the kinoest
The kinoest
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Other than The Hound pushing a sword through two layers of plate, leather, muscle and organs it was a cool scene.
>one in the dark
>one in the light
this is the last time the spoke as friends
>Ser Gregor, obey your queen!
You do realise the Hound is nearly as freakishly strong as his brother? As shown by the hound one bombing 4 kingsguard in 5 seconds.
Next time try actually watching the show instead of playing on your phone you pathetic, mouth breathing little nonce.
The Hound has chopped people in half before so it's nothing new for him. He's always been a freak.
fuck that was so good
Oh look, he dabbing
Literally Dark Soul shit. I appreciate the fanservice, but it was done in the most unmeaning, late and pointless way possible.
>fear of fire
>dies by fire
based dabid
> it was done in the most unmeaning, late and pointless way possible.
Wasn't that the point? That revenge is meaningless and it won't make you happy? Sandor knew Gregor would die anyway but he couldn't let go of his hate and had to do it personally costing him his life.
P.S. It should say "Ser Gregore Clegane, The Mountain That Rides"
I was waiting for them to have Sandor pull that sword out and it be on fire.
That's how bad the writing has been this season that I honestly was expecting them to make The Hound Azor Ahai out of nowhere.
Other than that, this is probably the most kino shot from this season.
>started watching the show during or after season 3
>earliest memories of /got/ include getting hyped for Cleganebowl
>it finally happened
Hold me, lads.
>makes a big deal about armour and a big fucking sword
>wears none in the last seasons
you think he would want some armour to fight the undead and his fucking brother
This shit was so out of the blue I kek just thinking about it.
Like Greyworm throwing a spear through two layers of plate
You can't stab through a breast plate
Post the actual scene pls I gotta see this again
Dragons and magic were in the show is as well is that too far fetched for you to believe as well?
who you talking to nigga
>one decent frame
>rest of it is just jump curs, horrible camera work and shitty cgi
>"woah... the kinoest xD"
This scene was very good. He told Arya that she should stop seeking revenge because it would consume her and kill her and that he been seeking revenge his whole life. Then he finds his brother. He completely ignores the Queen. In the fight against his brother he stabs one of his eyes, the brother then becomes a cyclop, cyclops only have one eye so they can only look at one thing at the time which means they are very simple creatures that can only focus on one thing at the time, like how he had only focused on revenge in his life. The brother lifts the hound up and puts his fingers in his eyes blinding him for a moment. The Hound blinded by his all consuming want for revenge ends up getting them both killed.
did a 12 year old make this?
Holy shit, this is deep!
Why do weakass manlet dyel cucks think every person on the planet is as weak and pathetic as they are?
>talks about arya and the hound talking about revenge
>goes on to associate revenge with the mountain
Someone make an edit without all the Arya crap, only the full fight and post it as a webm. Thank you.
>not understanding basic science is being a cuck
please continue
that shoulderpad look stupid
I think the fall and subsequent landing will have more influence on his death than the fire in which he falls. desu.
>his corpses are getting fucked by fire
To be fair, no one in this show should have been using swords anyway, since swords don't do shit against armored knights and swords as a primary weapon is a fantasy invention.
Everyone should have been using maces or flails.
>It’s over, Sandor. I have the high ground!
Lindybeige wants to have a word with you
>went out dabbing
what a baller
The Hound is just that strong, and his brother is even stronger than him.
Dope mortal Kombat crossover
Make SPALT posting a thing YOUR KING DEMANDS IT
the game of kino. i'm really happy about this. so far liked every episode of the 8th season. will do a rewatch after this season ends. good show, contrarians, fucking bite me.
They do that all the fucking time in shows.
me too. me like show. show good! me like all episode. good show
I also liked the rape. very good. beautiful. the rape
I think my favourite shot this season was Jorah riding towards the dead army with the flaming swords and catapults behind him
It's not a matter of strength, more one of physics.
It should be impossible according to basic laws of physics.
Squashing someone's skull with your bare hands should be impossible according to basic laws of physics too, it's a fucking fantasy TV series, get a grip
Sandor isn't that strong, but instead of working out he spends those hours sharpening his blades
Did you know that in this very same fantasy series they made a point to establish the importance of armor early on?
