have sex
Lets laugh at ross untill 10 years later when we can accept him as our partner
Sex is fun but it's not nearly as fun as you'd think if you hadn't tried it, pursue your own interests and be sincere with people and you'll find a girl who loves you for who you are and that'll be the best possible sex.
Superb writing. Truly the pinnacle of comedy.
You joke but I sat by myself alone in high school and read Lord of the Rings and I never got laid.
Have sex
Good post.
It was certainly true for the time, maybe now people who have sex have seen the movies and then read the books but if you were in high school before those movies came out you will know that people reading LOTR were not having sex
Frasier > Seinfeld > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Friends
Ross is educated, has a successful career, has a child, and Rachel chose him over Joey. He also doesn't need to brag about having sex with underage girls.
I'll never understand this sort of dishonest posturing. Who exactly do you think you're helping? Raw sex is quite possibly the best experience someone can have aside from something like heroin. By downgrading its value you're essentially leading unaware incels away from something truly amazing
funny cause i didnt read LotR and had a lot of great sex
Guess they were right
hes low test
maybe i should give this heroin a try, because women hate me.
>Raw sex is quite possibly the best experience someone can have aside from something like heroin.
Imagine genuinely believing this.
have sex
Seinfeld was basically Friends for jews
virgin detected
Why not have both?
t. read it in 4th garde of elementary school and fucked alot of girls in high school
It's interesting because despite that, Ross will always look back on the sex he didn't have in high school. And he'll always feel a bit insecure about it.
Meanwhile Joey will probably end up with some drug-addled woman past her prime (probably a single mother) and not particularly care. If he gets bored of her, he'll cheat on her with another unattractive woman. Probably end up going through a few divorces because of this. But he won't be upset about it. He won't be at all jealous of Ross. Maybe it's because he's too stupid to realise what he hasn't got, maybe it's because he's so secure in his own life.
It's very telling, this small comparison between the two characters. Deep down, which person's life would you rather have? Of course everyone will want to say Ross. But remember, that regret and insecurity will plague him until he dies. Joey will be more or less carefree until he dies.
have sex
>didn't you watch friends
No, I have an ounce of self-respect
This, absolute brainlets for not having the reading comprehension to read LOTR before going to high school.
What if you have no interests?
>pursue your own interests and be sincere with people
Is this what incels unironically believe?
sex isn't that great, im normally bored after like 5 min
t. americlaps with mutilated dicks that can't feel anything
this is just retarted.
Its really not. Sex places like 6-7/10 and that's if it's really good sex.
No it isn't youturbonormie, not even by a long shot. Sure it's great, like drugs, and we're hardwired to seek it.
The feeling of witnessing great art, a vision or a deep understanding is infinitely better. But that kind of shit requires a soul. I'm entirely serious here.
>haha have sex xD
yeah and jews are funnier than gentiles
>polite conversation is the REAL sex
Virgin detected. Sex is a carnal pleasure and not comparable to a chit chat about kino over a hot cuppa Earl Grey. If that's what you think sex is like, then you haven't been doing it right.
Sex is a primal monkey urge that can destroy relationships, motivation and success. Find yourself a gf and settle down. No need to think what life would have been like if you fucked new pussy every weekend because at the end of the day that’s a soulless activity and it doesn’t make you happy and it distracts you from more important things in life. There’s a reason so many successful people have one partner and aren’t out fucking something new every day. It’s a waste of energy that gets you nowhere.
Nah, uncut and not a burger; sex isn't all that, man. Never understood the fixation virgins have with it.
Women don't read LotR. They watch the movies because the guys are hot.
maybe you haven't had really good sex
>Seinfeld was basically Friends for jews
But Jews don't have friends, user.
>implying my body and sex aren't works of art
sure they have. They meet them every friday at the Cabal of the Elders
Have sex.
Sex is the idol of our times. People worship it. It's societally acceptable to shame someone for not worshipping it.
