NOT BAIT : Varys actor just BTFOed the show
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“I think they tried to make that work and couldn’t. It just felt like after season 6, I kind of dropped off the edge,” Hill said. “I can’t complain because it’s six great seasons and I had some great scenes these last two seasons. But that’s when it changed for me a little.”
Nice post number on the 133rd day of the year
according to the documentary on last episode it took somewhere around 6 months to film his execution scene
How the fuck?
A night shoot with CGI
Conleth is a patrician tier actor, one of the better ones in the series
It got more shit but let's not act like book Dany wasn't an evil cunt.
He kept coughing during every take.
Kit Harrington (Jon) said in an interview filming that shot where Varys looks at the dragon was an absolute nightmare to shoot, since Conleth Hill couldn't comprehend the scene
Apparently Conleth started freaking out, since they kept telling him to look at the dragon with a sense of bewilderment and anger, but in reality there was no dragon there, just a greenscreen. He started flipping his shit because he couldn't understand that there'd be a CGI dragon in front of him.
Eventually they just gave up and told him to make that same expression he's been doing since the start of the series while they finished the shot. Kit said that it took like an hour too film that two minute shot because Conleth was so fucking terrible.
Imagine how frustrated they were after the first 5 months of coughing
Based coughing varys!
Book dany =/= show dany
People that say it was "forshadowed" often confuse the 2 characters and leave out plenty of choices made by D&D to make her appear like a benevolent character, up until it's too late and they need to make the heel turn.
varys and little finger got btfo in stupid ways
in the beginning they were super spies
huh sounds like stephen dillane and the whore that played shae
What is the foreshadowing in the book? And how do you know its foreshadowing if Martin hasnt even got to that part yet?
Ah yes, good pasta. Love it.
I saw a character ready to kill everyone and had to be talked out of it multiple times until she stopped listening to them.
probably all the times she sentences people to death or burns them alive
the virgin season 8 meme
The Chad Season 3 meme.
>Varys betrays Dany
>Conleth Hill betrays DND
Oh so just like the show. Got it.
it was originally going to be very differently. they had planned out this elaborate plan where Varys was going reveal his mermaid from and escape by jumping into the sea right before drogo sets him on fire. It took the special effects crew weeks to build the mermaid tail in away that it could be hidden under his robes. Then they had to wait for the right weather conditions. The location they chose was only really suited for swimming during high tide which prolonged practicing the jump. But when they finally got around to shooting the scene properly he fell awkwardly on the cliffs and almost drowned so they had to change it last minute.
ouch right in the ice cubes
Vary's character motivation made no sense without young griff. I have no idea why they didn't introduce him even if he just gets btfo by dany.
Despite it all I liked season 7. 6 & 8 were bad though
There's also her visions/monologue in ADWD where she gives up on Mereen and her liberator/mother ideal and basically says she's going to bring fire and blood to Westeros. Dany might not go full "Mad Queen" in the books but as far as all the Westeros POV characters are concerned she's going to be a villain. She's not going there to liberate/break the wheel/whatever, it's going to be a bloody conquest.
no shit. his character went from the most interesting, witty character with the best dialogue to some bumbling idiot
Every schemer got dumbed down to such a ridiculous extreme
>cahracter gets killed for being a disgusting traitor
>actor chimps out
Surely just a (((coincidence)))
He was never a traitor in the books because he was never on Dany's side.
They cut out Varys' trump card; young griff
Well considering that they couldnt do the plot that is the entire point of varys' character it shouldn't be expected to be completely coherent
Seriously, of all the things to complain about with dunkin donuts, the retards latch on to dany.
A vague montage is enough to justify arya becoming naruto, but this is a birdge too far
Why would you link a summary of an interview instead of the actual interview? Fuck I hate morons and shills.
Who was this pasta for originally? Was it the french pornstar and a boat or was there one before that?
The link to the interview is in the OP. Are you retarded?
What he links is a summary. Don't speak up if you're going to embarrass yourself.
Which literally includes a link to the EW article.
Are you retarded?
Nigga did you just wait the whole day to find a post ending in 133 so you can make this comment?
So, you admit he linked a summary instead of the interview? Why speak up?
Because honestly what difference does it make aside from triggering your autism? I clicked it and read both.
Because D&D wanted Jon to be Aegon Targaryen
Because he does it to farm clicks for his site. Fuck off, shill.
>Yes, I am we todd ed.
I like how Varys went from being a bona fide genius and master of espionage and subterfuge, from his youth being a castrated slave on Essos to being the most powerful person on Westeros behind the scenes... to being a true D&D character, a 90 IQ moron who while sitting in a castle full of Dany's soldiers writes "JON IS DA REAL KING" on a piece of paper, and then meets Jon and goes "Jon, u want to be da king because Danys is 2 crazy 4 me" when Jon has repeatedly said he has no interest in being king and that he supports his lover Dany.
I think D&D may actually be the dumbest writers in Hollywood.
It feels like in the span of a few weeks, Game of Thrones went from one of the most celebrated shows on TV history to being as much of a mockery as The Walking Dead with even the actors coming out to shit talk it like Tom Payne did. I mean if you ask Yea Forums, Game of Thrones has been shit since season 5, but normies were still in their honeymoon phase all the way through season 7, all the way through the hiatus, even all the way through The Long Night; it wasn't until The Last of the Starks that they started turning against it in spades. What a disaster. How did D&D manage to spend 2 years and just shy of $200M on such a trainwreck?
lol that's an impressive case of autism you have.
