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what about all the female characters that that didn't burn people alive?

being to emotional is going crazy though...

Sady Doyle is deeply, deeply mentally ill and has been caping for attention among center-left coastal liberals for like 5 years now

thanks for your continued efforts to turn Yea Forums into a twitter review board

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Imagine dictating what people write about because of modern day social politics.

people see words they understand and click the heart button. That's it really is a word association game. People see words like misogynistic and a little spark lights up and they click buttan and share. They don't read the rest. They don't care

Jokes aside, it plainly was his intent for her arc to end this way. The question is, why are D&D so fucking retarded that they changed so much about her character, whitewashed almost all her actions, ignored all the times she fucked up and ended up shitting on the slaver cities without actually improving anyone's life etc. etc.... only to have the same conclusion.

Either stick to your own changes or don't change it at all was the right thing to do.

What a wonderful world it is.

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I honestly don't understand this sentiment people
>it came out of nowhere oh my gosh :(

She's actively being betrayed by people she tried to help, even after coming to their aid when no one else would. She lost Missandei, a symbol of why she fights to free slaves and perhaps the only real friend she ever had. She's lost two of her "children". Along with Targaryens tendency toward madness, that stuff, alone, would destabilize any "normal" person.
I keep seeing this idea that it came from nowhere, in youtube comments/discussion forums. No, it didn't come from nowhere, people just WANTED to imbue ideas into a character, and it just so happened to not work out.

>have tons of strong wommyn
>one even kills the big bad villain
>one is the other villain
reeeeeeeeeeee misogynists!!!!
I guess if you hate hitler you hate men and white people

> you hate men and white people
implying its not

Most people are really dumb

what a dumb bitch GoT is based in roman history daenerys destroying king´s landing is a jab to nero burning rome.

That sounds very liberal and progressive.
>I dont idolize women and minorities but write them like real characters with flaws and wrong doing
These people are responsible that Rey is so bland and easily criticised as Mary Sue.

Write your own book then you dry cunt.

Dany losing her shit and going full Mad Queen is fine

The way they handled it in the show, however, is not

Aerys, the Mad King himself, only decided to BURN THEM ALL when it became clear that he had lost his war and was going to die

Dany decides to BURN THEM ALL when it becomes clear that she has won her war and there is nothing stopping her from getting Cersei

If she snapped and decided "I MUST KILL CERSEI NOW NO MATTER WHAT" then fine, it'd make sense for her to go destroy the Red Keep and kill the hundreds of civilians inside it. Instead she goes and burns the entire city of innocents who didn't do shit to her, then eventually decides "oh yeah I should take down the Red Keep too lol"

If they wanted her to burn the entire city, the only way it would've made sense would have been if Rhaegal had died during the attack, not several days beforehand

>A female character not being flawed is misogynistic
What a ridiculous thought process. This is why so many female characters end up Mary Sues.

femcels are pathetic it's just a tv show

>I guess if you hate hitler you hate men and white people
Pretty much, yes.

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking got threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this gay retarded show on this board I don’t give a shit whether its good or bad its a stupid fucking show we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why got bad” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about it just stop fucking posting it its a shit show and its story isnt even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about it again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it its a moron show you’re the moron for posting it whether you like it or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if got was deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized it was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here stop posting it stop posting about how you like and support it and stop posting about how you dislike or hate it just stop making threads about this shit

>if you hate hitler you hate men and white people
yeah basically at this point

*not being perfect and

It's the middle ages, people still shit in pots. Equality isn't a thing yet.

how is it misogynistic to have an insane female character? is it misandry to have insane male characters?

>If she snapped and decided "I MUST KILL CERSEI NOW NO MATTER WHAT" then fine, it'd make sense for her to go destroy the Red Keep and kill the hundreds of civilians inside it. Instead she goes and burns the entire city of innocents who didn't do shit to her, then eventually decides "oh yeah I should take down the Red Keep too lol"

I can understand why people don't really understand this aspect.

My take on it is that it's portraying Dany turning the very thing she tried to remove from the world. She burned slave masters, and nailed them to crosses to "save" and "avenge" those who had been wronged.

And yet, in her madness she turns into what she tried to save people from. She is now the tyrant; the monster that needs to be stopped.

You appear perturbed


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aerys was fucked in the head way before the war

he could only get hard by burning people alive

Of course not. You can have mentally ill male characters just as you can have evil male characters. You just can't have female characters with negative character traits :^)

The original mad Targaryen was male and no one bat an eye

That's your headcannon. Watch the "inside the episode" shit with dumb and dumber. The only reason why she went nuts way by seeing the red keep sinc eit reminded her what the people of westeros took from her familiy, so they deserve to burn.
From 3:23.

its funny how both sides of the normies cant possibly fathom the idea that the writers are just shit, its either ''they thought about it all along!!'' or ''they are misogynistic!!''

Remember to always discard a woman's opinion bros

I hate this side of twitter so fucking much.

Because that one CHARACTER is too emotional to hold power, does not say something about women as a whole. It's this particular character that has this flaw. Women characters are allowed to have flaws and don't need to be perfect in order to be a strong character

Just make your own GoT if you don't like it femcels

and thats funny because the show is all about ''showing how flawed the heroes of poetry are''
they even did it with ned stark showing he didnt kill the sword of the morning in a honorable combat

But it's not only Dany. It's every woman who saw herself in Dany. And since that's everyone Dany is equal to the personification of womankind. Or something like that.

Sady should be gassed

I wouldn't call it 'headcannon', it's more me trying to justify what's happened, based on what we've all seen.