He is. Only Gregor was stronger than Sandor in all of the Seven Kingdoms.
And the importance of a big fucking sword
Last episode was amazing. Hound vs. Mountain couldn’t be more kino. Qyburn dying to his creation was appropriate. Jaime and Cersei dying together was appropriate. And I love mad queen Dany.
>it's not a matter of strength, more one of physics
Are you stupid, strength IS a matter of physics, if enough force is applied over a small surface(i.e the tip of a sword) onto a material such that it can overcome the puncture strength of that material then yes that sword will go through the armour.
There's some basic physics for you, retard.
What a poorly written, acted, and directed scene this was.
Its unbelieveable how they could of fucked up something with so much potential.
What was he telling Cercei with his eyes ?
Wrong. Metal can pierce metal. Weak faggot.
>What a poorly written, acted, and directed scene this was.
Wrong on all counts, incel. I will not tell you again: Have. Sex.
You forget that swords aren't made of some mystical indestructible material. It would actually shatter, or more realistically just slide off the armor. There's a reason why swords weren't commonly used in battle against armored foes.
same energy
you cant be a contrarian by agreeing with the majority dude
>Hound is afraid of fire
>The Mountain wasn't even on fire when he fought him
are you being retarded on purpose?
Sandor is literally in top 5 of strogest swordsmen of Westeros. Him and his bro are freaks of nature. That's why Brienne of fucking Tarth beating him was so retarded. She's nowhere near Sandor's level in the books.
based spalt poster
The Hound was injured for that fight though (neck bite infection) and Arya and him weren't eating much in the weeks leading up to that confrontation.
He was at maybe 75% fighting efficiency compared to Brienne who was staying at fancy inns and getting good nutrition.
That's the name change for when Gregor pulls off his armour and goes phase 2.
How do I beat phase two? The Mountain doesn't get staggered when I hit him and he keeps backing me into the wall of the stairwell.
Brienne beating Sandor is like her beating Jaime, it only happened because of circumstances. A fresh, healthy Sandor would destroy her.
The funniest part is that even then the Hound and Brienne went the distance and the winner could have been either, and that's after the fact that Arya even noticed he was visibly slower from his neck bite.
Only one can remain
Fucking kino.
plus point for referencing the best game in the series.
fucking hell it looks just like lothirc castle too
Fuck off and read some George Silver you cunt
Thanos ?
Awesome picture! Mind if I save it?
the goodest shit
He bullied Gendry too much so out of spite he didn't give him any armour
Other than the reddit meme, did Clegor actually care about revenge against The Gregor? He saw him in the past and never really gave a shit, why does he suddenly want to kill him and die doing it?
It's yours my friend ;)
Is this God of War on PS3?
They write poorly but know some high school grad will read way further into their schlock and call it Kino. Fuck D&D
Best part of the episode and true closure for this character.
I wish other characters had received as much love as Sandor did.
How the fuck there are still no High Ground memes?
I prefer this one
His brains flying out was fucking sick.
the moment Sandor pushed the mountain off the tower I literally went full basedboy mode
aside from the ps2 graphics
also brienne had a valyrian steel sword and far higher quality armor
True but historically there were swords designed for piercing armour were there not?
Nah they were more for blunt force rather than piercing or slicing.
>Everyone should have been using maces or flails.
t. man who played mordhau for an hour
wish he'd worn some actual armor in the later seasons. looked much more intimidating than just a leather jacket.
Stannisfrens, Tywinfags, yes even Robfags and the Renlyshits. Fans of Walder Frey, of Craster, of Joffrey or of Ramsay. You know what? We might disagree on who is the best king or coolest character. But atleast, and never forget this: Atleast, at the very least, trough all the pain we have been, we were not danyfags and cheered for the genocidal maniac.
>103 replies
>80 posters
stop baiting by forcing the dumbass meme that this scene was even remotely kino. it was shit tier, did little to nothing developmentally for the characters, and what could have been one of the best duels of the series is unironically in the garbage tier