Seems more to me like hes writing that out to the various lords and shit
They purposefully catered to the lowest common denominator and then wrote an average ending instead of a disney ending like (literally) 80% of fans were expecting
Shae in the S3 finale
Yeah, that's the french pornstar.
Personally, I don't see these guys directing the new Star Wars movie after this.
Do you guys think Disney will continue with that?
disney is known from making good decisions with star wars so yeah, sure
i cant wait
>no 'I haven't watched since season X and I'm just here to watch the fans SEETHE"
Yeah no shit retard. Fuck, people like you are the reason the plot had to be dumbed down so much.
Dany would make a good sith lord
Whatever reason you want to attribute it to, dnd is heading this giant money cow and disney wants the same. Whether people (retards) like the ending is Irrelevant
>Waaahh my character isn't important anymore
They fired the han solo director pretty quick.
They really need star wars to not suck so much.
Varys is THE BEST ACTOR AND CHARACTER in the show.
There were a lot of comments comparing her to Hitler even when she was making her starts in Essos. The QUEEN SLAY audience thought it was her just being a strong female which is a different thing
>no shit retard
You made it sound like hes just writing it for little to no reason. He probably notified everyone and the cats out of the bag now
And the bit about the castle full of soldiers you got from preston is fucking retarded. Hypothetically Jon and him can leave before pulling anything. The writing is bad but nitpick the right things instead of what a feminist wants you to
>outing yourself as a newfag
Plotting a coup before asking the person who is central to the coup's success if he wants to be part of the coup is retarded.
I dont disagree
Are you retarded? The last star wars movies except Rogue One all have been absolute fucking trash anyway.
Imagine George RR Martin's stupid shit eating grin as he made this blog post, probably so proud of blowing out those internet journalists. He got out of his chair, wheezing at all the energy he'd spent writing a 500 word blog post, but thankfully he'd finally earned his big bucket of fried chicken he'd been saving. Those pathetic internet idiots.
don't forget this blog post literally cost an entire day of writing from GRRM
>burning and rewriting the whole book
You should screenshot his post about how his legacy won't be ruined despite not finishing the series, because F Scott Fitzgerald and Tolkien also had unfinished works when they died. It was when he announced the new Targaryen history book I think
He's bound by contract to blog this though
books are finished 100%.
Many things, but her inner monologues are a big deal to give you insight on what she is atualy doing. I'am not sure if its same word for word, since i read the books in my native language (portuguese), but at some point she was in bed trying to sleep and had this huge monologue about why was she bothering at all since everyone was like an insect compared to her, or how she sees her freed slaves as a burden she would be well rid of. If someone knows of these lines in the english books, feel free to post them.
post the original one
>TWOW not finished
jesus fuck what is this fat fuck doing?
Seeing how people react to the beta version.
Thank you for saying this. I'm surprised more people haven't pointed out how stupid this was.
>Plotting a coup before asking the person who is central to the coup's success if he wants to be part of the coup is retarded.
That's historically accurate though.
Reminder that if GRRM had written one (1, uno) single page, Monday through Friday, for the eight years since ADwD release, he'd have more than 2,000 pages written. This is a man who is supposed to be a professional fucking writer and he still hasn't finished the first of 2 books
Water isn't wet. It makes other things wet.
Have sex.
Not being able to finish anything Because he started the series by subverting traditional stories, he can't write a satisfactory ending to it. Either it gets too subvert'y and people will hate it, or it will get too traditional and he will hate it.
Give an example.
>goes to Dany's side because writers are hacks who had nothing for his character
>does actually nothing for 3+ seasons except be the butt of dick jokes
>goes from one of Dany's most ardent supporters to betraying her overnight
The Fascist coup in Amerilardia for one.
I'm currently rewatching it and I am at the beginning of season 3.
When does it start being shit?
What's the plotline of season 6?
Everything he starting writing to subvert have already become the norm
>That's historically accurate though.
It's the greatest dramatisation of the Southampton Plot ever to appear on television.
What an autistic observation
I don't think so. Most fantasy are pretty typical, while georgie tried to take things to the next level of "gritty fantasy realism". And ended up with a completely distorted world.
> People that say it was "forshadowed" often confuse the 2 characters and leave out plenty of choices made by D&D
It was foreshadowed in season 2 ffs.
>“I think the stuff that was said in [Varys and Tyrion’s traveling scenes] understood the nature of freaks and outsiders so precisely. In a way, that was lost when we got past [the narrative in George R.R. Martin’s] books,” Hill said. “That special niche interest in weirdos wasn’t as effective as it had been.”
>Hill continued, “last season and this season there were great scenes and then I’d come in and kind of give a weather report at the end of them — ‘film at 11.’ So I thought he was losing his knowledge. If he was such an intelligent man and he had such resources, how come he didn’t know about things? That added to my dismay. It’s now being rectified with getting a great and noble ending. But that was frustrating for a couple seasons.”
Holy shit this is absolutely brutal. Another one to add to the collection of I guess.
This guy
He is in the books, YG is just a distraction piece in the line of contenders, even if Varys has being pushing him since the beginning .
King's Landing being turned to ashes is one thing. But Daenerys randomly doing a complete 180 and deciding to toast a million lives AFTER she's won the battle is full retarded.
This needed atleast a season's worth of build-up where she goes crazier and crazier. See how they did it in NGE. Small things add to one another and suddenly there is a huge torrent of factors all contributing to the demise of the character. That was missing in GoT because it's written by hacks who can't even plan just one episode in advance.
