It has been released

It has been released.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit its Yea Forums

>I have nothing to live for
>my life's a mess
>I failed highschool
>no job
>I'm a fuck up
damn, /ourguy/

>I wanted to be a cop
>Why didn't you join the police academy?
Hahahahahahahahaha... he's just like us

That's a hell of an outfit

Fucking finally!
The Man in Black has returned to us.

Bill Hicks sure knows how to woo the ladies.

>I had a father who was overweight
But he's overweight lmfao

>Clearly wants a friend and some help in life
>Just wants to sit and watch TV and make a new friend
>There is no 12 year old, she doesn't exist
>Gets arrested

he looks slimmer in this one

No fucking way
It finally came out, four years after the investigation, three years after the Hansen Vs Predator episodes were released, and two years after anyone stopped giving a true shit


>but that doesn't make it okay
>dude pulls something out of his pocket and throws it in his hat

I legit thought he had a gun for a second

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Who's the fatty and why do we care?

God, this is too fucking real. Unlike the other horn dogs on the show, this guy is just so human. You can fee the frustration, the anger of tears of abuse, neglect, rejection and an inability to fit with the status quo, and appeal to the zeitgeist. Hope he gets the help he needs

This was filmed like 3 years ago.

kill yourself pedo

Did they deliberately give him a female interrogator because he's an incel?

Behind an $84 paywall.

those cupcakes looks like plastic fake

You're jealous because I can have sex with a 16 year old and it's legal


Nope. I ghosted a close friend because he was fucking a 19 yr old at age 30. Miss me with that nonsense.

Seething much? 19 is obviously legal, even in backward countries like the states so not sure why you'd ghost him for that unless you were incredibly jelly

Lmao. What kind of retarded feminist crap did you fall victim to?
19 year olds are fucking hot. Either you're a mangina or you're jelly that you cant fuck a 19 year old.

This is him nowadays

Someone who's dieing to fuck a 16 year old is putting the pusy on a pedastal. I wasbt someone who can return a serve if you know what I mean.

Hold on. A $84 pay wall? Why? Because Hansen is strapped for cash?

They didn't want to release this episode because he was 18 right? (didn't watch it yet) Must be because Hansen is a million dollars in debt. He's also reviving HvP as well.

They didn't want to release the episode because the guy was a pathetic NEET with serious depression issues and was on a bunch of different medications.
The paywall is for Chris' new VOD service he launched the other day, but the site is sketchy as shit.

I'm not american but I've seen the boondocks. I guess every pedo knows this guy? So they all know that once they see him they already are fucked so he starts spilling his spaghetti?

>guy clearly needs serious counseling
>his doctors are just giving him medication as if that will do anything on its own

That's what my doctor did with me, gave me antidepressants and sent me to the psychologist for therapy, I dropped both.

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The American way

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What am I looking at?

And you're still miserable. Good job.

psychiatrist gives meds
psychologist does counseling
it is rare nowadays finding someone that does both

she CUTE

he put on an act. probably knew he was on the show

People like you don't want to get better. Even if you see a therapist you won't communicate or will be dishonest. This fat pedo faggot is desperate to open up but his doctors are just mixing meds.


>I was just trying to be friendly. I didn't want to, but she just kept persisting.
>Did you say "We will probably have sex" and "I want your young pussy so bad"?
oof lmao

Counseling is the patients' choice. Psychiatrists can't force someone into therapy.

i bet he's regular Yea Forums browser

>i've been through 5 doctors
>chris hanson: "so you'll promise you'll get help?"

Imagine ruining your life at 19 by being registered as a sex offender

>don't want to get better
That isn't fair to say. Some people genuinely don't believe they can get better, or they think it's pointless either way. Depression distorts their perspective. Not to mention the many sufferers who don't respond to talk, cbt, or dbt therapy. It simply doesn't work for some people, for numerous, but not fully understood reasons.

Have sex pedo.

Hansen's broke he got arrested for writing a bad check.