I am aware of their explanation, of why she went mad. But think of it like this:

All of what I mentioned here:
>She's actively being betrayed by people she tried to help, even after coming to their aid when no one else would. She lost Missandei, a symbol of why she fights to free slaves and perhaps the only real friend she ever had. She's lost two of her "children"

happened in the story. Then - she sees the Red Keep, and that's what finally pushes her over the edge, causing all of her pent up rage and madness to explode.

And then, in her madness, all her concerns about looking after those she would rule over and "breaking the wheel" goes out the window. Her judgment is not clear, it's blurred by her emotions in that moment.

In that moment, she becomes the very thing she would seek to destroy. And so, she now needs to be stopped.

>blue check
into the trash it goes

I know you're trolling, but the threads will be over in a week and a half, two weeks tops.

GRRM has been a feminist and leftist for longer than she's been alive. Never mind that though, he must be deeply misogynistic because he wrote a tragedy about the downfall of a queen.


>show/books show men being incompetent leaders
>show/books show women being incompetent leaders

Was she really a queen? Or did she just call herself that?

>he isn't savvy to the fact that Yea Forums is just a normie board now
>and that we're all doomed to watch all the new tourist election fags argue over twitter nobodies and youtube personalities until the end of time

we normies now

you can literally see the insanity in her eyes

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this womanbaby femcel needs to grow up and have sex


>Man mass murderer.

>Woman mass murderer.

No you fucking can't because it's impossible for eyes to show emotion, that's such a girl way of thinking. Eyeballs cannot fucking do anything but look the way they always look.

>bright red lips
sad, she is physically signaling her fertility, but they eyes are signaling that no males are impregnating her.

I see profound sadness

>people who are against these kinds of threads are Ned Flanders
Fuck off nerd.

yes you can

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Love the irony of these women going on emotional Twitter rants trying to deny that women are too emotional and insane to rule

You can count how many cats she owns by the number of bags under her eyes

>it's impossible for eyes to show emotion
Autism or faceblindness which one are you afflicted with?

Asymmetrical faces are associated with mental illness and her face is all over the place.

Doesnt take into account how many movies and tv shows are actually just shallow political vessels.

GoT has some but Dany's end was planned this way. Only normie faggots like to make a big deal over it, it was pretty obvious Jon wasnt going to be the insane Targaryen.

based GRRM is 25% Ashkenazi Jewish


>having character flaws in misogyny
These people are just fucking retards
Sure, the writing of danys character in the show was bad. They should have given her an actual reason to go bat shit, if not some actual foreshadowing as well instead of just doing a 180 on her character after jerking off to her for 7 seasons. Nonetheless, the idea of a fall from grace character arc is not bad, and would have been done better if her flaws were explored more prior to this, not less.

It doesn't matter what the writers intended, only what they created. Barring clarification in the series finale, the most sensical motivations/causes win out.

Oh, and Jon no longer loves her.

until the books are out, i'm blaming all the retarded shit on the dabids

Women are completely rational and able to control their emotions. Just look at all of these tweets we see of them proving it!

But there has been foreshadowing, since early seasons even.

Women are hysterical

GoT was worth it for btfoing wine moms this hard

like what?
Every moment that could have been was turned into "YAASSS QUEEEN SLAYYY" by the writers. When her brother died, when she burned the slavers ect.
The only thing that comes close is the Tarly deaths, but that was still portrayed fairly sympathetically towards Dany.
There is NO indication that she would ever turn crazy for no reason and burn an entire city of innocents needlessly.

>inb4 GRRM changes everything to cater to these bitches

Like who? You mean Sansa, who has had at least as bad a time as Danaerys and has managed to become a competent, well-liked and above all sane leader in the North?

I hope all culture warriors get cancer.

these people are absolutely seething that they self inserted and identified with an insane woman for years. grow up, sweetie

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Of course it matters. If they did a hack job tough and the show shows something different that what they think it does, it just means that they're shit at their job.

And that's why the left fucking hates it lmao. It hits a little too close to home for them.

The only thing I know about Sady Doyle is that time Nick Mullen made her go into a fit of autistic screeches cause she tried arguing with him and all he did was send her pictures of Dr. Evil saying “riiiight.”

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What does that even mean? Please explain it to me like you would explain it to an idiot who does not use twitter, reddit or instagram.

Based and manpilled
Yikes and faggotpilled

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Have sex femcel

Yeah, because when male characters in power turns into emotional, power hungry psychopatch it's misogynistic.

>literally who blue checkmark

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women being evil is misogynistic now, only men can be evil

why are there so many activist trannies on twitter lmao

Asymmetry in the face is a good sign of poor health, even worst in women as they grow older and the ovaries dry they become even more asymmetric and insane

lmao, enjoy your pitbull "furbabies"

They think getting on twitter and moaning about white men and posting emojis will make them blend in with regular women.

It's the trump election all over again really

retard soapbox (egalitarian opportunity to babble shit) and retard logic (popular means correct)

Yea Forums has been reddit for like 5 years now, either adapt or don't doesn't change anything RORF

I like how this has been so normalized that all people can do now is double down on the irony

Probalby haven't heard about Hanlon's razor.

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Citation needed

Poisoned mind, yeesh

and they say masculinity is fragile, holy shit a girl is the villain of a story one time and women around the world all collectively chimp out lmao

>this fictional character must be perfect so I can keep pretending I’m her

>only women can be emotional
Now who's being misogynistic?

Jaime, Jon and Grey worm did some emo shit thus episode too