>He is in the books
Keep believing that
Conleth Hill is wrong about Littlefinger by the way. It's not his arch nemesis. In the books, they both underestimate one another. Or if you want, ignore one another. Tyrion has a bigger grudge against Littlefinger than Varys does.
We've seen how well that worked out.
>Wait, you're a Targaryen? Oh, holy shit, you'd be a much better King than Daenerys! She's just an ugly, dumb bitch anyways, I just met you but I'm sure you've got what it takes to run seven kingdoms.
Kill yourself
I do agree this season needed more episodes to not accelerate her storyline so fast. However it's been building up for many seasons. Look at all the destruction she left in Essos, all the people she killed there. When Dany got mad she was a pure Targaryen
Her madness always had a cause to it, be it strategical or born out of sympathy. When she crucifies those slave masters, it's brutal but there is also a logical line of thinking.
>These people did a lot of bad things to my people and they will be punished for it
I mean just one episode ago, she was perfectly fine being her usual self. Then she does a 180 on the back of her dragon and we're left to wonder why anything even matters in this show when so much build-up over so many seasons can be thrown away so easily. Also see how they concluded Jaime's story.
>DREAM is not even begun
Shouldn't it be "DREAM has not even begun"?
He probably is. They wouldn't call him Aegon though
That's how D&D got the show rights
What the fuck is a young griff
I am convinced they sabotaged GOT for Disney. Don't forget Disney rolled out their streaming service and HBO is one of their main competitors, with Game of Thrones being the biggest tv show of all time, which HBO actually wanted to continue but Dumb and Dumber insisted on ending it prematurely.
Many are undecided, but overall the ending of Season 4 is considered the end of the "Good" part. All after that, minus the last 2 episodes of season 6 according to some, it become gradually shittier
>knows Jon is a better ruler
>immediately betrays Dany instead of assassinating her later should she be a tyrant as any good clandestine operative would
Why was he so retarded bros?
> it's brutal but there is also a logical line of thinking
the same could be said about what happened in Kings Landing. she knew she wasn't loved so needed to rule by fear.
That's because GRRM is a troll and let them adapt their little fanfiction. The show only confirmed how stupid it would be to make Jon a Targaryen. It doesn't add anything to the story or his character, on the contrary, it shits on everything Martin built for him. But I guess we'll see soon when the next book is released.
Burning kings landing is brutal but logical taken to the extreme
She wants to be feared
This. It's not even a sluggish pace anymore, he just flat out gave up.
>mfw some fat fuck spends decades writing a kino story and then hands it over to hacks because writing one book every twelve years is too hard
>The show only confirmed how stupid it would be to make Jon a Targaryen
No, it confirms how useful Aegon is in order to make Daenerys fall realistic
Really I think D&D are just masterful trolls.
Once they got past the book material they just went into full on shitting on each and every character with the ones that weren't getting shat on then would get shat on worse later.
D&D purposely knew they were building her up with a huge savior complex that more and more liberal women kept holding up as a deity of their righteousness and while the insanity bits were there it seems they were always downplayed since most people she did it to deserved it and shit always worked out in the end.
The only single character still written with any sense might be Bronn but that's because hes the only cunt in the 7 kingdoms that knows when to get the fuck outta town, and knows how to place bets on both sides and still win.
Newsflash guys, even GRRM doesn't know if he is (Aegon) in the books or not. The hack writes and makes it up as he goes based on what he finds interesting
>Iain Glen and Stephen Dillane not much higher up
supposedly he’s not releasing it to compete with the show because the hacks d&d didn’t want to be restrained by staying consistent with the books and being compared to them. They’re typical insecure Jews so Martin just accepted the blood libel money and kept sitting on the book like a good shabbos
Hasn't he been writing other side shit instead? He isn't lazy. He just has no idea how to finish it and thus writes more simple side stories.
Wasn't he seen sacking King's Landing though?
Really taking that L kicking and screaming aren't you. You must be a fun person to be around.
I don't know where the actor got this piece of information. Do you believe more that he was lied to and that GRRM is an old lazy piece of shit, or that he as let in the conspiracy by GRRM himself (to which end) and that the fat fuck has been pretending not to write anything for the best part of 20 years
At this point just delivering a better ending than what the show dishes out will get him a standing ovation and at least a handy
After the revelations about Dany's actress literally having strokes it all makes sense now.
Dillane acting while not knowing what he was acting about brings his performance up a tier.
absolutely based autist
He's officially deconfirmed this, that's the whole start of this chain
It isn't even a new theory. /got/ has been speculating this for a long time as a cope for the books never coming out.
Just because it's a popular theory among the fanbase doesn't make it true. There is next to no evidence to support that Jon is Rhaegar's son.
They foreshadowed this multiple times. Either Tyrion or Varys mentioned that the best person to be king is usually someone who doesn't want it and that regardless of what Jon wants they could rally the rest of westeros and they'd get behind him and basically push him to the throne anyway.
>rose leslie as one of the worst actors in the show
which brainless curr made this
Do you not have good reading comprehension?
If you've read the books and still like Dany, you're a fucking retard and GRRM played you by using the red herring of "muh slavery" for you to see her as benevolent or good at all.
...He's been dropping hints about John being a Targaryen since book one. If he's been making up as he goes along he wouldn't be able to write five extremely long books in the world without plot holes and breaking all sorts of consistencies
Why is Ygritte that low, she was pretty good. And early season Bran is unironically one of the best child actors of that age I've ever seen.
