Times you acted like Killmonger.
>go to restaurant
>leave a huge mess
>no tip
Times you acted like Killmonger
So you’re black too?
Fucking actors getting PTSD from playing pretend.
Holy shit, we got a fucking GENIUS right here
No haha I'm just acting like Killmonger!
Imagine being the therapist who has to sit there and hear all about how a grown-ass man got PTSD from playing a comic book character.
but he still jumped at getting money for playing the character again in another movie
>make up 13% of the population
>commit 50% of all crimes
I have tried to watch Black Panther for 4 times now. I was at the part from Lion King with the colorful sky and the tree and then fell asleep.
They are probably happy as fuck.
They get paid a metric fuckton to listen to a fake person cry about fake problems while they draw doodles on their notepad for hours.
>I'm so mentally unstable I cannot separate reality from fiction
Spoiler: at the end the black panther brings an advanced aircraft to the basketball court from the beginning and the kids (seeing advanced tech for the first time) say “woah! We can take this apart and sell it”
>Erik is canonically a literal slave name
That's funny.
One time I had a very loud conversation with my cellphone on speakerphone in public. I like to wear my Bluetooth earpiece when I'm not using it too and I like to leave my car running in the handicapped spot with music blaring outside of 7-11 while I run in for some Swishers
Based and quite literally African American pilled.
Actors are fragile freakshows. What do you expect?
Shit I gotta get in on this
That's what a shrink gets fucking useless shits
they did have their artists watch real gore so they could accurately recreate it, to be fair
I call ytoids from 1st w*Rld countries fags on /int/
Unironically based.
Why didn't they just get Yea Forumstards to do it then?
is this the true blackpill
Somebody should send them all the pain olympics
was he named fucking, killmonger so that niggers could understand he's actually the baddie?
A thing that 19 year old med students, (girls too) start doing in their first year of med school. amazing
>be vacuuming carpet
>see a penny
>suck penny up with Vacuum
No idea what this has to mean? Aside from OP spreading some purposeless """"celebrity""" gossip.
>Times you acted like Killmonger.
>go to restaurant
>leave a huge mess
>no tip
a thing that teens from 3rd world countries start doing after they slaughter their first sheep/goat regularly like people have done for over 10000 years without batting an eye
No they don't lol
Yes they do, they start dissecting from the 1st semester. 2nd is internal organs and 3rd is head and brain.
when do they get to watch cp
Holy shit
doctors do that shit to help and fix people
its their fucking job to look at gore and find ways how to fix them
Can a non-student go to one of those classes just to watch? I'd really like to see it in the flesh.
when they have gynecology and obstetrics practical lessons, neonatology or pediatric examination exercise
there are open lectures for non-med students or civilians at the
anatomy faculty of the university (at least in Germany) and aula lectures are freely for the open public for every subject
What kind of name is that? Did they think Major Punishment, Euthanisor or Darth Evilous was a little too on the nose?