The problem with Dany in the show is that D&D gave too much fan wish fulfillment. Even by the third book...

The problem with Dany in the show is that D&D gave too much fan wish fulfillment. Even by the third book, Dany is going a little loopy and FIRE AND BLOOD. The show on the other hand, is making her seem like a savior until the very last second. Then D&D snapped their fingers and suddenly mad Dany has arrived. The reason the normies are mad isn't just because she's become a bad person (ok, maybe a few are) but because there was zero build up in the show to it. If Dany had slowly started on this train during season 3 and was showing a little bloodlust by season 7, then this would feel earned and most of the show watchers would have turned against her just as book readers did.

Even though the show watching masses are pretty dumb as a whole I can't blame them for this. D&D are hack fraud writers who gave up the second Disney offered them a job. How could they get into Jaime, Jorah, Davos, Stannis, etc when their show storylines are butchered messes not resembling the books at all while Dany and Arya get 75%+ of the screentime and are made to be perfect (and "badass!!!") just until the point when they no longer need to be?

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If you were paying attention, even in the show, you could see her doing questionable stuff on the reg.

Yeah, totally not foreshadowed at all.

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If they made it obvious there wouldnt be the shock value

Doesn't need to be shockvalue. The books are not shocking, everything is hinted at or built up including Ned's execution, the red wedding, the purple wedding, etc. GRRM wasn't subverting expectations with those events, he was rewarding close reading.

I say Im gonna gas the jews every day
havent done it


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The red wedding wasnt set up. We didnt know the starks would all be murdered until that moment. As it developed we sensed something was off but we didnt fo in thinking that Robb would die then and there

>but because there was zero build up in the show to it
You've got to be kidding. She burned an innocent rape victim in the first season, and has been screaming about fire and blood constantly

Robb should have married the ugly girl

The characters were openly wondering what would happen before they arrived, that it was out of character for Walder to be forgiving and he took slights seriously, jeyne westerling was deliberately left behind, and there is an air of anxiety before the Rains start playing.

We didnt know they'd all die. We only suspected something bad would happen. We suspected Dany would go evil if they just had her make a speech declaring that she evil now it wouldnt work as well as just having her kill everyone

>We didnt know the starks would all be murdered until that moment.
Literally everyone told Robb to not be a retard and marry the Frey girl because of how bad Walder could take the cancelation and what amazing position he was to fuck the whole north over.

correct. season 4-7 were trash fanservice and wish fulfillment. this was always where it was going
>a song of ice and fire
imagine my shock


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Yes and to prove it they did the same with Shae and also Tywin to a lesser extent

Because they still followed the plot beats but OP is correct in principal

The understood context of that is “burn cities of those opposed” not “of those surrendered”

What’s the difference?

In my eyes she finally stood up to the bullies. I sound like massive faggot saying this but I would take only so much bullying as a kid before snapping and someone usually went to the hospital after that. Westeros deserves to burn, only way for new life to emerge.

>dany is going a little loopy here
Preston jacobs here, youre a sexist and you only think dany is crazy because you hate women

Have sex and fix the wage gap

When she crucified the masters of yunkai there was still pathos for her actions. You understood why because there was a development of her actions and experiences. You might not have agreed with it but you could understand why. Why did Dany burn Kings Landing? Jon didnt fuck her? She has no friends? She hates bells? Its not really clear or developed behaviour. Im not saying i dont believe she could do it, and im not saying she didnt say she would before, but there was not a clear progression of events that led up to that. It was were fighting the night king okay hes dead now alright im bad now

t.Faggot who was too much of a pussy to shoot up his school

>the leg work wasnt done
>callous at best to atrocities a dozen times in the show
The onky things jarring about it was tyring and varys being retards. They arent Daenerys

>europe is currently ruled by women
>still has a wage gap
why do women hate women?

There is no wage gap, women just like working as nurses teachers and libriarians

The show isn't the problem. They laid the groundwork. Some fans didn't follow it and went all YAS QUEEN SLAY and YAY FEMINISM on Dan. They missed the point and so have you.