Varys was a kino character. Why the fuck wasn't he the one to kill Qyburn and take back his 'little birds'
Opportunity shoved up the foul anuses of dabids
Sounds like he was successfully trolling everyone.
Because muh lena heady is the best ever boner ruined the show.
Shit was clearly evident with Stannis and nobody complained.
I'd say he had a beginning and endgame plotted out but none of the middle. There's a reason the term " Meereenese Knot" exists.
>YG is just a distraction piece in the line of contenders
I hope he'll get the role Cersei has in the show, it would make more sense
he was writing fire and blood.
There is only one hint : Ned's dream that could literally mean anything. And Martin himself confirmed that the dream shouldn't be taken at face value. The fanbase then decided it was true and ignored all the evidence proving that it wasn't.
This is definitely autism
He's been dropping hints that R+L=J since book one. The legitimization through marriage is a show creation thus far. Jon being the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen is a big deal regardless, as he could be legitimizes to continue the line. Young Griff could be the true Aegon yet instead of just being a blackfyre. This is George "subvert shit just to say he did" Martin we're dealing with
Dany did loads of blood-thirsty shit in Essos, killed people just because she was angry, burned the Tarly's etc. It's just because it was portray / filmed in such a way to make her seem justified. If that was done intentionally so we had to re-judge all that looking back then I'd have to give more credit to the show than expected.
>Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet
>"yes my 2 decades invested elaborate political power move seems to have been grinded to a halt by rumpilstilskin with a magic machete." "how unfortunate"
feels like something equivalent to that
It's well possible the actor was just fucking with everyone for shits and giggles or D&D or someone else told him this in the Hope's the rumor would spread.
Considering just how fucking lazy GRRM is it makes the rumor very unlikely but in the very very very off chance that he did actually manage to finish even 1 book I could see it well within reason HBO, D&D, etc. would throw all the money in the world to have him keep it under wraps.
I mean year GRRM goes on about how all his publishers would wanna release it as soon as he finished it to make their millions but it doesnt matter if it was released now or a few weeks from now they're still gonna make their millions and all the fucks with their fingers in the GoT cookiejar are already rich, what's another few million upon 10s of millions
based high IQ Maisie
Almost every bookfag complained non-stop, the problem is that they were overwhelmed by show fans who never read a single page.
did he really say that?
His quasi-archaic peasantry imitating grammatically incorrect style of writing has grown on him.
Really no matter how you look at it Stannis was written terribly. The producers have even proudly mentioned how they hated his entire storyline.
Still think it's funny how they still cant grasp why people liked Stannis
This is Yea Forums, people will do anything to get a (You)
GRRM told it to Elio, his right hand man. Elio is a stupid idiot that can't keep things secret and even censors and bans people on his forum when they get theories about the characters right.
Elio and McElhinney met during GoT festivals or whatever you call em. Check Barristan/McElhinneys twitter for that.
Barristan just didn't say it was Elio, but it was. Definitely.
Seeth harder.
user, I...
Based autist
If Varys really cared, then his last words to Jon should of been "If she wants to have sex with you...DO EET FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!"
>they still cant grasp why people liked Stannis
They never could given how their life is, stannis is a sort of "working class hero"-ish character, even in the books most nobles and highborn people dislike him. rich playboys like D&D represent everything that is contrary to stanni's peronal ethics and behavior.
holy autism
Also its important to point out that McElhinneys opened his mouth on purpose to get back at D&D, they treated himself, as well as many other actors, completely horribly. I still remember how they barred actors from going to promotional events because they personaly disliked them.
>I still remember how they barred actors from going to promotional events because they personaly disliked them.
>Jon being the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen is a big deal regardless, as he could be legitimizes to continue the line. Young Griff could be the true Aegon
They could both be "Aegon" though. Jon the son of Rhaegar+Lyanna, Young Griff the son of Rhaegar+Elia.
This last ep is literally the best one we've gotten since season 6 and one of my favs overall. That badass twisted version of the Targaeryn theme that plays when Dany burns the shit outta Eurons fleet is pure kino. Fuck the haterz, this one episode reddemed the trainwreck that was Season 8, though if theleaks are trie the finale will undo all that ep 5 did for the series in the worst possible ending to this series ever.
nice pasta
Gonna need some sauce on that
For me, McElhinney is ASOIAF. He is such a nerd for it. He knows everything. In earlier interviews he and others said that. He got into it because he liked the books. He is exactly like Christopher Lee was to LotR.
He was so enthusiastic about his character and the show and then he told D&D that his character actually had a different path than they chose and he was discontent with it so they killed him off.
He has Mark Hamill qualities to him. Bitter, because he took personal offence and defends the original material and the fandom.
Based and datepilled
>censors and bans people on his forum when they get theories about the characters right.
Such as?
Is there any proof that HBO was willing to give them plenty of episodes, but DnD chose 6 instead?
stop having so much sex
Mance Rhaegar theories and other ones. I got a ban for it. i mean I don't care if it is believable or not, but why censor it? Why ban it because it is "so ridiculous and total crackpottery" when they allow theories about Ned being Jaqen H'gar or Syrio being alive etc etc.
And most of the threads were just highlighting similarities between Mance and Rhaegar, Qhorin Halfhand and Gerold Hightowe(also only has half a hand) etc.
It's such a shitty tactic. Elio was also very good at blocking people that said the show is crap and HBO ruined it.
Martin himself talked about how he and hbo both wanted more episodes and seasons but dnd wanted to end it at season 8 with 6 eps
I doubt it. Episode costs were skyrocketing. HBO Execs in the few soundbites were get seem happy about it and trying to sell it like it is 6 movies.
