Can we have a comfy lotr thread, just reread and rewatched. Who is your number 1 favourite character from the books and films?
Can we have a comfy lotr thread, just reread and rewatched...
Looks like LotRposting is back on Yea Forums boys
I like Bilbo a lot. Not a big fan of Aragorn desu. I don't like his tax policy.
What was his tax policy again?
Eron Greyjoy
You ask for the Returns of the King?
Based Bronn from basedville
Sandor Clegane
Fuck off with LOTR too
Why should we keep discussing about a trilogy which has ended 17 fucking years ago?
I wish there were more Dwarfs in the movies. Did they even do anything in the war of the ring?
Most boring shit ever, I could only make it 1 hour when I tried to watch then turned it off. Just boring talking and walking
yeah lets only discuss any television and film released in the current year retard
they fought saurons armies in the north
faramir for both tbqh
interesting. usually people who've read books prefer movie Faramir. I've read books but out of the 2 vastly prefer the movie version, book version was boring as fuck and never went anywhere, came off as dare I say a gary stu
>usually people who've read books prefer movie Faramir
oops, meant to say people who've read books hate movie Faramir
yeah i can see why, but i honestly completely understand not being able to fully translate his character into 6hrs of film since there's more important things happening
the movies excelled as far as text to screen can so i'm okay w it
My favorite character is Frodo, he so human and i like the movie change that he fight Golum and both fall into Mount Doom, the ring power bring upon it own destruction.
Book - Faramir
Movie - Theoden King
Post kino lotr board games
Boromir, absolutely adore his character and the Interactions with Aragorn and the hobbits
Books - Sam, runner up Boromir
Films - Sam, runner up Boromir
Faramir and Sam
Samwise in both
saves the world, marries his waifu, has lots of children, becomes mayor and when he's incredibly old he builds a little boat and sails to the Undying Lands
I have no clue how anyone could really like the book boromir, he has no character arc and 0 redeeming qualities and a super lame death in the book
glad to see a fellow user of objectively supreme taste
>dies to many more uruks in the book
>is much more noble and not immediately corrupted by the ring
>blows the horn and stops the balrog in its tracks
Sam, he is the greatest friend of all time in any fictional story
I wish there wasn't so much dumb action shot in TT/RotK, fellowship is miles better because of that fact alone.