender" patient
>tells them they would have let them die

Would this have also been applauded?

>Hate a nazi for having a murderous belief system
>Have your own lust for murder
Remember folks, liberals will kill you the second they get the chance. They’ll kill you, your family, your friends, etc

>makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for between 18-25% of murders in the federal prison system.

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Where exactly in the nazi party's program does it say anything about murdering people.

Didn't expect to see posts about All Saints today, what next Blue Heelers?

All saints was pretty kino. Blue healers was pretty based too.

Such an obvious bait post written by a senile liberal boomer

iirc the black doctor didn't want to help him, then eventually did but fucked his tattoo up on purpose.

If you had a tattoo in Nazi Germany you'd be sent to a concentration camp.

They don't think "blacks can't be doctors", they just hate them and want to kill them

Umm a little place called the holocaust, incel lmao

>but fucked his tattoo up on purpose

Yeah take THAT Nazi! Score one for tolerance!

Fuck these people.

You don't know anything about Nazi's if you think this.

based aryans dabbing on criminals

you realize they tattooed their blood group on themselves

did they show his tattoo unedited earlier in the show?

if not they deliberately showed it fucked up like that cause they were to scared to show it on tv

no stomach wound would have cut such a huge gap of stomach skin off that would alter a tat that fucking much
there is no symbolism just shitty writing

Fake soviet news.

>they just hate them and want to kill them
do you think people would do that? go on the internet and tell lies?

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>Mexican Mafia
>Sinaloa Cartel
>Vagos MC

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none of you pseud racist /pol/fags would actually tell that black doctor to fuck off, you can meme on here but irl you're all a bunch of pussies

No actual evidence of this was ever found. The testimony of guys who just lost a war and wanted to make sure their families didn't get the rope count for exactly nothing.

Holocaust didn't happen

That was for a specific purpose, anyone that had a tattoo was rounded up and sent to the camps.
Because tattoo's are degenerate if not for a clear and defined purpose.

You didn’t even watch the episode or even know the show but you’re going to critique the writing?

Is this good doctor?

>white guys are better
I don't think even the most ardent white nationalist thinks they're "better" than people as a default. They just want autonomy. Ie: The same thing everyone else on the planet has, but white people are forbidden to have, ever since WW2 and muh holocaust.

it's actually true
they go full retard to compensate lower numbers

no they don't

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Nazis wanted the world to be a blond-haired, blue-eyed "utopia", and neo-Nazis have continued that belief to this day. They mainly target blacks and Jews now

buncha racist pussies worshipping an orange

They're methhead degenerates and a perfect posterchild for Jews to bash whitey with.
The key difference between civilized culture and degenerate culture is whether or not the majority reject the sordid elements of their society.

it's a fake medical drama show
their writings are always shit, it's not assumption it's fact

symbolism is far beyond what they could think of

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Someone post the “GO HOME, GAMER GIRL!”


Your knowledge of the Nazi's is grade school tier.

yeah hospitals and medical boards are usually pretty chill about being sued for medical malpractice

no they didn't

I would love to see an educated national socialist in one of these shows one time. I'd be hilarious.

>"You know, a BLACK WOMAN saved you. Maybe let that sink in on your hatred."
>"I'm extremely thankful and I don't hate anybody. I merely want to keep my people and culture alive and call out the banking systems and Military Industrial Complex's stranglehold on our society"
>"SHUT UP" *muffles with pillow*

Do you honestly think they would survive prison with those low numbers without help from Mexicans?


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What about latin american people? Not asking for me or anything he-hehehe-he

No evidence of this anywhere. This is literally 1940s wartime propaganda and people still believe it

Youre literally defending Nazis now, I hope you understand that

Another American public school victim.

For what? Thought crimes? He followed the hippocratic oath and did no harm.

I bet your teacher went around the classroom telling people who weren't blond and blue-eyed that the nazis would have killed them.

>tfw awkwardly staring at the People Eater in Fury Road trying to figure out if I know the actor and where from
>fucking Blue Heelers

No wonder I'm a Yea Forums snob, I grew up on kino

Nazi's are better than communists, and many people today praise those.
I'll defend anything from bad arguments and false facts.

how is that doubtful

gang-related murders account for most likely 99% of in-prison murders. white gang takes 25% of that, the other 75% divided between black and hispanic gangs

defending historical accuracy, yeah

And they think that it’s funny, too.

>you should believe falsehoods because they currently align with the dominant political group-think

>Youre literally defending Nazis now

This is the reason everybody hates you leftist braindeads. All they're doing is correcting your inaccurate claims about Nazis and that to your pea brain is defending Nazis.
Fuck sake read a book or something.

Grey Anatomy I think.

non-white are 10x more retarded at their job though as evident by your post.

don't care really. frankly i wish they'd all die so they can no longer be used by jews and leftists to defame racially conscious whites

Daily reminder these people will kill your whole family if they think they can get away with it and they'll absolutely believe they're the good guys.

based chase
cringe whoever the fuck this faggot is


>an outlier saved you so that means your entire belief system is incorrect
wtf i hate statistical averages now

>Literally an Irish or old British name (Bayley)

Niggers steal everything

>Yeah, I'd totally risk my profession and the chance of ending up in jail just because I regard politics as an absolute zealot would religion thus proving how narrow, simple and miserable of a human being am, much like I believe you are because of your tattoo.


The nazi or the black doctor?

i didnt know nazis tattooed a big S on them

is it an S?

why is superman so hated?