Actors need to shut the fuck up and stop talking shit about the work that made them rich. You take your pay and you shut the fuck up. Entitled fucks actors, all of them.
Do you have a link to that?
>supporting actor on a TV show
Amazing how well this pasta works with everything
It was on some late night talk show, I'll try to find it
Why is this news suddenly? Anyone watching the show could see a decline in quality around S4-5 but people are acting like its sudden and only happened in S8.
fuck me user i'm ovulating RIGHT NOW
Season 4 is the last good/great season because it was the last that was adapted almost directly from the books
Season 5 is tolerable, still using book material but they're starting to fuck things up and rush through stories or leave out important plotlines. if you just watch the show you'll probably be fine with it but as a bookfag it's where i started to dislike the show
Season 6 has some a handful of decent moments but the mistakes they made by rushing through the plot and ommitting the ironborn and fAegon as well as fucking up the dornish story and mixing sansa's story with the norf/bolton stories are coming home to roost, they had changed too much and the story starts to unravel, this was also the height of GoT strong wymyn magically getting problems solved like sansa and cersei and now that they have completely run out of book material the stuff they've made up is complete crap
season 7 they had pretty much given up, most of the chracters are lame and dull, the plot makes no sense, the entirety of westeros should've turned on cersei at this point for committing unjustified massacres but they don't because D&D want someone for daenerys to fight for the iron throne and they can't use fAegon because he wasn't included, the westeros A-team going north of the wall is at least mostly fun
Season 8 is a total disaster, mostly shitty fan service and the end of the white walker plot is a total let down, at least we get evil daenerys like the books and seasons 1-4 foreshadowed but she hasn't been set up properly in seasons 5 & 6 so it feels a little rushed
>tfw no best boy for tyrion to play not-chess with
I thought Euron and Tormund actors did great for being wacky comic relief but still bad ass characters. not a lot to work with but they pulled it off well
Just watch their interviews about GoT on youtube. Start with Ian McElhinney and Stephen Dillane for big ones, but you can find articles and videos of actors who played minor characters who were being ostracized by D&D. Its also one of the reasons they had to change actors for gregor clegane twice.
> DREAM is not even begun
Yeah that's what I mean when I say GRRM doesn't even know. He could go either way with it defunding on his mood
Difference is that the people who made LoTR were actual professionals and didint have Saruman murdered in an alley because of their pettines towards the actor.
His name if probably Rhaegar and YG probably gets a similar storyline to Cersei’s storyline in season 8.
if i had a child called aegon i wouldn't name the second child the same fucking thing
Writing a bunch of unrelated "lore" books about shit nobody wanted until the main series was finished.
Nothing screams "Source: Someone's ass" more than starting your post with "supposedly".
Mad cause he didn't get more and relevant screentime to get more money.
He could also make it that neither of them are actually Aegon
stop inhaling those train fumes
sauce? sounds fairly bull.
It's not the second child, it's still the third. Rhaegar had two children with Elia Martell, Aegon and a girl (forgot her name, Rhaenys maybe). Then as the R+L=J theory goes, he had a son with Lyanna, who he named Aegon.
A bloody conquest against her opponents yeah, but women and children? There's no way Daenerys would deliberately burn little kids.
>So I thought he was losing his knowledge. If he was such an intelligent man and he had such resources, how come he didn’t know about things?
Same with Tyrion. Everyone in the show keeps saying he is so smart yet he does dumb things and is surprised by events constantly. Show don't tell D&D. Especially don't tell something and show the converse.
Children eventually grow into adults, and adults are capable of murdering you of rebelling over a grudge since you killed their parents.
Can't really fight a war without killing women and children. And if the enemy is hiding in castles, qnd your only siege weapon is dragonfire...there's really no way for Dany to conquer Westeros without roasting a lot of women and children.
>fAegon is either a blackfyre or a targaryen
who could literally be a random fucking baby that varys stole from lys
they're are plenty of people in the books who aren't targaryens or blackfyres but are still ethnically valyrian
the population of lys contains many people with pale skin, silver-gold hair, and purple eyes
local user is too fucking based for Yea Forums
This. It's doubtful the books will be finished.
marry me
Exactly. Danaerys herself being a pretty obvious example of this of course.
>tfw Illirio knocked up some whore in Lys and decided to make the kid king of westeros
This is a pretty good summary of how I feel as a bookfag, agreed
Is this the power one gains when having had sex?
In the book there is a prophecy that states that Dany will never have kids. She dies in the next episode, childless . I'm not sure if that counts as foreshadowing.
All the cities she "liberated" are turned into hell holes. She basically caused the plague to resurface and is responsible for thousands and thousands dying.
Honestly it doesnt really matter. He will be believed as a true Targaryen and will be loved by the people for putting an end to the Lannister/Baratheon nonsense. And now it makes sense for Daenerys to feel unloved
Daenerys going crazy because the people love fAegon more would be an incredibly kino climax
ending being a westeros commonwealth with an elected monarch (i.e. King Bran) is a good ending to subvert normal fantasy stories, the happy ever after (bittersweet ending with the future brighter than the past) isn't because the chosen one rules justly and fairly, it happens because of positive systemic change
it's also a good ending to a story about how being the heir doesn't make you the best person for the job
>1996 A Game of Thrones
>1998 A Clash of Kings
>2000 A Storm of Swords
>2005 A Feast for Crows
>2011 A Dance with Dragons(Game of Thrones begins airing)
>2018 (Game of Thrones finishes airing, still no sign of TWoW)
God fucking dammit George you fat old fuck
The actors and people working on the scene confirmed that it was supposed to be snow. In the books it's snow.
