"We ruined the biggest TV show of all time"

"You're hired!"

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does it really matter, there's already double the amount of shit star wars movies than good ones.

What did they create exactly?

Girl here
These fascists will just nazi that up too!

good, hopefully it crashes and burns and disney loses at least a billion dollars.

Why are you incels so fucking retarded?

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girls can't be incels

let them ruin it. star wars is a rotting zombie that finally needs that shotgun slug to the brain

reminder rian got his trilogy quietly killed but he welcome to "contribute" to DD's project.

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So, THAT'S where i got that.

return to reddit, d&d are the greatest writers in Yea Forums history

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Look at this drooling spastic thinking a girl can be an incel.
You must be some faggot in the Middle East with a goat obsession.
You gotta fuck off back to your rock farm Ahmed

>star wars
it's only kotor. who gives a shit

>"We ruined the biggest TV show of all time"
>"You're hired!"

Makes perfect sense for the mouse desu

>What did they create exactly?
the television show Game of Thrones. it airs on HBO

That happened before de prequels just to be clear.

exactly it makes perfect sense

2 different trilogies in the making??

One by Rian fucking Johnson and another by the guys from GOT???


Yeah sure, Rian is totally getting his own trilogy.

>David....Dan....that last season of Game of Thrones was...something else!
>And good news! Instead of having to work for that multi-million dollar contract we're just going to give you the money to go on a vacation!!!

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No, only one trilogy has been announced, and it's releasing in 2022, 2024 and 2026.
Lucasfilm has said that Rian and the GoT guys are collaborating. And they've also announced that the GoT are only writing and producing, so it's not hard to figure out that Rian is directing them.

Not only direct, but also writing

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>Still coping this hard
He is literally writing the script right now with the storygroup based retard

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They're not directing, only writing and producing.
Can't you even read your own fucking pic?

obvious Rian will be the director, can't wait for the kino these 3 can create together

Why the hell is Disney giving these hacks the chance to promote Star Wars? It's clearly obvious that they hate everything spiritual/magical, look at GoT. The Seven Faith is portrayed as nothing but cartoon villains. Characters who were religious in the books, Davos, Sansa, Danny, Jon etc. If they are willing to character assassinate these characters that belong in a Medieval inspired setting where religion is that important, how the hell are they going to write a franchise that has one Force-Ghost character telling Luke to put his faith and his life in the force in a life threatening situation?

Why give them a chance to produce Star Wars that unashamedly promotes spirituality and faith? For God's one of these hacks are the reason why the modern Troy films lacks the presence of the gods and supernatural: Benioff honestly thought it was better off that gods aren't real and that all the supernatural events that happened in the Iliad should be excluded for his realistic historic interpretation of it. He's such a fucking hack, holy shit.

To sell it to China. The commies don’t like magic and religion.

I think they might actually be released by Disney as a result of this season.

It's really bad.

I work at D&D and it's confirmed that Maisie Williams will be one of the leads and we're trying to get Aiden Gillen on board as well.

In that case he'll write nothing. There's no way the mouse will give him full creative control after the disaster of episode VIII. He'll give a few ideas for the script, adapt the screenplay and direct. If he just focused on the latter it would be best, he's clearly a great director.

>game of throne creators

Thankfully for them, Star Wars has already been ruined. What more damage can they do after what JJ and Rian did?

D&D are writing while Rian is directing. They'll retroactively ruin the whole history of Star Wars together.

Can't fuck up the already fucked up.

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Totally different situation between these two character. Not analogous or similar at all, except that fanbase got upset in both cases.

Here's an analogy. Both were fucking stupid.

If they'd been in charge of TLJ, Rey would be a Sith by now like we all wanted.

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