>Why did Dany burn Kings Landing?
To rule with fear. She says this outright multiple times, including right before doing it.

What about her killing the masters when she wanted to "buy" the unsullied or her indifferent reaction directly after the murder of her brother? That isn't even foreshadowing, she always had that dark side.

No you just want an excuse to think youre smarter than normalfags but its making you dumber

>you might not have agreed with it
How can you not say the same for burning kings landing. Its just more extreme

We know she wants to rule in fear and this is how she wants to sccomplish that

Youre real close bud. Now why did she arrive at that conclusion? Was it believable?

That was another context. See pic related. Faggot.

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0/10 you didn't even try

It's a symptom of a dumb and shitty fandom. People cheered when she burned her enemies armies and when she burned the Tarlys, they snapped their fingers in glee when she crucified the slave masters. The only way of making these braindead normalfags realise that she isn't a good person is by making her kill innocent people, they could have showed the horrific nature of her burning the each and every last soldier that fought for the Lannisters after they surrendered and people would have once again cheered and snapped their fingers in approval.

If you think about it, the dickening of the starks plays a major role.

Robb dicks the brown girl in stead of keeping his vows, gets himself, his family and his warband slaughtered

John doesn't dick Daenerys because he doesn't understand that incest is wincest, literally thousands die with hundreds of millions in structural damage as a direct consequence.

>establish that shes unhinged by establishing that she is rational

>The show isn't the problem.
The show has always been the problem, you brainlets just didn't listen when bookfags shouted at you how much shit was missing.

I can look right through your text and see who you are as a person and frankly youre better than that

>bran doesnt dick anyone
>ends up as an autist in a wheel chair

>Now why did she arrive at that conclusion?
At the feast after the Battle of Winterfell, she realized Westeros would never love her. Thus, the tactics she used in Essos wouldn't work here. Even when she put herself on the line and sacrificed her life and her men and her dragons, the people still didn't accept her or embrace her. They loved Jon Snow, who has the better claim, and now multiple people know he does, including Sansa, who opposes her. This coupled with her losing another dragon, a man who loved her, and her closest friend is enough to push her over the edge.
>Was it believable?
Absolutely. This episode and the previous one really sold her turn. It also helps that her turn was foreshadowed and hinted at in the past. They made it clear, in the past, that this is a direction that they might take the character, and I think they took the character in the direction with proper motivation and explanation.

Even the mad kings madness can be understood through the lens of why. Because his subjects said tywin was a better ruler behind his back. Even then his madness took YEARS to progress to him wanting to burn the capital.

The books are trash. As shit as the show is, and it is shit, the books are way, way worse. Fuck the books. Fuck Gurm.

t.Salty brainlet whose board as been ravaged by GoTfags for years

>we kinda forgot that there is only two episodes left
>holy shit dany, there is no time time left for a well executed descent into madness, we need you to got batshit crazy right now!

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Then surrender before the walls are breached

Thats the possible motivation behind why he went mad, not the motivation for wanting to slaughter everyone after going mad

Daenerys goes mad after she feels shes lost everything grounding her

Surprised you can find gurm's micropenis under all those folds of fat but I guess it won't suck itself, amirite?

Burning a surrendered city is not the logical or believable outcome of that. Maybe killing Jon snow who is a political threat would be, or sieging the city until the townspeople hated cruel cersei and began to like the prospect of Dany more. None of what she did better served her situation and the only explanation for it is “dude shes crazy now trust me” so my suspention of disbelief is hinged on the idea that shes a targ and shes said things in the past

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Oh no, you ran out of responses. Easy win.

But we dont see the madness coming out in small ways first THATS the core issue. It wasnt “oh shit she lost her friends whats she gonna do now oh shit why is she killing cats now? Oh fuck did she just order the death of her servant for pulling her hair too hard while she was brushing her?” NO

So did Sansa or Arya or Bran.