You know, JON SNOW?
Do ya say so truly I beg?
Incredibly based
>posted at the same time
Have sex (together)
Speaking of Greyjoys, did Yara and her loyalists just permanently fuck off to the Iron Islands never to be seen in the show again?
>implying opinion of actors matter
Why the fuck do you care? I mean, he's right about that but most of the actors don't know shit about good writing and directing. Just because he said it bad doesn't mean it is
>Why the fuck wasn't he the one to kill Qyburn
Because seeing Qyburn yeet to his death is funnier.
> In the books it's snow.
Because GRRM has never used an unreliable narrator before right?
Apparently? Perhaps she'll make a cameo at the end
>mfw not on the toppest of tops
There was literal icicles in that fucking scene and the sound of her stepping on snow. Fuck all of you retards claiming this was some epic ashes foreshadowing.
extreme autism
exactly, it doesn't matter who his parents are, the point of the story should be that 'being born to rule' doesn't make you good at it
in fact not having incest genes would make him better at it than daenerys, who's life apart from the abusive brother and between drogo's death and qarth has been easy
>based and yellowpilled Illyrio Mopatis making his bastard son by a prostitute king
True but the writing has gotten so terrible that even the actors themselves started asking what the fuck were they reading.
Bless you user.
This explanation is just too dumb, and while Dany is dumb, it goes along with all of the other characters being dumb and now everyone's just an idiot.
Even being a crazy idiot, Dany should know that making everyone hate and fear her even more in a totally divided kingdom guarentees someone will taking her out and if two of her three dragons, nearly her entire army all her friends and almost herself dying hasn't made her realize she's vulnerable that's just stupid. Even an idiot can see she'll be killed and never followed as leader now even if Jon had never existed.
Just burning down the Red Keep and weapons and army would have been more than enough to cause fear but would have left people believing that if they do what she says they'll be fine. By burning civilians after a surrender including kids she just sends the messsage she's just nuts and will randomly kill you even if you obey her every word putting people into surivival mode to take her out.
Also, D&D said specifically that she just snapped seeing the Red Keep because 300 years ago Targaryeans, etc. They clarify she had no plan to inspire fear or anything else she just snapped is totally nuts and wants to destroy everything and kill everybody she can.
Alright thanks for the comment Tomas. Now back to googling pictures of rotary phones and listening to podcasts that analyze Mythbuster episodes.
That's bullshit. The 1st one left because he thought he could get a bigger role elsewhere. The 2nd one was a replacement, and he was too skinny for the part.
honestly I thought the point of the story was that the Game of Thrones didn't matter and that this was about living people needing to find a way to put their differences to the side and fight for a tomorrow. Considering the fact that this entire kingdom was built on death, like even the iron throne which the entire series is branded on was made with the melted down swords of all the people Aegon Targaryen killed. And the most powerful houses being the ones who can killed the most people or other houses. For once in eight thousand years it would have been nice to see everyone put their differences to the side and fight on the side of life. The old way of doing things can pass away in the series can end on a new beginning.
In case it wasn't obvious I'm still really angry about that gutted Army of the Dead plot line.
She won't have kids because she got made barren by whatever happened with mirri maz duur's magic, rhaego was born a twisted monster because of it
Being a professional writer doesn't hold any professional standard, if anything you should expect less predictable behavior from a professional writer since they are invested in their own creativity and art and less invested in wealth and success -- you could say writing a page a day would've led to three books being ready by now but writing a page a day is not how people write. Creativity can't be regimented
Reminder that if GRRM wrote a page a day he would have 2 books completed.
Reminder that if GRRM wrote half a page a day he'd have a book completed.
Reminder GRRM had to cut 250 pages from ADwD because it was getting too long, so he didn't even need to write half a page a day to get TWoW completed.
Yeah I remember.Felt like bringing it up for all the showfags who write in Jon and Danny's children as fan fiction.
Which is weird considering that they show her considering that before the battle. Either they meant that seeing that finally pushed her to doing this or some team is out of sync in the show with D&D.
>But I guess we'll see soon when the next book is released.
Mirri Max Duur was the tragic heroine of the show, trying to stop a tyrant who promotes the sackings of cities, the rape of women and the burning of innocent children.
Reminder that GRRM has made more money that you ever will and doesn't have to write anything ever again because he's already made bank.
they could just adopt some valyrian child and make it their heir tbqh
But they did make gandalf cry
I bet he talking about Stannis and Sand people when referring to other disappointed people
I know it's a meme that articles accused Star Wars fans of being too entitled and they should lap up whatever they're served but this is the other side of things -- fans are so entitled they think someone is writing satisfactory material and just choosing not to release it. They think you can just write a page a day and everything would be kosher. Do you want good content, or do you want fast content? GoT has been written very quickly since diverging from the books and it's been shit. It's a huge story and must be horribly testing to get it right.
Include me in the inevitable r/Yea Forums post, please
>hehe rich people should be lazy and not do anything
Funny how people (especially Americans) love sucking Jewish cock so much.
Bran was out of control these past two seasons.
he said that he starting writing got since 1971 so its misleading
Still though, 8 years. And he's been writing prequels in the meantime.
He has, but it's fucking snow in the books, not cold ashes
it is you who is implying that that he should just write things because of money...
