And why do they hate white men so much?
What is wrong with these people?
What is wrong with (You)?
And why do you hate POC so much?
Never said I did, that’s your assumption
kek. i love how you can deduce for their twitter handles alone that they are coll wine aunt tier miserable roasties in their 30s
We both know you're a miserable basement dwelling racist with insane double standards. Fuck off back to /pol/.
if women made good rulers history would be full of female rulers.
but I don't expect women to grasp basic shit such as this, which is why they can't be trusted with power
My my you sure love projecting and assuming, how about you go fuck yourself you pathetic weasel
Hating white men is a social password now.
>when you're a post wall single female and instead of tending to your dying ovaries you insert yourself and beliefs into a fictional television series
>muh projection and assumption
Why hide your obvious racism, you piece of shit? Back to /pol/, scum.
But her father was also like her and he was a white male.. it's almost as if they don't actually pay attention to the show and only follow it for YAS QUEEN drama
Lmao this is gold
Because you’re the obvious racist here you sad cockmongrel. You’re the one who starts assuming shit, now wipe your neckbeard clean
And Sansa's probably going to end up queen anyway.
>fuck black people and POC BTW i'm not racist
They've hit the wall and men aren't giving them attention any more.
what site do you think you're on shitskin
they hate themselves so much, they can't help but to overflow some of it online
it's just clamoring for internet points and attention, don't get your jimmies all rustled caspar
Nah, I guess I’ll stick around. You can keep telling your mother what she should do you racist fuckface, get a job
You're forgetting the patrarchy keeping women down.
no u :^)
>Fucking anything.
THEY are the ones that get fucked.
Get a life and have some sex, racist incel
why is reddit pulling this bullshit in every thread right now?
I already have more than you ever will pathetic retard, go slit your wrists or something and do the world a favor
Right after you kill yourself, you sick, pathetic, racist waste of space
Euron killed a fucking dragon and he’s mediocre?
to everyone in this thread:
have sex
uh sweetie hes a white male
Is that the best you can do?
Maybe I should just rape your mother or sister to show them they shouldn’t have brought up a racist piece of trash such as yourself
What do these dumb bitches think it says about them, that they regularly get BTFO by mediocre white men?
Shut up newfag
Nobody is ever going to fuck you. Just stop trying to make it happen.
get off Yea Forums fag
>muh rape
And the racist shows his incel side at last. Disgusting scum.
>Maybe I should just rape your mother or sister
Not exactly making yourself sound like the goodguy here, I got to say.
What;s wrong with you? Scouring twitter for hours to find things you don't like so you can complain about it for (you)s
No one cares about being called racist. I'm sure that makes the fags on reddit logoff, but no one has ever cared about that here. Btw, have sex.
>you’re forgetting the rulers ruling
Speak English you faggot
It's almost endearing that they're vaguely aware they can relate so much to what transpired and so the only way they can cope is through rhetorical questions and memes
Absolute total retard
Liberals hate whites like nazis hates Jews.
>hating what you can’t have
A necessary evil with racist retards like this guy
After you, /pol/ incel scum.
Why is mediocre the preferred adjective for white men now?
Notice how the Jew projects his own hatred onto his enemies for not having the right opinion. A hatred completely imagined that he'll later claim is truth
Have sex
Find love femcel
Shut the fuck up cuckslut, nobody cares about your whining
Where do these dumb slags think these 'suspicious amounts of money' are coming from without jobs or husbands? You can't vacation forever.
Sour Grapes.
They keep committing crimes and ruining every country they're in.
heh, this is bait, r-right guys?
>Episode 1 tells you that the Dragons bloodline has pure madness in it due to inbreeding.
>You see the Danny go a little nutty with delusion.
>You see Cersa or whatever do the same with being a murderous cunt.
>Whole series is all the women either being monsters or spreading their legs for the camera.
>Only decent woman amongst them is the giant bitch but no women actually cheer for her.
magic money that falls out of the sky, or I guess a handsome sugar daddy that you don't even have to fuck
Yes, I just wanted some (You)s
>And why do they hate white men so much?
they hate us because they anus
I can't believe the aliens gave a huge shaft to the "the future is female" crowd
their beloved single mother of cripple dragons has always been a hysterical harpy
they just need to be force fed to believe
I mean that demographic is like 40% of Twitter's current userbase.
is this shithole being raided again
they have serious problems with men in general, they just frame it in this political social justice context because it's convenient for them
every girl I've ever fucked who posted stuff like this had severe daddy issues and loved to be choked and slapped around and treated like shit. they also only fucked white guys
>mediocre white man
What's this supposed to mean? Who is she talking about?
They don't have a personality so they accept everything the media throws at them as an identity of sorts. They can't explain why they hate so much everything they claim to hate because they don't have the slightest idea of why, they're just programmed to do so.
Have to agree, this Twitter shit is getting old.