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Characters don't always have to act logically because people don't always act logically. One of the biggest sins of the critic is to assume otherwise.
It's certainly believable for every reason I've given. This is a woman who can't win these people over and make them love her. In her mind, from what she's seen, they all hate her. She's also lost people she loves because of them. From her point of view, if she can't rule with love, she'll rule with fear. They walk you through this explanation for her actions in episodes 4 and 5 in season 8, with some foreshadowing of it in episode 1 of season 8 where she arrives in Winterfell and she and Missandei comments how nobody likes them. I mean the woman saves Winterfell against zombies and not one congratulations or thank you. Zero love. So fear it is. That's believable. I believe that.

I'm not an expert but don't people who go insane do so somewhat abruptly? My cousin went vegan a few years before being committed as schizophrenic so I suppose there is some build up.
I think burning the city is the most sane thing Daenarys has done.

the show turned into a massive unintentional red pill on women being in power

Considering the jew he married was literally an enemy spy (yet another plot hole).

So, you stand by a standard that only the filthy mongol hordes kept.
Even under Chivalry, you had several days to surrender before this kind of thing was acceptable.

I think there's some signs before it, like refusing to eat and saying you want to rule with fear and complaining how nobody loves you.

>The books are not shocking

I was pretty shocked when i realized she was "freeing" the slaves by killing them with catapults loaded with chains. They should have included scenes like that in the show, but they decided to include only the very mild ones( like Hizdahr complaining about his dad, as if it was not a big deal), and all her "empowered womyn" moments, while also adding some michael bay explosions for maximun badass effect.

I dont like dany, nobody should, she's a vile liar and manipulator. But i genuinely feel bad for her fans, they were misled by d&D like lambs to slaughter. As other here noted, most readers loved her at the start, but were horrified by her behavior by the end of book 3. D&D saw a breach and decided to use it to make money by changing the story.. They abused people emotionaly, and since dany fans are mostly girls without much life experience, they were the most affected. D&D counciously sold them a perfect mary sue heroine for whom even the worst actions were all justified/not her direct fault.

In the books its clear she's just a pretty faced manipulator using desperate people to further her ambitions. Show people dont understand that she was crucifying all the members of the anti-slavery groups in mereen because she wanted political power, and the other people trying to do good and change society were "stealing her act".

Showfans however are not entirely blameless, people have been trying to warn them for years about this, most were completely ignored.

It was mentioned that Varys was trying to poison her food using that little girl.

This was not explicitly mentioned. It's implied.

Most dumbshits didn't even pick up on it despite it being very obvious.

Slightly implied but then in future scenes we see how despondent and utterly depressed and mentally gone she is so you can't make the argument that she was avoiding all meals simply to avoid poison, especially when they have tasters that can eat your food first to prevent poisoning.

Why are people even upset about the mad queen dany plot. Or why do they even care. The show fucked up every other plot beat this season, wh does this even matter?

He shouldn't have given an army for Roose Bolton to command

>because there was zero build up in the show to it.
But there was. She has showed her prideful arrogance and her ruthlessness over and over

Because they hid there while she lead an army against an unstoppable zombie horde. Fuck all of them

>The reason the normies are mad isn't just because she's become a bad person
Its good that they are mad, it means that the show has an impact on them. Its delivering. They are supposed to be mad

She doesnt need to be cartoonishly mad to be a callous murderer

We see her sperging out over getting the throne repeatedly, even after finding out she isnt the heir

We see her gruesomely murdering people

We see her ignoring her advisors to be merciful

We see her broken down right before the fucking battle and right after her furbaby and pet nigger died

Its literally tyrion and varys that make it seem retarded, because thats where the bad writing is

Reminder that the time restriction is entire their fault.
>GRRM suggested 10 seasons
>HBO offered to fund 10 seasons, with 10 episodes each for seasons 8-10
>D&D: Nah we're tired of this, we want to wrap it up now so we can go make Star Wars

>The show fucked up every other plot beat this season
and I see threads about them every waking hour

Ten seasons would've been beyond garbage. Should've been six.

And that's a good thing!