Everyone has regrets. Joey regrets not paying attention in school and not learning a trade and not developing skills that are marketable. The difference is, Ross can shrug of regrets about not banging his high school crush because he's moved on to a better life (plus, he does wind up banging his high school crush). Joey, meanwhile, has regrets that have had a serious impact on his current life. Those are regrets he has to face daily, and that cause him to struggle daily.
Personally, I'd rather be a loser in high school and successful in the rest of my life than the loser who peaked in high school. Anyone saying different is just stupid and doesn't realize how short high school is in comparison to how long the rest of your life is, and how little you remember high school as you get older. Fuck, I can't remember the names of half the people I went to high school with, or teachers I had, and I'm not that fucking old yet.
wrong, they are also their enemies. Jewish proverb: "Enemies enemy is also enemy like Enemy. Everybody enemy"
Most sex you are ever to have is going to be pretty average. For something supposedly as natural as sex is, most humans are quite bad at it.
I honestly prefer shitposting to sex.
>Male protagonist is 16
>Everyone in town mocks him and thinks he's a freak for being a virgin
>He finally gets a girlfriend at the end and they go off to have sex, at least making him a normal 16 year-old
>Disney movie rated PG
He's not being disingenuous at all.
Sex is the most important thing in the world only until you nut, then life moves on. It's unfulfilling and fucking dumb to have so little self-control that you prioritize sex above all else. It's just a bodily craving like anything else.
Don't worry, you'll understand when you get to high school
Absolutely this. Quads confirm.
>Girlfriend is refusing to have sex with me because I won't lick her vagina
I'm going to break up with her this week, get the fuck out of here with that gay shit
Vaginal bacteria is actually extremely dangerous and eating too much pussy can lead to throat cancer. That's what's killing Martin Sheen at the moment.
Sex is okay but over-rated, the low effort >have sex reply just works because the people who get triggered by those words never have any and think they're missing out and their insecurities trigger responses.
Also, LotR was okay but over-rated as well.
does she suck your dick?
Have you seen Seinfeld? Can you tell someone in that show is genuinely his friend?
just get an hpv vaccination
They spend most of the series being awful to each other and scheming up ways to screw each other over for their own benefit. Is that what "friends" are in Hebrew?
No, all she does is give me a handjob or allow me to finger her. On good days anal is allowed. She said she's saving herself for marriage or something like that
Nah mate I used to bang up oxys and great sex is just under that. Good sex is still 7-8/10, great is 9.5/10, oxys to the main vein is 10/10
>ywn have Ross' hairline
Could be worse
>be me, get blowjobs all the time
>tell (now ex) gf she grinds her teeth
>she goes to dentist, gets diagnosed with TMJ
>'omg user no one ever told me, you're so great'
>never get a blowjob again
>'can't because itll make my jaw hurt'
Bitch you didn't care before you found out, if anything it should be easier now that you have the mouthguard
But the best part: still expected me to lick her damn near every time. Oh well, she's someone else's problem now
Have more fulfilling activities and life
>sex in high school
Does this really happen in a Christian nation?
>The feeling of witnessing great art, a vision or a deep understanding is infinitely better. But that kind of shit requires a soul. I'm entirely serious here.
Tiger woods disagrees
>waiting until high school to read lord of the rings
Why would you do this?
Isnt illegal for minors to have sex? In my country there are a lot of single teens moms because they are poor and dumbs, and because if the father proclaims himself as so, he will be arrested even if he is also a minor
Tiger Woods is named after a location on earth where monkeys have sex
My whole class was sexually active in middle school. Shit's always been fucked.
I tried both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings when I was 13. They were boring shit and quit quickly. The next year in high school the first lord of the rings movie came out and everybody jumped on its balls and I still don't fucking get it, why would I see a movie if I couldn't finish the book?
stopped reading at hardwired
>There are actually people in this thread who didn't have sex in highschool
What the fuck, literally everyone got laid in my highschool including the beta pasty skin white boys. How did you guys fuck it up so badly?
fite my obby pure at edge and we'll see who baits harder
It was a different time.