American doctors get kickbacks when they prescribe drugs pharma companies are trying to market

Holy fuck this has subverted all my kino expectations. I expected cringe m'lady but I got literally me minus the pedo stuff

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Did you see this monsters police interview at the end? He had hard drives full of legit child porn, don't believe his crocodile tears this guy was pure evil

>minus the pedo stuff


Why doesn't he just lose weight?

he just wanted to watch some Yea Forums with cunny wrapped in his arms. why is that illegal?
baiting him like that, that's false hope yo.

He is clearly only crying because he was caught, crocodile tears fake ass motherfucker. Who brings a knife to watch netflix with a 12 year old.

>"I'm Not that big, but I could fit inside you."
Holy shit it really is Yea Forums


He's a /k/ faggot for sure

Yes hes crying cause he got caught but who cares about a knife, are you from england?

he's better off without you

You don't have a working dick do you faggot?

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>started "date" with a howdy mam
i cant believe this

I don't care, I just dont imagine he would be crying like this as he dragged a 12 year old into the back of his shitty car by knife-point.

Kek this is exactly how I imagine the average Yea Forums poster to be

What makes this so special?

>I failed English

Bruh. You're white. You SPEAK English.

How long was he in prison for?

3 months, 10 year suspended sentence

>10 year suspended sentence


Youre a shit friend

don't have sex

"I want your young pussy SO bad!"

Fuuuuck, the female detective was hot.

Doesn't the majority of sentences from the show come from the fact they have child porn?

Phone. A video with 2 16-year-old girls "fucking".

Police page says he's up to 270 now lol

>interlaced video in 2019
y tho

is that a fedora or a ten gallon hat?

The courts classify a lot of thing as "child porn". Depending on the state, you can get busted for child porn. Hell, you shouldn't even be in prison unless you're creating or distributing CP.

Who is this guy? Is he some hero cunny poster on Yea Forums and Yea Forums?

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there's a joke in there somewhere but I can't find it


>Miss me with
hi tumblr

Almost feel bad for the guy


his "convictions" are all on ONE date, all "Attempted". 90% of "child porn" accusations are bullshit, in Massachusetts you can be busted for having a folder of downloaded anime.

I mean loli counts as child porn in certain states.

There should be an anonymous self-reporting phone number set up that allows these dudes to connect with psychologists and trained professionals while also keeping their identity a secret and also sparring them legal prosecution, which is why they wont seek help now.

The only time we find them now is after they have offended and there is a victim who has been harmed. There was a guy in alabama that walked into a police station to report himself for this kinda shit and he got arrested, jailed, and his name splashed all over the media, which has completely btfo the chance of any future people like this doing the same.

Roastie detected

This guy is a confirmed /pol/ poster btw read his police interview

Literally how /pol/ posters are IRL

So that's what the cunnyposter looks like

what do I have to do to achieve this body type? be an americano?

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Reminder that Hansen himself is a scam artist

How can he be so fat when he's on so much adderal?

yep, only americans can achieve this physique

>DSP tries it

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So what

context for someone who doesn't spend all day being a full time incel talking about normie shows, who is this guy?

>pedo uses sob story
>its extremely ineffective

Based Hansen

People who mess with another man's money aka property are worse than pedophiles desu

>You know, Janny always wore black

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>about to go to bed
>see this

fucks sake, i really am here forever

You got a source for that Alabama man, homie?

>I like driving and I like smoking cigars, but I can't do that for the rest of my life
Based nihilist Hansen

>2x 30mg adderall XR per day

He could sell those scripts for like $400 per month

How do I find girls like the decoys in this show?

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try reddit bub

Wait a second, you can see the top of someone's head behind the curtain when he's sitting down on the chair, how did he not notice that?

How the fuck isn't he wired taking that much. You'd be awake for days.

What is this?
I'm not a fat incel and I've only been here 4 years.

Broke cunt better get to churning out more Hansen vs Predator episodes.

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Chris Hansen is one of 4chans first big memes.

>"I have one friend, he's always working!"
NEET actually upset at wagecuck for being wagecuck.

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Do a casting.

It gets stored in the fat. His fat is infused with amphetamines

What episode of The Sopranos is this from?

Probably the cameras they use or Hansen fucked up the archieving and this is his attempt at retrieving it by finding the "taped" episode from the tv station on a DVD-R

needs a mirror. fucking gdrive.