Unironically based.
>it is you who is implying that that he should just write things because of money
Quote that in my post. You posted about money first, Shekelforeskinberg.
From what I could tell it was just a mix of sadness, rage, and disappointment in that moment that lead to her snapping.
shes had multiple advisors telling her not to directly attack KL, it's well defended, it'll be a bloodbath for her loyalists even with her dragons, many civilians will die, etc. for at least 2 to 3 seasons so she doesn't and let's Cersei have free reign, journeying north, losing 2 dragons at least 50% of her army, friends.
She went in wanting a literal bloodbath where the Lannisters fought to the last so when she had them surrendering in 5 minutes into the battle she was pissed, she could have done this as soon as she arrived and she could have conquered the city and deposed Cersei and not lost any of her dragons or allies.
Kit has Pablo Escobar energy there.
>Show Varys conspired with Illyrio to send Viserys and Dany with unstable murderous barbarian rapists because he actually wanted to help them, then does a complete 180 at the last minute despite like 20 years of plotting because, "Varys kind of forgot Targaryens are prone to madness."
brabo d7d
What do you, as an actor, gain from badmouthing the same show that made you famous? Who would ever want to hire someone who speaks bad of you the moment their contract is over?
Pretty fucking based to be honest.
and yet Jon's lineage will mean absolutely nothing at the end of the show
He's just pissed because, like most of the secondary characters, he had nothing to do once D&D ran out of book material. After that, his plot outline was:
>Varys and Tyrion join Dany in Essos
>Varys does spy shit, because you know, duh, master of whisperers
>Varys learns about Jon, gets roasted
yeah that's probably the case, maybe if the books are finished jon will kill dany and turn longclaw into lightbringer
then everyone unites to fight the Others and maybe Euron too
as to what the point of the story is
a series that is still two books away from completion already with over four thousand pages should probably have more than one theme
bravo user
Unreasonable levels of based.
Dude's 54, he doesn't give a shit anymore, might as well just be honest.
Also Tyrion and Jon will be people she focuses on for all her troubles in Westeros.
>Tyrion talked her into not straight to KL
>Talked her into talking with Cersei
>kept giving her bad advice on Cersei
>Cersei kills her closest friend and has another dragon killed
>Jon got her to fall in love with him
>Jon got her to travel north to save him and losing a dragon
>NK broke the wall and marched south endangering everyone because of her dead dragon
>losing many of her army and Jorah to the undead
>then instead of being loyal to her the northerners still dont trust her and still prefer Sansa and Jon
>Then Jon's brother and best friend tell him he's a Targ with a better claim than her
>then Jon cant keep a secret
>Jon's sister cant stop trying to openly dick slap the the always pissed off woman with dragons
r*ddit fag spotted
>not wait for 137 to prime
fucking pleb
his name would be Aemon
What make me really laugh is that every character that made 10 years duration plans suddenly all have to rush to put Jon on the throne.
True Varys would put dany on the throne and make Jon marry her, then Dany would die in an "accident" and Jon would be the rightful ruler.
But no, the man that make plans that goes on for years can't wait some months.
>be book varys
>know targaryen genetics suck
>send remaining known targaryens to die with some filthy savages
>continue to send assassins after them
>have prepped a rando lyseni baby as a pretend son of rhaegar to take control
>psychologically engineer fAegon to be a just king
>murder Cersei's advisors because he knows that Cersei is a deranged conceited fuck up who it will be easy for fAegon to replace
based book varys
god i wish the show continued to follow the books beyond season 4
Cersei is such a shit antagonist
we have no idea, it could be Jon Targaryen in fact for Jon Connington
>tfw court intrigue kino playing out in realtime
>do your job properly
>literally get burned at the stake for it
this makes a lot of sense
would also make it more interesting if Jon Connigton not only finds out that he hasn't been protecting Rhaegar's actual son, Rhaegar's real surviving son was named after him because Rhaegar liked him that much
if only the books were released and/or D&D were competent, this moment would be incredibly kino
He fucking blames himself... This is DDs retardation your acting was fine
only season one was kino
It was well below average in execution, but it looks like it is still following GRRM's story beats.
The prophecy states,
>When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,
>When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
>When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.
>Then he will return, and not before.
Quentyn Martell (Dornish prince, Dorne's symbol is the sun, he is the son of the sun), born (rose) in the west, dies (sets) in the east. Maybe, the dark Quentyn rises.
The Dothraki sea is going dry, and the great pyramids of Meereen are turned to ash by Rhaegal and Viserion after they escape.
And Dany's vajayjay is bleeding again. All she needs to do is have a kid and call him Drogo, prophecy fulfilled.
Friendly reminder that yet again Davos walked into a literal warzone and was never seen so much as raising his sword.
My ovaries are trembling
>rando lyseni baby
You mean a Blackfyre fucking shit.
I can't see Varys without thinking of Larry Renwick, the exploding guy from Garth Merenghi's Darkplace.
Emilia did the best she could with the material she was given. Easily the worst written character on the show
This is like people shitting on Hayden Christensen for his poor performance in the prequels. You try saying that shit and making it sound natural
It feels like they hated D&D when working with them
Thats beside the point
His birth name is definitely Jon, there's no reason whatsoever for Rhaegar to give him an obviously Valyrian name when Rhaegar always intended to die at the trident and have him go North.
if season 5 is rushing through stories then thank fucking god they did, that was the slowest most boring fillerish season ive ever watched, never watching it again
1-4 are great
5 is meh
6 is meh
s6e9 and s6e10 are incredible
s7 shit
s8 dogshit
I can confirm this. Also, nice trips.