I'll just TB,snare and far cast you dumb noob
Shitty bait
>All of the seething in this thread
Why can't you just take a joke, you virgins?
That's even worse.
Try stimulating her clit during anal and see if that convinces her to do more.
yeah imagine being a virgin after high school haha
I honestly just never caared
why do women and trannies center their life on sex?
i'm glad i'm not one of these fucks with a broken brain. They think sex is the greatest, it's not their fault, but luckily it's a minority rather than a majority or I'd be the weird one.
Yes, vaginas do feel great on your penis, but until you can get that without money, at your leisure, with the vagina you want, it's not even good. There is so much shit that goes into getting to fuck a chick and all the shit afterwards, it's a chore, it's not worth it. The first time I fucked a chick I came in ten seconds and that was the best, it felt great. Every time afterwards was worse.
>it‘s not that I can‘t get pussy, it‘s just that I don‘t want to because I‘m „succesful“
This is the best cope since „I‘m not poor, I‘m smart & frugal“.
>people in this thread who didn't have sex in highschool
I had sex only in HS, fuck
I didn't bee myself hard enough
wew lad, mega incel post detected
if you're having sex for the visceral feeling of sex alone, then you're essentially just jerking off into someone else's body, and that's exactly how it feels
the emotional and interpersonal experience of sex is what actually elevates it and in that sense even chad loses 99% of the time, because you could ejaculate into 100 different roasties who liked how you look at a club but feel absolutely nothing you can't get from a fleshlight
this is a whole pillar of normie relationship angst and literally the context of romance itself, not being able to perceive this dimension of human existence at all makes me question how it is you even interpret culture or history
imagine a colorblind person being resentful when they're told there's more to art than shapes and lines, because it's the only thing they can see: this is you
unironically have sex ONE (1) time
It tucking smells. As someone who is really picky about odd smells - can't tucking stand it.
Read it in college and I'm still to have sex.
How fucking sensitive is your nose? Both shower beforehand and you should be fine.
this image is the fucking antichrist
I bet you complain about sleeping in the wet spot afterward, too, crybaby.
33 year old virgin here, I never had it becauase my dick is too small and I always refused sluts that wanted to fuck me, they probably though I have some insanely high standards as I'm decent looking but I never wanted to show my small dick to aynone, I will die a virgin because of small dick. My pride and ego is much more important to me then "having sex" and getting laughed at.
Everyone talks about Ross's education and successful career but I remember him being a geologist working in a museum who had never been on an actual survey or excavation before. Getting a shit paying job in a museum already requires sucking someone's dick, I shudder to think about what he had to pull to land a well-paying job in a museum right out of college with no industry experience.
Wouldn't matter. I don't ask her to suck my dick, she likes it. I'm not putting my mouth near that cesspool of filth, no matter how freshly showered, all vaginas smell the same.
Once Bitten is pretty much the same thing but with vampires
Ross lost custody of his son to his wife, receiving only visitation rights and not even joint-custody. His wife and her wife are raising his son to be a homosexual and all he can do is watch from the sidelines, unable to stop it. And his wife only became a lesbian because sex with him was so bad that it turned her off from all men forever.
Ross is one of the most pathetic, unlikeable, awful characters in sitcom history. People only claim to like him the most because they want to be contrarians.
>high school age
>first girlfriend as freshman
>doesn't last long
>sophomore year much less shy and awkward
>get some tits, fingering, and handjobs
>junior year have freshman girlfriend
>get to do everything to her
>relationship lasts until senior year
>she leaves me for a chick
>they're still together 10 years later
what the fuck
have friends
>implying Friends wasn’t Jewish too
I wish I could...
making a handsome man squirm around while i succ by being able to fit his entire smol benis in my mouth actually sounds pretty cute desu senpai
have you considered not being a fucking pussy about your predicament
I heavily suspect you are a larping underage, if not, well I feel a bit sorry for you.