>19 year old
>has the looks and health issues of a 50 year old

honestly I feel bad

Literally how the fuck is this not entrapment? How do you get a 10 year sentence for something you might have thought about doing but never did?

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Around 8 minutes he says he's taking 180 of Adderall a day.

Ok this guy is a fucking idiot to be taking that much also how the fuck is he fat taking that much.

>been a neet shut-in for six years
>stay skinny, dark circles around the eyes but otherwise look fine, even managed to get a gf
>24 years old
some people just get the fat, american end of the stick, user

>the roastie looks about 25
Okay what the fuck. How are they catching "pedos" using those roasties? They're just catching normies

>hey tex
fucking chris

because children

that's honestly it. once a kid is involved it's zero tolerance

probably drinks 4 liters of coke and 3 big macs for lunch, and im not even exaggerating

To give the super tl;dr a lawyer would give.

Basically since you went that far to get to the place (eg: hour and a half drive), you had plenty of time to consider your actions.
It's entrapment if they're like "hey kid wanna buy drugs?" and you go "uhhh" and then "bam gotcha!".

Also, in all these the perps make contact first.

>its never a good day

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Dude has a real kino way of moving. Even Chris thought he would run, but he was just grabbing his hat. And then the way he removes his hat and glasses after beginning his speech. Real animated dude.

Isn't solicitation and false advertisement a crime too? Or do those only apply under consumer protections?

based cowboy autist

The decoy never mentions sexual things first and nothing is being sold so those can't apply to them.

Im pressing buttons

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No, because *they* didn't solicit, the perp did and they're not advertising they're just hanging out on "teen websites" (seriously, even as an actual teen I knew those places were fucked).

Perps come to them and do all the dumb shit, these guys just follow along.
The decoy routine has been done so many times before it is probably in a manual with top lawyer tips.

I remember there was one episode where a guy got off because he didn't say anything wrong, so cops didn't arrest him there and he walked out all smug and the cops just walked with him saying they wanted to talk to him.

Then he talked to them, and talked his stupid ass into an arrest.

Normies are more dangerous, they actually have drive to go out and meet these people, while the internet pedos stay home and laugh at retards getting caught by Chris Hansen.

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At least he didn't get arrested just for going to the beach

Damn it's been ages. I'm glad they did finally release it and we got to see le ebin fedora man

If the decoy made absolutely no mention whatsoever and the guy instigated it, then yeah I don't really feel bad for them at all. But I'd like to see those full chat logs to see if the decoy ever tried to steer the conversation that way as well, even if they made no explicit mention.

Is Woogy's fat ass dead yet?

>I have no motivation in life
better drive 1.5 hours to bang a 12 year old

The chat logs are always full of fucked up shit. Some you feel bad for until you read the logs.

This is getting too real for me..

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Literally what is this garbage?
Why is this shitting up my GoT board?

>getting arrested for just going to the beach
What? No way.

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a cute

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Chris went way too easy on this fat fuck

The accused make the first contact with the decoy, it can never fall under entrapment if the accused are the ones to engage in conversation. And even then the decoy doesn't give out any info or suggest any ideas (except benny & jerry's funky monkey) unless the accussed ask for them.

It’s pretty easy to trap someone without it legally being entrapment. An undercover could dress up like a prostitute and invite you to her hotel room as long as she doesn’t offer to have sex with you for money.

t. pedo

we all know he wouldn't even be able to preform even if it actually happened. He'd get laughed at when he took off his shirt and showed his giant white stretchmarked mantits and then coom as soon as he put on a condom

highlight a SINGLE inappropriate post in there. i'll wait

If his old teeth were any indication of his health, he should be dead any day now, it's really a testiment to how tough the human body is that he's still alive.

>immediately cringes when he goes for a hug
never happened to me but god damn i felt that

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>mom and dad pay for everything
>free rent
>free medical
>wahh depressed
fuck him

>asking for a "naughty pic" from a 12 year old in the first hour isn't inappropriate

Vincent: I meant a naughty pic
Vincent: Not full naked

Okay retard. I'll make sure you and him get the same gas chamber.