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
The people in that city were people that he grew up with his entire life, probably knew the names of half the people in the crowd. He's not going to go around stabbing them.
But he WILL be forced to watch them die screaming in a fiery apocalypse.
based hero
damn shame they cut marwin the mage
which is why marwin the mage is on his way to danny
They did though. They murdered him on top of Orthanc. In the books he dies at the very end, doesn't he?
>jew york times
The difference is that Hayden Christensen was a shit actor too, making the prequels even more hilarious. If you wanted an example of a good actor from a badly written movie, you could have gone for literally anyone else from the prequels.
game of thrones brotherhood when?
>New York Times
Stopped reading there
yeah, that bearded Stark soldier is still alive, the one you see getting brought back by the night kin has a shorter beard, you see the same guy behind Jon outside of Kings Landing.
This. Show Varys wanted to save the realm by bringing viserys home with an army of dothraki lol
>never so much as even got near anyone to stab them at the battle of Blackwater Bay
>never raised a weapon when they came down on the wildlings with a billion calvary
>didnt have to fight when the Nights Watch traitors wanted Jon's body
>stood back with the archers before charging at the Battle of the Bastards, never actually seen in the fight or having stabbed anyone at all
>last time hes seen at the battle with the undead hes taken up position high up on an armament on the wall and isnt fighting the undead but watching Arya kill em
You have to wonder if he doesnt have it in his contract that he doesnt have to do any actual combat
She was already scaring everyone shitless by just flying overhead with Drogon and destroying the city's walls. Burning the majority of the city literally accomplished nothing.
I remember when they first announced casting Ian McShane and I was certain he was going to be Marwyn, it would have been fucking perfect.
i think they followed GRRM's broad story beats, i.e. Jon is Rhaegar's son; Bran is magic autist; Evil Nazi Daenerys
but they kept cersei longer than they should have, she shouldn't have been the person who daenerys takes the throne from
they ruined the plots of the ironborn and the dornish
they removed fAegon
they tried to mash story beats from the books together in retarded ways too:
>in the books: Ramsey marries and rapes Jeyne Poole (sansa's childhood friend), who the lannisters are pretending is arya, she flees winterfell with theon; meanwhile sansa is with littlefinger in the vale slowly learning to be an intelligent schemer (obviously littlefinger isn't going to marry a girl he's obsessed with to a sadistic monster, unless that monster is littlefinger)
>in the show: littlefinger marries a girl who he loves and is obsessed with to a psychopath who is raping her and cucking him, sansa spends barely any time getting smart in the vale and instead getting raped turns her into female littlefinger
Prime autism, truly marvelous
Are they just leading viewers on with all this bashing?
Jeyne Pool does appear in the show but she's just an irrelevant side character. The main reason they dropped her plotline and put Sansa in that role is literally just because they wanted Sansa to have more screen time.
I want to believe
The crucifictions, the slaughter of every non-slave male above the age of 12 in one of the cities, causing two lethal plagues to break out together just because she keeps dragging along hundreds of thousands of useless 'freed slaves' simple because they worship her and boost her ego, ect.
based and unvaccinatedpilled
Carry on your superior skills
No, they did it because they thought people wouldn't care as much if a nobody got raped and Theon saves her, and. if the had the chronology of the pink letter correct, the audience wouldn't cheer for Jon to rescue Arya because the audience knows absolutely that it isn't the real Arya, so they wouldn't care for it. Same with Brienne. It would feel "boring" for the audience if they rescue someone they don't care about.
That's what happens if you don't read a book that you try to adapt into a show script. Either follow it completely, or leave it. Or adapt it correctly so the plot threads fit together and make sense.
They could have cut seasons 6 and 7 and no one would have noticed. Nothing happened there. It is literally much more uneventful than Feast and Dance.
unironically would fit as book canon
This. In the show she burns slavers and mustache twirling, obvious bad guys and all of a sudden she's going insane. IT WAS FORESHADOWED.
it's boring because they cut out the pay offs for the stories and replace them with retardation like doran getting murdered
>the dorne story is no longer about how naive young women shouldn't be in charge, it's now about strong wymyn being 'badasses' who are totally better at fighting than the men
>they neuter or remove ironborn characters like Euron Aeron and Victarion
>they remove tyrion on the shy maid exploring the rhoyne with Jon C and fAegon in favour of maximum time with Jorah Cuckmont
>Cersei's retarded plans now always work despite her having been demonstrated to not be particularly capable earlier on, coming to a head when she nukes the sept of baelor killing hundreds of people including multiple noble houses, people stay allied with her just because
This might be because retards thought that cersei was a cool villain, she isn't, she's just a selfish cunt
it's absolutely disgusting what they did to the story
>ruining stories that make sense to tug the audience's emotions
that might be worse than just forgetting jeyne
>wanting sansa to have MORE screen time
oh shit the show was always doomed wasn't it?
Dorne may be seen as meandering and irrelevant at the moment because they had a dragged out intro sub-plot in an already lengthy book, but for some reason I can't even explain I think it's definitely going to pay off. One of the things I'm most excited for is seeing what the Sand Snakes get up to now they're actually making big plays with Doran guiding them, if the fat cunt ever finishes before dying anyway.
What were s6e9/10 again?
From the thumbnail it looked like the happy merchant.
Do this every day for the rest of your life.
I thought he was going to be euron, the guy playing euron did ok with what he was given, but he was given excrement