The plight of actresses in this hemisphere is deplorable.
The plight of actresses in this hemisphere is deplorable
Holy shit her face is snooty
They’re right, 35-year old women are too old and unappealing. Past their prime.
>Give me attention
If you don't like what it represents then don't take the fucking role
Too old.
>Using Twitter to shame them into giving her the part by raising a big stink.
I hate this bitch so much. She's too ugly and old to play the same tired geek girl role.
>"Fuck you Hollywood"
She'll be suckling at the teat in 2 months tops when they dangle that star of david shaped carrot in front of her eyes.
>fuck you hollywood
What a strange way of saying ‘hire me, I’m a lifelong employee’
It's actually more like 30 on average.
Her picture isn't exactly helping her argument.
35 is 10 years on the wrong side of the wall
>entire premise of the role was likely a character who got famous playing 20-something love interests and now has to navigate Hollywood and try to find new roles out of her comfort zone
>literally happens all the time in real life
>sperg out about it on Twitter anyway
Maybe she’s understand more if she had ever been a real actress
I don't think Felicia Day ever "aged in"
>people age
Fuck you God
holy shit a talking camel
This is a 35 year old Br*tish woman.
i bet she looks great on all fours though
I would like to hear those calls.
"Hey, they're asking for some ugly fat slobs to be as unlikeable as possible, you in?"
sounds like the role justifies itself
literally who
Sour grapes said the horse
she was hot back when cameras were 240p
yes, it's natural for horses
>role is probably about how unfair hollywood is for aged actresses
>complain that hollywood is unfair to aged actresses
she dumb
Even 20 is pushing it for an attractive lead role.
she's so quirky and interesting
white women past the age of 23 are fucking gross (i'm white)
21 if they drink or ever smoked
It would be hilarious if she passed on an oscarbait film that would've been her big break.
Someone have the image about how dicaprio is getting older but all the women who play his girlfriends roles stay 20-28 in the movies?
“Aged out” is just a nicer way to say you aged terribly. There’s plenty of good looking 35 year olds who gets work. She just a really ugly 35
That's some Black Science Man-tweet. Holy hell.
Anyhow, Felicia Day can only play one character, and does so rather poorly. Now she's aging and instead of expanding her horizons, broadening her "talent", she complains that everyone else is the issue.
>Yea Forums doesn't have daily felicia threads anymore
>half half truths
So quarter truths?
I don't understand his point. Mexico and America are bad because they try to control who can have guns? does mexico have detroit too?
americans think homicide rate will go down if more mexicans have guns
wh*te "people" age like shit
>dyed hair
>retarded woman
every time
>mexico banned guns
>they have one of the highest murder rates in the world (~100 per day)
>banning guns in mexico doesn't stop gun crime, just like it doesn't stop it in usa schools
wasn't that difficult sweetie
Funny how Charlize Theron, Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Connelly and Julianne Moore all seem to keep getting solid roles and award noms. Its almost like you need to also have talent.
The joke was that she was 35 when she tweeted that and had "aged out" of Hollywood.
>bullet orof vest
Holy shit these people are brainlets.
How hard is it to give your shit a casual proof-read before you make it public for literally everyone to see?
the absolute state of white women
She looks 45
All of Mexico is Detroit...on meth
A washed up Jewtube “”actress”” thinking she has any relevance
She's making a tweet about it to show how she can easily promote the film to her followers and should get the role. The levels of manipulation on social media these days is disgusting.
I thought she was still cute in supernatural
shame about the wall
It's so weird. I actually liked her character in Supernatural. Too bad the real person is absolutely irritating and annoying.
>white women
lmao couldnt give less of a shit about preserving muh race when these bitches age like cheese curds
Why don't they just take the guns away from the cartels?
jesus did petunia always look so mannish?
>the video was shared on a Yea Forums forum and a tidal wave of bile hit the video
>tfw 35 years old and not attracted to women my age anymore
I mean there's rare exceptions but still....
women drivers funny
Did she poop em?
And this is a 2 and half years old pic. Who's the father? Literally no word has ever been said about it. On totally unrelated note, Patrick Sheane Duncan is 72 without a wife or a heir.
trips checked
This was last weekend
>Mexican investigators have unearthed 35 bodies buried around the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, the country's second city, state prosecutors revealed Saturday.