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Damn, is this peak faggotry?

yeah like some 30 year old 300 lb man with a knife cant force a 12 year

>Not sending a pizza delivery guy to house and scanning for cops a block down the road.
It's like people don't even think.

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>I want you to get a ruler and measure how long the slit is
>Your vagina
>I wanna see how small it is

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>Jenna: Do u feel better?
>Vincent: Emotions. Yes. Stomach not really
>Jenna: Im so sorry…
>Vincent: :) Thanks cutie
>Vincent: We prob will have sex. Lol I’m really horny. I want your young pussy so bad

>if it works out you get za' and cunny
>if it doesn't you only lost 12 bucks max

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>Jenna: Hey y u change ur name to bye and a gun?
>Vincent: I thought it said my name and a beer glass
>Jenna: No.. it says bye and a frowny face and a gun
>Vincent: So how have you been?

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Literally entrapment

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the quota's been reached

can someone upload a mirror?

Vincent: I want you to get a ruler and measure how long the slit is
Jenna: Huh?
Vincent: Your vagina
Vincent: I wanna see how small it is
Jenna: I am NOT doing that
Vincent: Why.
Vincent: Just tell me
Vincent: I don’t mean put it in you
Jenna: No that’s … im not doing that
>Vincent: Why. I wanna know how small it is. I might not fit if it is to small
Vincent: I don’t mean inside of you. On the out side
Jenna: Im srry.. Im not gonna do that
Jenna: Im happy to learn stuff but not by myself
Vincent: That isn’t part of the learning. I wanna make sure you aren’t to small
Jenna: So ur not coming if im too small?
Vincent: No. I am. But it just means I will need to buy lube if you are to small

call it coom because the ovaries go boom

a completely open-ended request, except he specifies he doesn't want to see nudity. yeah that's a felony sure

a small piece of curiosity which doesn't involve any contact at all?

no statements of intent, only desire. openness is hardly criminal


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Vincent: I just wish you would put your finger in it in the shower. It will break the hymen and it wont hurt so much
Vincent: There might be a little blood if you do it yourself so don’t freak out

Someone fill me in, what happened?

>Dude has a real kino way of moving.

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I've seen so much TCAP and I start to wonder with the particularly sad looking predictors, did the show just enable them and would they have never acted without being prompted by the show?

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>*unsheathes knife*
>*teleports behind Chris*
Heh nothin personnel

anyone ever find out the name of the qt decoy?

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>Police officer dressed as a child: "Hey you wanna fuck me?"

Not entrapment
>Police officer dressed as child: "Hi I'm an underaged child minding my own business. How are you today good law abidding citizen?"
>Totally innocent man of good character: "ZoMG I WANNA FUCK YoU"

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>Vincent: Sunday I’m going to a nascar race. This is going to be the best weekend ever

pack in it boys hes not our guy
what kinda fat ass likes nascar??
fucking cuck

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most first world countries have sex education classes which involve similar introductions to exploring one's sexuality. it's completely healthy even if it should be her parents explaining it to her

>Vincent: We prob will have sex. Lol I’m really horny. I want your young pussy so bad

see >Vincent: Why do you wanna have sex so bad

Holy shit I’m dying

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Honestly doesn't sound much at all different from the shit horny bastards here and on the porn boards say. Boners making you say the darndest things.

Can someone explain to me why this isn't illegal? I'm pretty sure you can't do this in an actually developed country. Even if this kid is obviously a sick psycho, he shouldn't be publicly shamed for this shit jesus christ

that's fucking retarded
they were going to fuck a child

>*Vincent Dick Pic*
>Vincent: I’m not that big. I bet I could fit inside you

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nascar is great bitch. bet you watch some gay shit like soccer instead

because ugly men need to die.
name [1] time there was a chad on the show

even chris hanson is a pedo and he didn't get booked

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How do I reach this level of chad?

no i actually drive fast cars and don't watch shit like some cuckold

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even stone cold chris hansen felt bad for this guy...

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hwhat in tarnation

Females don't understand kino

exceeded daily download.

anyone got a mirror?