He should have responded:

"You see? You and I are not that different after all..."

the doctor/leftists

That would be a stupid idea anyway, they'll inform others in the medical community that you are a racist and you will get bad treatment. The real trick is to get transferred to a better hospital and find another doctor.

>its ok to let bad people die, this does not make the doctor a bad person though....

>doctor threatens to kill someone in surgery because he disagrees with his politics
Top notch writing and does absolutely not reek of a certain ancestry.

brian is not a nazi ty

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How did she fuck up the op so badly that he's missing about 5-10cm of skin along with also mis-aligning his tattoo?

Does Yea Forums allow 12 year olds to post?

More like the Hypocritic Oath

You have to murder someone just to get in, so it's not that far-fetched.

This would have actually been a pretty good message if it has stopped before the guy telling him that he wishes he was dead. Like you could see the Nazi actually taking the fact that black lady saved him without thanks to heart and changing his ways.
But then the other doctor comes in and lectures him and wishes death on him so...

he probably did. but that was edited out.

>This is literally 1940s wartime propaganda and people still believe it
It is pretty crazy. I still hear people say the shit about human soap and skin lampshades

Is doing no harm the same as not doing unharm

Imagine saying that to a black thug or a Islamic terrorist lol

I wonder how well it sits with his conscience when he saves black gang members with gunshot wounds every other day just for them to go and kill more people?

i would if they were abusive and violated their duties and laws

>Thought crimes?

Threatening withholding treatment from a patient is literally against the law, cuck.

Hes right about the neo-nazis though. As all things American, you mutts pollute ideas with your low-IQ bullshit.

US neo-nazis hate blacks more than they hate anyone else.

I don't understand this. Why is he comparing one white person to one black person? Does he not know how statistics work? Shouldn't doctors be scientists?
Furthermore, why does niggers being allowed to be doctors in any way invalidate the nazis belief?

>let me reinforce your belief that im sub human trash
What did he mean by this?


>oh it's not his fault. it's this racist society/poverty/white privilege!

Question: If you mark organ donor on you ID, is it true doctors will not try as hard to save you?

nazis didnt even care about niggers they should have just said the doctor was jewish

He was an intern. He's saying he probably wouldn't be able to do it by himself.


>none of you pseud racist libcucks would actually say "fuck white people" IRL, you can meme on here but irl you're all a bunch of pussies

Dummy, the black gang member is the real victim. It was racist Amerikkka that made him kill other people.

>While only being 13% of the population...

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Blacks are more of a problem here than anyone else. You are right, though.

Supposedly no, but why risk it?
Humans are evil and will use any excuse to kill you.

>criticizing neo-nazis while using neo-nazi terminology

Fucking lel.

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Oy vey

I've never had a non-white doctor, I wouldn't tell my doctor to fuck off, I'd simply request a doctor with an IQ higher or at least comparable to mine.

That actor was the star of Queer as Folk

Is this a commentary on Nazi homosexuality?

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Not him but what neo-nazi terminology?
Mutt isn't neo-nazi, people use it all the time referring to mixed breed dogs, not that big of a leap to refer to mixed breed humans.

get a real job IQlet

>We would all be speaking German if the Nazis won WWII
I hope future generations will stop falling for 1940s propaganda

He's been treated and nothing was withheld. I thought /pol/tards were against thoughts being made illegal?

You need to check your post for mistakes before hitting submit, holy fuck.

Character assassination, Hitler wasn't gay.
Besides this conflicts with the well known propaganda he wanted to fuck his niece.

seething fag

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Again propaganda, unrelated question but do you have a dildo in the shape of Karl Marx's head under your bed?

>book says

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So you agree. Neo-nazis hate blacks.

Just because Im not a retarded neo-nazi doesnt mean I dont believe that all US Americans are literal subhumans.

>book says
Oh shit, if someone typed it it must be right.

So people are shitting on Nazis because they are assigning people different inherent value depending on their race or whatever. So to protest against that they are saying Nazis are now worth less than other people...? I mean that guy is implying here that he would literally kill that dude because of his ill set of ideas. That is neither Christian nor in any other way a good set of ethics. It's just a different kind of shit ethics. Yet, he feels morally superior to that dude. I don't get it.

>hitler was gay
>hitler was half gypsy
>hitler was a jew
>hitler was a drug addict
Now I'm starting to understand why the Nazis wanted to kill all those collectives. See, it only takes one of those degenerates to destroy europe.

Nice bait shekelstien

Ahh yes, all the usual axioms from the elite master race inhabiting Inbred Island.

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the guy posting is a jidf troll who shows up and posts the same bunch of images about gay hitler and crossdressing nazis whenever jews or nazis are mentioned in a thread. best to ignore him

That's modern leftism for you. They claim race doesn't exist, but are completely obsessed with race, categorising people, and assigning different values to them.

I'm a paramedic m8, probably going to become a ER doc in the future. Race matters a lot in the medical field and although by law everyone is meant to be treated equally.

Doesn't mean I can ignore your ancestry to build a picture of what might be wrong with you. In fact there's a case to be made for negligence if I do so.

Im from Austria (not Australia for you US Americans). That famed US education really works wonders I see.

My favorite claim is that Hitler became anti-Semitic because he slept with a Jewish prostitute who gave him herpes.

clean it up wagie

>Inbred Island.
The label still applies.

>being this American
>when his weight is higher than his IQ

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Race-based medicine is effective and yet intentionally suppressed for political reasons. Leftists/Jewish sociologists would rather black people die of preventable diseases than get a tailored treatment that violates a long-standing (and unfounded) narrative.

>be Australian
>too dumb to jog without a helmet

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