>All these cope responses
Never let the normies lead you astray
He's also a weed smoker
This picture actually is in support of his argument. Walking ISNT that great if you can do it. Only to the cripple (the virgin) is it something inconceivably great. Because he can't do it.
Pretty much everyone involved in Friends was Jewish as well. Hollywood is all Jews.
Source on that.
It was Michael Douglas, not Martin Sheen, but still:
Basically all the girls at school were really ugly except for a few of them. Like less than 10 over all 5 year groups that were there
I was a sperg but I wasn't getting laid either way
Apex IQ post
For me the fluids and mess gross me out. Even when I fap I get grossed out if precum gets on my hand. Sex is just fluids and wet everywhere
>Sex is the most important thing in the world only until you nut, then life moves on
Lol. Have fun down at the waterworks while I'll be making actual money doing barely nothing. I also get all the pussy.
>you'll find a girl who loves you for who you are and that'll be the best possible sex.
People have been saying this to me forever. When does this happen? How she don't want me man
I went to an all boy's Catholic high school so I got raped at 12
She hasn't found you yet.
>and you'll find a girl who loves you for who you are
Boomer here. No, you wont.
>tfw I didn't learn any skills nor did I have sex.
Should I just kill myself?
I both had sex and read Lotr in school as true /fitlit/ Chad.
nice quads. but thats nothing, take a look at this
Seinfeld is way better. Who the fuck thinks Friends is in anyway comparable?
This but unironically.
My first time didn't feel like anything special, I was just glad I was no longer a virgin.
After that I had a couple flings and honestly, mediocre sex is just jerking off with extra steps.
Great sex (haven't jerked off/had sex in a while + rawdogging and finishing inside + partner is down for what you like) >>> jerking off to your favorite doujin after edging for a while >>> regular sex >>>>>>>>> jerking off as a routine habit, and not because you're horny >>>>> sex when your dick isn't in the mood and you're awkwardly fumbling
Overall, good sex is a 8/10 experience, but there are truly great things in life that are 9.5/10 for example a camping trip with your best buds full of hilarious stories and memories, or finishing a REALLY great book, show or video game that you enjoyed from start to finish.
Women and homosexual men (i.e. the women of men)
Now I have an excuse. He fought for the rest of us!
Knowing a trade beats not having any marketable skills at all and having no job and no pay and no money like Joey. Joey is so bottom of the barrel that learning VCR repair would be a step up.
I think it was because being around normies induced anxiety. Im 25 and have never felt affection from a girl.
Please stop user..
>that hidden bragging itt
>yeah sex is great BUT
you're doing it right
This. Tried bending to other people's interests and it made me miserable. Now I'm extremely selfish and somehow found a woman who loves me despite it.
This except my gf now is crazy submissive to me.
I hate this movie.
>implying any girl is into 2d gimp porn
fuck you for making me hope
Sex doesn't feel that great if you don't do it with a partner you really love and care about.
I'm sorry you have never experienced the pleasure of making love to your significant other.
My gf has this, it's the ultimate excuse. Joke's on her, now I know she'll never get a ring
Cool, an even loftier goal for me to never reach, thanks a lot
I didn't have sex in high school but I did have a few short term girlfriends. I got a blowjob, suck some tits, ate pusy.
I had sex for the first time recently with my old tutor, 35 year old Indian milf. Very based
I read LOTR in middle school and had sex in high school.
Sex is good especially with someone you love. All the fags calling it overrated here fall under the following
1) fuck only fat chicks so the shame outweighs the pleasure
2) fuck roastie chicks so basically the same feeling as 1
3) they just don’t know what to do. Probably only had sex in the missionary position and have never made a girl go crazy
>t. Chad
>all these seething incel replies
fucking based OP
>wow reddit-houmor
that post
>Haha be yourself dude
Your advice is actually alright but in the end that's what it sounds like.
Being yourself is a giant scam, the sentiment is good enough but it shrouds the real issue, i.e., you have to make an active effort to get laid, don't be a sperg a parties, look like you're having fun, etc. et al.