>Alright so we're at the house *snort* I guess I'll just go to the kitchen cause there's nothing else to do.
>Okay sir, I'll be right over, I just have to do some laundry!
>Uhhh, okay. Well I didn't think it was gonna be this easy. ACK ACK ACK ACK
>Hansen comes out from behind the curtain
>Sir, you're under arrest.
>*gets cuffed and thrown to the ground*
>KAM ON DUUDE! How was I supposed to know I'd get caught! Dude this is fucking bullshit, I'm trying to break the cuffs but nothing's happening! ACK ACK ACK ACK! This is so fucking stupid man ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK

why they never released this?


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British cigarette

>"look at the way I dress (cowboy hat, trenchcoat), everybody thinks I'm weird"

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what happened with this show?

He should be jailed for asking this and still going through with it.

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this guy is a absolute unit
look at her body posture shes absolutely scared shitless at this monster and on edge

his left ass check and leg is almost as big as her whole body

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She cute

>Jenna: Shhh. Back in class. Do u text? My # is *********** i hate kik
>Vincent: No I don’t txt I have a flip phone.
>Jenna: Whats a flip phone?
>*Vincent Pic of phone*
>Vincent: lol. That’s a flip phone
>Jenna: thats so wired

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how tall is he?

she looks old enough to be his mom

Women can’t be pedophiles silly boy ;)

>she invites you in for pizza and chill
what do?

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It seems the catcher has become the catchee

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how do you guys think decoys feel doing this?

>Im happy to learn stuff but not by myself
That's sounds like an invitation to teach her stuff to me. Would a good lawyer be able to get this guy off?

go watch the video some one them are absolutely thrilled they are almost about to get raped/murdered

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>Man, I should have stuck to jackin' it on Twitch, this is bullshit.

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Tell her I know Chris sent her

are their faces swapped?

ey bb I'll bring the pizza you bring that sweet pussyhole and maybe butthole if you're into that no pressure

>Girl is literally being PAID to seduce him
>Still won’t get within 10 feet of him and has a visibly disgusted face throughout

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>when Vincent gets out of jail
"I'm coming for you Chris"

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>up to 270
He must be a turbo manlet. My father was 350 when I was a kid and he looked about like this dude, maybe even slightly thinner.

she went from 14 to 45

You guys feel bad for him but who knew if he wasn't going to murder the girl.

me on the right

What if you go out and murder someone today. I don't know do I.

user, in some countries rule 34 of lisa simpson counts as child porn.

nobody feels bad for this fat fuck



>That fucking lip bite


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wtf is this pose

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>arresting some fat lonely neckbeard
>not arresting the criminals floating around the mediterranian on their yachts
>not setting up real stings to bait dangerous street rapists
>not arresting homeless druggies who trash the streets
>not arresting congress
>not arresting Trump
>not arresting tech titans
Why does law enforcement go after the easiest and most irrelevent of criminals?

These kind of guys are more relaxed around women then chad police officers

Someone post the fucking Youtube or WEBM already

my fav guy

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because they'd be arresting the people who pays them

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Za then cunny, or cunny then za?

Or Za WITH cunny?

What is this again? Why is this case so special? Like there's other cases

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chad toe stub

You just know that for guys like this, the decoy talking to them is the most female attention they have ever ever had.

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link doesn't work, fuckface.

I think a bad lawyer could get him off. Even if she's not cute. He's a virgin, after all.

I see you've done this before too

>stop in maista

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The fuck....

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Who would ever be attracted to this... haha...

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too slow

I saw your mistake user hehe

Chris kept his word suck it down all you doubters


that pizza cost at least 35$
he could have brought a hooker

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she's so cute, I need a fucking name!!!

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Plz reup

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>Jenna: Its alittle scary mtg 2 new ppl and not just 1
>Hannah: There’s nothing to be nervous about :D
>Vincent: We are actually like the same person
>Vincent: Lol
>Hannah: Ya lol
>Vincent: Hannah tell Jenna how good it feels to play with her vagina. She is worried it will hurt
>Hannah: Lol ya its cool
this fucking retard really thought this shit scheme was going to work out
i'm glad Hansen had 0 emphasis in his voice when he said no one wanted him to kill himself
he would have definitely hurt her or threatened her causing further psychological damage when he left. any experienced professional is going to see right through his bullshit.
this guy is Yea Forums incarnate. look into your future, zoomers. you're here forever.