>The discovery of the bodies was another reminder of the task facing Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who took office in December vowing to reduce the gang-fueled violence that produced nearly 29,000 murders in the country last year - a record.
Gerardo Octavio Solis, attorney general of Jalisco, Guadalajara's home state, said 27 bodies were found buried at a property in the Zapopan area of the city during investigations undertaken over the past week. Work was continuing, he added.
'We're digging more than three meters (10 ft) down,' Solis told a news conference with state governor Enrique Alfaro and others.
>Another seven human skulls were found in a separate clandestine grave in the city, where investigations were also ongoing.
>An additional body was recovered from the Tlajomulco municipality in the southwest of Guadalajara, Solis added.
that guy is brave for standing there
>announcing on twitter that you just shit yourself
You've proven his point. Basedboys are just women with dicks
White womyn over the age of thirty are truly the most oppressed group. Someone call the UN.
can't wait for these cool wine aunts to kill themselves, so at least the one good thing they achieve is a warning to other younger women.
i thought "based" was good? you fags need to make up your mind.
There's plenty of rolls for women over 35. They just won't be the hot love interest in teen movies. For some reason women cannot accept they age and become infertile by their 40s.
This was excruciating. It's always women in small cars.
How is it a warning? "you're going to age"?
Lol, my chink wife still gets mistaken as under age all the time and she's 32. Life is great.
Based is good. Basedboys are lefty faggots
i think you mean 20
You can see how busted she is if you look past her makeup and hair dye. She looks like a turtle.
this retard doesnt know about the filter
Basedboy has been filtered to basedboy by butthurt mods you double nigger newfaggot
I've heard thick/excessive make up interferes with oxygen getting to their skin so they age quicker if they wear it for too long? Like, every day? She always seems like you could push your finger anywhere on her face and leave a crater.
Yikes, get over it femcel
Her face looks like she smelled a fart a week ago and never got over it
Go back to r"ddit.
I even put a 0 instead of an o, I thought you could bypass it?
>oh no, I shit myself
>better tweet about it
Meanwhile in germany
35 yo women should be pregnant of their 3rd kid at least
not fooling around with dead end "careers"
just use sòy, it even looks better
>stop writing characters I don’t like
It’s only a problem with conservatives say so, right Felicia?
I mean that is pretty mean to say to a woman
Shit my grandma looked younger and she is 60
The father of her child is a 70 year old man.
>she bought?
She used to be hot once upon a time.
So maybe she shouldn't take the audition.
Also, she'll be back to suck that Hollywood cock as soon as some money is thrown her way.
Honestly this Yea Forums place seems pretty based. Any relation to 4channel?
You originally could use 0, but they filtered that as well once everyone started using it
I wouldn't say hot...but cutish with a cute geeky personality... if you're into that.
Threadly reminder she had a kid with a 70 year old
Yeah, her career is pretty much dead
Why women over 30 look like their faces are fucking melting?
>35-year old women are 'aged out'? Fuck you Hollywood.
So.yboy was filtered to basedboy.
>don't take care of yourself
>face ends up looking like a sagging, doughy mess
>get mad about it
she isn't even a good at acting
I'd like to see you do better.
I chose a more stable career path as that of an electrician. I say she is bad at acting because she seems to be the same character in everything she's in
At least Vin Diesel has Find Me Guilty
Well if Hollywood has no shortage of aspiring 20-year-olds to pick from, then not unreasonable for them to not care for older
It's like when job advertisements say 'Must have 5 years experience and diploma in what-the-fuck-ever' for a job that really any shitkicker could perform, but because they know they'll get so many applicants that meet those high demands they choose to save some time by telling everyone else not to bother
Post the one where she shits in her pajamas
Who needs reading comprehension when you can outrage
>I just got an audition for "35 year old woman who is black"
>not all 35 year old women are black! Fuck you hollywood!
Truth hurts/
35 is nearing a womans prime. How can she be past prime?
>Both parents over 35
>One is over 70
The chances are very high that her daughter has assburgers
>Mexico has one of the highest homicide rates
Yeah, but only after CIA and DEA sent and lost track of more than 10,000 guns used as bait and sold to cartels. Before 00s (Cartel Wars) homicide rate in Mexico was WAAAAAAAY lower tha America.
Fucking Americans and their American education.
>I miss Young ChloMo, Abatap and kunny threads.