Being yourself gets you fucking nowhere if 'yourself' isn't by happy chance something which gets people laid.
Having sex is fun but it barely cracks top 10 of things to do. Making love, on the other hand is goat.
well, he's partly right, if you chad yourself up and work out and force to be more outgoing, flirty... things that normally you wouldn't act like, you might get some girls but in the end you will start acting like your core self once you are settled up, it's why most relationships break, women are the same, they force themselves to be something they are not just so they can attract the man they want
the thing is, instead of looking for relationships, be yourself, do your shit, your hobbies, your interests and if you find a woman she will love you 100% for how you are
it's a cliche advice, but most people don't realize what really means
the one time I had it I felt empty and disappointed
Like anything has changed
I've never had sex and never will. I'm not gonna waste my time and money I'd much rather spend on booze and aged cheese than on some mindless whore. Women will never love you. Vagcucks are delusional retards and chads are cavemen. Miss me with that shit.
t. biological failure
I don't have any interests and find everything boring
The actual feeling of dick going into raw pussy is alright. Your hand is tighter and feels objectively better. However the emotional high from making girls cum is insanely good. And hurting them emotionally when you become disinterested after is even better.
t. non-white
>see a thread on some dumb shit I don't like
>reply have sex
>little fucking faggot tells me to have sex
Have sex.
Use some sort of lubricant when you fap
Have sex.
have sex, just have it
sex isn't some end all for your problems. Its fun but not that enjoyable.
protip: women enjoy it more
sex is disapointing desu
>you'll find a girl who loves you for who you are
lol no, not like having to endure a woman 24/7 just to be able to stick your dick in it for 20 min once a week is worth it
>stick your dick in it for 20 min once a week is worth it
try sex once a day atleast. if you're dating a girl with low sex drive or you yourself has a low sex drive.
good luck
>There’s a reason so many successful people have one partner and aren’t out fucking something new every day. It’s a waste of energy that gets you nowhere.
How do you know they’re not fucking something new everyday?
pretty much
i had sex once and it was pretty disappointing
if you never had sex, know this, its nothing like you expect, because your expectations are not based in reality, they're based on porn, movies, and those are not reality
it feels good in your dick and the female body is nice to look at, but thats it. while it's happening you're just thinking about how menial it really is.
i rather spend money and energy on other things
maybe if i do it with a girl i actually have an emotional connection with it will be better, guess i'll find out at some point.
Reminder that super gonorrhoea exists and STDs have gotten worse over the years. Not saying you shouldn't have sex, just use Goddamn protection. What the fuck people?
sex is literally the reason i get out of bed in the morning. did nobody tell you that the only reason we have relationships is for sex? not the other way round? havent you heard your bros complain about their gf but stick with them? do you know why? sex.
to an extent. If you find a fun partner sex can certainly be this super fun thing you guys do. Constantly exploring new stuff and trying how new stuff and overall making sure you and your partner is having fun.
>because your expectations are not based in reality
fantasy and reality will never meet. there is some fun scenarios that are incredible.
but its simply masturbating with a body. The cuddling afterwards is bomb dot com.
Even the ancients knew basing all your life around hedonism is bad, sex should be a plus, not the reason
>maybe if i do it with a girl i actually have an emotional connection with it will be better
that's what I hope
>Rachel Green is Jewish character
>Monica Geller is Jewish character
>Lisa Kudrow is a Jew
>David Schwimmer is a Jew, Ross Geller is a Jewish character
Sure seems kosher to me...
>Dude, just be yourself!
Ladies and gents, the degenerates.
this. Trips of truth.
Sex is a nice bonus you have, if sex is the only reason you are with someone you are no better than an animal or a nigger.
Sex is overrated. Lost my virginity last year at 22. Not worth the wait.
>tfw i lost my virginity to a prostitute
>he actually read in high school
i never even read the required books in english classes
if you said this unironically to my friends at our bar they would laugh your ass out.