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He clearly only had the knife for his cowboy larp

you can't get a child prostitute in usa for $35.

>He must be a turbo manlet

Yeah, he's 5'10".

>All these late comers
Sucks for you guys. It was pure kino.

He could become a bus school driver. Combine his hobby with his fetish into one

>Buy a girl pizza and a drink
>Won’t even give him a hug
I’m 100% certain she gets off of teasing men and ruining their lives I want her to ruin mine I’d go take a lifetime sentence if she would just allow me to sniff her feetsies while she tells me how much of a baby dick loser I am and that my life is ruined becauase I’m obsessed with her while she laughs at me as I am getting arrested

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Dog bless America I say I’m having a good laugh at his misfortune and you seething

>>not setting up real stings to bait dangerous street rapists
he is a street rapist
just a socially awkward, anxious, lazy one

>tfw 8"
>nobody to call me a baby dicked loser

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uploadfiles dot io / 3320byzq

Chris Hansen is copyrighting this. He needs people to pay for this episode.

Why didn't Vincent, the biggest of the people just eat the other two?

What is it with predators in the new season trying to hug decoys?

>Why are pedophiles trying to touch kids?

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What would happen if just before you left to meet the decoy you leave a not on your phone saying you know its not really a child?

Post tits, whore

It's a way to check if they're a cop. Basically an uncover cop will never touch you. So you try to hug the whore/underaged and if they don't you know you're fucked.

Thank you, fren.

>in the new season
You practically never see them go for a hug in the original run of the show

lol you fag

Someone needs to fire up their vocaroo

>Jenna: U stop.
>Vincent: No u

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Wait. So when you're ordering prostitutes and you don't want there to be a sting, you ask if you can squeeze their tits first?

>Not arriving at the house and immediatley shouting IM HERE FOR THE ROLEPLAY SESSION just in case

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imagine being such a loser

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>Know it’s most likely a cop
>Stay anyways because this is the closest thing you are going to get to female interaction
I didnt want to feel this today

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exceeded plays.

someone give me the link plz



1. The cute decoys are only hired for the duration of the sting operations, they never chatted with the perps.
2. Perps went to known teen social sites and started chats with either an agent from a watchdog group or a police officer using a fake profile.
3. Chatlogs go up to 2 weeks or longer, many include unsolicited dick pics or porn images.
4. Some perps realize right away that the person that greets them at the house aren't the ones they've been jacking off too, most go on with it anyways.
5. Some are legit fucking psychos, pic related brought a pistol with an abduction kit.
6. The OP was a pedo who's episode never got aired because was already a 19yo basket case suicide risk and Chris took pity on him I guess.

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>dress like a wierdo
>everyone thinks im weird!!

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What went wrong

What kind of fancy pants Sonic lets you eat inside? Or even is big enough to eat inside.
Stupid rich sluts. I'll beat them to an inch from their lives for being such whores eating at a better Sonic than my local one.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later.

please Yea Forums


>those little cupcakes

>he was fucking a 19 yr old at age 30
you illiterates should define words like pedophile before you use them, since you don't know what the fuck you are talking about

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Another link is in this thread you buffoon, you absolute idiot, you fucking mong

>Vincent: Baby?
>Jenna: Is that wrong?
>Vincent: No. Just you never said that before. I miss Hannah. She hasn’t messaged me all day
>Jenna: Oh. Srry
>Vincent: She barely messages me
>Vincent: I hope she is real :(
>Jenna: Oh.
>Vincent: Yeah. I was hoping to marry her
>Vincent: Idk if I should take your virginity. Maybe I can just come to hangout

The cupcakes symbolize tiny titties, its like poetry

>Basically an uncover cop will never touch you
If you're in the UK they might get married and have kids with you.


im not waiting an hour to download a piece of shit possible virus.

gr8 b8 m8

Yeah, but it's like 500 kbps.

How come Chris Hansen never catches a black man?

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where fag00ts?

its right here, you faggot

Plenty in the first run, this is Connecticut though, not a lot of blacks in Connecticut

I've had an escort grab my crotch asking if I wasn't LE.

Based nigs only use the decoys to get to Chris

Too fast

why wasn't this released on there youtube page?

who got this file??

Fuckin bongs

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>"Stop, you've violated the law. All your stolen goods are now forfeit"

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He should be given the medicinal bullet instead

That's a power stance. If you can't handle her power go back to jacking it to anime girls, faggot.


how have these never gone wrong before? What does chris do if a perp just whips out a glock

Reading the chat log, the decoy is very nice to the guy. Normies can't possibly comprehend how that feels to someone starved for just any kind of positive feedback.

I'm a virgin loser piece of shit who is happy all week when a pretty woman says a few words to me on the train. Normies couldn't possibly understand.

It's against the law to even tell a child you want to fuck them and to say other dirty shit to them. It's worse if you send dirty images to them. If you get caught, you're in trouble.

Surprised a guy hasn't brought a gun and blown his own brains out when Hansen showed up

Well turn me in since I've told plenty of teens to suck my cock when playing video games.
Any LE in here, don't actually turn me in. I'm just kidding. Please. I have a family.

Most pedos are unfortunately white.

What are those little girls whose photos you’ve taken from social media have to do it entrapment?

Someone start a new thread with fresh link info.
This is a major event for oldfags with at least 4 years in Yea Forums.
It deserves a sticky in fact.

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Entrapment is the government coercing someone into committing a crime and then charging them for that crime. Now that you know what entrapment is explain to me how you think this is entrapment.

If it was never released how do people know about this

What was the crazy shit she said during her reddit AMA? I remember people lost their minds due to it but I can't remember what it was.

explain to us newfags

Then go look at Perverted Justice, the people over there have been working for the show from day one.

The overwhelming majority of busts on the show were from PJ. You can read the chat transcripts there. This fuck was probably grooming kids for years, like the rest of the sick fucks.

Why would you make things worse for yourself and whip out a weapon in a situation where there's no getting away?

That happened later, it was kind of a big deal.

who released this ep?

she looks 80

Pretty sure you're an upset pedo. Seek help.

This is exactly the reason To Catch A Predator was cancelled.

Chris Hansens To catch a Predator was another event like GoTs is now.
The last Hansen pedo busting operation was 4 years ago and it was internet only.
That operation caught like 12 guys and they were all aired except blackhat'n'trench.
It's like a prodigal son returning, he is an aplha incel who I imagine many may identify with or openly despise.


>hrmmmhhhmm yesss my young one, would you partake of a cheeto? OwO they are quite the scrumdiddlyumptious! They will provide sustenage for your taught hairless tummy until the soon on which you dine on my engorged apple faced tingtangler Mmmmhmmmm yeessss

It has sort of happened, just not in the regular format of the show.

Hansen did himself. He started a VOD service.
It's hidden behind an 86$ paywall. But will probably be fully seeded in a day or 2.

there are cops within 15 feet of him hiding in the house

The volunteers over on Perverted Justice (I think all of the girls/boys on the show are from there) have said they needed therapy just from dealing with some of these freaks in chat.

He got sent to jail, dummy.

doesnt stop Hansen from getting murdered though. You can see when he reaches for something Hansen takes a step back, if that was a gun he was dead.

how many eps are there?

why isn't it on youtube?

Too stupid in general to use computers/ chat rooms


She's not going to fuck you, incel.


Facebook, Twitter mods going through the same thing. Claiming PTSD from images, vids that they have to delete.
FBI and the like who track down these people too.

They did go wrong, that's how the original TCAP got canceled.

It's all Chris Hansens personal property.
Pay for his streaming service and support him to binge all the greatness and fund a new operation.

>What is it with predators in the new season trying to hug decoys?
They watched the show, too, and they know if the kid won't hug them, they get to meet Chris Hansen.

>why isn't everything free?

It's not uncommon for criminals to pull out guns in situations where they can only make the situation worse. Happens all the time.

Did he figure out it was a trap and killed himself?

its the internet you retard. its free somehwere.

He was a senator and they showed up to his house when he didn't take the bait. There's footage of the outside of the house and then the sound of him shotgun blasting himself in the mouth.