Even Chandler was familiar with LOTR. Joey is just a retard.
find a girl thats into "rough" sex. its fun. literally spitting in his girls face as I deep fuck her with my big cock as she cums.
good times.
but man sex can be a HUGE distraction. I literally society is beta in general. Women need sex more then guys do / get more from it. Society makes it think the other way.
B-but Seinfield had more jews
>my friends at our bar
Just go back to whatever hole you came from, you don't belong in this place.
stay mad we are taking over
Kys incel
Sex isn't nearly as important for your well-being as making good friends, developing skills and not becoming alienated from human society, that's for sure.
Do Americans really read LOTR in high school? What the fuck
holy shit you're hilarious
ross's hairline is fucking disgustingly good. have you seen it now its still 10/10 and hes like 50+
Yeah it’s only like 900 pages you lazy foreigner
but does it really deserve to be taught in schools?
its all subversion of a biological drive wrote in detail by frued and adapted by cultural marxists to basically say if you don't sex you must be mentally ill and an incel. Its a controlling mechanism that goes right to the core of their agenda, to control the white male projecting their jealousy and envy of the white males biological superiority and favour by society.
Everyone can be happy when the find their place in society by finding it inside them spiritually, if you can't do that find a religion. By going atheist you encourage a madness that will crack, just like that dragon bitch in GoT.
Marxism is jewish propaganda.
You are unconsciously driving forward a religious ideal.
That's not the issue, it's that it's a book for children, you may as well read superman comics. Read LOTR in your own time,
take your meds, then you can have sex
god I can't imagine hating life as much as you do
>Walking ISNT that great if you can do it.
Walking is fucking amazing, you fat fuck.
Have sex
Sex is fine and all but nothing beats looking into your loved ones eyes, them looking back, both of you smiling or making a face then holding hands
Everyone thought I was gonna kill myself and i was bestfriends with a guy everyone thought was gonna shoot up the school. Nobody wanted to add us to their groups or even talk to us.
Is this board the new r9k? Has it always been like this here?
Why did nobody tell me Yea Forums was so based, i might just stay here.
True man, I love my girlfriend. She begs for my cock, which is honestly very average but I always get her to squirt.
isn't the line "in college"?
did you change it to increase it's value as trolling? sad.
Sex as a chad with a big dick is the most fun you can have in life because 50% of the population become toys for your amusement and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.
But for average/below average guys like everyone here, yeah, it’s not that great unless you love her and she loves you.
I had my first threesome with two cute girls when I was 10.
>Everyone talks about Ross's education and successful career but I remember him being a geologist working in a museum who had never been on an actual survey or excavation before. Getting a shit paying job in a museum already requires sucking someone's dick, I shudder to think about what he had to pull to land a well-paying job in a museum right out of college with no industry experience.
But the part where they live in million-dollar apartments doesn't concern you?
>normalfag logic
now we know you are a virgin
>Hello? Didn't you get a car with your first paycheck?
>No, I had a hot meal with my first paycheck.
Love is better than sex.
>There are people that think this is true.
lol. We live in such a dysfunctional world.
It's nice to see this kind of post, it saddens me to see how many people are so obsessed with sex and how they base their self-worth off of it.
heroin>weed>jacking off>drinking>reading a good book>sex
This, some people are so obsessed they get nuclear and start talking trash when somebody tells them casual sex is not as important nor as amazing as they think it is. It's sad actually, hope you guys find true love in friends or in a relationship and change your ways.
Dogs live to fuck and eat and sleep. So do you apparently
> The cuddling afterwards is bomb dot com.
Incel delusions. I either want to grab food or sleep afterwards
When I had a gf back in college I looked forward to talking and cuddling more than sex.
>i had sex and it's no big deal, whassever.
I had this exact situation except she kept trying to do bj’s and eventually worked out a decent technique that didn’t hurt her jaw
She’s a keeper
>and you'll find a girl who loves you for who you are
yeah haha
>But the part where they live in million-dollar apartments doesn't concern you?
That's explained by them scamming the rent control laws though.